Posted 1904

Derby Road, Cromford
Seems to be a bridge over a railway, could this be Lea Road
next to Cromford Station? Could the boy pushing the 3-wheeler
be taking parcels from the station to Cromford? A fine picture
of a 2-horse coach full of young ladies in big hats and
long skirts. A lovely rural scene, can it be identified today?
Mike Spencer writes:
This is the A6 going towards Whatstandwell, road right up to
Cromford Hill, road left, Mill Lane or Road going towards Cromford
Bridge.... The coach has actually stopped outside my house just off
picture, and I am waiting for Patricia (wife) coming down Cromford
Hill where she lived....
Thanks Mike, so the photographer is looking South East.
Dates:Posted 1904
Photo taken:
Source:The Wrench Series, No 5530
Click on photo for enlargement (on CD only)
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