Unposted. Dina Morris Preaching (from an Old Print).
Adam Bede Series No 17, sold by H L Doxey, Market Place, Wirksworth.

Dinah Morris Pulpit
Dinah Morris was Aunt to George Eliot the author. The pulpit has been
in the Methodist Church in Wirksworth until 2002, but since has been
re-sited in the
Engleseabrook museum of Primitive Methodism
in the village of Engleseabrook which is about 2 miles South East of Crewe.
Unposted. Dina Morris' Pulpit, The Free Church, Wirksworth.

Photo taken:-
Size:3.26" x 2.23"
Source:Charles Butlin of Wirksworth
Click on photo for enlargement (on CD only)
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