What a good idea! An ordinary bicycle, covered in flowers,
with an arbour, with hammock and baby. Would this be allowed today
by Health and safety? Was the baby real?

Coronation decorations 1902
A glimpse into the Big Event of 1902 in Cromford. The coronation
of Edward VII nearly never happened, and all these decorations
would have been in vain.
His coronation had originally been scheduled for 26 June but two days
before on 24 June, Edward was diagnosed with appendicitis. Thanks to the
discovery of anaesthesia in the preceding 50 years he was able to undergo
a life-saving operation, performed by
Sir Frederick Treves. This was at a
time when appendicitis was not treated operatively and thus carried with
it a mortality rate of greater than 50%. Treves, with Lister's support,
performed a then radical operation of draining the infected appendix
through a small incision. The next day he was sitting up in bed smoking
a cigar. Two weeks later it was announced that the King was out of danger.
Treves was honoured with a baronetcy (which Edward had arranged before
the operation) and appendix surgery entered the medical mainstream for
the first time in history.
Main Street, Cromford (see Bell Inn
sign on the right).

The Greyhound Hotel, Cromford. (See
Dale's Tea Rooms next door.)

Photo taken:1902
Source:Gilly Doar.
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