Taken c1888. See also Views by Barber.
This is the original Rockside, opened by Charles Rowland in 1862,
but extended backwards after the removal of a row of houses. The
familiar tower was built later.

Rockside Hydro, Matlock
The second largest Hydro in Matlock.
From an unused real photo postcard believed to date from the 1930's,
made by Jackson & Son of Grimsby & Bradford.
Rockside was built by Charles Rowland, and opened
in 1862. See the very interesting Census for Rockside for
1891 and
Michael Spencer writes (18 Nov 2003)
Rockside Hydro is still there ..just! Walked passed
it last week and it is in a very sorry state. I believe
it has been bought and awaiting renovation when at the
present it is in a state of devastation. Whole sides
missing and an extremely dangerous place to be in. Its
collapse could happen at any time one would think. It
is closed off and the grounds have become dumping grounds
for the usual stuff....matresses,tyres,bike parts etc.
Posted 4 Sep 1939. In the Second World War, Rockside was used as
an RAF hospital for air-crew suffering combat fatigue.
It was officially called a Neurological Hospital.
This may explain the cheerful colours used on this postcard.

It is addressed to: Mr Hunt, 4 Langton St, Chelsea, London SW10.
and reads: Neurological Hospital, Matlock, Derby.
Hello Folks, Just a line to let you know where I am. This is
quite a nice billet. Love, Terence.
Look carefully, Terence has put two red crosses on each side of
a third floor window, where he must have been a patient. The view
from that window must have been the best in Matlock.
Posted 22 May 1906

It is addressed to: Mr G Clifton, 35, Kirkby Road, Sutton in Ashfield,
Notts. and sent from Blackpool. There is a lot of writing on the back,
signed by what looks like E.A.M.
Posted 1905. On the right, a group of attractively dressed ladies.

Photo taken: c 1930
Size: Postcard
Click on photo for enlargement (on CD only)
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