Updated 28 Aug 2006
WIRKSWORTH Parish Records 1600-1900
by Thomas Norris INCE 1799-1860 |
Here is a transcription of the 484 pages of this Manuscript Book,
made from a microfilm copy supplied by Derby Local Studies Library.
In most cases abbreviations have been expanded without
comment to avoid confusion.
A new page numbering system is used based on the microfilm frame order.
Ince's original page numbers and the DLSL photocopy reference are given
in red brackets.
The original pages are held at DLSL, are separated,
and unfortunately do not possess a coherent numbering system.
These pages were transcribed by John Palmer, Kathryn Farrell
and Sonia Addis-Smith
between Oct 1999 and Feb 2000.
Proof-read by Sonia and John,
edited and compiled by John.
about uncertain words,
and I will recheck microfilm of the original.
[italics]=transcriber's comments,
ux=wife of,
s.p.=without issue,
anno=year of,
Copyright © 2000,
All Rights Reserved.
Page 030a (76,96,H929.2/76)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Pedigree of the descent of the family of DANSER of Syersham Northants
& here after of Monyash Co Derby wch Est[at]e of Syersham was in 1742 sold
to Charles HURT Esq whose son Francis HURT Esq in 1776 resold it to a Mr SIMS
drawn up from the abst of Title by T N Ince Wirksworth March 1824
Quere if the late Mrs LONGDEN of Ashborne & her sister Miss DANSER were out
of this family. T N Ince 1828
copied 9 Sep 1848 by D. SYKES
| | |
03==v==04 05 06
| | | | | | | |
07==v==08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
| | |
17 18 19
01 Jacob DANSER of Syersham Co Northants Gent livg in 1695 March 27th when
he settles Syersham &c in marr[iage] of his son & h[eir] John in wch
sett[ltment] Robert DANSER G[ent] is a Trustee
02 Dorothy livg 1695 (d of Richard CARTWRIGHT at (by Mary d Francis SANDERS) &
sis of Frances ux Richard DANSER) see Leaks M S [manuscript] in possn Mr MCQUEEN
03 1 John DANSER son & h[eir] appt livg in 1695 Dead before 1725 paid
£1000 s[ettleme]nt with his wife died at Marhook 12 Jany 1712
Leak Register Exp Reliquary 9 Apr 1863
04 Ann dar of Joshua POTTS of Park House Co Staffs Gent Mar[ria]ge
settl[ement] dates 27 March 1695
05 2 Sanders DANSER a remainder man? expectant on his bro John & his issue
male dying so constituted by settlement of 1695
06 3 Jacob DANSER 3d son a rem[ainde]r man? in sett[lement] of 1695
[children of John DANSER & Ann POTTS]
07 Joshua DANSER of Monyash Co Derby Gent 1725 El son ob bef 1740 Made his
Will 5 Augst 1730 Livg at Monyash Oct 1725 when his death the
entail[ment] created 1695 livg 1731
08 Lenox da[ughte]r of Hugh SHELDON of Monyash [See SHELDON pedigree below]
& sis of Hugh Jr of Monyash Ex[ecu]trix of her husband's Will & his
widow a[nn]o 1742
09 John DANSER Ex[ecuto]r of his bro[the]r Joshua In 1725 re[lease]d
£100 to his bro Jos[hu]a
10 Sanders DANSER In 1725 re[lease]d £100 to his bro Joshua
11 George DANSER of Whigham Co Lancaster Grocer rel[ease]d £100
in 1728
12 Clifford DANSER releases £100 in 1728 to his bro Jos[hua]
13 Cartwright DANSER of .... Mercer his Bnkrupt assesses re[lease]d about
14 Dorothy DANSER mard .... [Thomas] RHODES [12 Aug 1718 Leek, Staffs]
A widow in 1725 re[lease]d £100 to her bro Joshua
15 Mary DANSER rel[ease]s in 1725 £100 raised her yo childn under
sett[lemen]t of 1695
[child of Joshua DANSER & Lenox SHELDON]
16 John DANSER an Infant under age in 1740 Of age in May 1742 where he sold
an Estate at Syersham to C SLACK? Esq of Alderwasley after of Howden
Co York Attorney at Law
[children of John DANSER & ?]
17 Richard DANSER of London livg 1795 [c 7 Sep 1756 Howden, Yorks]
18 Jane DANSER of Doncaster [c 5 Sep 1758 Howden, Yorks] md 1789 Robert LONGDON
of Ashborn Esq [mar 19 Nov 1789 Doncaster, Yorks] da of John DANSER Gent
of Howden
19 Elizabeth DANSER [c 18 Jul 1755 Howden, Yorks]
| | |
02 03 04
01 Hugh SHELDON of Monyash Gent [mar Lennox TRUMAN 6 May 1686 Mansfield,
02 Hugh SHELDON of M[onyash] Gent Will 10 Dec 1729 devised to his
2 sis[ter]s & their husbds
03 Lenox SHELDON [c 30 Oct 1688 Uttoxeter, Staffs] ux Joshua DANSER 1729
04 Frances SHELDON ux John FLETCHER 1729 [mar 24 Nov 1720 St. Oswald,
Ashbourne, Derby]
| | | |
04 05==v==06 07==v==08 09==v==10
....| .......|....... ....|.................
| | | | | | |
11==v==12 13==v==14 15==v==16 17 18 19 20
....| ........|.... ....|....
| | | | | |
21 22 23 24 25 26
01 Peter ANDREWS
02 Frances ANDREWS
03 Francis SANDERS of Syersham Esq
04 Francis SANDERS ob s p
05 Dorothy SANDERS ux
06 Anthony BINKS
07 Jane SANDERS ux
08 George ENSOR Esq
09 Mary SANDERS ux
11 William BINKS
12 Hannah HIGGS
13 Frances ENSOR ux
14 Edward Bernard GAGE
15 Edward ENSOR m
16 Jane DUREY
17 William CARTWRIGHT ob s p
18 Mary CARTWRIGHT ux Morse Brook HOLDEN
19 Frances CARTWRIGHT ux Richard DANSER
20 Dorothy CARTWRIGHT ux Jacob DANSER Syersham families?
21 William BINKS of Longford Co Derby baker who now claims 10 Nov 2 rent? &
money? released to DANSER claim to Syersham Est[at]e
22 [unnamed daughter]
23 [unnamed daughter] is livg or left issue
24 [unnamed daughter]
25 James ENSOR of Willencote
26 Job ENSOR ancestor of ENSOR Esq of Rollesby Hall Co Norfolk Burkes
landed family
Leaks M. S. in possn of Mr MACQUEEN of Bakewell anno 1829 I, T N Ince,
copied this ped.
10 Nov 1690 William BINKS of Longford Co Derby Baker for £50 rel[eased]
his share of Manor &c of Syersham to Jacob DANSER.
W BINKS's case with my opinion on it J. HAYNE
[This may be on another page:]
X From Mrs LONGDEN's Abstract of Wirksworth property sold in 1828-_29 Nov 1828
re prop Mrs PAGE. In Mrs LONGDON's books was written Jacob DANSER. Querey was
the ancestor of the above Mrs LONGDON B[y]w[hich] The surname of ths Lady was
communicated to me (TNI) by William BATEMAN Esq of Middleton Hall.
Page 030b (79,97,H929.2/77)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Pedigree of PEARSON & MASON of Bolehill
drawn by T N Ince from abstract of Title to Three Greaves lands sold to
C HURT Esq. Wills of John PEARSON, John & Henry MASON Wirksworth
ch[urch] & ch yd notes, actual knowledge &c.
| |
02==v==03 04
| | |
05==v==06 07==v==08 09
....|................................................. .....|.............
| | | | | | | | |
10==v==11 12 13 14==v==15 16==v==17 18==v==19 20==v==21 22==v== 23==v==24
| | | | | | |
....|............ | ....|.... | ...|......... ..|.......... ....|....
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34==v== 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
01 John PEARSON of Bolehill Wirksworth Yeoman a[nn]o 1725 Purchd Wingfield
Close & Three Greaves lands 1703 Mar a[ge] 25 [mar Ann HALL 24 Sep 1689
02 John PEARSON of Bolehill af[orsaid] Yeom. [c 25 Apr 1675 Wirksworth]
Will 5 May 1765 proved .... 1766 acquired Wingfield Close & 3 Greaves
by his wife on her fa[ther's] death
03 Ellen d of Thomas WINGFIELD the eld of Wirksworth Yeom. Marri[age]
Sett[lement] Apr28/29 1725 [mar 11 May 1725 Wirksworth]
04 Alice PEARSON [c 24 Mar 1700 Wirksworth] mard Anthy CHEATLE of Wirksworth
Butcher She died 7 Mar 1748 aet 48 years
[children of John PEARSON & Ellen WINGFIELD]
05 Elizabeth PEARSON [c 24 Mar 1749 Wirksworth] Devisee of Wingfield &
3 Greaves mar
06 Richard FOWLER of Wirksworth Butcher & Innkeeper [mar 23 Apr 1748
Darley Dale] Testator 23d Nov 1796 ux then living
07 Martha PEARSON [c 24 Jul 1734 Wirksworth] mar
08 William BUSH of Wirksworth Woolcomber [mar 5 Feb 1764 Wirksworth]
09 Anne PEARSON [c 22 Aug 1739 Wirksworth] mard Henry MASON of Bolehill
Mine Agent [mar 15 Oct 1761 Wirksworth] He died 10 Aug 1805 aged 71.
She is still surving. Died 3 May 1831 aged 93.
[children of Elizabeth PEARSON & Richard FOWLER]
10 Ellen FOWLER [c 24 Mar 1749 Wirksworth] mar
11 Richard SMITH of Wirksworth Woolcomber [mar 30 Sep 1770 Wirksworth]
12 Anne FOWLER [c 24 Oct 1750 Wirksworth]
13 Fanny FOWLER [c 2 Jun 1756 Wirksworth] bur Wirksworth 14 May 1771
14 Elizabeth FOWLER [c 25 Apr 1753 Wirksworth] (obt 16 June 1830
aet 21 burd same) m
15 Mr Thomas LOMAS of Wirksworth Gent. [mar 7 Dec 1788 Wirksworth]
16 Martha FOWLER [c 21 Mar 1760 Wirksworth] m
17 Job HIGTON of Wirksworth Miner [mar 6 Nov 1780 Wirksworth]
18 Mary FOWLER [c 14 Apr 1762 Wirksworth] m
19 George TOMLINSON of Wirksworth Miner [mar 8 Dec 1791 Wirksworth]
20 Alice FOWLER [c 22 Feb 1765 Wirksworth] m Ben SPENCER of Wirksworth
butcher [mar 24 Mar 1791 Wirksworth] which B S died 10 Feb 1834 aged 70
21 Ben SPENCER 22 John BUSH of Wirksworth shoemaker [c 16 Sep 1767 Wirksworth]
[mar Ellen CAMPBELL 31 Jan 1791 Wirksworth]
[children of William & Martha]
22 John BUSH of Wirksworth shoemaker
23 Ellen BUSH [c 25 Jan 1765 Wirksworth] Mar
24 Michael WIGLEY of Bolehill Miner
[children of Ellen FOWLER & Richard SMITH]
25 John SMITH [c 12 Jun 1771 Wirksworth]
26 Richard SMITH [c 26 Jul 1776 Wirksworth]
27 Nanny SMITH [c 27 Dec 1781 Wirksworth]
28 Ellen SMITH [c 16 Jun 1786 Wirksworth]
29 Mary SMITH [c 26 Mar 1790 Wirksworth]
[child of Elizabeth FOWLER & Thomas LOMAS]
30 Dorothy LOMAS [c 25 Sep 1813 Wirksworth] only child ux Henry LOMAS
of London Shipbroker [mar 25 Sep 1830 Wirksworth]
[children of Martha FOWLER & Job HIGTON]
31 John HIGTON [c 21 May 1784 Wirksworth]
32 Frances HIGTON [c 22 Feb 1782 Wirksworth]
33 Elizabeth HIGTON [c 14 Sep 1803 Wirksworth]
[child of Mary FOWLER & George TOMLINSON]
34 John TOMLINSON [c 1 Jan 1794 Wirksworth]
[children of Alice FOWLER & Ben SPENCER]
35 Richard [Richard Fowler] SPENCER [c 6 Jan 1804 Wirksworth]
36 Elizabeth SPENCER
37 Ellen SPENCER [c 17 Sep 1797 Wirksworth]
38 Anne SPENCER [c 20 Sep 1801 Wirksworth]
[children of John BUSH & Ellen CAMPBELL]
39 1 Thomas BUSH [c 2 Jan 1793 Wirksworth]
40 2 James BUSH [c 17 Feb 1796 Wirksworth]
41 3 William BUSH [c 16 Sep 1808 Wirksworth]
42 Ellen BUSH [c 16 Seo 1808 Wirksworth]
[children of Ellen BUSH & Michael WIGLEY]
43 [unnamed]
44 [unnamed]
45 [unnamed] all died s p
[child of John TOMLINSON]
46 Anthony TOMLINSON
Pedigree of MASON by T N Ince 1828
| | 03==v== | |
| | | | |
04==05 06==v==07 08==v==09 10==v==11
................|......................................................... ....|...... ....|....
| | | | | | | | | | |
12 13==v==14 15==v==16 17==v==18 19 20==v==21 22 23 24 25 26
.........|....................... ....|.... ....|.... |
| | | | | | | | | | |
27==v==28 29 30 31 32 33==34 35 36 37 38 39
| |
40 41
01 John MASON of Bolehill Yeoman. [c 4 Aug 1708 Wirksworth son of Henry]
will 9 July 1795 Died .... 1975 aet 87
02 Mary da of .... FOX of Starkums Matlock [mar 24 Jun 1730 Wirksworth]
Died 18 Feb 1780 aet 72 Bur at Wirksworth 20th
03 John RIDGARDS of Biggin in Hartington Co Derby Innkeeper & farmer
[children of John MASON & Mary FOX]
04 Henry MASON of Bolehill Gent [c 2 Jan 1734 Wirksworth] Will 10 Dec 1803
died 19 Aug 1805 aet 71 s. p.
