Stuart Flint writes:
The following is information you asked for re George Lovegrove
(Longcliffe Limestone Company..his partner Alfred Shaw son of John Shaw
whose family as co owners with Peter Bowne..and William Goodwin of
Bowne & Shaw Middle Peak Quarry.. Peter Bowne originally General
Manager at Butterley Quarry Crich & William Goodwin son of Francis
Green Goodwin of Wigwell Grange William Green Goodwin a silent
partner/financier bought out by 1901)
George Lovegrove born at Hognaston 1860 occupation Saddler /
Harness Maker / Quarry Owner
The 1904 Railway Clearing House handbook quotes Shaw and Lovegrove as
Longcliffe Limestone Company..at Hoe Grange Quarry..The quarry is
situated close by Hoe Grange farm of today owned by Mr and Mrs Brown
who also have holiday chalets on site.(modern log chalets which look
superb) .Mr Brown via a telephone conversation with myself confirmed
that the quarry previously adjoined his land where a sidings from the
quarry joined the C& HPR line at Longcliffe Station..The 1906 Quarries
list gives Shaw and Lovegrove's Registered Office as 7 Coldwell Street
where George lived..George Lovegrove married Annie Shaw sister to
Alfred who was originally a self employed Joiner ...
The listings below are seperate to the above information
The Shaws are of my / my wifes family and I give the following pedigree
of our lineage some taken from Ince peds with additional more recent
Jethro Shaw of Oakerside Wensley was my 7XGrandfather (S G Flint) married
Silence Godbehere widow of George Godbehere nee Annable of Cromford..
Annables were also my kin via other Grand fore bares. re Coates of
Cromford / Killers of my line and Godbeheres my wife's direct kin..
Jethro of Oakerside Wensley farmer married Ruth Clark-Robinson of Winster
they my 6XGrandparents Jethro's sister Hannah Shaw married Robert Frost
of Bolehill son of my 6XGrandfather Robert Frost who married Mary Doxey
of Middleton
Children of of Jethro and Ruth Shaw..(among whom are other relations of
my wife and myself)
1.Jethro Shaw of Oakerside Farmer married Sarah Wall daughter of Anthony
Wall of Hackney Lane Matlock.. Walls of this family married into my family
numerous times
2.Elizabeth Shaw married John Holmes of Darley Dale
3.Silence Shaw married John Bond of Oakerside Wensley
4.Hannah Shaw married John Oates 1st husband and George Ward 2nd husband..
George and Hannah's daughter married into my Scottherne family of Matlock /
5.James Shaw of Bolehill Yeoman born 1751 married Hannah Roper dau of
Joshua Roper of Bolehill Ropers also of my kin James and Hannah's
daughter Silence married Samuel Butler born 1777 who was my wifes
direct kin via her Evans / Godbehere / Slack family. James and Hannah's
other daughter Anne married Mr Stephen Glover Printer/Publisher of Derby
Stephen Glover is well known for his genealogical books and for
The Derbyshire Gazateer
6.Anne Shaw born 1750 married Isaac Hoades of Longway Bank Wirksworth
they my 5XGrandparents on my mother's Wheatcroft, Annable, Webster,
Heapey, Wigley, Hall, Shaw, Land, Sheldon, Cauldwell and Walker family..
Isaacs family were often Land / Mining Agents to Green- Goodwins of
Wigwell Grange..
