Updated 08 Jul 2014

WIRKSWORTH Parish Records 1600-1900

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Photo 656


The PEARSON family

I got a nice e-mail from Linda Barlow which caught my interest, requesting details of her Wirksworth PEARSONs. Here's the result.

Tree |
Records |
Extensions |



                        1775              1773
                        John      1797    Mary
                        1837        |     1835
         |     |       |       |        |       |       |
        1799  1803    1803    1804     1809    1810    1812
        John  Joseph  Hannah  William  George  Josiah  Ann
         |    1853             |       1826     |
         |     |               A1               |
         |     A2                               |
        1799              1798                 1810              1816
        John      1826    Elizabeth            Josiah    1832    Mary
        PEARSON=====v=====DOXEY                PEARSON=====v=====BAMFORD
        1865        |     1870                 1875        |     1853
                    |                                      |
  |---|---|-------|-|--|-----|        |------|-------|-----|-------|-------|
  |       |       |    |     |        |      |       |     |       |       |
 1826    1830    1831 1835  1840     1834   1840    1843  1845    1850    1854
 Samuel  Thomas  Ann  Mary  Hannah   James  George  Mary  Josiah  Joseph  John
  |      1853    1868       1872
 1826              1828
 Samuel    1845    Hannah
 1895        |
 |     |       |       |        |       |       |       |       |       |
1846  1851    1855    1857     1859    1861    1865    1867    1869    1871
Emma  Samuel  Thomas  William  Simeon  Hannah  Bertha  Minnia  Albert  Eva
               |               1921    m 1883                  Frank    |
               |                       Edward                           |
               |                       TATLOW                           |
               |                                                        |
              1855                    1854             1874            1871
              Thomas       1877       Ann              Francis 1893    Eva
              PEARSON========v========LYONS            DAKIN=====v=====PEARSON
              1931           |        1930             1955      |     1955
 |        |      |      |         |       |           |       |
1878     1881   1883   1885      1887    1889        1890    1892
Richard  Fanny  Ethel  Florence  Samuel  Margaret    Harold  Lavina
Lyons    Elizab                  1938    Ann         Thomas  Mary
 |        |                                           |      1908
 |        |---------------|                           |
 |                        |                           |
1878                     1881                        1890             1888
Richard 1900    1876     Fanny       1907    1881    Harold   1920    Jane
Lyons=====v=====Agnes    Elizabeth=====v=====Joseph  Thomas=====v=====Abigail
          |                            |             1974       |     1960
          |                            |                        |
  |-------|-----|--------|     |-------|--------|               |
  |       |     |        |     |       |        |               |
 1902    1903  1905     1909  1909    1912     1920            1923
 Ronald  Eric  Wilfred  Ruth  Thomas  Eric     Eva             Edward
                              Joseph  Francis  Mary            Hillier

See DAKIN Bible once belonging to Eva PEARSON 1871-1955. Your Mum was named after her?

PEARSON tree extensions


         A1                                    A2
         |                                     |
        1804              1809                1803              1806
        William   1831    Sarah               Joseph    1825    Martha
        PEARSON=====v=====BAMFORD             PEARSON=====v=====BULLOCK
                    |     1880                1853        |
                    |                                     |
 |-----|------|-----|------|            |-----|----|------|-------|-----|-----|
 |     |      |     |      |            |     |    |      |       |     |     |
1831  1835   1838  1842   1845         1825  1828 1834   1836    1840  1844  1844
Mary  Henry  John  Grace  Sarah        Sarah John Joseph Charles Eliza Henry Aron
      1841    |                         |    1834 1835   m1855         1844  1845
              |                         |                Elizabeth
              |                         |                MASKREY
              |                         |
             1839              1836    1825              1824
             John      1859    Phoebe  Sarah     1847    George
             PEARSON=====v=====CARLINE PEARSON=====v=====HOLMES
                         |             1888        |     1906
                         |                         |
         |------|--------|---------|          |----|----|
         |      |        |         |          |         |
        1860   1862     1864      1868       1850      1854
        Henry  William  Frederic  John       Thomas    Joseph

