Dated Jan 27, 1899 from "The Building News",
entitled "Cottages, Matlock Dale."
Do these cottages still exist between Matlock Bridge and Matlock Bath?
Location solved, see X560

Plans of above cottages. Not large with
Victorian furniture.

Unposted, about 1905, probably a view from some Building in
Matlock Bath, but which?
Probably from the balcony of the Royal Hotel, burned down in 1929,
see the email below.

Stuart Flint writes:
The Upper Left picture 392 taken at Matlock Bath would have been taken
I believe from in front of
The Temple Hotel
still very much in existance today..I took a similar photograph from
roughly the same area when one of my family had their wedding reception
there some 20 years ago
Posted 1903 from Matlock Bath to Accrington. No building like this is
known in Matlock or Matlock Bath.

Stuart Flint writes;
....I believe that a photograph 392 unknown on your site re a large house
bottom left is at Crich.. Dimple Lane now known as Upper Roskeen House
Surgery Lane..I believe it was used in the T.V. programme Peak Practice.
Some years ago it was the real life medical surgery of Dr Twist the local
Crich G.P. .
The road in front of this house (in the photograph a large bollard or
something similar can be seen, this is roughly where the wall is now)
must have been raised after the photograph was taken for now a wall and
railings are there..Alsops Bakery a long time family firm is on the road
above the house.. Friends of mine live just below on Dimple Lane
Alan Flint writes:
Yes, the house is Upper Rosskeen. It is on Surgery Lane as Stuart so
rightly says. It does not look quite the same now, as it did in the
photograph. The tudor-like woodwork has gone, and it perhaps in
that sense has lost a little bit of its charm. It was used in Peak Practice,
for episodes in which Maurice Denham played a prominent part. It is now, at
least some of it, a guest house providing b&b. Friends I know who have
stayed there speak very highly of it in that respect.
Stuart mentions Dr. Twist, he was indeed part of a medical practice that
used to operate from Upper Rosskeen. His partner was Dr. Ward. John Twist
lived in a house attached to Upper Rosskeen, just to the right of what you
see in the photograph.
Prior to Dr's Twist and Ward there used to be a Dr. Mcdonald, he had a
daughter who also became a doctor, Dr. Eileen McDonald. She it was, as I
understand it, who was the doctor that attended my mother when I was born
(Dec 29 1944).
If I am correct, and I believe I am, Dr. McDonald, Eileen's father, is one
of the men standing outside Upper Rosskeen in the photograph you have.
[see enlargement]
I am
not sure who the second man is. My grandmother used to be "in-service" with
Dr. McDonald, and used to tell of the wonder in the village when Dr.
McDonald obtained what was probably one of the first motor-cars in the
Unknown places
These pictures have been obtained by the author, but he does not know
what they show. Any help gratefully accepted.
Posted 1923. "The Gables, Wirksworth". But where?
Posted 1935. Probably Boston Ivy, not Virginia Creeper, which has been
neatly trimmed back between 1923 and 1935.
Could it be the Old Manor House on Coldwell Street?

Yes, it is! I've just contacted
The Old Manor House website, the owner tells me it used to be called
"The Gables", and was covered in Virginia Creeper. The house dates back to 1680.
I hope he sends me more info, I might be able to track the owner in 1680!
Modern "Upper Rosskeen Guesthouse" and kitchen
"A large early Victorian stone built residence of great character dating
back to 1843"
Enlargement. Which man is Dr McDonald?
Photo taken:
Click on photo for enlargement (on CD only)
Have any more information about this photo?
Please e-mail the author on: