Taken 14 Oct 1902 See Red Lion Hotel in Market Place.

Taken 1902 in St John Street.

The Presentation in the Market Place on 14 Oct 1902.
In the front row (left to right) are:
Private George H Walton, William Goodwin, Walter Maskrey,
Trooper Corbett Bartlett, Private Ernest Pearson

The platform in the Market Place

Return from 2nd Boer War to Wirksworth
On Tuesday 14 Oct 1902 a platform was erected in the Market Place for a
presentation to the soldiers returning from the Second Boer War.
They were presented with solid silver cups purchased by public subscription
and a public holiday was declared for this great occasion.
Also see High Peak News article for description and names.
These marvellous photos were sent to me by Brenda Pearson from an
old photo album. More information to come. They make me want to stand up
and cheer and wave a Union Jack. Read
to find out what the war (1899-1902) was all about.
Many thanks Brenda.
Reply from Derby LSL
Thank you for your enquiry, which has been passed to us here at
Derby Local Studies. We hold local Derbyshire newspapers here on microfilm.
I have checked the Derby Mercury for 8th October and the Ashbourne News
Telegraph for 3rd October 1902. Neither paper makes mention of men returning
from the Boer War.
There is a paper called the Matlock Guardian that would be more likely to
cover the Wirksworth area in greater detail. Unfortunately, we do not hold
copies covering the period you require. However, according to a listing we
have, the Local Studies Library at Matlock hold copies covering the October
1902 period. May I suggest you contact them to see if they can help further.
Please follow the link for more information and contact details: Matlock
Local Studies Library
I hope you find this information to be helpful.
Kind regards
Mark Young
Library Assistant
Derby Local Studies Library
25B Irongate
Tel. (01332) 255393
Photo taken:14 Oct 1902
Source:Brenda Pearson, NZ
Click on photo for enlargement (on CD only)
Have any more information about this photo?
Please e-mail the author on:
From "High Peak News" dated Saturday 18 Oct 1902
sent by Susan Hatton
An important function
Public presentations. A glorious event
The town en fete. Honouring the killed
Wirksworth never does things by halves, and
it culminated all its kindly and patriotic
receptions of the returning warriors from the
front on Tuesday afternoon, when each of the
returned received a handsome token of the
town's esteem. There was a fund raised, it
will be remembered, for the purpose of giving
the warriors some permanent token, and a
considerable sum was quickly raised. The
outcome of the arrangements was a public
presentation and public evidence of thanks and
appreciation of their splendid services to the
town, to country, and King. The presentations
took place on Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock,
in the Market Place, and in honour of the
auspicious occasion the town decorated
profusely, and all the elite turned out in full
strength to honour the occasion, while the
gave a general holiday. The weather was,
fortunately, appropriate for an outdoor
occasion and there was sunshine.
A stage had been erected in the Market Place
by the committee, and on the front of it was a
motto, as follows: "For God, for King, and
Country" in coloured letters on a white
ground. The stage was carpeted, and the
steps were also laid with cloth, and on a table
on the platform were the cups for presentation,
[missing text?]
selection, "Songs of England"; march, "Hero
of Trafalgar"; march, "Red, White and Blue",
and other patriotic airs, including the National Anthem.
The cups were real gems. They were of very
chaste design of solid silver with a rich gold
lining. They stood on black pedestals. They
were made for the occasion, by Hunt and
Roskells, of London, and they had engraved
the following inscription:-"Presented to --
by his fellow-townsmen of wirksworth, in
grateful acknowledgment of services rendered
to king in the South African War, 1899 and
by the Chairman addressing the crowd. He
had a hearty reception. He was pleased to see
such a large gathering to do honour to the
soldiers who had returned from the South
African war, and who had there served their
Queen, King, and Country. Many of the Wirksworth
men went out to the front and had
returned, some had served as regulars, some had
served in the Imperial Yeomanry, and some
had gone as Volunteers. Some had also gone
and taken part in the war as civilians, civilians
who had risked their lives and sacrificed home
comforts, and were ready to do their duty to
lay down their lives, that the honour of that
country might be maintained. It was no little
matter if they would only think of it for a man
to leave his home, his friends, his country, and
to fight in a foreign land, and on the chance
of being shot at any moment, and of never
returning to those friends and his country again.
But these men had dared all that, in fact they
had looked into the very jaws of death. They
had done nobly, and they were that day there
to recognise what these men had done. They
had gone through unspeakable hardships, and
they had borne sufferings with every patience,
and they had proved in the general conclusion
of the war that they had done everything nobly.
And those that they had left behind had never
had them out of their thought, and they had
gone through an immense amount of mental
suffering on their behalf, and now they were
heartily pleased for the safe return of these
soldiers. All that had gone out from the Wirksworth