PEARSON records


    Monumental Inscription in Wirksworth-----------------------------
  1. [QC059]..... In/loving memory/of/LAVINIA MARY/the beloved daughter/of THOMAS and ANN/PEARSON/died November 9th 1908/aged 16 years/and ANN the beloved wife of/THOMAS PEARSON who died/Jany 22nd 1930 aged 76 years/also of THOMAS PEARSON/who died July 29th 1931/aged 76 years. (Limestone cross & kerb) Monumental Inscription in Wirksworth-----------------------------
  2. [QE011]..... In loving memory of/JANE ABIGAIL PEARSON died March 10th 1960 aged 72 years/also HAROLD THOMAS PEARSON died Nov 16th 1974 aged 84 years/ also their son EDWARD HILLIER PEARSON died May 1975 aged 52 years. (PETTS)(Marble kerb) from Wirksworth Parish Registers---------------------------
  3. C 1776jun12 PEARSON John=(son)John/(Wirksworth)
  4. M 1797may22 PEARSON John(Wirksworth)/COOPER Mary Witnesses: Robert HOLGATE,George SALT
  5. C 1799mar03 PEARSON John=(son)John/Mary(Wirksworth),dob=1799jan20
  6. C 1803sep11 PEARSON Joseph=(son)John/Mary(Wirksworth),dob=1803mar01
  7. C 1803sep11 PEARSON Hannah=(dau)John/Mary(Wirksworth),dob=1803feb25
  8. C 1804dec25 PEARSON William=(son)John/Mary(Wirksworth),dob=1804jun21
  9. C 1812nov29 PEARSON George=(son)John/Mary(Wirksworth),dob=1809jan29
  10. C 1812nov29 PEARSON Josiah=(son)John/Mary(Wirksworth),dob=1810dec06
  11. C 1812nov29 PEARSON Ann=(dau)John/Mary(Wirksworth),dob=1812nov10
  12. B 1826jan03 PEARSON George(son)/Elizabeth(Wirksworth)[13]
  13. M 1826feb07 PEARSON John(Wirksworth)/DOXEY Elizabeth Witnesses: Thomas PICKARD,Samuel HANSON
  14. C 1826jul09 PEARSON Samuel=(son)John/Elizabeth(Middleton)[Weaver],dob=1826jun14
  15. B 1835jan21 PEARSON Mary(Wirksworth)[62]
  16. B 1837apr04 PEARSON John(Wirksworth)[62]
  17. C 1845feb19 PEARSON Hannah=John/Elizabeth(Wirksworth)[Weaver],#792,dob=1840may01,"(born 01may1840)"
  18. M 1845nov23 PEARSON Samuel(Wirksworth),Tapeweaver/BROOKS Hannah(Wirksworth),#396 Fathers: John PEARSON,Weaver/Simon? BROOKS,Miner Witnesses: Job WITTON,Charlotte WETTON Status: b,u/s,u
  19. C 1846oct11 PEARSON Emma=Samuel/Hannah(Wirksworth)[Tape weaver],#1045
  20. B 1853mar29 PEARSON Joseph(Wirksworth)[50],#938
  21. B 1853apr15 PEARSON Thomas(Wirksworth)[23],#955
  22. B 1865mar19 PEARSON John(Wirksworth)[65],#1926
  23. B 1867nov20 PEARSON Bertha(Milners Green)[17m],#2166
  24. B 1868feb14 PEARSON Ann(Wirksworth)[36],#2189
  25. B 1870jun02 PEARSON Elizabeth(Wirksworth)[69],#2376
  26. B 1872feb21 PEARSON Hannah(Wirksworth)[33],#110
  27. B 1875apr25 PEARSON Josiah(Wirksworth)[66],#372
  28. M 1832may24 PEARSON Josiah(Wirksworth)/BAMFORD Mary Witnesses: John ALSOP,Maria HOLLAND
  29. C 1817dec25 BAMFORD Mary=(dau)John/Mary(Wirksworth)[Labourer],dob=1815apr25
  30. C 1851jan13 PEARSON Joseph=Josiah/Mary(Wirksworth)[Labourer],#1434
  31. B 1853sep08 PEARSON Mary(Wirksworth)[38],#996
  32. B 1884oct20 PEARSON George(Wirksworth)[74],#899 1841 Census for Wirksworth------------------------------------ ---Dale---[Wirksworth]------------
  33. W197a John PEARSON 40 m Y Cotton weaver
  34. W197b Elizabeth PEARSON 40 f Y
  35. W197c Samuel PEARSON 15 m Y
  36. W197d Thomas PEARSON 11 m Y
  37. W197e Ann PEARSON 10 f Y
  38. W197f Mary PEARSON 6 f Y
