Unposted, undivided back, 1899-1902

Posted 1921. From "Blanche, c/o Mrs Partridge, Tynkersley, Rowsley",
to "Miss Dorothy Mackay, 3, Boden St, Ardwick, Manchester"
House and garden look overgrown but occupied.
Shed opposite covered with tarpaulin.
Signpost reads: South: Hopton, Brassington; E:Middleton, Wirksworth;
NE:Cromford, Matlock Bath; W:Grange Mill, Winster.
Climber has reached the roof, probably Wisteria.
The house is surrounded by a flowering shrub, possibly rambling rose?
The walled vegetable plot opposite looks well tended.
Thomas Bainbridge
Licensed Dealer
in Tobacco and Cigars
Thomas BAINBRIDGE/BEMBRIDGE 1831-1911 ran Ryder Point Toll Gate
1871-1901, and was also a Lead miner, labourer, Gamekeeper and Head roadman.
(His licence covered tobacco but not alcohol). |
Taken about 1891. Superb big scan sent by Allen Bridgewood.
3650 x 2465px (6x4inches).

See people below. Note: 17 rung ladder, 2 pails
and 3 half barrels, "Kops Ale & Stout" (which was non-alcoholic)
, 7 bottles, curly hair spaniel,
"Accomodation, Tea Parties, Prices, New Milk,
non-intoxicating beverages", new climber stuck to wall,
climber to eaves, large rain barrel, single chimney block
Allen writes:
I have this photo of Ryder Point. Thomas Bainbridge was my g.g. grandfather.
His eldest daughter Harriet married my g.grandfather John Bridgwood.
Thomas and his family lived there from at least 1871 ( as you already know )
until after this photo was taken. My late father was always under the
impression that this would have been Thomas and his wife Emma and I also
believe this. You are welcome to add this photograph to your web page
should you wish.
Taken about 1910/11. The whole Bainbridge family, about 30 people.
Could this have been in celebration of Thomas Bainbridge's 80th birthday?
The ivy on the wall indicates Sep-Oct.
Matlock, Rider Point, Via Gellia
The cottage at Rider Point (now gone) used to be a Toll House at
"Four Roads End" (OS ref: SK 262-565). See the Census
1861 and
The road was named after Philip Gell of Hopton Hall who paid to
have it constructed through the valley in 1791-2, improving access
between his lead mines and the lead smelter at Cromford.
The trade name Viyella originates from the fabric that was once
produced at the textile mill in the Via Gellia.
The junction is called "Four Roads End", where Via Gellia Road (the
A5012 running Westwards - bottom right to top middle) meets New Road
(the B5023, from Middleton), and a minor road from the South.
Neil France writes (2007):
The cottage at Ryder point has gone, but I spoke to some locals who can
remember it from the picture, and the Phillips family , who lived there.
Unposted, undivided back, 1899-1902
Taken 2007 by Neil France. He writes: The cottage at Ryder point
has gone, but I spoke to some locals who can remember it from the
picture, and the Phillips family , who lived there.
Hello John
Neil Francis states on his 2007 photograph of Rider Point that a family
of Phillips lived in a cottage on the Point..The Cottage was at one time
a Toll possibly established by the Gells who built the road from Ible and
their quarries and mines in the Griffe Grange area to reach Cromford Canal.
Mr Walter Phillips lived in the cottage I am reliably told. Walter Phillips
went on to be a Haulage Contractor at Middleton and one time owned a Quarry
on Colehill taken over I believe by Wimpeys when they were supplying stone
for major road works ..His sons took over the haulage business, some who
stilll live in the Wirksworth area as do Grandchildren many my friends today..
In my youth I had to attend Hospital every so many weeks for a long period..
Mr Walter Phillips who also had a farm near Intake Quarry owned a Rolls
Royce car which he took my mother and I into Derby to the Hospital. Very
often the car seat would include bails of hay or milk churns in the boot.
Mr Phillips was a rotund man of cheerful demeanour and I had great respect
for him. Mr Phillips lived up Water Lane Middleton for years.. Dad
delivered Groceries from our shop to their house
Regards Stuart G Flint
Allen writes again:
This scan of the noticeboard was 2400dpi and as you can see the writing
is too faint to read. You will notice the "New Milk" on the notice, I
have found that the new pasteurization process was created by Anthony
Hailwood in 1894 so that may help with the dating. Their clothes may hold
more clues. A fashion expert may have an idea of the earliest possible
date. On the back of the card Dad has written in ink "Dad's Grandad
Bainbridge of Rider Point, Derbyshire". Also on the back in brackets is
(1870) written at a different time in pencil, obviously a bad guess.
The attached death certificates have created another problem. Sarah
died in 1873 and her death was registered by her grandson Thomas Buckley.
Samuel's death was registered by his son Thomas in 1878. Both deaths
registered in Brassington and both occurring in Bradbourne. Samuel's
occupation is recorded as Road Labourer on both certificates. The only
problem is that Sarah was recorded as the widow and not the wife of
Samuel. Have I got the wrong Samuel's death certificate or was a mistake
made when Sarah's death was registered? Any ideas?
Regards Allen
Allen writes again:
Hi John,
I had a fellow `Ancestry` member send me a photo of the Bainbridge family
taken outside their family home at Rider Point. The photo was in a book
called Lawrence & The Real England,about DH Lawrence, printed in 1985
by Staple Special . The lady that sent me the photo,Jane,is the granddaughter
of Violet Phillips nee Bainbridge (the little girl in the large hat at
the front) born 18 Oct 1907 the illegitimate daughter of Lily Matilda
Bainbridge 1880-1920. Thomas Bainbridge died Jul- Sept 1911, at the age
of 81, this photo would be 1910/11. Jane found that Alibris UK had a copy
for sale £1.99 and I bought it ( the copy they have now is £7.24 - not
worth it) and I`ve scanned the photo to show you. Unfortunately I do not
know any of the others in the photo, apart from Thomas, and her grandmother
who would have known, died in 1996. Also I am unable to give permission
for you to add the photo to your website as only the publishers can do
this. Inside the book cover there are details regarding Derbyshire College,
Matlock where it was published, maybe they can be of help. Hope this is
of interest to you,
Regards Allen