Chatsworth Hydro
My Dear Doris & Tom
At last I am sending
Grandma's Cookery Book.
I am so busy I don't get
much letter writing time just now for we
are having the whole place re-wired.
We have been making our own Electricity
but are having when finished from
Derby. We have 110 Bedrooms besides
downstairs rooms.
Then we are being
painted & papered so can hardly move
for workmen. So think we shall eat
our peck of dust now if ever.
Since I came back after my

illness I am housekeeper so when
we get all cleaned & settled think
I shall like it better, though it
will not be all sunshine.
Still with
health & strength I hope to make it good.
Your Uncle Charlie started work
too soon & had to knock off again
& is still at home though Aunty Ada
wrote me today & says he is a great
deal better. I had a letter too from
Reffie he as had a bad cold but
is better & he comes home again on
the 14th March.
The weather here is
bitterly cold & we have had a lot
of snow. It looked lovely when the sun
shone but I did not venture out it
looked to dangerous.
I could see from the

windows other people slipping a lot
& cars skidding.
The Chesterfield
Bus was going down hill & skidded
& ran into a Bakers Van & one lady
had her ankle broken.
Now do try & send me a
line dear when you have a few spare
How are your Father & Mother
& Maddy & Bill.
Please give my love to
them all.
So with heaps for
Yourselves & all good wishes
Ever your loving
Aunty Meg