Signature 1839, aged 54 see this letter.
MA 17 1830 |
FE 4 1839
1839 Letter from Richard Hurt
Richard Hurt 1785-1851 was the second son of Charles Hurt and
Susanna Arkwright. In 1808 he married Caroline Shuttleworth
(1781-1827) by whom he had 5 children, see
Arkwright tree. He was a lead
merchant and churchwarden. Susanna was a daughter of the famous
Sir Richard Arkwright's second marriage. Charles Hurt was High
Sherrif of Derbyshire in 1797, and ran a lead works and smelting
business. The Arkwright-Hurt marriage combined wealth and position.
...However, Richard and Caroline Hurt were not of the main descent
of the Alderwasley branch of Hurts and as such the drops of royal
blood in Caroline's veins were mixed with Hurt and Arkwright blood
and passed down into secondary branches of the Hurts.
The Hurts of Derbyshire by Derek Wain.
The letter suggests that Richard Hurt had been offered the position
of Secretary of the local polling district. In 1832 the Reform
Act increased the number of such districts in Derbyshire from
two to four. Parliamentary boroughs are referred to.
The letter is sealed with red wax and a "Pd 4" seems to show the
receiver (John Corden of Derby) paid the postage charge. This system
was changed the next year, when the first adhesive stamp was
introduced in 1840.
Wirksworth Feby 4 1839
I recd the Packet & have forwarded
the inclosed, with the exception of one, which
I propose sending tomorrow. I am writing this
for information as I wish to do every thing
according to rule. Is there any allowance
& what made to the secretary of a polling district?
Also - the description of person to fill such
a situation - whether a lawyer or his clerks -
or a person having accurate knowledge of
the Inhabitants, tho no Lawyer. My object in
writing this is to prevent any misunderstanding
& you will have the goodness to consult the Boroughs
& write me the result. from yours etc
Mr John Cordon Richd Hurt
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