05 Anne d of John PEARSON of Bolehill Yeoman [mar 15 Oct 1761 Wirksworth]
died 3 May 1831 aet 93
06 Hannah MASON [c 12 Dec 1740 Wirksworth] mar
07 Isaac RIDGARDS of Wirksworth Innkeeper & Butcher [mar 19 Jan 1764
Wirksworth] both living Oct 1805 Eldest son of his father [#03 above]
08 Elizabeth or Betty MASON [c 2 Mar 1737 Wirksworth] Mar
09 1st Anthy COATES of Cromford [mar 8 Dec 1757 Wirksworth] 2nd to
John CARVER [mar 8 Feb 1783 Wirksworth] Issue See post lib per 151
10 Lydia MASON [c 29 Oct 1731 Wirksworth] m
11 John WIGLEY of Wirksworth Flax dresser [mar 23 Jan 1755 Wirksworth]
[children of Hannah MASON & Isaac RIDGARDS]
12 Elizabeth RIDGARDS ob 13 Nov 1785 aged 3 yrs
13 John RIDGARDS of Wirksworth Butcher El son [c 18 Jan 1769 Wirksworth]
living 1831 at Manchester
14 Phoebe da of Samuel HANSON of Wirksworth Woolcomber [mar 24 Mar 1791
15 Henry RIDGARDS of Wirksworth Butcher [c 22 May 1771 Wirksworth]
died 8 Apr 1820 aet 57 Will 17 Dec 1827
16 Elizabeth only da of Edward HASLAM of Wirksworth Cooper
[mar 4 Feb 1799 Wirksworth] died 28 July 1816 aet 37
17 Thomas RIDGARDS of Wirksworth Butcher [c 13 Sep 1775 Wirksworth]
died 4 Nov 1813 aet 38
18 Sarah [mar 21 Jan 1799 Duffield] died Oct 1: 1819 aet 50 d William SALT of
Wirksworth Miner
19 Mary RIDGARDS [c 2 Jan 1765 Wirksworth] ux Richard ALSOP Wirksworth Wcombr
[mar 5 Oct 1796 Wirksworth]
20 William RIDGARDS of Wirksworth Butcher [c 16 Sep 1778 Wirksworth] went for a Soldier
21 Hannah d James SHELDON Butchr
[children of Elizabeth MASON & Anthony COATES]
22 Samuel COATES [c 4 May 1759 Wirksworth]
23 Henry COATES [c 29 June 1764 Wirksworth]
24 Tacey COATES [c 16 Jan 1761 Wirksworth]
[children of Lydia MASON & John WIGLEY]
25 John WIGLEY [c 25 Feb 1757 Wirksworth] died Sheffield
26 Elizabeth WIGLEY [c 14 Jan 1756 Wirksworth] Mar German BUXTON of
Wirksworth Miner [mar 20 Apr 1779 Wirksworth] bap died s.p. Surviving
[children of John RIDGARDS & HANSON]
27 Isaac RIDGARDS [c 9 Sep 1798 Wirksworth] Eldest
28 Anne d Nath WATERFIELD of Wirksworth [mar 27 Oct 1818 Wirksworth]
29 Elizabeth RIDGARDS ux Isc DIXON [mar 10 Mar 1816 Wirksworth names Isaac HOON]
30 Grace RIDGARDS [c 9 Sep 1804 Wirksworth] ux James SPENCER Middleton
31 Samuel RIDGARDS [c 15 Sep 1805 Wirksworth]
32 Thomas RIDGARDS [c 28 Dec 1816 Wirksworth] = Francis MATHER
[mar 8 Dec 1830 Wirksworth]
33 John RIDGARDS of Manchester
34 Ellen
[children of Henry RIDGARDS & Elizabeth HASLAM]
35 Sarah RIDGARDS [c 8 Jan 1800 Wirksworth] ux Barth MASKREY of Wirksworth
Stone Mason [mar 22 Jan 1823 Wirksworth]
36 Mary RIDGARDS ux Job OGDON of Wirksworth Butcher [mar 21 Aug 1822 Wirksworth]
[children of Thomas RIDGARDS & Sarah SALT]
37 Hannah RIDGARDS [c 13 Sep 1810 Wirksworth]
38 Sarah RIDGARDS [14 Sep 1800 Wirksworth]
[child of William RIDGARDS & Hannah SHELDON]
39 Elizth RIDGARDS [c 13 Sep 1809 Wirksworth]
[children of Isaac RIDGARDS & Anne WATERFIELD]
41 Phoebe RIDGARDS [c 10 Oct 1824 Wirksworth]
Page 030c (77,98,H929.2/78)
Back to MENU Transcribed by John Palmer, Dorset, England
Pedigree of Mr Robert SIMPSON of Wirksworth & Mr James B SIMPSON of
Derby Atty - drawn by T N Ince 7 Aug 1828 from Wirksworth church notes,
relation of Mr Robert SIMPSON himself &c
[scattered notes:]
In 1750 James SIMPSON occupied a house at Millhouse Green
1719 may 7 Peter SIMPSON of parish of Wirksworth & Ellen CURZON of Crich
married at Crich
Adam SIMPSON 1620 had a copyhold rent of 2/4 [2 shillings and 4 pence]
| |
02==v== 03
| | |
04==v== 05==v==06 07==v==
| | |
.................|.. ......|......... ...|............
| | | | | | | |
08==v==09 10 11 12==v==13 14 15==v==16 17==v== 18==v==
| | | | |
.........|............. ..|...................... | ...|...... |
| | | | | | | | | | |
19 20==v==21==v==22 23 24==v==25 26==v== 27 28 29==v==30 31==v== 32==v== 33==v==
| | | | | |
...............|........ ...|............. ...........|............ | | .....|.......
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
34==v==35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45==v==46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
| | | | |
57 58 59 60 61
01 .... SIMPSON of Bonsall
02 .... SIMPSON (came from Bonsall & settled at Wirksworth as thought
old Mr Robert SIMPSON the relator)
03 .... SIMPSON grandfather of Mr Adam SIMPSON Barmaster of ? of Bonsall
which Adam was coz [cousin] to the present Mr Roberts father
[this entry subsequently crossed out]
[children of SIMPSON]
04 Robert SIMPSON of Millhouses Green Wirksworth
05 James SIMPSON of Milnhouses Green Wirksworth 1750
06 .... da of BLYTHE
07 .... SIMPSON
[children of Robert]
08 Robert SIMPSON of Wirksworth hosier died 10 Dec 1797 aet 77
09 Ellen HAYE died 27 March 1793 aet 68 d of ... HAYE of Millhouses Green
10 Samuel
11 John a woolc[ombe]r
12 Joseph SIMPSON of Wirksworth woolcomber
13 Elizabeth d of Philip GELL of Wirksworth Innkeeper
[children of James & BLYTHE]
14 James ob a young man
15 Blithe SIMPSON of Derby a tailor
16 ... da of RICHARDSON of Ticknall
[children of SIMPSON]
17 Samuel SIMPSON of North end Wirksworth own coz to old Potts?
went to Loughbro 1759
18 Richard SIMPSON of Wirksworth
[children of Robert & Ellen]
19 Robert SIMPSON of Wirksworth gent anno 1825 aged 69 years
died 11 July 1831 aged 77 bur at Wirksworth 14th same
20 .... da of ... MARTIN of West Hallam Co Derby
21 Will SIMPSON of Ashby de la Zouch hosier & now 1829 of Matlock
Co Derby Born July 24 1750 died 11 Feb 1835 aged 85
22 Anne d of ... FORRESTER of Hanbury Park Co Stafford
23 John SIMPSON of Wirksworth gent Died 30 Aug 1827 at 58
burd 3 Sep following at Wirksworth
[children of Joseph & Elizabeth]
24 John SIMPSON of Kidderminster woolcomber
25 Sophia ATKINS of Norwich
26 Philip SIMPSON of Sheffield cur[rie?]r
27 Robert SIMPSON of Sheffield currier
28 James ob s.p.[died without issue]
[children of Blithe & RICHARDSON]
29 James SIMPSON of Derby sol[icitor?]
30 Rev John LLOYD of Derby & sis[ter?] of Mr Thomas COX [sic]
[children of Samuel]
31 Samuel Lobro [Loughbro?] woolcomber 1759
32 Thomas
[child of Richard]
33 Richard m Ann d of Robert STORER of Wirksworth woolcomber?
[children of William & Anne]
34 Rev Robert WILLIAMS? of Seckington? nephew & devisee of
Mr Robert SIMPSON 1831 BA
35 Susan youngest d of Alex? SMITH esq of Holly Hall in Yardley
Co Warwick m the 16 Aug 1832
36 James SIMPSON a surgeon
37 George SIMPSON of Sheffield [crossed out] Wirksworth
38 Thomas
39 Jane only daughter
[children of John & Sophia]
40 Joseph aged 23 Sep 1828 & relator of
this part of Pedigree from his grandfather
41 Sampson [sic, a firstname]
42 Robert
43 Phoebe
44 Sophia
[children of James & LLOYD?]
45 James Blythe SIMPSON of Derby sol[icito]r
46 Eliza d John COX of Derby Gent
47 Charles
48 Edward
49 Horatio
50 Margaret
[child of Samuel]
51 Samuel mad [? ? two words unreadable]
[child of Thomas]
52 Mary mard ?
[children of Richard]
53 John Storer SIMPSON breeches maker ob s.p.[died without issue]
54 Elizabeth ux Simon GREGORY of Wirksworth hatter
55 Dorothy ux Samuel WHEATCROFT of Wirksworth joiner
56 Mary ux John COWLISHAW of Wirksworth mason
[children of James & Eliza]
57 John James
58 Mary
59 Eliza Jane
60 George Blythe
61 Alfred Robert
13 Nov 1733 WALTON surr[endere]d D[eath] caus[e] copyhold in Ch[urch] Street
W[irkswor]th to John SALT of [Wirksworth] for life - Rem[ainde]r to Sarah
his wife for [life] - Rem[ainder] s[ee] John's Will. John death presented
& Sarah admitted 31 Oct 1754 - see BRIGHTs MSS [manuscript]
[note in bottom left hand corner of pedigree:]
From drafts & information of Mr Thomas COLLINSON Wirksworth July 1830
T N Ince
| |
.....................| |..........
...|.. ..... |
| | | | |
04 05==v==06 07==v==08 09==v==
| |
.....|......... .....|.....
| | | |
10==v== 11==v== 12==v== 13
| | |
| ..|... ..|...
| | | | |
14==v==15 16 17 18 19
01 John SALT of Wirksworth Innholder (Thorn Tree) & postman
02 Mary da & sister of John ELLOBY of Wirksworth farmer
03 .... TAYLOR of Wirksworth
04 Mary SALT of Wirksworth had £10 a year un[de]r her bro[thers]
Will - living 1792 sold tea & coffee
05 John SALT of Wirksworth postmaster. Will 28 Sep 1780. Codicil June 1784
died 9 Sep 1797 aet 62
06 Mary da of William or John GREATOREX of Bonsall barmaster
devisee in fee under her husbands Will died 8 Jan 1801 aet 73
Mard at Wirksworth anno 1762
07 Hannah da of .... GREATOREX a widow at Hawarden Co Flint 1792
08 .... WOODS of .....
09 Will TAYLOR of Dale Wirksworth Tcrier [Towncrier]
10 John WOODS of Spring Gardens in par[ish] of St Martins in the fields
Co Middlesex Gent 1808 nephew & devisee of Mr SALT
11 Thomas WOODS of living 1792
12 Paul
13 Benjamin
14 Clarinda Woods 1792
15 Robert DOBIE of Tavistock Place London surgeon 1830
16 Mary Anne 1792
17 others 1792
18 Paul
19 William
Page 030d (79,99,H929.2/79)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Pedigree of Mr PAGE Solicitor Wirksworth drawn by T N Ince Wirksworth
Shirland branch corrected by John BENNET May 1830
See also 279
01==v== 02==v==
....| . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....|
| |
03==v==04 05
| |
06==v==07==v==08 09==v==10==v==11
....|............. |....
| | | |
12==v==13 14 15 16==v==17==v==18
....|........................... ..............| |.................................
| | | | | | | | | | | |
19==v==20 21==v==22 23 24 25==v==26 27 28 29 30==v==31 32 33 34==v==35
....|.... ....| ....|
| | | |
36 37 38 39
01 Francis PAGE of Wirksworth
02 William PAGE of W[irksworth]
03 Francis PAGE of Wirksworth Shoemaker Renter of the Market Tolls
Wirksworth Bap 21 Aug 1689: Burd 19 April 1773 as senr
04 Sarah burd July 20 1770
05 Elizabeth bap 27 Oct 1680
[children of Francis PAGE & Sarah]
06 Isaac PAGE of Wirksworth Butcher [c 3 Apr 1717 Wirksworth] Will
8 May 1784 Died 5 July 1786 aet 68? Burd at Wirkswth 7 July 1784 at
West end Wirksworth ch yd
07 ux 1 Mary SADDLER of Allestrey Co Derby died 15 July 1758 aged 26 yrs
burd at Palm Sunday West End Wirksworth ch yd
08 ux 2 Anne surv[ive]d s. p.
