Taken 1956, shedcode 17c (Coalville)

Taken 25 Sep 1955. Two former North London 0-6-0T locos at Middleton
Top with an Ian Allen High Peak Rail Tour, 58860 leading .

Taken 1964. Middleton Top Engine House

Taken 1959. Inside the shed, an LNER 4F 0-6-0 J94 Saddle tanker.
Introduced 1943, a Riddles design for M.o.S. based at Middleton
Top after 1956. Like the windows, pity about the roof!
© Nick Metcalfe, with permission.

Wikipedia writes:
The J94s proved to be particularly useful on 'difficult' branch lines such
as the Brymbo branch in North Wales and the East & West Yorkshire Union
line (E&WYUR). Their most famous workings of this nature, were on the
Cromford and High Peak line in the BR's London-Midland Region. Three J94s
were allocated to the line in 1956. One engine was based at Cromford and
made transfer trips between High Peak Junction and the bottom of the
incline. The other two were based at Middleton Top and operated workings
to Friden and Parsley Hay. By 1962, four further J94s had been allocated
to the Cromford and High Peak. Withdrawals started in 1960. The last two
J94s were withdrawn in 1967 after the last section of the Cromford and
High Peak line was closed.
58856 at Middleton Top
Number 58856 takes a drink at Middleton Top. The fireman pulls a "toilet
chain handle" to get water from the unusual elevated water tank into
the engines tanks, by the side of a shunter's cabin. The 2F 0-6-0T class
was built in 1879 for the North London Railway, weight 45 tons, pressure
160 lbs, wheels 4ft 4in, Tractive Effort 18,140 lbs. In 1926 the engine was transferred to the LMS (numbered 7515 then 27515) and in 1949 to BR. The
shed code in 1956 was 17C (Coalville).
The still-preserved Middleton Top Engine House
is just off-frame on the right. It is now an industrial monument,
the only one of eight to survive.
The year 1931 saw the arrival of the ex-North London Railway
0-6-0 side tanks LMSR 7511 and 7521. These were very powerful
machines, with a short wheelbase suited to the sharp curves of the
line. Several engines of this class were allocated to Rowsley for the
Cromford & High Peak Railway, subshedded at Cromford Wharf
(one) and Middleton Top (two). Nos 58850, 58856, and 58862 (BR
numbers) all saw service in BR days. These engines performed
their duties very well, and the sight and sound of one of them
roaring up the Hopton Incline, showering the countryside with
red-hot cinders from a plume of smoke and steam, is never forgotten.
A.Rimmer, The Cromford & High Peak Railway, page 77
Taken 3 May 1958 at Middleton Top, Ex-North London Rly 58850,
shedcode 17c (Coalville), in 1953 the code was 17d (Middleton)

Date uncertain. 2F 0-6-0T 58862 (in 1926: 2750, later 27530) at Middleton Top.
Introduced 1879, Park North London design, Weight: 45 tons 10 cwt,
Pressure 160 lbs, Cyls: 17" x 24", Dr. Wheels: 4' 4", T.E. 18,140.
© uncertain, (possibly E.R.Morten), from seacoaler.
Photo taken:30 May 1956
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