7.Mary married Daniel Prime of Birchover
8.Jame married John Fletcher of Wensley
9.George Shaw of Cross Green Wensley married Alice Marsden of Cross Green
cousin of the Marsdens who owned Marsden's Ironmongers of Wirksworth also
my allied kin via Walker's
Children of James and Hannah Shaw
1.John Shaw of Wirksworth Malster/Innkeeper born 1780 married Dorothy
Alsop daughter of Dennis Alsop of Lea Bridge Farmer..Dennis's other
daughter Anne Alsop married Joshua Street my wifes 6XUncle his brother
Benjamin Street Agent to John Smith who owned Baileycroft originally the
site of a Lead Mine and Sough, where George Colledge of my kin opened up
a Quarry 1870s ..Benjamin Streets mother was Elizabeth Pearson who married
Joshua Street ..Elizabeths father was Benjamin Pearson Manager to Sir
Richard Arkwright and Agent to The Dovegange and Cromford Moor Mines the
sough along with Bonsall Brook of which fed Arkwrights water wheels at
Mill Lane Mill Cromford..Joseph Flint my 4XUncle followed Benjamin
Pearson as Agent at The Dovegange his son Joseph marrying Rachel Street
dau of Benjamin Street
2.Silence Shaw married Samuel Butler whose heir was Frank Holmes Butler
my wifes Grt Uncle 1/2 brother to her Grandfather Herbert Evans of
3.Anne married Stephen Glover as per above information
4.Mary Shaw married her cousin Jethro Shaw of Macclesfield he son of
Jethro and Sarah nee Wall
5.Thomas Shaw of Wirksworth Shoemaker and Saddler/Harness Maker married
Francis daughter of Thomas Fowke of Hob Hall Farm Wirksworth..(from
my window as I sit typing this, I can see Hob Hall Farm)
Children of John and Dorothy Shaw nee Alsop
1.Hannah married Mr. Joseph George Edmans Excise officer
2.William born 1816
3.James obt
4.James obt
5.Anne born 1819 married Thomas Millington Hughes Chandler of Wirksworth 1839
6.John Shaw born June 24th 1821 married Hannah Wilde 1849 daughter of John
Wilde Lime Burner at Middle Peak an area once covered with lead mines,
but by the mid 1800s where quarries began to be opened up along with Lime
Kilns amd Lime Works..John Wildes son John became a partner with John Shaw
when they began quarrying at Colehills and then at Middle Peak followed
by sons of John Shaw
Children of John and Hannah Shaw
1.Thomas Shaw born 1853 married Mary he a farmer at Lane End Farm
Alderwasley once owned by my Hoades family of Longway Bank
2.Frank Shaw born 1861 Stone Merchant married Fanny Baggeley (Baggeleys
came from Staffordshire as Bakers/Landlords of Inns to Wirksworth
(The Green man West End) ..Baggeleys followed on after Macbeths of
my allied kin as Bakers at St Mary's Gate Wirksworth... Baggeley's
were followed by Halls of my kin ( Luke Hall from Bolehill) then followed
by Adam Killer deceased of my kin.he having been trained as a baker by
Halls. Adams wife Private who lives today near the Bakery also my
allied family via Hall / Flint / Webster marriages...Killer's Bakery
still a working Bakery today owned by a member of my wifes distant
3.John Wilde Shaw born 1851
4/5 George Shaw born 1855 twin to Frederick Shaw born 1855 who married
Hannah Greatorex 1st wife 1879 Catherine Upton 2nd wife 1882
6.Alfred Shaw born 1857 married Sarah Leeson of Cowley Yorkshire Joiner
/ Stone Merchant
7.Martha Hannah Caroline Shaw born 1862 married Frank Luke Slack Stone
Merchant son of Edward Slack Butcher / Farmer
8.William Shaw married Anne Cooper adopted by Thomas and Anne Baggley
on her father an Inn Landlord demise Thomas and Anne's daughter Fanny
Baggeley married Frank Shaw..
I have much more info on Shaws and Hoades Butlers but to involved for
e mailings
Regards Stuart G Flint
Wagon for Longcliffe Quarries
An interesting photo of a brand new Private Owner wagon built by
Hall Lewis & Co Ltd of Cardiff, for George Lovegrove & Co,
suppliers of limestone & tarred limestone macadam for
roadmaking. The wagon is number 215, a five plank Railway
Clearing House 12 ton 5 plank 1923 standard design on a steel
underframe. It carries the name of Longcliffe, which was the name
of the company's quarry adjacent to the famous LNWR Cromford & High
Peak Railway, and also Wirksworth, the station at the end of the
former Midland Railway Wirksworth branch.
Hoe Grange Quarry, belonging to George Lovegrove, (Longcliffe Limestone
Co), lies 16 chains (0.3 kms) North-West of Longcliffe village (itself
1 mile North of Brassington). Here lay
a short sidings North of the main Cromford and High Peak Line. It is
thought the sidings were removed in 1942.
Longcliffe village lies right on the
North Western edge of the Wirksworth Area, and is part of
Brassington Parish.
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