  39. W197g Hannah PEARSON 1 f Y 1851 Census for Wirksworth-------------------------------------- #043---Dale---[Wirksworth]---
  40. W195a John PEARSON Head M 52 M Cotton weaver Wirksworth
  41. W195b Elizabeth PEARSON Wife M 53 F Middleton-b-Wth
  42. W195c Thomas PEARSON Son U 21 M Tape weaver Wirksworth
  43. W195d Mary PEARSON Dau U 17 F Tape winder Wirksworth
  44. W195e Hannah PEARSON Dau 12 F Wirksworth 1851 Census for Wirksworth-------------------------------------- #175---Green Hill---[Wirksworth]---
  45. W327a Samuel PEARSON Head M 25 M Tape weaver Middleton-b-Wth
  46. W327b Hannah PEARSON Wife M 23 F Tape factory hand Wirksworth
  47. W327c Emma PEARSON Dau 4 F Wirksworth
  48. W327d Samuel PEARSON Son 4m M Wirksworth Manuscript Book 1855-----------------------------------------------
  49. 195 John & Elizabeth PEARSON Huckster 4 15 A U (House in Dale, 4 children, oldest 15, Ablebodied, Undecided in religion)
  50. 327 Samuel & Hannah PEARSON Tape m 3 10 A R U (House Greenhill, 3 children, oldest 10, Ablebodied, Respectable, Undecided) 1861 Census for Wirksworth------------------------------------ #108---Dale---[Wirksworth]---
  51. W271a John PEARSON Head M 63 M Cotton handloom wvr Wirksworth
  52. W271b Elizabeth PEARSON Wife M 64 F Middleton
  53. W271c Hannah PEARSON Dau U 21 F Tape weaver Wirksworth
  54. W271d George PEARSON Bro U 52 M Lab Wirksworth 1861 Census for Wirksworth-------------------------------------- #72---Gorsey Bank---[Wirksworth]---(Page 12,ED 4, RSD "Wirksworth",RG9/2517)---
  55. W553a Samuel PEARSON Head M 35 M Cotton tape weaver Wirksworth
  56. W553b Hannah PEARSON Wife M 33 F Wirksworth
  57. W553c Emma PEARSON Dau U 14 F Cotton pin winder Wirksworth
  58. W553d Samuel PEARSON Son 10 M Scholar Wirksworth
  59. W553e Thomas PEARSON Son 6 M Scholar Wirksworth
  60. W553f William PEARSON Son 4 M Scholar Wirksworth
  61. W553g Simeon PEARSON Son 2 M Wirksworth
  62. W553h Hannah PEARSON Dau 1m F Wirksworth 1871 Census for Wirksworth---------------------------------------------------------- #55---Causeway---[Wirksworth]---
  63. W382a Samuel PEARSON Head M 45 M Tape weaver Middleton
  64. W382b Hannah PEARSON Wife M 43 F Wife Wirksworth
  65. W382c Samuel PEARSON Son U 20 M Tailor Wirksworth
  66. W382d Thomas PEARSON Son 16 M Tape weaver Wirksworth
  67. W382e William PEARSON Son 14 M Tape weaver Wirksworth
  68. W382f Simeon PEARSON Son 12 M Scholar Wirksworth
  69. W382g Hannah PEARSON Dau 10 F Scholar Wirksworth
  70. W382h Bertha PEARSON Dau 6 F Scholar Wirksworth
  71. W382i Minnia PEARSON Dau 4 F Scholar Wirksworth
  72. W382j Albert Frank PEARSON Son 2 M Wirksworth
  73. W382k Eva PEARSON Dau 3m F Wirksworth 1881 Census for 13, Magnall St, Manchester, Lancashire-------------------------------
  74. Thomas Pearson Head Married M 26 1855 Tape Weaver Wirksworth, Derbyshire
  75. Ann Pearson Wife Married F 28 1853 - Langford, Berkshire
  76. Richard L Pearson Son Single M 2 1879 - Wirksworth, Derbyshire
  77. Fanny E Pearson Dau Single F 0 1881 - Hawksbury, Gloucestershire 1891 Census for Wirksworth----------------------------------------------------------- #119---Millers Green Houses---[Wirksworth]---
  78. W571a Thomas PEARSON Head M 36 M Tape calender man Wirksworth
  79. W571b Ann PEARSON Wife M 37 F Langford BRK
  80. W571c Richard L PEARSON Son 12 M Scholar Wirksworth
  81. W571d Fanny E PEARSON Dau 10 F Scholar Wirksworth
  82. W571e Ethel PEARSON Dau 8 F Scholar Wirksworth
  83. W571f Florence PEARSON Dau 6 F Scholar Wirksworth
  84. W571g Samuel PEARSON Son 4 M Wirksworth
  85. W571h Margaret A PEARSON Dau 2 F Wirksworth
  86. W571i Harold T PEARSON Son 5m M Wirksworth 1891 Census for Wirksworth-------------------------------------------- #45---Coldwell St---[Wirksworth]---
  87. W046a Samuel PEARSON Head M 64 M Tape weaver Middleton
  88. W046b Hannah PEARSON Wife M 63 F Wirksworth
  89. W046c Simeon PEARSON Son S 32 M Tape weaver Wirksworth
  90. W046d Hannah TATLOW Dau W 30 F Dressmaker Wirksworth
  91. W046e Bertha PEARSON Dau S 26 F Dressmaker Wirksworth
  92. W046f Minnie PEARSON Dau S 24 F Dressmaker Wirksworth
  93. W046g Eva PEARSON Dau S 20 F Dressmaker Wirksworth
  94. W046h Edward TATLOW Gson S 10 M Scholar Wirksworth 1901 Census for Wirksworth--------------------------------------------------- #78---Coldwell St, 25---[Wirksworth]---
  95. W078a Hannah PEARSON Head W 73 F Wirksworth
  96. W078b Simeon PEARSON Son S 42 M Cotton tape weaver Wirksworth
  97. W078c Hannah TATLOW Dau S 40 F Dressmaker Wirksworth 1901 Census for Wiksworth---------------------------------------------------------------- #72---Millers Green---[Wirksworth]---
  98. W517a Thomas PEARSON Head M 47 M Tape warehouse man Wirksworth Foreman
  99. W517b Ann PEARSON Wife M 47 F Not Known BRK
  100. W517c Florence PEARSON Dau S 16 F Tape blocker Wirksworth
  101. W517d Samuel PEARSON Son S 14 M Grocers assistant Wirksworth
  102. W517e Margret A PEARSON Dau S 12 F Wirksworth
  103. W517f Harold S PEARSON Son 10 M Wirksworth
  104. W517g Lavinia M PEARSON Dau 8 F Wirksworth 1901 Census for Hazlewood Road, Duffield, Belper-----------------------------------------
  105. Charles H Jones Head Married M 54 1847 Asst Locomotive Supt On Rly Huddersfield, Yorkshire
  106. Emily C Jones Wife Married F 39 1862 - Manchester, Lancashire
  107. Geraldine Jones Dau Single F 19 1882 - Derby
  108. Kate Woodward Servant Single F 26 1875 Cook Domestic Hinchcombe, Gloucestershire
  109. Fanny Pearson Servant Single F 20 1881 Housemaid Domestic Hitterday, Gloucestershire 1911 Census for Holbrook, Derbyshire-----------------------------------------------------
  110. Joseph Smith Head Married M 30 1881 Bricklayer Derbyshire Warkworth
  111. Fanny Elizabeth Smith Wife Married F 29 1882 - Hillesley Gloucestershire
  112. Thomas Joseph Smith Son - M 2 1909 - 1911 Census for 15 Cromford Road, Wirksworth----------------------------
  113. Richard Pearson Head Married M 32 1879 Tape Weaver Wirksworth Derbys
  114. Agnes Pearson Wife Married F 35 1876 - Wirksworth Derbys
  115. Ronald Pearson Son - M 9 1902 - Wirksworth Derbys
  116. Eric Pearson Son - M 8 1903 - Wirksworth Derbys
  117. Wilfred Pearson Son - M 6 1905 - Wirksworth Derbys
  118. Ruth Pearson Dau - F 2 1909 - Wirksworth Derbys FreeBMD--------------------------------
  119. Death Jun 1955 DAKIN Eva 84 Sheffield
  120. Death Dec 1955 DAKIN Francis G 81 Sheffield
  121. Death Dec 1880 Pearson Sarah Ann 72 Belper