09 1 Alice da of ....SPENCER of Wirksworth [mar 9 Jun 1751 Wirksworth
10 Joshua PAGE of Shirland Co Derby Malster [c 25 May 1726 Wirksworth]
died about 1780 bur Shirland
11 [2nd wife] Elizath da of Jonath REDFERNE of Wessington Innkeeper
[mar 26 Apr 1774 Shirland]
[children of Isaac PAGE & Mary SADDLER]
12 Francis PAGE of Wirksworth Butcher. [c 11 Oct 1749 Wirksworth]
Died 2nd Feb 1798
13 Sarah d of Joseph BRADSHAW and Frances of Wirksworth the? baker
[mar 9 Jan 1783 Wirksworth]
14 Esther PAGE [c 29 Jul 1752 Wirksworth as Hester]
ux Mr. Wigley Hayward HODGKINSON of Matlock Gent [mar 30 Jun 1776 Wirksworth]
15 Mary PAGE [c 28 Dec 1747 Wirksworth] ux William JACKSON of Hopton Farmer
[mar 18 Feb 1773 Wirksworth]
[child of Joshua PAGE & Alice SPENCER]
16 ux 1 Catherine PRESTWICH [mar 3 Aug 1777 Shirland] ob 24 Nov 1808 aet 63
da of John PRESTWICH of Higham
17 Isaac Spencer PAGE of Shirland Co Derby [c 16 Mar 1753 Wirksworth]
Gent 0b 24 March 1819 aet 66 bur at Shirland
18 ux 2 Hannah da of George MONKS of Chevin in par[ish]h of Duffield Co Derby
[mar 13 Mar 1813 Shirland]
[children of Francis PAGE & Sarah BRADSHAW]
19 Francis Bradshaw PAGE of Wirksworth Solicitor only son. Bn 23 Dec 1798
died Jany 1844
20 Mary d of late Mr Thomas SMITH of Sedsall in Doveridge Co Derby Gent
Md at Doveridge 24 May 1827
21 Mary PAGE [c 12 Sep 1784 Wirksworth] m at Wirksworth Had £400 by
her grandfather BRADSHAW's Will of 21 Dec 1784
22 Mr John SMITH of Tansley after of Matlock Gent [mar 24 Oct 1805 Wirksworth]
23 Sarah PAGE of Wirksworth [c 3 Sep 1790 Wirksworth] died unmd
24 Hannah PAGE of Wirksworth [c 9 Sep 1792 Wirksworth] died unmd
[children of Isaac Spencer PAGE & Catherine PRESTWICH]
25 Anne PAGE ux
26 John BENNET of Shirland Co Derby [mar 23 Aug 1772 Shirland]
27 John PAGE ob infant
[lines showing a connection between the following children of
Isaac Spencer PAGE & Hannah MONKS are crossed out]
28 1 Thomas PAGE [crossed out] &
29 Ann MONKS al[ia]s PAGE both ob infs
30 3 Charlotte MONKS alias PAGE of age a[nn]o 1821 [mar 14 Jun 1836 N Wingfield]
31 William HAGGER of Sheffield Spirit Mercht in & at N Wingfield 14 June 1836
Took the name of PAGE by R S M
32 4 Emily PAGE
33 5 Hariot Spencer PAGE mard at Shirland 10 May 1852
34 Hannah Spancer PAGE yo[ungest] d[aughter]
35 John Towlerton LEATHER Esqu Leventhorpe Hall Swillington Co York
Civil Engineer 2 children
[children of Francis Bradshaw PAGE & Mary SMITH]
36 Francis PAGE bn at Wirksworth 10 June 1830 bap there August followg
37 .... PAGE daur bn .... June 1840
[child of Anne PAGE & John BENNET]
38 John BENNET the relator & corrector of Ped of P[AGE] of S[hirland]
[child of Charlotte PAGE & William HAGGER]
39 Charlotte HAGGER mard at Morton Co Derby 13 June 1860 George Oldham LIDDALL Esq of Alfreton Co Derby
Page 031a (80,100,H929.2/80)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Pedigree of Daniel SLACK of Wirksworth Butcher,
drawn by Thomas Norris Ince from a bundle of deeds relating to SLACKS property
at Middleton, Wills &c
| |
03==v== 04==v==05
....| ....|..........
| | | |
06==v== 07 08 09
| | | | |
10==v==11 12==v==13 14==v==15 16 17
| ....|.... ....|...........
| | | | | |
| 18 19 20 21 22==v==23
....|.................................. |
| | | | | | | |
24==v==25==v==26 27 28 29 30 31 32 |
....|........... ....|....
| | | | | |
33 34 35 36 37 38
01 John SLACK of Middleton by Wirksworth Yeoman first purchased Made his will
12 Apr 1734 died bef 2 Apr 1748 on which date office copy of his Will
is extracted from Lichf[ield]
02 Anne mentd in her husbs Will died bef 22 Feb 1765
03 Jonathan SLACK of Middleton aforesaid Yeoman only son & heir an annuity &
joint Executor of his father's Will dead before 22 Feb 1765
04 Anne SLACK mard at Atlow 21 Apr 1716 to
05 Christopher TOMLINSON of Atlow Co Derby Farmer both dead bef 22 Feb 1765
06 Daniel SLACK of Middleton afs Yeom [c 10 Aug 1743 Wirksworth] only son
& heir at law &c 28, 29 Nov 1791 convey his propy to Trustee for himself
for life. Rem[ainde]r to his childn. [mar Elizabeth RAINES 17 Apr 1769
Wirksworth] He died 6 Apr 1828 & bur 9th. Will .... prov at Lich[field]
by his base son & heir William Slack WHEELDON: 20 Apr 1828 [Daniel SLACK mar
Sarah WHEELDON 1 May 1792 Wirksworth] [Wm WHEELSON c 27 May 1792
[children of Anne SLACK & Christopher TOMLINSON]
07 John TOMLINSON Atlow Farmer
08 Thomas TOMLINSON of Derby malster
09 Ellen TOMLINSON ux William WEBSTER of Haslam Farmer she died bef 1765 husb
survg. All 3 on 22 Feb 1765 release leg[acie]s to Daniel SLACK
[children of Daniel SLACK]
10 Daniel SLACK of Wirksworth Butcher [c 2 Mar 1770 Wirksworth] died before
11 Ellen d of Joseph COLLINSON of Wirksworth Joiner
[mar 9 Apr 1795 Wirksworth]
12 Josiah SLACK of Middleton Butcher [c 26 Jan 1774 Wirksworth]
13 Mary JEPSON [mar 16 Apr 1800 Wirksworth]
14 John SLACK of Middleton Husbandman livg 1791. [c 23 Oct 1771 Wirksworth]
Died [bur 29 Mar 1802 Wirksworth]
15 Grace SPENCER of Middleton [mar 12 Dec 1796 Wirksworth] mard 2
Jos[eph] BUCKLEY of Middleton [mar 15 Dec 1803 Wirksworth]
16 Anne SLACK [c Nancy SLACK 15 Sep 1776 Wirksworth] ux Ben DOXEY of
Middleton afs Miner [mar 13 Dec 1804 Wirksworth]
17 Elizabeth SLACK [c 9 Sep 1781 Wirksworth] wife of Thomas MOORE of Middleton
Miner [mar 1 Jun 1803 Wirksworth]
[children of Josiah SLACK & Mary JEPSON]
18 Josiah SLACK of Middlton miner [c 15 Sep 1802 Wirksworth]
19 Elizabeth SLACK [c 31 May 1801 Wirksworth] ux Thomas BROUNT of Bonsall
[mar 20 Nov 1815 Wirksworth]
[children of John SLACK & Grace SPENCER]
20 John SLACK only son [c 18 Sep 1799 Wirksworth] ob bef his grandfar s. p.
21 Elizabeth SLACK [c 1 Jun 1798 Wirksworth] Mar Gilbert HALL of Middleton
Miner [mar 18 Apr 1816 Wirksworth] now 1828 entitled to a moiety of her
father's share
22 Hannah SLACK [c 16 Sep 1801 Wirksworth] died before her grandfar. mard
23 John DOXEY of Middleton Miner [mar 8 Mar 1824 Wirksworth]
[children of Daniel SLACK & Ellen COLLINSON]
24 ux 1
25 Daniel SLACK Jun of Bolehill in Wirksworth Butcher 1828 [c 20 Aug 1797 Carsington]
26 ux 2 .... [Mary] d of .... SMITH of Tissington [mar 15 Mar 1827 Wirksworth]
27 Francis SLACK [c 18 Aug 1799 Carsington] ob 8 June 1824 s. p.
28 Edward SLACK of Wirksworth Butcher [c 14 Sep 1803 Wirksworth]
29 Ellen SLACK bn .... [c 13 Sep 1809 Wirksworth] mard at Wirksworth 30 June 1830
Thomas Twigge WHEATCROFT of Sheffield Butcher
30 George SLACK [c 2 Sep 1812 Wirksworth]
31 Hannah SLACK [c 26 Jun 1816 Wirksworth]
32 Sarah SLACK [c 3 Oct 1824 Wirksworth]
[children of Daniel SLACK & ux 1]
33 Sarah SLACK
34 Henry SLACK
35 Joseph SLACK
36 Frances SLACK
[children of Hannah SLACK & John DOXEY]
37 Grace DOXEY a[nn]o 1828 under age entitled to the moiety of her
grandfather's share
38 Hannah DOXEY died bef her greatgrandfather s. p.
Page 031b (81,101,H929.2/81)
Back to MENU Transcribed by John Palmer, Dorset, England
Pedigree of John SIMS of Wirksworth tailor taken at his relation when
84 years old by T N Ince of Wirksworth anno 1830
| | |
02==v==03 04 05
| | | | |
06==v==07==v==08 09 10 11 12
| |
..........................|.. .|...............
| | | | | | | | | | | |
13==14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
01 John SIMS
02 Robert SIMS of Frichley in Crich mason. Contracts for & built
W Leacrofts house bottom of Greenhill Wirksworth. Died about 1754
03 Anne BEIGHTON of Brackenfield
04 Job SIMS Wash Green Wirksworth (see p 16 this book) [see page 008c]
05 John SIMS Wash Green Wirksworth mason
06 Dorothy da George REPTON of Carsington
07 John SIMS of Wirksworth tailor aged 8 years when his father died.
The Relator at 84 anno 1830. Born about 1746.
Died 31 Jan 1834 aged 88 years
08 Sarah da of ... MOULD of Ashleyhay
09 Isaac both died young
10 James ditto
11 Sarah md Samuel WALKER of Alderwasley
12 Anne Mar George FISHER of Denby
13 John SIMS of London tailor
15 Dorothy md Edward PACEY of Nottingham
16 Samuel of London tailor
17 Joseph all s.p.[no issue]
18 Robert ditto
19 Robert ditto
20 James SIMMS of Wirksworth tailor
21 Ann ux Benjamin BURTON of Wirksworth miner
22 Job died s.p.[no issue]
23 Sarah Mar John LAND of Wirksworth blacksmith
24 Isaac both s.p.[no issue]
25 William ditto
[this pedigree is drawn next to 01 of the above pedigree,
but there is no obvious connection with it. It was drawn in
an older shakier hand]
| | | | | | |
03 04 05 06 07 08 09
01 John SIMS of Ashleyhay 1727
02 Dorothy ob 1756
03 Hannah ux John WIGLEY 1756 & 1771
04 John SIMS & Dinah his ux el[dest] s[on] & heir 1751 aliens 1757
05 Dorothy ob before 1756 had a child Hannah
06 Job SIMS living 1756
07 Robert SIMS had a son & heir 1756 John
08 Carsia ux Thomas WIGLEY 1756
09 Dorothy ux Mr HEAPY of Walston 1756
Pedigree of the family of George SMITH of Bolehill Wirksworth besom maker
taken at his relation 17 June 1830 by T N Ince
| |
.............|.. .|..........
| | | | |
04==v==05 06 07 08==v==09 10==v==11
| | | | | | | | |
12 13 14 15 16==v==17 18 19 20 21==v==22
| |
....|... ..............|..
| | | | | | |
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
01 Thomas SMITH of Ascar near Sandyford Alderwasley farmer
02 Elizabeth SMITH of Belper Lane 1st ux
03 Keziah d of ... STARBUCK of Shottle sister of William & John STARBUCK
died in childbed of George
04 Thomas SMITH Ashleyhay farmer & eldest son
05 .....
