James Hindle was 66 in 1900, this may be him in the doorway.
His son Robert was 26 years younger, could that be him with the horse?

A view inside the chemist's shop with all the medicines neatly
arranged in bottles on the shelves. Only the front portion of the
shop was used for the pharmacy. The glass-fronted displays on the
counter contained ointments and pills and a chair was provided
for the convenience of customers. The placard on the counter was
advertising Bismuthated Magnesia for aiding digestion.
Could the young man be Robert Hindle, born 1860?

A mysterious "Mr Hall" made reference to the chemist's shop
in a list of patent medicines. The only HALL family associated with
Market Place around 1850 and before that the author could find is
shown here.
HALL family
1741 1753
Grocer & Stephen 1782 Ruth
Tea dealer HALL=====v=====HENSTOCK
1821,1827 1831 | 1830
| | | | | |
1783 1784 1787 1789 1791 1793
Thomas Stephen Samuel Mary Nathaniel Margaret
1787 1802
Linen & Samuel 1826 Catherine
woolen draper HALL=====v=====WAGER
1821,27,35,46 1854 | 1882
| | | | |
1827 1829 1830 1835 1837
Charles Jasper Elizabeth Bagshaw William
The chemist's shop was 100 years old before James Hindle moved from
Lancashire shortly after his marriage and acquired it. James and his
son Robert ran the shop for 80 years. The Payne family then ran it
for another 70 years to the present.
HINDLE family
Haslingden LAN Prescot LAN
1835 Prescot 1833
James 1858 Margaret
1903 | 1889
| | | | | | |
1859 1860 1863 1864 1866 1869 1870
Edward Robert Hubert Norman Margaret Fanny Maurice
1937 | 1949
Hubert 1889 Emily H
| 1897
| |
1891 1896
Charles Alice
children all born in Wirksworth
Chemist in the Market Place. |
B Payne & Son Ltd write
One of the earliest references to a chemist at 24 Market Place,
Wirksworth was in a list of patent medicines published in 1850
by the proprietor, a Mr Hall, which made reference to the date 1756.
The double bow-fronted windows are believed to be the 1756 originals.
Subsequently the Chemist was owned by James Hindle (pictured in the
doorway) followed by his son Robert Hindle. The business was acquired
by Benjamin Payne in 1935 and became B Payne & Son Ltd in 1962
From the photographs you can see that little has changed over 100 years.
Inside, although manure is no longer sold, many agricultural and
veterinary products are still avaiable, including grass seed in one acre
bags. Unusually for a chemist, a wide range of herbs and spices is
available, as are wine and beer making supplies. Sadly the historic patent
medicines list was stolen in a robbery in the early 1980's.
The chemist's shop nestles between the larger Bank on the left
and the smaller private residence on the right, and looks across
at the Market Place.

Taken about 1925, the chemist's is on the far right.

The chemist looks across the road to the Hope and Anchor Inn.
An amber screw top half pint mineral water or ginger beer bottle,
inscribed "The Coldwell Mineral Water Company Wirksworth".
The company is believed to have been started by
Joseph Webster around 1890. The company is
probably named after Coldwell Street in Wirksworth, location of old mineral
springs since destroyed by the draining of the lead mines.
In the centre of the wording is a monogram "H H". This is named
after Hubert Hindle, one of the later
proprietors of the company, and probably dates from around 1895.
Hubert Hindle was the brother of Robert Hindle, who with their father
James ran the Chemist's shop at 24 Market Place in Wirksworth for many
See the HINDLE tree opposite, and the following Census
1871 and
Also see the HINDLE memorials in Wirksworth cemetery at
QA167 and
Records about the Coldwell Mineral Water Company, Wirksworth
are held at the DRO, Matlock covering the years 1895-1932.
R.G.Hindle's corked bottle with his "reliable cold and influenza
mixture" (Chemist and druggist diary 1906).
There are handy table spoon measures marked on the back
of the bottle.
Quoted doses are: "adults two table spoonfulls to be taken three
times a day, children 10-16 one table spoonfull, 5 to 10 year olds
a desert spoonfull in a little water." I wonder if it worked in the
1918 flu pandemic?
Label from a ginger ale bottle
made by Coldwell Mineral Water Co. |

