Photo taken early 1900s

Photo taken c1905. Looking eastwards along Yokecliffe. A lead vein
called Yokecliffe Rake ran from Wirksworth to Brassington near
here and there were many old mineshafts in the area. The largest was
Yokecliffe Mine.
Photo taken 2003
Postcard showing Yokecliffe, Wirksworth
The view from the top of Yokecliffe, from a postcard. The road in the left foreground is Yokecliffe Lane. Gilkin and Breamfield are on the extreme left, the hamlet of Gorsey Bank on the right and the Meadows and Water Lane are in the centre of the picture. Today most of the fields to the centre and right of the picture are full of houses, built since the First World War. The town's windmill stood hereabouts.
Posted 1910. Addressed to:
Annie Melbourne,
13 Gorsey Bank, Wirksworth.
Maurice Guise writes:
John - If you look at the aerial map and ordnance survey map.
On the OS map you can see Warmbrook and then Yokecliffe Farm.
The area that the photo is showing is Yokecliffe not
Youlcliffe. I used to go walking there when I was younger,
sorry much younger. I have always known it is Yokecliffe. The
path shown to the left by the trees is still there, as is the
lower one ( see os map), but there are now houses where there
used to be fields. These are shown quite well on the aerial
map. I still live in the house I was brought up in, and I can
see Yokecliffe from it.
I have included copies of the maps to make it easier to
understand from where the photo was taken (towards
Wirksworth) see arrow.[Sorry folk, not enough space to
include the OS map and aerial photo that Maurice sent -
Maurice Guise writes again:
I have the OS reference it is SK277538. There is a website to
check this and it seems to be spot on (Multimap)
I thought it would be a good idea to send you some digital
jpeg photos (3) of the nearest views I could find to the
original. There are trees perhaps where the original was taken
and they would obscure the view, but I have tried to one of
them as near as I can to the original.
Well here they are. It was a beautiful clear day this Sunday
morning about 11am when I took them. It also brought memories
back The paths are still there and you can approach the
tremendous views down the Ecclesbourne Valley towards Duffield
and Derby from the footpath sign on the left hand side on
the Wirksworth to Ashbourne road just past the summit near a
farm. You can see Carsington Water in the Distance from the
Footpath sign to pinpoint it.
Photo taken:"early 1900s"
Size: Postcard
Click on photo for enlargement (on CD only)
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