06 Joice one of these mard to Nottingham
07 Elizabeth ditto
08 William SMITH Alderwasley farmer died aet 84 about 1804
09 Mary d Nathaniel VICKERS of Alderwasley farmer survived her husband
10 George SMITH Toadmore Heage
11 Sarah MARTIN of Crich
12 1 John SMITH all died s.p.[no issue]
13 6 William ditto
14 8 Dorothy ditto
15 9 Lydia ditto
16 7 George SMITH of Bolehill Wirksworth besom maker sometime of Hardhurst
& Alderwasley. The Relator of this pedigree & aged 84 anno 1830
Dead 15 Sep 1835 aged 89
17 Martha da Thomas NEWTON Alderwasley
18 2 Anne ux Edward GREATOREX of Sudbury farmer.
She died in Mich[lemas]s 1829 aged 97
19 4 Mary ux Joshua BLASEDALE of Pinxton collier
20 5 Hannah ux Richard WILD of Brassington. If living at Sudbury she is
now aged 87 years
21 3 Elizabeth ux Thomas MARCHANT
22 Thomas MARCHANT of Alderwasley
23 Mary SMITH Mar 1 William CARTER of Tamworth bricklayer had issue &
Mar 2 Will STORER of Wirksworth senr joiner
24 Ann Smith ux Samuel DAWSON of Kirk Ireton
& now 1830 Bolehill Wirksworth labourer
25 George
26 John
27 Mary
28 Hannah
29 William MARCHANT
[the pedigree below is drawn next to 25 in the pedigree above,
but there is no obvious connection with it]
| | | |
02 03 04 05
01 Thomas MARCHANT
02 George
03 Edward
04 William
05 Thomas
Page 031c (82,102,H929.2/82)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Pedigree of FLINT of Lea & Holloway from a draft deed of Release 1778
by T N Ince 19 June 1830
| |
02==v==03 04
| | | |
05==v== 06 07 08
..............................|........................... . . . .
| | | | | | | |
09 10==v== 11==v== 12 13 14==v== 15 16
| ....|.... ....|....
| | | | |
| 17 18 19 20
| | | | | | | | |
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29==v==30
| | | | |
31==v== 32==v==33 34 35 36
| |
| |
37 38
01 George FLINT of Lea Yeoman a[nn]o 1672 purchd lands Halloway of
John HAMSTEAD of Little Hallam Gt. afs in 1661 had bo? of John AMATT of
Crich Will dated 4 Aug 1683
02 Henry FLINT of Lea son a Yeoman Son & dev[is]ee a[nn]o 1683. Will dated
28 Feb:1703
03 Mary his wife
04 George FLINT an ann[uitan]t of £40/a year unr his father's Will
05 Henry FLINT of Lea Co Derby Farmer.
[mar Dorothy GREATREX 29 Oct 1698 Crich]
Made a Will. Dead bef 1760 Son & devisee Will dated 6 March 1744
06 John FLINT 1703 a legatee of £5
07 Lydia FLINT a legatee of £15
08 Mary FLINT a legatee of £40 a[nn]o 1703
09 Henry FLINT of Lea Yeoman [c 1706 Ashover] will dated 21 Apr 1760
pro[ved] Lichfd 20 Apr 1763
10 John FLINT of Nether Holloway ob Nov 1769
11 Will FLINT of Lea Co Derby Farm a trustee & Exor of his bro
[mar Jane BLANKSBY 13 Feb 1740 Crich]
12 Joseph FLINT
13 George FLINT of Lea Laborer has an anny of 3/ [shillings?] a wk
14 Mary FLINT ux .... BABFORD 12 Apr 1760
15 James FLINT of South Wingfield 1744 & 1760
16 William FLINT Tansley his brother in law 1760
[children of William FLINT & Jane BLANKSBY]
17 Pheobe FLINT 1760 [c 29 Dec 1745 Ashover]
18 William FLINT junr [c 28 Sep 1743 Ashover] childn of William 1778
[children of James FLINT]
19 .... el son
20 Lydia FLINT [niece?] of Henry 12 Apr 1760
[children of John FLINT]
21 Joseph FLINT a[nn]o 1744 has £20
22 Lydia FLINT livg 1744
23 Rachael FLINT 1744 & 1760
24 Samuel FLINT of N Holloway Husbandman nep & trustee in the will of
Henry FLINT joins uncles Trustee & 4 sisters in conveying lands at Holloway
to his bro John FLINT 2 Jany 1778
25 1 Rebeckah FLINT [c 30 Nov 1744 Matlock] ux George ROBINSON of
Grantham Co Linc Meln? 1778 [mar 5 Sep 1774 Wirksworth]
26 4 Elizabeth FLINT ux William HOLMES of N Holloway Woodman 1778
[mar 10 Sep 1767 Mansfield Woodhouse Notts]
27 5 Dorothy FLINT of N H 1778 [c 30 Aug 1752 Matlock]
28 Hannah FLINT of S Normanton 1778
29 1 John FLINT of Lea Farmer purchd 2 Jany 1778 of Holl[owa]y Will
24 Dec 1818 pro Lich[field] 20 Apr 1819
30 Anne ?? 1827
[children of John FLINT & Ann]
31 John FLINT of Holloway only son 1819
32 .... ux
33 .... GAUNT
34 Hannah FLINT ux .... WRIGHT
35 Truth FLINT [c 16 Apr 1769 Ashover] ux MASSCEY?
[mar 5 May 1788 S. Wingfield]
36 Anne FLINT ux Olliver? SHEAR?
[child of John FLINT]
37 John FLINT of Alfreton Laborer grandson & devee 1818
[child of .... FLINT & .... GAUNT]
38 John GAUNT of Holloway Shoemaker grandson & devisee 1818
See Case & opin of Mr FEARN on Henry FLINT's title to lands at Holloway
1778 continued drawn? by T N Ince 1880
| | | |
03==v==04 05==v== 06 07
| | | : | | | |
08 09 10==v==11 12 13 14 15
| | |
16==v==17==v==18 19 20
01 Anthy FLINT of Upper Holloway Yeoman. seized of premises there.
died bef 1778
02 Elizabeth d of Exupery BROWNE a sellt made on his marriage
03 Henry FLINT of Bonsall Blacksmith El son 1778 died 23 May 1792 aged 75
04 Dorothy sis of Mr Adam SIMPSON of Bonsall Gt.
[mar 3 Oct 1740 Thorpe by Ashbourne] died 21 July 1793 aged 75
05 William FLINT several childn 1778
06 Thomas FLINT
07 Elizabeth FLINT mard & several childn 1778
[children of Henry FLINT & Dorothy SIMPSON]
08 Elizabeth FLINT daur ux William MARPLE of Bonsall [mar 9 Aug 1762 Bonsall]
09 Grace FLINT daur ux Thomas BRACE of Bonsall [mar 8 Feb 1768 Bonsall]
10 Henry FLINT of Bonsall Blacksmith of full age 1778 only son & heir
& feoffor of 2 shops at Bonsall 1805 [c 18 Jan 1754 Bonsall]
died 4 Dec 1815 aet 64 Will 1 Jany 1813
11 Betty d of FLINT his cos [mar 22 Oct 1783 Bonsall]
[a dotted line connects Betty to William FLINT # 05 above]
12 Dorothy FLINT [c 26 May 1760 Bonsall] died 17 Jany 1758 aet 17
13 Mary FLINT ux Job MARPLE of Bonsall [mar 18 Apr 1773 Bonsall]
14 Sarah FLINT [c 27 Mar 1759 Bonsall] ux Samuel PRINCE of Bonsall
[mar 10 Oct 1773 Bonsall]
15 Dorothy FLINT ux Sam PRINCE of Bonsall
[children of Henry FLINT & Betty FLINT]
16 Thomas FLINT of Bonsall Gent sometime of Manchester died 4 March 1823
aet 33 s p livg a W[idower] son & dev[is]ee & he[ir] at law 14 June 1816
Will dated 10 Feb 1823
17 Mary his ux 1824
18 after Mar .... ELSE of Holloway
19 William Henry FLINT [c 21 Aug 1796 Bonsall] died 18 Apr 1799 aet 74 as junr
20 Alice FLINT died 5 Apr 1803 aged 9 yrs
| |
02 03==v==04
01 James FLINT of Holloway in par Ashover Taylor
02 George FLINT of Rings Swinford Co Staff Pot Maker El son & heir ob s p
bef 1787
03 James FLINT of Holloway Tailor bro & heir. Feoffor 1787
04 Mary
05 Thomas FLINT of Holloway Laborer Eld son. Feoffee 1787
4 Feb 1635 Thomas FLINT Gent & Abigail his wife & Doroty FLINT surrd
copyho[ld] Est[ate] at Matlock to John STEVENSON wife who settd a recovery
of 20d in Matlock. William STEVENSON demit? had seizin in fee & Margery his
wife a[nn]o 1661. Their dau & heir Dorothy ux William SAVILLE sett 10 Apr 1661
Death presented 1720. Their issue 2 sons John S[TEVENSON] presented
heir 1726 and George SAVILLE Esq
Page 031d (83,103,H929.2/83)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Pedigree of Stephen OGDON of Wirksworth taken at his relation
by T N Ince 31 May 1830
| | | |
03==v==04 05 06 07==v==08
| |
........................................................................|...... ......|............................
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
09==v==10 11==v==12 13==v==14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25==v==26 27==v==28 29==v==30 31 32
| | | | | |
.............|.. .....|........................ ....|............................. ........|........ | .......|......
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42==v==42a 43 44 45 46 47==v==48 49==v==50 51==v==52 53 54 55==v==56 57 58 59 60 61==62 63 64 65
| | | | |
..|.. ............|.... ..|.. ....|................ |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
01 John OGDON of Wirksworth Miner [c 13 Sep 1692 Wirksworth son John]
02 Mary COLLEGE query [mar 17 Jun 1717 Wirksworth]
03 John OGDON Wirksworth Miner El son [c 29 May 1718 Wirksworth]
died 9th Nov 1783 aet 65
04 Alice da of WARDLE of Tideswell [mar 11 May 1744 Wirksworth]
05 William OGDON of Wirksworth Miner [c 26 Nov 1725 Wirksworth]
ob paups dom [in a paupers home?] unmard
06 Stephen OGDON [c 24 Jan 1728 Wirksworth] died young
07 James OGDON of Wirksworth Miner 2d son [c 25 Dec 1719 Wirksworth]
08 Mary only da of Joseph LEE of Hopton Co Derby [mar 13 Sep 1748 Wirksworth]
[children of John OGDON & Alice WARDLE]
13 children whose births were entered in an old Bill Book or Ledger
penes [in the possession of] W OGDON 24 Aug 1840
09 John OGDON Wirksworth Butcher. Bn Oct 15 1753. Will 2:Feb:1828.
died 11th Jan 1829 aet 75
10 Sarah d of Michael GIBBONS of Wirksworth Blacksmith
[mar 15 Sep 1790 Wirksworth]
