March 1901 Reginald Charles Bratby married Florence Emma Hall.
They lived at 5 Chapel Hill, Cromford.

Taken 1880. John Henry Bratby (bn 1860) &
Reginald Charles Bratby (bn 1874)
Reginald and Florence BRATBY, Cromford 1901
Rosemary Gray sent me these pictures of her BRATBY family, and some
highly detailed emails which tell their own story.
An outline pedigree is given, Rosemary has a much
more detailed tree. Anyone with more information please contact
the webmaster on:
Taken 1901 outside 6, Chapel Hill, Cromford.
Links to 1901 Census and approximate dates of birth:
BRATBY family
1851 1863
1833 1834 1848 Annie 1860 Sarah
George Mary Gamaliel 1871 Maria Joseph Ann
BRATBY====v==== ? HALL=====v====ALLEN====v====BROWN====v==== ?
| 1880 | |
| | |
|-------|--|--|-------| |--|------|----------| |--|-|----|
| | | | | | | | | |
1858 1860 1863 1874 1875 1873 1878 1884 1887 1890
Selina John George Reginald Florence Frederick Albert Emma Ada John
| Henry Charles 1901 Emma BROWN Henry
| 1852 BRATBY====v====HALL
| Francis | 1962
Selina 1881 Clay |
| Thomas 1914
|--|---| BRATBY====v====un-named
| | |
1882 1889 |
Ernest Margaret Rosemary (informant)
16 Aug 2009 17:06 Iona Bratby writes:
I have just been looking at your photo 571 of Reginald and Florence Bratby
with great interest. My great grandfather was George Bratby, Reginald's
brother and George's son John was my grandfather. George was a joiner and
married Ada Houson from Horncastle Lincolnshire and they ended up living
in Brightside Sheffield. His son John was a foreman at British Steel in
Sheffield. I have managed to trace the family further back just through
census etc but to see a photograph really helps bring it to life so many
thanks for sharing it!!
Yours sincerely
Iona Rodger (nee Bratby)
6 Apr 2008 10:56 Rosemary Gray writes:
Hello John-
What wonderful news!
I can confirm that Selina Bratby married Francis Statham- and clearly Clare is presenting some exciting information in relation to the picture.Please tell her that I would love to know more! Especially if she has any information about the rest of the Bratby clan.
My mother says that Ernest and Maggie continued to be friendly with the Bratby family for many years. My father was especially fond of his cousin Maggie.
By coincidence it also appears that they were both neighbours of my mothers eldest sister Francis and her husband Frank Ford they lived in
Starkhomes- in the 1930s and 40s.
Frank Ford was well known as a local newspaper reporter- on what was then I think ,The High Peak News.He trained his dog to carry his copy down the hillside to the station - to have it put on the train ,I guess , to go to Buxton.
kind regards
Rosemay Gray
4 Apr 2008 19:18 Claire Naden writes:
Dear John
I've enjoyed your website for many years, it has been a great help with
my family tree in Matlock.
I saw your photo number 571 Reginald and Florence Bratby wedding, I am
descended from Reginald's sister Selina who married Francis Clay Statham.
I haven't looked though all our photos properly but I think I recognise
a couple of people on the wedding photo.
The man in the bowler hat on the left I think may be
Ernest Statham
my great grandfather, he was Reg's nephew and would have been 19 years
old. I usually recognise him by a 'teddy boy' quiff hair do which the
hat hides unfortunately. The girl in white between numbers 10 and 9
looks very like his sister
Maggie, she would have been 12.
Would you be able to pass this on to Rosemary Gray?
Francis Clay Statham
was (I think) an interesting man, he was the
manager of the High Tor Pleasure Grounds. I've been meaning to write
about him for a while, my grandfather who died a few years ago in his
90s had many stories and photographs.
Would you be interested in this for the website?
Claire Naden
5 Mar 2008 15:57 Rosemary Gray writes:
Dear John- The first wife of Joseph Brown was Sarah Ann Brown as you
discovered. The 3 Brown children were Emma b1884. Ada b1887 , and
John Henry b 1890. The girls must be 2 of the bridesmaids on the wedding
picture- and the boy is clearly the little feller in the front row.I know
Joseph Brown died leaving Annie Marie a widow for the second time. But
have no information about the Browns other than that.If the boy lived -
he would have been of age to be in the forces in W.W.1.
Annie Marie moved to Chapel en le Frith after 1916 or so. One of my
fathers older brothers- Alfred Bratby- used to live with her as a lad-so
my mother says- there being little room for 4 boys in the lodge at Bank Hall.
Thank you very much for your extra work.
The pix of my Grandfather as a boy appears to have been taken in 1880.
It really is quite creepy isn't it how computer enhancement can bring these
old pictures! to life!The originals are rather faded especially the wedding
Kind regards and thanks for your interest,
Rosemary Gray
5 Mar 2008 07:08 Rosemary Gray writes:
Dear John
.... However in answer to your question re predigree.
