Posted 1905, Matlock station (not Matlock Bath). Looking South.

Taken 1968. Looking South towards Matlock Bath.

Taken 1960's. Looking North towards Darley Dale.

Matlock Railway station 1905
Riber Castle can be seen on the left skyline. So this must be
looking SE from Matlock station, it can't be looking North from
Matlock Bath station as the postcard title reads. The less elegant
station buildings and bridge also point to Matlock.
Glynn writes:
Although the card says that the station is Matlock Bath, it is actually
Matlock. I have seen at least one of these cards with the 'Bath' deleted - presumably following descovery of the error. Kind Regards, Glynn
There's a minor drama going on among the people on the platform,
boys are running, a man and the porter are looking at the signal, which
is down. Is a train coming? (The author once read that down-turning
signals were standard on UK railways until heavy snow caused a nasty
accident. Anyone know if this is true?)
Mike Spencer writes:
This is Matlock Station. The footbridge is gone, the houses to right are on
Snitterton Road or Smithy Lane as it was known in 1847. The buildings at the
station to left are still there, Peak Rail having their offices there.
The waiting rooms on right have gone as I think as the second line, unless
its under all the weeds.
You can see Riber from Matlock Bath station if your neck is about three
hundred foot high to get over High Tor.
Una writes:
Definitely Matlock- Matlock Bath never had a waiting room at the other
side of the track and the bridge was never enclosed as in this
photograph, also the houses are the ones going up Snitterton Road,
there are only fields at the back of Matlock Bath Station. Riber Castle
cannot be seen from Matlock Bath station. - hope this answers your
Anne Lawson writes:
Thanks for putting this photo on the list. My gt. grandfather,
Thomas PALING, was a guard on this line in 1860s and I am always
interested to see anything that would show me what the line used
to be like. I know the buildings as they are today but had
difficulty in imagining what they looked like when the
line was in use.
Anne P Lawson
1881 and
1891 Census and
Marriage 1884 Oct 07 to
Mary Ann LEWIS
The above is the wrong Thomas PALING! Please see:
Thomas PALING c1860
Enlargement from 1905.
Dates:Posted 1905
Photo taken:
Click on photo for enlargement (on CD only)
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