11 William OGDON of Wirksworth Butcher Bn 13 Feb 1757.
died 22 Feb 1833 aged 76
12 Rebeckah da of Samuel WALKER of Matlock Co Derby Dyer ob 27 Aug 1844
aet 84 [mar 6 Jul 1788 Matlock]
13 Francis OGDON of Wirksworth Butcher Bn in July 1759. died 26 Dec 1820
aet 61
14 Elizabeth d of Ann SIMS of Wash Green Wirksworth
[mar 27 Mar 1788 Wirksworth]
15 Mary OGDON bn Dec 9.1744
16 Elizabeth OGDON bn 22 May 1746
17 Alice OGDON bn 16 Mar 1748
18 Anne OGDON bn 16 Mar 1749
19 Sarah OGDON bn Oct 17:1751
20 Temperence OGDON bn 19 Jany 1755
21 Patience OGDON bn 20 Jan 1754
22 Dorothy OGDON bn 3 May 1758
23 Benjamin OGDON bn 23 Dec 1762
24 Frances OGDON bn 14 Dec 1765
[children of James OGDON & Mary LEE]
25 Stephen OGDON of Wirksworth Woolcomber the Poet &
Relator of his ped bn Shrove Tuesday 19 Feb:1751 (o s)
26 Mary eld d Thomas BRIERLEY Wirksworth Laborer Mard 2 Feb 1778
27 John OGDON Wirksworth Woolcomber [c 11 Jul 1753 Wirksworth]
28 Ruth d of BRAILSFORD [mar 11 Aug 1784 Wirksworth]
29 James OGDON Wirksworth Woolcomber [c 25 Jun 1760 Wirksworth]
30 Hannah d Robert HILL of Wirksworth Miner & Beadle [mar 4 Apr 1782 Wirksworth]
31 Anne OGDON [c 31 Oct 1755 Wirksworth] ux Thomas LEVY of Wirksworth Tailor
[mar 20 Oct 1788 Wirksworth]
32 Jane OGDON died infant [bur 8 Aug 1758 Wirksworth]
[children of John OGDON & Sarah GIBBONS]
33 Joseph OGDON of Wirksworth Butcher [c 10 Jan 1796 Wirksworth]
34 Sarah OGDON [c 5 Apr 1801 Wirksworth]
35 Charles OGDON [c 15 Sep 1805 Wirksworth]
36 Henry OGDON [c 25 Apr 1802 Wirksworth]
37 Thomas OGDON [c 22 Sep 1793 Wirksworth]
38 George OGDON [c 13 May 1808 Wirksworth]
[children of William OGDON & Rebeckah WALKER]
39 Samuel OGDON [c 29 May 1791 Wirksworth] ob unmd 6 Dec 1821 aet 30
40 Hannah OGDON [c 17 Sep 1794 Wirksworth] ob Feb 4=1829 aet 48
mard Samuel CHAMBERS of Nottingham
41 John OGDON Wirkswth Butcher [c 18 Sep 1796 Wirksworth]
42 William OGDON of Wirksworth Butcher [c 12 Sep 1798 Wirksworth] mard his
cousin Sarah d of Francis WALKER of Wirksworth [mar 26 Dec 1832 Darley Dale]
43 Anne OGDON [c 17 Sep 1794 Wirksworth] ux David DOXEY Wirksworth Butcher
[mar 7 Nov 1827 Wirksworth]
44 Alice OGDON [c 10 Nov 1802 Wirksworth]
45 Sarah OGDON [c 20 Jan 1793 Wirksworth]
46 Lydia OGDON [c 15 Sep 1800 Wirksworth]
[children of Francis OGDON & Elizabeth SIMS]
47 Francis OGDON Wirksworth Butcher [c 20 Jan 1793 Wirksworth]
48 Mary d of Jacob POYSER [mar 3 Feb 1824 Wirksworth]
49 Job OGDON Wirksworth Butcher [c 17 Jan 1798 Wirksworth]
50 Mary d of Henry RIDGARDS [mar 21 Aug 1822 Wirksworth]
51 Thomas OGDON Wirksworth Innkeeper & Butcher [c 16 Sep 1801 Wirksworth]
52 Sarah [actually Ann] d Matthew RYLEY of Wirksth Hatter
[mar 14 Sep 1825 Wirksworth]
53 Ann OGDON [c 17 Oct 1790 Wirksworth] ux William POTTER of Wirksworth Plasterer
[mar 16 Sep 1816 Wirksworth]
54 Elizabeth OGDON [c 18 Sep 1805 Wirksworth] ux Abernathan HAWLEY of Wth
[mar 3 May 1827 Wirksworth]
[children of Stephen OGDON & Mary BRIERLEY]
55 John OGDON Chesterfield born 17 July 1778
56 Elizth WRAGG [mar 1 Nov 1807 Chesterfield]
57 Mary OGDON ux Thomas LOWDE of Chesterfield, bn 20 Apr 1780
[mar 4 Mar 1811 St. Mary Guildford Surrey]
58 Stephen OGDON bn 17 July 1781
59 Hellen OGDON died young [bur 18 Nov 1783 Wirksworth]
[child of John OGDON & Ruth BRAILSFORD]
60 Mary OGDON [c 11 Sep 1785 Wirksworth] ux .... of Derby
[children of James OGDON & Hannah HILL]
61 John OGDON of the Dale Wirksworth Laborer [c 18 Sep 1782 Wirksworth]
62 Elizth d of Job DUDSON of Wirksth Miner [mar 5 Nov 1806 Wirksworth]
63 Mary OGDON [c 18 May 1794 Wirksworth] ux George THOMPSON of Dale Wirksworth Miner
64 Elizth OGDON [c 17 Sep 1797 Wirksworth] ux William SMITH of Wirksworth Woolcomber
65 Hannah OGDON [c 24 Oct 1790 Wirksworth] ux John WIGLEY of Wirksworth
[mar 18 Jun 1810 Wirksworth]
[children of William OGDON & Sarah WALKER]
66 Francis OGDON
67 William OGDON [c 15 Jun 1834 Wirksworth]
[children of Francis OGDON & Mary POYSER]
68 Francis OGDON [c 16 Sep 1825 Wirksworth]
69 Thomas OGDON [c 10 Nov 1828 Wirksworth]
70 Mary OGDON [c 1 Apr 1827 Wirksworth]
71 Eliza[beth] OGDON [c 22 Jun 1831 Wirksworth]
72 Hannah OGDON
[children of Job OGDON & Mary RIDGARDS]
73 Edward OGDON [c 12 Sep 1824 Wirksworth]
74 Job OGDON [c 11 Sep 1825 Wirksworth]
[children of Thomas OGDON & Ann RYLEY]
75 Samuel OGDON [c 12 Feb 1826 Wirksworth]
76 Thomas OGDON [c 2 Dec 1827 Wirksworth]
77 Mary Anne OGDON [c 25 Oct 1829 Wirksworth]
78 Eliza OGDON [c 20 Apr 1834 Wirksworth]
79 Rebeckah OGDON
80 Millicint OGDON ob s p
[child of John OGDON & Elizabeth WRAGG]
81 Stephen OGDON
Page 032a (84,104,H929.2/84)
Back to MENU Transcribed by John Palmer, Dorset, England
Pedigree of the late Mr Joseph MATHER of Wirksworth taken by T N Ince 1830
from memorandums & sketch ped[igree] thereof made by Mr R Ince 1828 from the information
of Mr James FROST of London
| ...|................
| | |
04==v==05 06==v==07 08==v==09
| | |
..|... | ..|........
| | | | | |
10 11 12==v==13==v== 14 15 16
| | | | | | | | |
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
01 Martha da of ... WIGLEY of Middleton 1st ux
02 Joseph MATHER of Wirksworth miner seized of freehold & copyhold in Dale
which he devised by Will dated ... Died 18 Dec 1775 aet 65
03 Elizabeth VALLANCE died 8 Jan 1792 aet 85 da of Edmund VALLANCE
of Wirksworth miner [& collier?]
04 Martha
05 John KNOWLES of Wirksworth miner in the Dale
06 Joseph MATHER of Wirksworth Inn keeper (Miners Standard)
Died 21 Jan 1815 [changed to 5, confirmation entry following]
Died 21 Jan 1815
07 Elizabeth da of Job HIGTON of Wirksworth miner
08 Anne MATHER d & devisee
09 Isaac FROST of Morley Park farmer seized sui furis of a copy hold
? in Dale. Will 29 Apr 1817
10 Mary Mar Job DUDSON Wirksworth
11 Anthony
12 Elizabeth only da & heiress of Joseph MATHER 2 wife
13 Edward JACKSON of Wirksworth aforesaid auctioneer son of W JACKSON of
Peak Forest farmer died Feb 1845 aet 79 years
14 James FROST of St John's Square Clerkenwell Co Middlesex brass founder
heir & devisee
15 Elizabeth devisee of copyhold house in Dale
16 Anne ditto
17 Joseph Mather JACKSON of Wirksworth auctioneer 1832 died at Peak Forest
7 Jan 1835 aged 36 years s.p.[no issue]
18 John Holt JACKSON
19 Thomas JACKSON
20 Edward JACKSON of Stockport Hat dealer &c
21 Eliza ux Sam SILKSTON of Wirksworth miner
22 Ellen ux ... BARBER of Tideswell druggist
23 Jane ux ... BARLOW of Stockport bookseller & printer
24 Martha ux .... JACKSON a hatter
25 Dorothy
Pedigree of Mr Thomas NEWTON of Wirksworth malster &c by T N Ince June 1830
from relation of George SMITH of Bolehill - churchyard notes at Wirksworth &c
| |
03==v======04======v==05 06
| |
..................|.. .|................
| | | | | | | |
07 08 09 10 11 12==v==13==v==14 15 16
| |
17 18==v==19
01 Thomas NEWTON of Alderwasley came from Stoney Middleton to Wirksworth
as an ore fagger for F HURT of Alderwasley Died 21 Oct 1792 aged 73
burd at Wirksworth
02 Mary COCKER of Calver Co Derby da of .... Burd at Wirksworth 30 Oct 1784
03 Sarah da of Henry BROCKLEHURST senr of Alderwasley farmer 1st ux
died 27 Oct 1784 aet 39
04 Thomas NEWTON of Wirksworth joiner & malster. Collector of [assessed?]
taxes &c Parch Malt house & premises anno 1781. Will dated 18 Aug 1810
proved Lichfield 4 March 1811. Died 15 Oct 1810 aged 62
05 Mary da of Anthony BEALY of Rise End near Wirksworth blacksmith & sister
of Anne 2nd ux proved her husbands Will & died 15 Dec 1829 aged 80
06 Martha NEWTON mard George SMITH of Alderwasley & after of Wirksworth
07 Elizabeth ux Richard STANSBY of Ockbrook Co Derby
08 Sally housekeeper at Locke Park 1830
09 Thomas burd Wirksworth 9 May 1781 died 7 May 1781 aet 16 months
10 Sarah ob 17 Apr 1781 aet 3 years burd 19th
11 Henry ob 2 Jan 1787 aet 5 years
12 Eliza Mary? of Wirksworth
13 Thomas NEWTON of Wirksworth malster & cabinet maker a Burgess of Derby
by apprenticeship. Surrenderee of copyhold Deans Manor Wirksworth
from his father Trustees for sale 9 Jun 1830
14 Anne da Richard SPENCER of Spoat Ashleyhay yeoman
15 Mary 2nd ux to Mr John WHEATCROFT of Cromford merchant
16 Anne ob 6 Dec 1793 aged 4 years
17 Mary bn Mar 15 1831
18 Thomas NEWTON el son bn Aug 1832 md ? 30 Apr 1863
by Colander? East Parade Chapel
19 Martha el da John Walls? SMITH of Leicester sister of the Town Clerk there
Page 032b (85,105,H929.2/85)
Back to MENU Transcribed by John Palmer, Dorset, England
Ex form [from the words of] Mrs Geo. BUXTON 7 Jun 1830 T N I [T N Ince]
| |
02==v==03 04==v==
| |
..........................|..... ..|........
| | | | | | |
05==v==06==07 08 09==v== 10 11 12 13
| |
.....|................ |
| | | |
14==v==15 16==17 18 19
| | | |
20==v==21 22 23 24==25
01 CLAY of Co Derby
02 ... CLAY of Hardstaff in Ault Hucknall
03 ... dau of Cornelius FARR of Bolsover Gent sister of Mrs HOLLAND of Ford
04 ... CLAY
05 John CLAY Hardstaff Gent mard 1st Mary dau of HILL of Tibshelf had no issue
06 Susana da of Rev Edmund MEYMOTT after Mr CLAYs death & before 2nd marriage
had a na[tu]rl son Salah CLAY of Sheffield w[hite]smith mard & has issue
07 John BENNET Markeaton farmer 2nd husband
08 Thomas CLAY Alfreton Attorney ob unmarried
09 Robert CLAY died abroad
10 Amelia ux STUBBING
11 Francis CLAY of Bonsall married twice
12 Thomas CLAY of Higham
13 .... ux BRAILSFORD of Matlock
14 John CLAY of Hardstaff farmer ob 20 Jun 1804
15 Ann dau of Benjamin ROUTH of Shelton
16 Sampson CLAY of Hardstaff farmer 1830 s.p.[no issue] ob 28 Oct 1832
17 Mary dau William & Elizabeth STRAW of Tibshelf survived
18 Susan ux George BUXTON of Middleton. The Relator
19 Corinna ux Thomas MASON of Doncaster
20 Mary ux William WILSON Hardstaff dead
21 William WILSON of Hardstaff
22 Phebe ux ... JACSON Sutton in Ashfield
23 Anne ux ... BESTALL Sutton in Ashfield
24 Samson CLAY Hardstaff yeoman
25 .... dau of Joseph DANNAH of Pilsley N Wingfield
26 son
[There is a pencilled note on the RHS in a different hand:]
In Reliquary Jan 1870 Ped [facing?]page 145. 2 vol. LORD & CLAY
Page 032c (-,106,H929.2/86)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
1 moiety of a 3d pt of the man[or] of Osmaston & 198 a[cres] &
3 mess[uag]es M JOHNSON sui juris [of his own right]
1/5th of an 3d pt arm JOHNSON in her right
1 moiety of a 3d pt Samson WHITE sui juris 2/5th of 3 mess[uages] & 105 a[cres] Alfreton
1/5th " " his ux Rebecca
1/5 " " DOWNING & ux
1/5 " " Mrs CLAY
1/5 " " Miss Mary MEYMOTT
1/5 of ano und 3d JOHNSON & ux
1/5 " " WHITE & ux
1/5 " " DOWNING & ux
1/5 " " CLAY
1/5 " " MEYMOTT
WHITE & ux have all the Manor of Osmaston cum puts [with appurtanences]
All that mess[uages] & or capital mansion or manor house situated in Osmaston
aforesaid with the outbuildings & appurts th[ere]to belong - 2 Cottages & garden
| |
02==v==03 04==v==
....|....................... |
| | | | | |
05==v==06 07 08 09 10 11==v==
....|.... |
| | |
12 13 14
01 George BUXTON of Brass[ingt]on
02 Walter BUXTON of Aldwark
03 .... [Mary] da of .... STONE [mar 6 Feb 1782 Bradbourne]
04 Thomas BUXTON of Brasson
05 Benjamin BUXTON of Aldwark
06 .... [Mary Anne] da of Richard BROME of Elton Baker [mar 28 Jan 1819 Bradbourne]
07 Mary BUXTON m James WOOD of Snelson
08 Alice BUXTON m .... [John] PLATTS of Parwich [mar 10 Sep 1811 Bradbourne]
09 Eliz BUXTON el unmad 1832
10 Dorothy BUXTON m Thomas TORR of Brassington [mar 17 Oct 1821 Brassington]
11 Peter BUXTON
12 Walter BUXTON
13 Benjamin BUXTON
14 Edward BUXTON
Ex[tract] d[raw]n for a Mr ASHTON Winster May 1831
Sent to Mr John DAKEYNE of Darley, Atty at Law Augt 2d
Page 032d (83,107,H929.2/84a)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Some account of the family of STEVENSON formerly of St. Lukes parish
Co Middlesex sent to Mr John DAKEYNE of Darley Atty at Law Augst 2d 1810 by a
Mr MASTERS Surgeon Watford Herts at the reqst of sd Mr John DAKEYNE in a
letter addressed by him to ye Hon & Rev ? William CAFAEL Vicar of Watford.
