Taken 2007 by Stuart Flint
South View, Middleton
My greatgrandmother,
Roseanna Axe (nee Slack), with her only children,
William and Frank, outside 'South View' situated at the top of Chapel Lane,
Middleton (now surrounded by houses according to Edith Taylor).
--- from Judith Edney.
More information from Stuart FLINT's email
Stuart Flint writes:
South View once owned by Samuel and Roseanne Axe ne Slack
Roseanne my wife's 3XAunt via Slacks Samuel my allied kin via Jones
and Killer.
The photograph taken from the driveway of Mrs Moira Taylor nee
Spencer's bungalow built on land where once the garden for South View
was.. Moira's deceased husband was nephew to Mrs Edith Taylor..
Moira and my mother in law Dorothy Steube nee Evans 2nd cousins ..
Moira also kin of Axe family via Slacks
Between 1946 - 1952 my family and I lived at South View , my father
Harry Sprake Flint re naming the house Axeholme .. leasing the house
from the Axe family of Hatfield Yorkshire...
When we moved out in the 1950s to live at the foot of Chapel Lane
at Highfields The Fields opposite Ashleigh House where Samuels Axe's
brother William Axe lived with his wife Mary Rose nee Killer of my kin,
Frank Holmes Butler my wife's Grt Uncle 1/2 brother to my wife's
Grandfather Herbert Evans and his wife Sally nee Slack Sally also my
wife's Grt Aunt via Slacks purchased the house from the Axe estate
their daughters living there up to recent years..The House in the
late 1990s then came under new ownership and has been extensively
extended ..
Photo taken:
Source:Judith Edney
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