Geoff Plumb writes:
Hello John Palmer,
Whilst doing a bit of research with regard to the SLS/MLS "High Peak Railtour"
(specifically trying to date it), I came upon the Wirksworth Parish Records
via Google, and Hey, Presto! all the information I need! Excellent!
The reason for the research is the photo attached below. It is a picture
of me, aged 4, on the footplate of the engine at Wirksworth (it may have
been taken by my father) as we travelled on the tour, but the photo is not
dated. Despite my expression, I had a wonderful day, though I only remember
parts of it. We lived in Sheffield at the time and I had already been involved
with railway tours and visits for two years, my father also being a great
railway enthusiast!
Four year old Geoff Plumb in the cab of Midland Railway 1P 0-4-4T No. 58077
at Wirksworth station during the SLS/MLS "High Peak Rail Tour", Saturday
25th April 1953. No anoraks in those days!
Many Thanks,
Geoff Plumb
Wirksworth Station 1953
Scenes from Wirksworth station on 25 April 1953, where Midland Rail Tanker
number 58077 "runs round its train" of four coaches which is an SLS/MLS
High Peak Railtour Special. Late snow lies on the hills, almost in May.
SLS/MLS (see the plaque on the rear of the loco) stood for
"Stephenson Locomotive Society/Manchester Locomotive Society",
who organised this Railtour for enthusiasts in the High Peak Area.
The loco was introduced in 1881 and was a Johnson Midland design.
Its class was 1P, British Railways number 58077, and its
former LMS number 1397. It was rebuilt with a Belpaire boiler,
wheels in 0-4-4 arrangement, tanker body, weight 53 tons 4cwt,
steam pressure 150lb, cylinders 18" x 24", tractive effort 14,460lb,
driving wheels 5'4". The shed number was 17B (Burton Overseal) on
21 Jan 1953. The lower photo shows an identical sister engine,
(recently from the paint shops and looking good), shed number also 17B.
Both locos were to meet their demise in ten years time at the hands of
Dr Beeching. They were then 80 years old. [58077 was probably scrapped in
Sep 1955]
These facts taken from the author's Ian Allen ABC of British
Locomotives (in service on 31 Aug 1952), and Locoshed Book (reported
21 Feb 1953)
Photo taken:25 April 1953
Click on photo for enlargement (on CD only)
Have any more information about this photo? Please e-mail
the author on:

Geof Plumb writes
Midland Railway 1P 0-4-4T No. 58077 rests at the platform at
Wirksworth station after running-round its train. This is a special, M700,
"The High Peak Railtour" organized by the SLS/MLS, Saturday 25th April 1953.
Visit Geoff's Photo Gallery at geoff-plumb.fotopic.net

Taken 27 Jun 1953