  122. Death Jun 1895 PEARSON Samuel 68 Belper
  123. Death Sep 1921 PEARSON Simeon 61 Belper
  124. Marriage Dec 1877 LYONS Annie Nottingham PEARSON Thomas Nottingham
  125. Marriage Sep 1893 DAKIN Francis George Belper PEARSON Eva Belper
  126. Marriage Mar 1900 PEARSON Richard Lyons Belper STORER Agnes Belper
  127. Marriage Dec 1907 PEARSON Fanny Elizabeth Belper SMITH Joseph Belper
  128. Marriage Mar 1920 PEARSON Harold T Salford HILLIER Jane A
  129. Birth Dec 1912 SMITH Eric F PEARSON Belper
  130. Birth Sep 1920 SMITH Eva M PEARSON Belper 1851 Census for Wirksworth------------------------------------ #061---Wash Green---[Wirksworth]---
  131. W828a Josiah PEARSON Head M 39 M Plasterers labourer Wirksworth
  132. W828b Mary PEARSON Wife M 35 F Wirksworth
  133. W828c George PEARSON Son 11 M Scholar Wirksworth
  134. W828d Mary Ann PEARSON Dau 8 F Scholar Wirksworth
  135. W828e Josiah PEARSON Son 6 M Scholar Wirksworth
  136. W828f Joseph PEARSON Son 6m M Wirksworth
  137. W828g George PEARSON Bro U 40 M Unemployed being a Wirksworth Cripple 1861 Census for Wirksworth----------------------------------- #68---Wash Green---[Wirksworth]---(Page 13,ED 6, RSD "Wirksworth",RG9/2517)---
  138. W835a Josiah PEARSON Head W 57 M Plasterer Wirksworth
  139. W835b James PEARSON Son U 27 M Lead miner Wirksworth
  140. W835c George PEARSON Son U 21 M Ag lab Wirksworth
  141. W835d Josiah PEARSON Son 16 M Wirksworth
  142. W835e Joseph PEARSON Son 10 M Wirksworth
  143. W835f John PEARSON Son 7 M Wirksworth 1871 Census for Wirksworth------------------------------------ #21---Wash Green---[Wirksworth]---
  144. W809a Josiah PEARSON Head W 62 M Plasterer Wirksworth
  145. W809b Joseph PEARSON Son U 20 M Miner Wirksworth
  146. W809c John PEARSON Son U 17 M Ag labourer Wirksworth
  147. M 1831jul10 PEARSON William(Wirksworth)/BAMFORD Sarah Witnesses: Joseph PEARSON,Mary BAMFORD* 1841 Census for Wirksworth---------------------- ---New Bridge---[Wirksworth]---(p3, Wirksworth, district 6, HO 107/198/12)---
  148. W717a William PEARSON 30 m Y Calico weaver
  149. W717b Sarah PEARSON 30 f Y
  150. W717c Henry PEARSON 6 m Y
  151. W717d John PEARSON 2 m Y
  152. W717e Mary PEARSON 9 f Y 1851 Census for Wirksworth------------------------------------ #005---New Bridge---[Wirksworth]---
  153. W772a William PEARSON Head M 46 M Calico weaver Wirksworth
  154. W772b Sarah PEARSON Wife M 42 F Wrapper up of tape Wirksworth
  155. W772c John PEARSON Son U 13 M Errand boy Wirksworth
  156. W772d Mary PEARSON Dau U 20 F Wrapper up of tape Wirksworth
  157. W772e Grace PEARSON Dau 9 F Scholar Wirksworth
  158. W772f Sarah PEARSON Dau 6 F Scholar Wirksworth 1861 Census for Wirksworth--------------------------------- #15---St John Street---[Wirksworth]---
  159. W496a William PEARSON Head M 56 M Tape calinderer Wirksworth
  160. W496b Sarah PEARSON Wife M 51 F Tape lapper Wirksworth
  161. W496c Sarah PEARSON Dau U 15 F Tape calenderer Wirksworth
  162. W496d Grace PEARSON Dau U 18 F Tape lapper Wirksworth 1871 Census for Wirksworth------------------------------- #111---Warmbrook---[Wirksworth]---
  163. W438a John PEARSON Head M 32 M Tape weaver Wirksworth
  164. W438b Phoebe PEARSON Wife M 35 F Tape weaver Wirksworth