Samuel STEVENSON formerly of St Lukes parish in Co Middlesex Carpenter had
an only son who left three children. Henry, Elizabeth & Frances. Henry
resides & has done many years at Lechmere Heath in parish of Aldenham
Co Herts & has issue all living seven children viz 1 Samuel Michael, 2 Henry,
3 Christiana, 4 Robert John, 5 Elizabeth Sarah, 6 John Thomas, and
7 Richard Gilders.
Elizabeth STEVENSON sister of said Henry mard the Rev John Lawrence BURGESS she
is now living with her husband at Bethnal Green where they keep an Academy
The said Elizth has issue now alive six children viz John, Olivia, Alice,
Henry, George and William.
Frances STEVENSON sister of said Henry mard Thomas SIMPSON once a Carver & Gilder
who resided near or in Redcross St. in the parish of Saint Lukes Middlesex.
Frances is now dead & had issue.
Watford, Herts
Copied from Mr DAKEYNE's book
by T. N Ince Wirksworth
Co Derby 14 Apr 1824
(X) ELEY of Alport in Youlgreave parish Co Derby from a Monument in Winster
Ch yard Derbyshire. Arms of ELEY theron a fesse engrailed between 6 fleur de
lys Crest a cubit arm erected vested cuffed the hand holding a fleur de lys
William ELEY of Winster a freeholder & voter in 1734.
Copied 26th July 1824 by T N Ince
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
| | |
01==v==02 03 04==v==
....|..................... ....|..........
| | | | | | | |
05 06 07 08 09 10 ==v==11==v==12 13==v==
....| ....| ....|.................
| | | | |
14 15 16==v==17 18 19
| |
20==v==21 22
01 William ELEY of Winster Co Derby Died 16 Sept 1758 Bur in Winster Church
Yard where is a monument for himself ux & children
02 Mary dr of .... BURTON of Winster in there 13 Oct 1725 Died 23 Decr 1773
03 .... brother of William ELEY
04 .... ELEY of
[children of William ELEY & Mary BURTON]
05 William ELEY Esq Principal clerk in Ye Lord CHAMBERLAIN's office died
24 Feby 1773 aged 46 Bur at W[inster] 7 Nov 1727
06 Mary ELEY bap at W. 27th March 1733
07 Martha ELEY bap 16 Feb 1735
08 James ELEY Esq succeeded his brother William as Principal Clerk in ye Lord
CHAMBERLAIN's office Died 5 Sept 1793 aged 55 Bap at Wr 4 Apr 1738
09 Joseph ELEY died 2d Apr 1773 aged 31
10 Ann ELEY died 6 July 1774 aged 48 years. Bap at Wr 10 Oct 1726
[children of .... ELEY]
11 John ELEY Esq of Alport in Youlgreave Co Derby Major & Company of
Art[illiar]y to the East India Service. ob 4 April 1793 aet 74 m at
Winster 27 Jany 1789
12 Mary d of John HOLEHOUSE of Darley Dale Co Derby after mard John HANCOCK
of London Tea dealer
13 James ELEY of
[child of John ELEY & ux 1]
14 John ELEY of London bur in East Indies mard & had issue
[child of John ELEY & Mary HOLEHOUSE]
15 James John Barker ELEY only son ob Feb 27 1792 aet 29 & 9 ms
[children of James ELEY]
16 John ELEY of Alport aforesaid Gent Nephew & devisee of Major ELEY
ob 27 Jul 1805 aet 44
17 Elizabeth WALKER of Crich she mard David BREWER of Alport
18 Alice ELEY wife of Charles CARSON of Youlgreave
19 Rachael ELEY deaf and dumb
[children of John ELEY & Elizabeth WALKER]
20 John ELEY of Alport aged 24 a[nn]o 1829
21 Elizth yo da of late Benjamin FOX Esq of London Mar S. PHILIPS Birmingham
14 Apr 1831
22 Mary Anne mard Will TEASDALE of Youlgreave Grocer a[nn]o 1824 Novr
Page 033a (-,108,H929.2/84)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Pedigree of the family of WOOD of Holloway
drawn up from abstract of Title to premises there, notes taken in Crich
Ch yd & other Sources by T N Ince Wirksworth
In Crich Ch yd a Table Mon[umen]t for George WOOD died 14 March 1741 in 66th
yr=Ellen his wife died 29 Aug 1731 aged 46. William th[eir] son died
21 Feb 1729 in the 22d year Dewhurst BILSBORROW died 29 July 1766 in his
66th year. Ellen his wife, dau of the above George & Ellen WOOD, died
20 Apr 1783 in her 79th year. Also 2 of thr infant daurs. George the son died
21 Nov 1780 in his 33 year Sarah thr da, wife of Revd Ellis HENRY, died
Aug 24=1790 in her 45 year* George son of George BILSBORROW deced died (Mary his
wife) died Dec=30=1796 in his 18 year*
Dorothy WOOD died March 2d 1765 aged 77*
Anthy WOOD of Wakebridge Yeoman living in 1667 other farm bur as? Samuel I think. T. I.
. . . :
| | | | | | | |
06 07 08 09 10==v== 11 12 13
01 Anthony WOOD of Wakebridge
02 Susannah ux a W[idow] of Wakebridge bur at Crich
03 Samuel WOOD of Wakebrige & Holloway Co Derby Yeoman purchaser of Lands
in 1679
04 Anthony WOOD of Holloway afs Gent purchaser 1716 Testator of 7 March 1758
05 Elizabeth wife of Anthony WOOD died 11 Aug 1758 aet 76 bur at Crich
06 Anthony WOOD of Holloway afs Gent Testator of 15 March 1782 ob Nov
after ? 26 March 1782 aet 74 beq[ueathe]d most of his property to his
kinsmen Francis WOOD, OLDKNOW & his children, a legacy of £40 to his
kinsman Thomas OLDKNOW & a legacy to his kinwoman Mary SHEPPERSON
07 Francis WOOD ob s p his bror Anthony becomes his heir in 1763 June 15 was
of neth Holloway Yeoman & leaves his bro Anthony of same place in conveying
Burton Croft &tc to Edward LOMART ux
08 Samuel WOOD b[eque]ath £15 a yr un[de]r his fa[the]r's Will.
dead before 1781
09 George WOOD of .... Holloway
10 Will WOOD of Holloway Yeoman
11 Richard WOOD b[eque]ath £10 a year under his fathers Will
12 Alice WOOD mard John BUXTON of Little Moor in Matlock Co Derby Gent
13 Elizabeth WOOD mard Christopher OLDKNOW
14 Dorothy WOOD only dau [of William] & heiress. Mard Mr Philip TOMLINSON
of Hopton Gent [mar 26 Oct 1775 Ashover]
| | | | | |
03 04==v== 05 06 07 08==v==09
| | |
| | |
10 11 12
01 Daniel WOOD of Wirksworth Gent /from Holloway quere/ Will 13 June 1726
02 Mary [GREEN] his ux 1726 [mar 1 Jul 1681 Duffield]
03 Susan WOOD 1726 [c 29 Jan 1709 Wirksworth]
04 Jonathan WOOD
05 Hannah WOOD [c 14 Feb 1696 Wirksworth] ux ROBINSON 1726
06 Frances WOOD ux George THOMPSON 1726 [mar 18 Apr 1719 Wirksworth]
07 Mary WOOD [c 20 Oct 1676 Wirksworth] ux [William] ROPER [mar 29 Apr 1705
08 John WOOD Wirksworth G[en]t [c 13 Nov 1706 Wirksworth] Will 25 Nov 1751
09 Ellen d Fr[anc]is RIDGWAY Gt. [mar 4 Nov 1730 Wirksworth]
10 Daniel WOOD 1726
11 Mary THOMPSON 1726
12 Mary WOOD [c 14 Jan 1732 Wirksworth] ux Robert BRIGHT of Wirksworth atty
[mar 25 Sep 1751 Kirk Ireton]
................| |...............
| | | | | |
04 05 06 07 08 09==v==10
........ ....|
| | |
11==v==12 13==v==14
01 Richard JAQUES of Ryber Matlock
02 Elizabeth a W[idow] of JAQUES 1779
03 George HOLE of .... Mard Eliz JAQS Apr 1770
04 Joseph JAQUES a party Feb 11=1782 in his mo[ther's] marr sett
24 & 25 Apr 1770
05 John JAQUES
06 Richard JAQUES
07 George HOLE died bef his mo unmad
08 Samuel HOLE heir to his bro George 1782
09 Sarah HOLE died bef her hu[sband] ux
10 Mordecai CARLINE
11 Elton LEVETT of Notting Gent
12 Elizabeth sis & heir of Benjamin RICKARDS a W[idow] 6 June 1749-Ince M S p 72
13 Benjamin RICKARDS of Spondon Co Derby Esq
14 Hester CARLINE only da & h[eires]s 1782
T Ince M S p 131
DEXTER of Wirksworth
| |
02==v==03 04==v==05
| |
| |
06 07
01 John BLANKLEY of ....
02 Ruth d HOLE
03 John STOKES
04 Mary d HOLE
05 Matthew DEXTER
06 Ruth STOKES one of the da & coh[eirs] 1765
07 Matthew DEXTER 1765 divides his estate with Ruth STOKES
Page 033b (85,109,H929.2/87)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Pedigree of TOMLINSON of Hopton (Mrs HUBBERSTY's family) & of BLADONS of
Carsington, drawn from Churchyard notes at Wirksworth & other sources
by T N Ince Wirksworth
Geo TOMLINSON of Hopton ob 10 March 1764 aged 27
Fras TOMLINSON of Hopton ob a[nno] ? ....
Mister TOMLINSON ob 22 Jan 1765 aet 52
dates &c marked W* from gravestones in Wirksworth ch yd
" " marked D** from ch notes in Rev R SIMPSONS History of Derby
In Hanbury Church Co Staff a Monument for Elizth relict of Rev William BLADON
late Vic of Hanbury ob Sept 1728 aet 59 + Will BLADON M A 1723+
At Faulde is an old timbered house of ye BLADONS who have a good freehold
Est[at]e there Shaws Staffordshe 5 vol.
20 Aug 1787 Rev W. BLADON by Will devised a mess[uag]e farm & land at Faulde
Co Staff & reglet of Common on Hanbury hill in same Co[unt]y to his ux
for life rem[ainder] to his son George B in fee subject to £250 a
piece to testors & grandchildren William & George BLADON
01==v== 02==v==03 04==v==05
| | |
................|... ....|............ |
| | | | | | | | | |
06==v==07 08 09 10==11 12 13 14 15 16==v==17
| |
.............................|.................................. ..|..............
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
18 19==20 21 22==v==23 24 25==v==26 27==v==28 29==v==30 31 32 33 34
| | | |
....|.... ..... .|.. ......|............ .|..
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
35 36 37 38 39==v==40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50==v==51
| |
...|............................... ..|..
| | | | | | | |
52 53==v==54 55==v==56 57 58 59 60 61
| |
..|.. .|...........
| | | | | |
62 63==64 65 66 67 68
01 Francis TOMLINSON of Hopton co Derby died 16 April 1727 aet 61 *W Born
ab 1666
02 John BERRISFORD of Wirksworth Baker. Will 26 Jan 1716 devised Bakehouse
& Church Lane Wirksworth
03 Rebeckah survived
04 Rev Will BLADON Vicar of Hanbury Co Stafford was M A & died a[nn]o
1723/.2 Prin.Coll. Cambridge A. B. 1681 A. M. 1686
05 Elizabeth ob Sept 1728 aet 59 bur H[anbury] church da of .... BROWN by
his wife da of Mr CHALLONER & sis of the Rev William? BROWNE
[children of Francis TOMLINSON]
06 George TOMLINSON of Hopton afsd Gent Died .... Made his Will 6th Nov 1748
Mard at Car[sing]ton 30 Apr 1750?
