Updated 29 Mar 2009

WIRKSWORTH Parish Records 1600-1900

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Report on the number of pages of this website visited over the last month. Data provided by Google Analytics.

Total website pages 2,102

Website Pages viewed:
-- in last 28 days 37,347
-- Av. per day      1,334
-- Av. per hour        55
-- Av. per minute       1

Peak hour       2200
Trough hour     0500

    Top 20 pages viewed in last 28 days
  1. Frontpage 9,840
  2. Census 4,975
  3. Menu 4,116
  4. Portal 3,870
  5. What's new 1,998
  6. Old photos 1,496
  7. Parish regs 1,354
  8. Wills 1,047
  9. Crime 835
  10. Placenames 633
  11. Surnames 601
  12. Pedigrees 506
  13. Cat. cards 282
  14. One Place St 244
  15. Scrapbook 169
  16. 1710 map 164
  17. Buildings 162
  18. X600 136
  19. Stuart Flint 130
  20. Histories 126

Deciphered, transcribed, compiled, indexed, formatted and copyright © 2009, . All Rights Reserved.