  165. W438c Sarah PEARSON Mother W 61 F Tape weaver Wirksworth
  166. W438d Henry PEARSON Son U 11 M Scholar Wirksworth
  167. W438e William PEARSON Son 9 M Scholar Wirksworth
  168. W438f Frederic PEARSON Son 7 M Scholar Wirksworth
  169. W438g John PEARSON Son 3 M Scholar Wirksworth from Wirksworth Parish Registers---------------------------
  170. M 1825sep14 PEARSON Joseph(Wirksworth)/BULLOCK Martha Witnesses: William ALLSOP,Sarah BULLOCK
  171. C 1828aug24 PEARSON John=(son)Joseph/Martha(Ashlehay)[Weaver]
  172. C 1834dec28 PEARSON Joseph=(son)Joseph/Martha(Gorseybank)[Tape weaver]
  173. C 1834dec28 PEARSON Sarah=(dau)Joseph/Martha(Gorseybank)[Tape weaver],dob=1825dec29
  174. C 1836may01 PEARSON Charles=(son)Joseph/Martha(Wirksworth)[Weaver]
  175. C 1844jul23 PEARSON Henry=Joseph/Martha(Gorsey bank)[Weaver],#702
  176. C 1844jul23 PEARSON Aron=Joseph/Martha(Gorsey bank)[Weaver],#702
  177. B 1841dec15 PEARSON Henry(Wirksworth)[6],#1764
  178. M 1859apr24 PEARSON John(Wirksworth),Tapeweaver/CARLINE Phebe(Wirksworth),#418 Fathers: William PEARSON,Tape weaver/Anthony CARLINE,Mason Witnesses: Samson BROOKS,Mary BROOKS Status: b,f/s,f
  179. B 1834feb13 PEARSON John(Gorseybank)[5]
  180. B 1835mar18 PEARSON Joseph(Gorseybank)[infant]
  181. M 1855sep10 PEARSON Charles(Wirksworth),Tapeweaver/MASKREY Elizabeth(Wirksworth),#296 Fathers: Joseph PEARSON,Tape weaver/William MASKREY,Mason Witnesses: James POTTER,Grace BRIDDON Status: b,m/s,m
  182. B 1844dec01 PEARSON Henry(Gorsey Bank)[4m],#2226
  183. B 1845dec20 PEARSON Aaron(Wirksworth)[1],#18 FreeBMD--------------------------------
  184. Marriage Dec 1847 HOLMES George Belper PEARSON Sarah Belper
  185. Death Mar 1888 HOLMES Sarah 63 Belper
  186. Death Jun 1906 HOLMES George 82 Belper
  187. Death Sep 1938 PEARSON Samuel 51 Belper 1841 Census for Wirksworth--------------------------- ---Gorseybank---[Wirksworth]------------
  188. W393a Joseph PEARSON 35 m Y Tape weaver
  189. W393b Martha PEARSON 37 f Tape weaver
  190. W393c Charles PEARSON 5 m
  191. W393d Sarah PEARSON 15 f Tape weaver
  192. W393e Eliza PEARSON 1 f
  193. W393f Hannah BULLOCK 60 f Y F.S. 1851 Census for Wirksworth---------------------------------------- #092------[Wirksworth]---(p24, Wirksworth district 6, Enumeration district 2d, HO 107/2145)
  194. W570a Joseph PEARSON Head M 48 M Tape weaver Wirksworth
  195. W570b Martha PEARSON Wife 45 F Tape weaver Ashlehay
  196. W570c Charles PEARSON Son U 14 M Tape weaver Wirksworth
  197. W570d Eliza PEARSON Dau U 11 F At home Wirksworth
  198. W570e George HOLMES Son iL M 27 M Carter Kirk Ireton
  199. W570f Sarah HOLMES Dau M 25 F Ashlehay
  200. W570g Thomas HOLMES Gson 1 M At home Wirksworth
  201. W570h Mary PLACKET Lodger 23 F Tape weaver Kirk Ireton 1861 Census for Wirksworth--------------------------------- #92---Millers Green---[Wirksworth]---
  202. W573a Martha PEARSON Head W 57 F Cotton tape weaver Ashleyhay
  203. W573b Eliza PEARSON Dau U 20 F Cotton tape weaver Gorsey Bank 1861 Census for Ashleyhay------------------------------------ #46-------[Ashleyhay]---
  204. As46a George HOLMES Head W 37 M Ag lab Kirk ireton
  205. As46b Joseph HOLMES Son 7 M Scholar Wirksworth