07 Mary HAINE da of HAINE by...his ux .... d of John HUBBERSTEY afterwds
mard 2d Clemson? BROUGH of Sandy Hook in Mappleton Gent ob 25 June 1775
aet 65 *W
08 X Elizabeth TOMLINSON ux William HARDING of Stainsbro in Callow p[aris]h
Wirksworth Mard at Cars[ingt]on 30:Jany 1727
09 Hester TOMLINSON died 25th June 1765 aged 52 *W
10 Frances TOMLINSON ux William BERRISFORD of Wirksworth Baker Mar[ria]ge
Articles 25th Nov 1732+ See Case thereon Mard at Cars[ington] 25 Nov 1732
[children of John BERRISFORD & Rebeckah]
11 Will BERRISFORD [c 8 Feb 1710 Wirksworth] devisee of his ho[use] in fee
Mard Frances d of Joseph TOMLINSON of Hopton
12 Rebeckah BERRISFORD [c 18 Dec 1706 Wirksworth] hath £10
13 Henry BERRISFORD [c 11 Jun 1712 Wirksworth] hath £10
14 Mary BERRISFORD [c 1 Oct 1714 Wirksworth] hath £10
15 Elizabeth BERRISFORD [c 7 Dec 1716 Wirksworth] hath £10
[child of William BLADON & Elizabeth BROWN]
16 Revd William BLADON Rector of Carsington Co Derby. livg 1734 Inducted to
Carsington bur there 12 July 1762 A. B. Prin. Coll. Cambridge 1711
17 Sarah PHILLIPS mard at Cars[ingt]on 24 Dec 1726
[children of George TOMLINSON & Mary HAINE]
18 2 Francis TOMLINSON of Manchester made his Will March 1781
Died 5 Apr 1781 aet 27 *W bap Cars[ingt]on 1 March 1733
19 4 James TOMLINSON bap 25 May 1739 X
20 Elizabeth his ux 1795
21 3 George TOMLINSON ob 10 March 1764 aged 27 bn 1737 bap 2 July 1737
22 1 John TOMLINSON of Derby Attorney at Law El son Died 4 Apr 1776
aged 48 **D Born 1730 bap 25 March 1731
23 Jane .... Died 23 Sepr 1776 aged 46 **D
24 Elizabeth TOMLINSON bap 31 Jany 1738 burd July 27 1742
25 Philip TOMLINSON of Wirksworth sometime of Hopton Gent ob 10th May 1800
aet 57 *W (bn 1743) bapt 26 June 1741
26 Dorothy WOOD daur & heiress of William WOOD of Holloway Co Derby Gent sett
in Oct 1775 obt. 11 Aug 1810 aet 57 years *W
27 2 Ann TOMLINSON mard Joseph GIBBINS of Coventry Co Warwick Soap Boiler
dead & left issue bap 12 Mar 1735
28 Elizabeth TOMLINSON livg 1743
29 1 Mary TOMLINSON dar of P. T. She died 5 Sepr 1797 aet 65 yrs (bn 1732)
bap 7 July 1732
[children of William BLADON & Sarah PHILLIPS]
30 Revd William BLADON bap March 18=1720 Rector of Carsington Co Derby M. A.
Qui [here] ob 22 March 1798 aet 68 *W His will dated 30 Aug 1787 Bur at
31 Thomas BLADON of Godfrey Hole in Wirksworth bap Feb 19 1737/8
32 Elizabeth BLADON bap 7 Feby 1727
33 John BLADON bap 8 June 1732 burd 3 Nov 1742
34 Mary BLADON bap 9 Apr 1735
[children of John TOMLINSON & Jane]
35 Elizabeth TOMLINSON died before her far
36 Constance HARPUR died 10 Novr? 1777 aged 22
37 Mary TOMLINSON ob 9 Apr 1767 aged 15 **D
38 John HUBBERSTY of Co Westmorland Gent
39 Rev Nathan HUBBERSTY Clerk B D Head Master of the Grammar School at
Wirksworth Co Derby Died 30th July 1828 aged 60 Burd at Wirksworth 3 Aug
following Will 22d Feb 1828
[children of Philip TOMLINSON & Dorothy WOOD]
40 Mary Dorothy TOMLINSON el dar & coheiress marriage settlement dated
18 Apr 1801 Mard Wirksworth Tu 21 Apr 1801 Died 15 Dec 1852
41 Elizabeth TOMLINSON of Wirksworth died unm 1 June 1817 aet 37 *W
Will 29th May 1817 Pro[ve]d Drs Commons 19 Sept 1817 by
Mr & Mrs HUBBERSTY ?? £3000
[children of Ann TOMLINSON & Joseph GIBBINS]
42 1 Joseph GIBBINS
43 2 Francis GIBBINS
44 3 James GIBBINS
45 4 Philip GIBBINS
46 5 Matthew GIBBINS
47 6 Elizabeth GIBBINS
48 7 Mary GIBBINS wife of Thomas ASHTON
[children of William BLADON & Mary TOMLINSON]
49 George BLADON of Wirksworth Atty at Law ob 17 July 1789 aet 36 yrs s.p.
50 Will BLADON of Kniveton Co Derby Gentn
51 Hannah HURD sisr of John & Ed HURD of Agnes Meadow in Kniveton Co Derby
Gents & dar of Edward & Ann HURD of same place
[children of Nathan HUBBERSTY & Mary Dorothy TOMLINSON]
52 Mary Dorothy HUBBERSTY el dar Died 23d August 1825 & burd 30th same
Xtnd [Christened] 10 July 1802 Bn 25 may preceeding
53 Nathan HUBBERSTY El son [c 6 Jan 1804 Wirksworth] Now/1823/a studentt of
St John's Coll. Cambridge in 1827 B.A. In 1829 appt Head Master of Wirksworth
Gram School Born Septr 1803
54 Margaret d Richard HURT Esq of Wirksth
55 Philip HUBBERSTY Atty at Law Wirksworth [c 27 Dec 1805 Wirksworth]
56 Augusta d of Rev William CANTRILL
57 John HUBBERSTY of Hull Co York Merchant 1857
58 Henry HUBBERSTY of Hull Merchnt 1857
59 Agnes Eleanor HUBBERSTY ux Mr Price WOOD a Banker
[children of William BLADON & Hannah HURD]
60 Revd George BLADON late of Wirksworth but now (1828) Curate at
Darrington Co York ob unmd s p ob 9 June 1837 bur Wirksworth
61 William BLADON died sans issue
[children of Nathan HUBBERSTY & Margaret HURT]
62 Richard HUBBERSTY
63 Rev Nathan HUBBERSTY mard 2dly at Goadby Marwood Co Lei 15 Nov 1854
64 Eliza Caroline W[idow] of Revd William Evans HURTOP Rector of Harby
Co Leicester dau of Revd Edward MANNERS of Goadby Marwood
[children of Philip HUBBERSTY & Ann? CANTRILL]
65 Philip William HUBBERSTY bn June 1840
68 + Mary? HUBBERSTY
Thom? MACK at this? from the registry? of William HARDING of Wigan
Charles FLINT
Will 21 May 1795
This James TOMLINSON of Derby Druggist & Eliza his ux & Joseph SMEDLEY
of Yolgreave
8 Aug 1774 Mortgage (Bamford's House) premises in Wirksworth to Mess[rs] HEATH
Derby Bankers
2 Aug 1774 convey same to Mr Cha UPTON atty Derby subject thereto It had
been? purchd & al? in Bills ab Bundle attested copy of sale of goods &c
from Widow B & her son William
In 1757 by Francis SMITH of Derby Malster See Mar & Bamfords Abst
Page 033c (-,110,H929.2/88)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
HURD of Kniveton
In 1715 Mr John HURD gave lands/at Kniveton/for the endowment of
a free school
In 1787 were let at 9£ p[er] an[num]
Robert HURD died Dec 20=1806 aet 55
04==v== 05==v==
....|........ ......|
| | |
06==v==07 08==v== 11==v== 12==v==
....| ....|.... ....|....
| | | | |
13==v==14 15 16==v==17 18
.....|..................................... ....|....
| | | | | | |
19==v==20 21 09 10 22==v==23 24
...............|.................................... |................................
| | | | | | | | | | | |
25==v==26 27==v==28 29==v==30 31 32 33 34 35 36==v==37 38 39 40
....| ......|...... ....|
| | | |
41==v==42 43==v== 44==v== 45
| |
46 47
01 Richard HOLMES
02 John HOLMES
03 Thomas HOLMES
04 HURD of Kniveton
05 John HOLMES
06 John HURD of Kniveton Yeoman Will 31 Dec 1716 ob Oct 4 1727 Founder
of Kniveton School
07 wife
08 William HURD
09 Mary HURD ob 3 Dec 1736 aet 33 da of Robert HURD
10 Mary HURD ob 7 June 1723 aet 21 da of Robert HURD
11 John HOLMES death presented 1712 son John [illegible] Alderwasley
12 BOWYER of
13 Robert HURD
14 .... ENDSOR
15 Joshua HOLMES admitted as son of John
16 John HOLMES of Kniveton Co Derby Gent 5 Feb 1728 surr of copyh at
Ireton Wood
17 Anne BOWYER purchd copyhold in Walstone of Ben COCKERHAM Made her will
28th Decr 1744 had ? Eleanor CHALINOR
18 Eleanor [BOWYER] CHALINOR an ann[uitan]t of 40£ under her sis will 1744
19 Robert HURD of Brampton in parish Treeton Co York Yeoman died in that
parish 2
20 Mary ELEY of Brampton Executor ob a W[idow] at Kniveton
21 John HURD under age 1721 devisee of his gt uncle John ob Jany 5th 1776
aet 66 Bn 1710
22 Edward HURD of Kniveton Co in Derby Farmer living 3 March 1781
ob 17 Jany 1785 aet 68 Bn 1717 (3)
23 Anne HOLMES sis & heir at law of Greenwood HOLMES of Agnes Meadow in
Kniveton Gent ob 24 June 1786 aet 63 admd at Alderwasley as sister & heir
of Greenwood HOLMES May 1781 [mar 12 Nov 1746 Parwich]
24 Greenwood HOLMES in 1745 admd to his mo[the]rs? copyh & then 19 yrs old.
Was of Agnes Meadow Kniveton Gent Died bef May 1718 s p
[children of Robert HURD & Mary ELEY]
25 2 Robert HURD of Kniveton Yeoman He died 20 Dec 1806 aet 53 mar
27 1 Revd William HURD of Kniveton Co Derby Perpetl Curate there Deacon of
Hognaston Nephew & devisee of John HURD Mard 2nd Lydia WINDLEY
He is 82 & She 83 1829 She ob 16 Apr 1831 aet 84 & bur 21st
28 Mary BARLOW dr of John BARLOW of Castle Donnington a Lea[the]r Tanner
ob 17 Oct 1787 aet 43
29 3 John HURD of North Anston Farmer dead bef 1829
30 Mary MAYSTON of Eckington
31 Hannah HURD ux Job WIGLEY of Kniveton Co Derby [mar 11 Apr 1762 Kniveton]
32 Elizth HURD ux Samuel WRIGHT lastly of Sheffield
[mar 30 Jun 1768 Laughton En Le Morthen Yorks]
33 Mary HURD ux William WOOD? of Utley in par of Treeton Ebor [York]
34 Jane HURD ux Jonath TURNER of Laughton en le Morthen Ebor [York]
[mar 24 Nov 1778 Laughten En Le Morthen]
[children of Edward HURD & Anne HOLMES]
35 John HURD of Agnes Meadow in Kniveton Co Derby Gent Made his will
17 Dec 1787 ob Dec 1787 aet 31 unmard
36 Edward HURD of Agnes Meadow afs. Divisee of his bror John ob 26 April 1796
aet 36 admitted to copyhold in Alderwasley Coh (Walstone land) on his fa
& mothers surrd May 1781
37 Catherine da of .... HARDING of Kniveton ob Feb 1832
38 Elizabeth HURD ux Daniel MARSH of Kniveton Yeoman Devisee in fee of
Copyh in Ireton Wood undr the will of his bro-in-law John HURD See Abstract
39 Hannah HURD wife of William BLADON of Kniveton Farmer
40 Anne HURD ux Edmund BUXTON of ?
[child of Robert HURD & Jane YEOMANS]
41 John HURD of Kniveton 1831
42 Hannah BLORE [mar 19 Oct 1807 Kniveton]
[children of John HURD & Mary MAYDON]
43 Robert HURD of N Anston
44 William HURD of London
[child of Edward HURD & Catherine HARDING]
45 Edward HURD Ashbourne Hair Dresser base son ob 1830
[children of John HURD & Hannah BLORE]
46 Robert HURD
47 William HURD
01 Gilbt HURD
02 Mary KIRK ?? of William
03 William HURD of Compton el son & h appt in 1764
| | | | |
02 03 04 05 06
01 Rev Nathan HUBBERSTY
02 Richard Nathan HUBBERSTY of Liverpool wt? Mercht
03 Charles HUBBERSTY
06 Margaret Emma HUBBERSTY bn 20th Nov 1840
LEES of Thorpe
| | |
03 04==v==05 06
01 Thomas BURTON of Wirksworth Tailor purchd ho[ous]e &c Wellstone Wirksworth
15 July 1717 & 23 July 1726 Will 25 March 1727 provd 22 Sept follg
02 Ruth livg 1727
03 John BURTON ob v p s p
04 Edward BURTON of Wirksth Wheelright son & dev[is]ee livg 1742
05 Sarah LEES W[idow] 1784 purchd ho[use] W Stoney Croft of H BATEMAN Esq
06 Esther BURTON ux Thomas STEER
01 Francis LEES of purchd lands &c in Thorpe
02 George LEES of Thorpe Co Derby Yeoman Made a will son & hr
03 Jane only da & hr of Ralph STALEY of Winster Husbandman
04 Elizabeth ux John ? 2 ux livg 1732
05 Francis LEES of Thorpe Yeoman el son & hr at law 7 Nov 1732 for 80£
Mortges lands premes des ? & in Winster & Thorpe to Henry EYRE Esq livg
17 Sept 1752
06 Mary living 17 Sept 1752
Page 033d (89,110,H929.2/89)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Pedigree of HEATH of Makeney Co Derby & PRIME of Staveley
from abst of Title to Copyh[old] lands there perused by T N Ince
| | | | |
03 04 05 06 07
| | | | | |
08 09 10 11 12 13
01 John HEATH a copyholder of Manor of Duffield death presented 22 Aug 1765
02 Elizabeth his W[idow] 1765 at Makeney
03 John HEATH of Derby Banker El son & heir 1765
04 Christopher HEATH of Derby Banker after of Makeney Died 3d July 1815
aged 96 yrs burd at Duffield
05 Mary HEATH of Makeney made a will 24 July 1779 cod[ici]l 29 Apr 1787
death pres[ente]d same year Trustees Tristram REVELL Esq
& Mr J[ohn] M[arshall] PRIME
06 Elizabeth HEATH of Makeney died 7 Oct 1804 aged 74 yrs
07 .... [Lydia] HEATH ux Mr Joseph BRADSHAW of Makeney Gentn
[mar George BRADSHAW 20 Oct 1744 Duffield]
[children of Lydia HEATH & George BRADSHAW]
08 Joseph BRADSHAW [c 12 Mar 1748 Makeney]
09 John BRADSHAW [c 25 Mar 1751 Makeney]
10 Vicisimus BRADSHAW clk to Tax Commissioners [c 10 Feb 1753 Makeney]
11 Mildred BRADSHAW [c 18 May 1745 Makeney]
12 Margaret BRADSHAW [c 5 Feb 1746 Makeney]
13 Elizabeth BRADSHAW [c 30 Jan 1755 Makeney] all [#08 - #13] living
& names in dft Aunts will 24 July 1779
| |
03==v==04 05
....|................. |....