Reginald Charles born in 1874 was the youngest child of George Bratby
(from Western underwood)and Mary Bratby. His siblings were; Selina,
John Henry.and George.
The parents of Florence Emma Hall were;
Gamaliel Hall the son of Gamaliel Hall and Hannah Wildgoose, and
Annie Marie Allen- who was the daughter of George Allen - described
as ' a confectioner' of Wirksworth.
Their wedding was hard to find because they married at Wormhill parish
church on 22 May 1871, Gamaliel was then a signalman at Wormhill. He died
in 1880 aged 32 years of TB. At his death in Cromford he was described
as 'Railway Station Master' on the death certificate.
Annie Marie was left with three little children Florence Emma, Frederick
and Bert. She went to live with her Aunt -Sylence Allen (sister of
George-Allen) who ran a laundrey in Cromford. (Sylence and her neice
Emma Allen are both buried in Wirksworth parish churchyard .) Later in
the 1890s Annie Marie re- married to a widower -Joseph Brown who in turn
had three children- Emma, Ada and John Henry.
I have no information as to what happened to the Brown youngsters- and I
am curious about them. No one in my fathers family ever ever mentioned them!
As for the picture of the wedding - Annie marie and Joseph Brown and
children were all living with the young married couple at the house in
Chapel Hill at the time of the 1901 census.
Annie Marie is the woman next to the bride in the photo. Peering over the
brides shoulder is Ann Hall nee- Taylor wife of Frederick Hall(in the cap)
brother of Florence Emma. The two little boys at the front (seated ) are
Frederick Hall aged 5 ,and Albert Ernest Hall aged 3 - the children of
Ann and Fred Hall.
Florence Emma lived until 1962- her youngest child Thomas ,who was born in
1911, was my father.
I attach also a very old picture of Reginald Charles Bratby as a boy- with
I think his older brother John Henry (Born 1860).
Kind regards
Rosemary Gray.
20 Feb 2008 11:55 Rosemary Gray writes:
Dear John,
Thanks for your e- mail-I am pleased you are using the the pictures- the
two little people in the front row are both boys by the way, the children
of Flo's brother Frederick Hall and his wife Anne. This couple are just
visible in the doorway to the right of the brides' head- Anne looks a
mite disapproving- he is wearing a cap. I can remember them both very
well from my childhood in the 1940s and 50s.
As for the wedding of Gamaliel Hall and Annie Marie Allen- that was at
Wormhill parish church on May 22 1871. He was described as a 'Railway
signalman', at that time. The witnesses were Gamaliel Hall- drayman- and
George Allen confectioner. His shop was in Wirksworth I think- and his
sister was Sylence Allen .She is easily traceable - even down to her
gravestone inscription, because of her unusual name . However
I had to trace some of the following information back via B/M/D certificates.
Gamaliel Hall died in Cromford On 30th Oct 1880-at which time he was
described on the death certificate as , 'Railway station master', he was
32 years old.
He left 3 little children- Florence, Frederick and Albert Hall.
His widow, Annie Marie , then went to live with her Aunt Sylence Allen
who ran a laundry in Cromford along with her neice Emma Elizabeth Allen
(1853-1894 )
Later Annie Marie married a widower who had 3 children- a Mr Brown.
They are all on the wedding picture.
I believe Annie Marie to be the woman wearing a big hat standing next to
the bride.
The 1901 census shows the Browns and the young Bratbys all living at the
house in Chapel Hill. This was no doubt a short term arrangement as
Reginald Charles was a very ambitious man. He soon was employed as
Gardener by a wealthy lady - a Miss Smth of Bakewell. They had a large
tied cottage and there he remained until WW1.
He then went to work in Chapel en le Frith for the Scott family at Bank Hall.
Incidentally I have been given amazing movie footage of life at Bank Hall
in the 20s and 30s. The Scotts were early home movie buffs! The film was
supplied to me by the current owners of Top Lodge, they having aquired it
from the Scott family. I had hoped to catch the odd glimpse of Reg on the
footage - but alas not a sign! He died in 1936 before my parents were
married- and some years thus before I was born.
Now sorry to have run on !
As for the real family tree stuff- some is not yet complete- or at
least not checked I will let you have a draft soon when I have orderd
it a bit !
Kind regards
Rosemary Gray.
19 Feb 2008 13:01 Rosemary Gray writes:
Dear John,
I have learned so much about my fathers family from your site- thank
you so much- it is a marvellous piece of work!
Here are a couple of family wedding pictres from 1901. They were taken
outside what was then number 6 Chapel Hill , Cromford- where my
Grandparents Florence Emma Hall and Reginald Charles Bratby lived .The
house is easily identifiable from the unique doorway and it is remarkably
unchanged, even the cobbles and the iron railings are still in situ!
Florence Hall was the daughter of Gamaliel Hall- who worked at the station
but who died at an ealy age of TB. The Bratbys eventually went to live at
the top lodge, Bank Hall, Chapel en le Frith where my grandfather was
Head Gardener.
Rosemary Gray