Copper water-urn or samovar made by John Kidd c1890

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Kidd family of Cromford
The Kidd family of Cromford were variously described as
tinmen, braziers, tinplate workers, ironmongers and shopkeepers.
They worked from a shop in the Market Place, opposite Water
Lane and at the bottom of Cromford Hill, and were there at least
One of the Kidd family is described for about 1890 by Alison Uttley
in her book "Our Village"
"Near Mr Green's shop was the tinsmith's, where stout Miss Kidd came
to the tinkle of a little bell, and sold us lanterns and skewers,
besoms, and baking tins. If my mother were with us there was always
a talk about Miss Kidd's health. She walked so slowly across the shop
I felt she would never arrive, and I had all a child's impatience as
I waited."
About the same time (1890), John Kidd made the magnificent 18 inch tall
copper water urn or samovar in the picture. It has an indistict mark which
includes C.W.S. so the samovar was probably made for the Co-op (the C.W.S.
mark was introduced in 1863). The maker's mark is "John Kidd, Cromford".
There were 3 John Kidds, grandfather, father and son, born about 1816, 1840
and 1875, all born at Cromford. The Samovar was probably made by Father
Kidd, who would be about 50 at the time.
Anyone knowing more about this family, or with photos, please contact
1816 1811
John 1835 Mary
1865 | 1875
| | | | | |
1837 1840 1842 1848 1850 1854
Ann John Noah Mary Elizabeth Frederic
1840 1841
Maker of John 1873 Eliza
Samovar KIDD=====v=====GOODWIN
1891 | 1908
| |
1875 1879
John Harry
KIDD Goodwin