Posted 1904

Taken 1850-60 by Alice Hurt
The Parsonage, Alderwasley
In the 1901 Census John WHITE,
wife Sarah and 5 children were living at the Parsonage. John was
"Provender Superintendant of the Midland Railway" and as such
little obvious connection with the church.
Census entries for the Parsonage, Alderwasley are:
1901 John WHITE, provender Super of MR.
1891 Charles OWEN, clerk in Holy Orders.
1881 Charles OWEN, MA Oxon, Incumbent.
1871 Charles OWEN, Incumbent of Alderwasley.
1861 Alexander ORME, Incumbent of Alderwasley.
See also Alice HURT's fine photo of the Parsonage,
taken between 1850 and 1860.
Taken 2007 by Stuart Flint. Published by permission of N. Williamson.
Photo taken:before 1904
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