Posted 1920

Posted 31 Aug 1915 by Emily to
Miss Nellie Hallam, 19 Elm Grove, Blue Bell Hill, Nottingham

Rev.Denham Rowe NORMAN (1828-1931),
with second wife and family in 1897. Born Chichester 19 May 1828;
Died 10 June 1931;
Curate of Wirksworth (1855-56); Curate of Ashton le Willows (1857-58);
Vicar of Middleton (1858-75); Rector of St Mary's, Stafford (1875-98);
Published The Origin and History of the English Bible (1870);
The Crusades (1872); The Religious Orders of the Middle Ages (1873);
Married 1853 Sarah Richardson; 1883 Elizabeth Grindley;
children: left to right: Nigel, Cybil, Basil, Aubrey and Gwen.
Middleton Church & Vicarage
Jo Williams writes:
The one I can date is of the Church & Vicarage which was posted
from Matlock on 2 July 1920 to a Miss Arkwright, The Gate
(? - not v clear) House, Wirksworth thanking her for inviting
the sender to a meeting on 13th.
Taken 2009. Note how the chimneys have been shortened.
Entries in the Census for the Vicarage can be seen as follows:
1901 |
1891 |
1881 |
1871 |
1861 |
1851 |
The Parsonage dates from 1852. The register dates from the year 1839.
The living is a vicarage,
tithe rent-charge, gross yearly value about £300, including
1½ acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of
Wirksworth, and held since 1875 by the Rev. Edwin Cuthbert Harward M.A.
of Trinity College, Oxford.
Photo taken:
Source:J R Williams
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