Taken c1888. See also Views by Barber


Unposted, enlargements below

Unposted. Church, Royal Hotel and Pavillion.

Posted 1911

Posted 1905

Posted 1907. Addressed to: Miss Amy Coupe, Whitewell Vale,
Opposite Fire station, Waterfoot, Nr Manchester. From:
Elizabeth at Smedleys Memorial, Matlock.
Royal Hotel, Matlock Bath
The Royal Hotel replaced the Old Bath Hotel about 1878,
but was destroyed by fire in 1929. The staff and boarders
appear in the 1901 and
1891 Census.
Below the road, Derwent Gardens holds entertainment for the Plebs.
Good views of the Royal Hotel, the Old Pavillion behind,
the Switchback (left) and a small stage show (right)
with a fair size crowd in front. A small queue waits to
go into the Switchback, and 4 people wait to take their
seats on the rollercoaster. Yet another queue waits for
something at the top of the steps. A large flag hangs on
a tall pole by the switchback shed.
Photo taken:
Size: Postcard
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Posted 1906. Many people on the verandahs.

Sign reads "First Class..., Resident Physician"

A stage with piano, pianist and two performers is watched
by a standing audience.
A two-axle covered cart may have brought stage scenery?
Hordings include a large picture of a lady.
Posted 1904. A novelty card, has cutouts where windows are, when
held up to the light looks like a night scene.
Posted 1906 to Miss L Gouldson, c/o Mrs Crellen, Pickwick House,
Hutchinson Square, Douglas, from "Charlie".