district had returned with the exception
of three, and these never would return, for they
had found graves in South Africa. They would
not be lost sight of for the way they had nobly
sacrificed their lives in the late war everyone
there could not fail to extend sympathy to their
bereaved relatives. Moreover it was the intention
of all concerned to hand down their names
to posterity by the erection of a
in the Parish Church recording their services;
and he might tell them that he had a message
from Mr Crompton, who was sorry he could
not be present that day, but who wished to add
£10 towards the fund for the placing of this
tablet in the Parish Church. It had been the
wish of the committee in Wirksworth that every
soldier that returned should have some present
to mark their appreciation of his services when
called to fight for his country, and hence the
cups before them would be given to each
soldier (Applause)
[missing text?]
and tobacco, and endless plum-puddings.
(Laughter). These plum-puddings, he might
say, were very comforting, and, in fact, every
thing they sent, and if they had only known
how those presents cheered them to do their
duty in the weary war just terminated they
would know that everything sent had been
fully appreciated. And for all that had been
sent he desired to thank everybody. He also
took the opportunity of thanking them on
behalf of the relatives of their dead comrades
they had left in South Africa. No doubt they
had been through a great deal of hardship, and
had had to suffer unusual endurance, but their
return home - well, if they had nothing else for
it the return home they had had at Wirksworth
both in the reception and in that presentation
them for all the duty they had had to
undertake in the war. He could not conclude without
referring to the Soldiers and Sailors Friendly
Association. It had done excellent work; it
had promised that the wives of soldiers at the
front should be cared for, and they had been
cared for, and words of his could not express
what he felt in thanking them all, both for
the reception of the cups and for their attendance
to the soldiers' wives and families while
they had been to war. Once more he thanked
them and Mr Walthall heartily. (Applause)
Canon Gem said he had duty to perform,
a brief duty and a pleasing one, and that was
that their best thanks be tendered to Mr
Walthall for the presentation of the cups to
the soldiers, those soldiers who had served
their King and their country well in south
Africa. Mr Walthall, he thought, could well
say that he had never taken a part in such an
interesting and historical ceremony as he had
that day in those presentations. And in
the crowd he saw around him he saw many
young fellows, and he hoped it would help
them to do their duty in any station of life
in which they might be placed and should
any occasion arise on which they could be
required to serve their country, he hoped they
would come forward in as hearty a manner as
Wirksworth had done during the late war in
South africa. And he hoped that
as heartily appreciate her soldier sons as they
had those taking part in the late war. Those
men that had gone to the front had laid themselves
open to death; they had self-sacrificed
everything; they had left their homes; and
their best thanks were due to them. And he
knew they would appreciate the little they had
done that day and at the time they returned
from the war.
Mr G H Wheatcroft seconded in an able
speech. He heartily supported what had been
done that day, and knew Wirksworth would do
its duty, as it had done in the past. Mr walthal
said he had never been so highly flattered in
his life. Moreover, he did not see any reason
why he should be asked tp present those cups,
because he was not a military man, and the
only interest he had taken that way was in the
Volunteers. It was not that he did not appreciate
and follow with interest the Wirksworth
soldiers who had been to war. He thanked
[missing text?]
not think that he was the right man, as it
should have been, really, a lady, as they had no
Kitchener or Roberts among them to do
service. They were very handsome cups, and
he knew they would be duly appreciated by
the recipients. And it would show them that
they had never been forgotten while they had
been away. They had gone through many
hardships, but he was pleased they had not had
to go through such as the Crimean winter in
the Crimean war.
As each cup was presented there was
cheering from the populace.
and of the three deceased, was as follows:
Capt Pole Gell 2nd Coldstream Guards
Lieut. Hurt Royal Welsh Fusiliers
Lieut. Pryce Wood, 12th Prince of Wales's Royal Lancers
Lieut. B Arkwright, Derbyshire Imperial Yeomanry
Lieut. B Claxton, 1st Batt Imperial Yeomanry
Sgt Richard Casterton, 1st Derby Volunteer Company
Private Frank Hollingworth, Second Grenadier Guards
Private George H Moore, 3rd King's Royal Rifles
Private George H Walton, 3rd Grenadier Guards
Private Ernest Pearson, 1st Grenadier Guards
Private Edward Ault, 10th Royal Hussars
Gunner Walter Maskrey, 76th Battery Royal Field Artillery
Pr Joseph Brockleworth
Pt Thomas Lee
Albert T Goodwin
Trooper Isaac Walker
Trooper Corbett Bartlett
Private Harry Lenton
Private Edward Boden
Private Harry Udale
Lance Corp Joshua Greenhough
P Albert Brough
P Thomas Sherrin (deceased)
The Lieut Hurt referred to is Francis Cecil Albert HURT, 1878-1930, Lord of Alderwasley Manor 1907-1930. His early active service was with 23rd Welch Fusiliers, stationed in Africa.