----Anyone with more details for publication on this webpage, please email ----
Linda Barlow wrote on 30jun2014

Hi John
Thank you for your very prompt reply. My mother was born Eva Mary Smith on 09.09.20 in Warmbrook, Wirksworth and died in Essex on 24.03.13. She had an older brother Eric Francis who was born round about 1912 (11 November). Their mother was Fanny Elizabeth Pearson born in Wirksworth and their father either Joseph Smith or Thomas Joseph Smith as far as I can discover. My mum was always very secretive about her upbringing in Wirksworth and I am not aware that she was in contact with her mother since at least the 50's and I think she may have died in the '70's. A mystery I am hoping to solve when I visit my relative in a couple of weeks. He is Ian Walton and I believe related to me via my mum's mother's line. I have found your web-site absolutely fascinating but, as you say, a database would be a much easier way to navigate all the information contained.
Currently I don't have any photos at all - but I am hoping that Ian might. As for text, this might become apparent as the family tree unfolds! I have discovered from your site that my mum's uncle, Harold Pearson, is buried in St Mary's churchyard, along with his sister, Lavinia who died young. I did actually meet Uncle Harold when I was bridesmaid at a wedding in the '70's. I also understand that one of my mum's uncles was killed in the Great War - and so might be on the War Memorial but I don't know his name yet. My mum might have been named after one of her mother's aunts - also gleaned from your web-site.
I was born in Romford, Essex - my mum having married a Dagenham man. (My dad was born in Bethnal Green and seems to be from a long line of silk weavers - another family tree to trace!) I am currently living in Dunmow, Essex.
I expect you have more than a passing interest in Wirksworth - what is your connection? Perhaps we are related!
I very much look forward to hearing from you.
By the way, can I pay you for this service or make a donation to a charity?
Kind regards
Linda Barlow wrote on 29jun2014

Hello John
I found your contact details on the Wirksworth Parish Register web-site and wondered if you could please help me.
My late mother was born in Wirksworth in 1920 and I am very interested to find out about her side of my family. I am coming up for a visit in a couple of weeks' time and am meeting a second cousin of my mother. He knows a little about her immediate family but I am itching to find out all I can. I know she went to Anthony Gell school and was born in Warmbrook. I can see that her mother's side of the family were also born in Wirksworth (Miller's Green). I have a great uncle buried in the church-yard. My mother told me that one of her grandfathers founded a co-operative in the town.
Ideally I think I would like someone to prepare a family tree for me and also provide census records - would you or someone you know take on this kind of work please? I also plan to contact the church and the school.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Linda Barlow

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