Posted 1905 to: Miss Burt 'of Cardiff', Harlow Manor Hydro, Harrogate
Message: Do you remember the spot on the other side? It was unsigned.
Lover's Walk was on the far side of the river, under the cliffs and the trees,
reached by the ferry, far from prying eyes. Oh!, how romantic. I wonder what
happened to Miss Burt of Cardiff?

Posted 1918

Matlock Bath, Lover's Walk.
Posted 1912. On the East bank of the Derwent are moored rowboats,
a romantic waterside path with comfy seats and trees to give privacy
to courting couples. On the West bank, a
Switchback rears out of
the trees. We can only guess at the noise made by the Switchback and
its uncouth customers, which made the entertainment so unpopular
with older citizens of Matlock Bath.

Enlargement. The Switchback and surrounds.

Photo taken:
Size: Postcard
Source: sent by Mike Higton
Click on photo for enlargement (on CD only)
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