High Tor and station, Matlock 1862.

High Tor tunnel, Matlock 1869.

Enlargement of a better tinted version of "posted 1909". The station was
built in Swiss chalet style (Matlock Bath was called "The Switzerland
of England!). This view gives the impression the only access to the
station was by ferry!

Taken 1952. An elegant station, old gas lamps still fitted

High Tor and station, Matlock Bath 1862
The newly built railway and tunnel between Matlock
and Matlock Bath. This engraving was made on 20 Feb 1862.
The 1869 engraving is from John Smedley's book "Practical
Hydropathy", see more on X357.
The Gas Works were right next to the station, as gas was
distilled from coal and coal came by rail. The unsightly
gasometer was built in 1854, but is not shown on the two
engravings. The horse-drawn omnibus is shown.
[from White's 1857 Directory of Derbyshire]:
Gas Works, at the north end of the Bath, were erected in
1854, at a cost of £2,000, by a company of £5 shareholders,
since which, the capital has been increased by the addition
of new shares to the amount of £1,000. The works consist of
a gasometer capable of holding 10,000 cubic feet of gas.
There are five retorts. The average annual consumption is
about 1,000,000 cubic feet, which is distributed at 7s. 6d.
per 1,000 feet.
The Matlock branch of the Midland Railway runs within a short
distance of the Bath, where there is a Station, from whence
there are trains between Ambergate and Rowsley five times
each way daily, except Sundays, when there is but one each way.
An omnibus and cabs attend the arrival and departure of every
train. Mr. Robt. Skirrow, station master.
Photo taken: 1862
Source: May Walker, Sheffield
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Posted 1905
Posted 1909. Gas works are behind the station.
Photo of uncertain date. The bearded station master stands on the sparkling
clean platform, the signalman leans out of his box, the line curves North
towards High Tor, Matlock and the tunnel and all's well with the world.
The charming footbridge is the same design as Cromford
Station, which was erected by the Butterley Company in 1885.