Coldwell Mineral Water Co Ltd
Wirksworth Stoneware Ginger Beer stoneware bottle,
17.5cm high and 6.5cm at the widest diameter.
Hand thrown stoneware bottle, finished in typical tan
and cream finish and transfer decorated with the company trade mark.
Photo taken:
Source:David Wardman
Click on photo for enlargement (on CD only)
Have any more information about this photo?
Please e-mail the author on:
Stuart Flint writes:
On viewing your Hindle Photograph no 554 where you mention Stephen Hall
as a Grocer and Tea Merchant..born 1741 he was my 5XUncle ..It was not
this Stephen but his son Stephen who was the Grocer and Tea merchant
his brother Samuel having married Catherine Wager Samuel being a Draper
at the shop my father owned as a Drapery and Gents Outfitters in the 1930s
Stephen Hall born 1741 died 1815 aged 73 years married 1st wife Mary Taylor
of Lea Hall Farm Bradbourne 29th October 1772 she daughter of George
Taylor.. Others who lived / live at Lea Hall Farm Bradbourne (actually on
the Tissington side of Bradbourne Brook) were the Buxtons of Bradbourne
The Dales and then Taylors My wifes 6XGrandfather Zacharia Hall was born
there kin at a distance of Stephen Hall.. Zacharia marrying into the Ward
family of Kirk Irteon and removing to Callow Carr Farm Callow Callow Carr
Farm next door to where my wife's 2nd cousin's family of Butler and Rowlands
live at Callow Hall Farm today
Lea Hall Farm is owned today the Naylor family one time owned by Isabella
and her husband now by their son.. Isabella Naylor nee Harrison .deceased
was Grandaughter of Joseph Harrison one time Water Bailiff at Middleton
who wrote the poem about Middleton lads going into W.W.1 Her family are
allied kin to my wife by Butlers Halls and Spencer
Betty, still living, (Isabella's sister) worked for my father in his
shop in her younger days before marriage and often looked after me when
I was a child ..As she reminds me she has seen me in my birthday suit ..
whilst another sister married into the Spencer family of Brass Band fame
in Middleton her husband and myself co founders of The Dalesmen Male
Voice Choir at Mount Zion Methodist Church in 1987, Betty and Isabella's
sister Julia Marchington deceased also worked for my mother at our shop
in the 1960s early 70s up to my mother selling up and becoming an
auxillary Nurse at Wirksworth Maternity Hospital ..My sister a trained
nurse at Derbyshire Royal Infirmary also a nurse up to marriage at
Wirksworth Maternity
Stephen Hall married as his 2nd wife Ruth Henstock in 1782 she sister
to my 4XGrandmother Mary Henstock of Slaley Hall Bonsall who married
William Hawley
William and Mary's daughter Mary married John Killer they my
3XGrandparents John and Mary's daughter Mary Killer born 1808 married
Samuel Flint 1830 they my Gr Gr Grandparents Mary sister to William Killer
who founded Killers Quarry Middleton passing it on to his sons Adam William
Joseph and John known as Killer Bros Hopton Wood Stone
William Killers 1st wife was Mary Willans from Brinksway near Stockport
whose daughter Anne married into my wifes Fox family and then into my
sister in law Jennifer Flint nee Farnsworths family of Batterley ..
Williams 2nd wife on Mary nee Willans demise was Anna Brownson daughter
of my 2XUncle and Aunt John and Elizabeth Brownson nee Walker Elizabeth
sister of my Grt Grandfather Joseph Walker whose sons built Mount Zion
Methodist Church my Grandfather John the Foreman Joiner / Carpenter
Stephen Halls father and mother were Thomas and Mary Hall nee Bagshaw Mary
Daughter of Stephen Bagshaw Chief Barmaster Wirksworth Soke & Wapentake
early 1700s Stephen Halls fore bare William Hall was my wifes Grand
fore bare Stephen was known as a Gentleman Farmer and Land /Mine owner
I have record of him being a friend of the Brittlebank family Solictors
of Winster who having some land for sale Stephen did the deal..I have
part of a conveyance agreement between William Brittlebank and Stephen Hall
Brittlebank having had to escape justice fleeing abroad when he fought a
dual at Winster resulting in the death of his adversary Dr Cuddy of Winster
the village G.P. who was getting over friendly with Brittlebanks sister ..
one of my Flint kinsmen being the Doctor of Wensley (born at Uttoxetor)
who attended to the aftermath of the dual... Brittlebanks are of my
distant kin via my Hoades Spencer Flint and Macbeth family ..Macbeths
being Solicitors at Wirksworth
Stephen and Ruth were parents of Stephen Hall who remained single he the
Grocer and Merchant mentioned in your photgraph ..Strange as it will seem
My father Harry S Flint born 1894 who lived with his mother on The Alley
Middleton took over the shop below the house which was on Main Street
(directly opposite Main Street Wesleyan Methodist Church ) where before
Dad took over belonged to Benjamin Payne who already had the shop in
Market Place Wirksworth .. the shop a Chemists owned before Paynes by
the Leatherland family .
Dad changed the use to a Fancy Goods Confectionary and Tobaconist in the
late 1920s and in the same period opened a Grocery and Provisions Store
at Central Stores Middleton previously owned by Walter Gregson Dad having
trained at Hunters of Wirksworth becoming a Master Grocer under the
watchful eye and management of Mr Alan Pearson Fields I have Dads
Indenture Papers in my keep signed by Mr Fields ..In 1948 my father along
with Benjamin Payne Chemist John Hall Station Master Wirksworth
Rafe Blackwall Quarry Manager (of the Blackwall family of the village of
that name ) Victor Stirland Bank Manager National Westminster Bank
Samuel Livingstone (Draper who took over my fathers shop at Wirksworth
he of my kin via Bothams and Doxey) and Mr Milner Insurance Agency Manager ..
were the founding members of Wirksworth Rotary Club
Regards Stuart G Flint