| | | |
06 07==v==08 09 10==v==11
....| |....
| |
12 13==v==14
01 Samuel PRIME of Staveley Co Derby Gent Died a[nn]o 1751
02 Tabitha d John MARSHALL of Woodthorpe in Staveley
03 John Marshall PRIME of Staveley Netherthorpe Surgeon.
Trustee un[de]r Miss Mary HEATH's Will Died 28 March 1804
04 Mary TOMLINSON [mar 13 Aug 1764 Staveley] niece & heir of
William MILNES of .... Nottingham
05 Ann PRIME ux Robert RODGERS of Inkersall in Staveley Gent
[mar 29 Apr 1766 Staveley]
06 Tabitha PRIME of Derby Spinster In 1810 she & her niece sur[rendere]d thr
Interest in copyhold at Makeney She died 3 Oct 1829
07 Anne PRIME dead before 1810 she died a[nn]o 1797
08 Peter MILNER of Worksop Nott a Surgeon [mar 22 Oct 1795 Staveley]
09 Mary PRIME el da died unmd a[nn]o 1800
10 John RODGERS of Inkersall
11 Elizabeth d Thomas HAYWOOD of Brimmington [mar 13 Feb 1798 Staveley]
12 Mary MILNER of Derby Spinster Joined her Aunt 1810 in surr of their
Trust Int in copyhd at Makeney She died 17th Sept 1818 aged 21 yrs
13 Robert RODGERS of Barkby
14 Susannah CARTER of Barkby [mar 2 Feb 1826 Barkby]
15 John Marshall Prime RODGERS of Inkersall Esq Mar at Staveley 22 Oct 1857
16 Albina d of late William GREGORY Esq of Staveley [mar Albina Field GREGORY]
| |
02 03
04==v== 05==v==
....| |....
| |
06 07==v==08
01 William LEES of Makeney dead a[nn]o 1754
[There is no line connecting #01 with the rest of the pedigree]
02 Eliza LEES ux John INGLESEAT 1754
03 Hannah LEES Widow of .... [John] RADFORD of Makeney a[nn]o 1754
[mar 17 Sep 1734 St. Mary's Notts] a W[idow] of 1782
04 Hannah RADFORD a W[idow]
05 Samuel RADFORD of Makeney FrameWk Knitter El son & hr 1782
06 Anne ux
07 William RADFORD El son 1796
08 Ann LEES ux
Page 034a (90,112,H929.2/90)
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| | |
04 05==v==06==v==07 08
| | | |
09==v==10 11 12 13
01 .... [Robert] WAGSTAFF of ....
02 Robert WAGSTAFF of Wirksworth Miner [c 24 Feb 1741 Wirksworth]
Died 26 March 1804 aged 64 yrs
03 Hannah [TOMLINSON] his wife [mar 16 Sep 1761 Wirksworth]
died 21 Mch 1811 aged 76 yrs
04 Joseph WAGSTAFF of Gorsey Bank Wirksworth Yeoman [c 6 Jan 1769 Wirksworth]
a Bachelor a[nn]o 1832
05 Margaret ux d of Henry ATKINSON of Bonsall yeom [mar 3 Oct 1799 Bonsall]
06 Robert WAGSTAFF of Wirksworth Miner [c 5 Feb 1762 Wirksworth]
07 .... [Hannah] d of CADMAN of Wirksworth [mar 16 Dec 1811 Wirksworth]
08 .... [Mary WAGSTAFF c 9 May 1779 Wirksworth] daur living 1832
09 Anthony WAGSTAFF of London Upholster died 7 June 1832 aged 34 yrs
10 Elizabeth
11 Robert WAGSTAFF an Upholsterer [c 10 Sep 1809 Wirksworth] died at
Gorsey Bank 7 June 1832 aet 23
12 Joseph WAGSTAFF a currier a[nn]o 1832
13 Elizabeth WAGSTAFF
Pedigree of Marcellus BAMFORD of Wirksworth
partly drawn from the relation of Mrs Martha BROWNLOW
old Marce BAMFORDS Hmaker 23 Aug 1830 by T N Ince
| | | | | | |
03==v==04 05 06 07 08 09 10
| | | | | | |
11==v==12 13==v==14 15==v==16 17 18==v==19 20 21
....|............. ....|........ ....|.......................... |....
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
22==v==23 24 25 26==v==27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
....|.... ....|....
| | | |
37 38 39 40
01 .... [Anthony] BAMFORD of Wirksworth [c 27 Apr 1692 Wirksworth son William]
02 .... [Mary] sister of Marcellus MOLINUS of Wirksworth [actually his niece]
[mar 22 Apr 1716 Wirksworth]
03 Anthony BAMFORD of Wirksworth [c 12 Apr 1717 Wirksworth]
04 Alice d of John ELLIOT of Mill Houses Green
05 Martin BAMFORD of Wirksworth Labourer [c 12 Mar 1729 Wirksworth]
06 William BAMFORD of Wirksworth Shoemaker [c 10 Nov 1732 Wirksworth] ob s. p.
2ce [twice] mard
07 Thomas BAMFORD of Belper FrameWork Knitter [c 30 Mar 1726 Wirksworth]
Had a son Thomas
08 Ruth BAMFORD [c 16 Nov 1743 Wirksworth] m Joseph FROST of Wirksworth
09 Sarah BAMFORD [c 24 Nov 1727 Wirksworth] ux .... [Anthony] ALLEN
[mar 27 Jun 1760 Wirksworth]
10 Ann BAMFORD [c 7 Jan 1737 Wirksworth] ux William FROST of Wirksworth Miner
[mar 22 Apr 1756 Wirksworth]
Grandfa of William, James & Benjamin FROST
[children of Anthony BAMFORD & Alice ELLIOT]
11 Marcellus BAMFORD of Wirksworth Shoemaker 2nd son [c 13 Mar 1752 Wirksworth]
12 Elizabeth d James MATHER of Matlock
13 John BAMFORD Wirksworth Breeches Maker El Son & heir [c 9 Sep 1746 Wirksworth]
ob 13th Feby 1832 aged 80
14 Elizabeth d James GRATTON of Wirksworth Miner [mar 30 Sep 1771 Wirksworth]
15 George BAMFORD of Wirksworth Miner [c 26 Aug 1755 Wirksworth]
16 Ruth d Anthony LIMB of Wirksworth [mar 27 Nov 1775 Wirksworth]
17 Ruth BAMFORD died young [bur 26 Jun 1761 Wirksworth]
18 Mary BAMFORD [c 12 Aug 1741 Wirksworth] ux
19 James TOMLINSON of Higham Shoemaker [mar 9 Jun 1763 Wirksworth]
20 Sarah BAMFORD [c 4 May 1749 Wirksworth] ux Sam MADDOCK of Wirksworth
Tow Heckter? [mar 1 Jan 1771 Wirksworth]
21 Han[na]h BAMFORD [c 13 Oct 1758 Wirksworth] ux Thomas BROWNSON of Wirksworth
Turner & chair maker [mar 31 Jan 1793 Wirksworth]
[children of Marcellus BAMFORD & Elizabeth MATHER]
22 Marcellus BAMFORD of Wirksworth Shoemaker [c 1 Jan 1780 Wirksworth]
d 24 Mar 1800 aet 30
23 Hannah d John FROST of Bolehill Mine Agent [mar 18 Feb 1805 Wirksworth]
d 10 Dec 1812 aet 33 yrs
24 Alice BAMFORD [c 1 Feb 1778 Wirksworth] ux Peter PEAL of Wirksworth
[mar 28 Apr 1800 Wirksworth]
25 Elizabeth BAMFORD [c 20 Jan 1782 Wirksworth] ux James SPENCER of Hopton
Blacksmith [mar 30 Aug 1810 Wirksworth]
[children of John BAMFORD & Elizabeth GRATTON]
26 John BAMFORD of Wirksworth Tailor
27 Ann d Thomas PARKER a Glazier of Wirksworth [mar 21 Nov 1805 Wirksworth]
28 Mary BAMFORD ux Joseph BURTON a Tailor of Wirksworth
[mar 9 Aug 1796 Wirksworth]
[children of George BAMFORD & Ruth LIMB]
29 George BAMFORD of Wirksworth Shoemaker [c 18 Sep 1782 Wirksworth]
m Eliz d of Thomas PARKER of Wirksworth [mar 17 Sep 1812 Wirksworth]
had Thomas [c 21 Sep 1817 Wirksworth]
30 William BAMFORD of Wirksworth Weaver [c 12 Sep 1787 Wirksworth]
m Sarah SUMMERFIELD and had issue
31 Job BAMFORD of Ashleyhay Lab Mar & issue
32 Anthony BAMFORD [c 16 Sep 1795 Wirksworth] m .... SMEDLEY had issue
33 Ruth BAMFORD [c 15 Sep 1776 Wirksworth]
34 Elizabeth BAMFORD [c 13 Sep 1780 Wirksworth]
35 Sarah BAMFORD [c 14 Sep 1785 Wirksworth] mard to .... BELPER
[child of Mary BAMFORD & James TOMLINSON]
[children of Marcellus BAMFORD & Hannah FROST]
37 John BAMFORD of Castle Donnington Bookseller [c 19 Sep 1806 Wirksworth]
died Nov 1870
38 Hannah BAMFORD [c 11 Jan 1809 Wirksworth] ob 20 July 1810 aet 2 yrs
[children of John BAMFORD & Ann PARKER]
39 James BAMFORD of Wirksworth [c 12 Sep 1810 Wirksworth]
40 Elizabeth BAMFORD [c 18 Sep 1808 Wirksworth]
Page 034b (91,113,H929.2/91)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Pedigree of Martin BAMFORD of Wirksworth as related by himself
to T N Ince the 2 first generations from a Will penes [held by]
T N Ince 11 Sep 1830
| | |
02 03 04==v==05
...........| |...............
| | | |
09 10 11==v==12 13
| | | | | | | | | |
14==v==15 16==17 18==v==19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
.................|............................ |...........
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
01 William BAMFORD of Wirksworth Miner will dated 8 May 1715
02 William BAMFORD junr son & devisee Exor & residuary legatee 1715
[c 28 Feb 1669 Wirksworth]
03 John BAMFORD son & devee & residuary legee
04 Martin BAMFORD of Wirksworth died before his father
05 Sarah his w[idow] 1715 d of .... TWIGG of Youlgreave
Mard at Ashbourn 19 Nov 1704 ext[racte]d by T N Ince
[child of Martin BAMFORD & Sarah TWIGGE]
[There is a dotted line to Martin #07. However, the dotted line should
have come from Martin BAMFORD #11 & Sarah CHEETHAM, who was the mother of
only some of his children.]
06 1 ux .... [Mary] BARTON [mar 30 Jun 1737 Wirksworth]
07 Martin BAMFORD of Wirksworth Breeches Maker bn 4 June 1713 Died 4 June 1799
08 Jane d of John NEEDHAM of Brampton
[children of Martin BAMFORD & Mary BARTON]
09 Sarah BAMFORD [c 21 Feb 1739 Wirksworth] ux .... [James] CRAWFORD of
Wirksworth Skinner a Scotchman [mar 28 Feb 1773 Wirksworth]
10 Will BAMFORD of the Island of Burmuda [c 28 Oct 1741 Wirksworth]
[children of Martin BAMFORD & Jane NEEDHAM]
11 Martin BAMFORD of Wirksworth Breeches Maker [c 21 Sep 1748 Wirksworth]
The Relator of this Ped 11 Sept 1830
12 [2nd wife] Sarah d of George & Ann CHEETHAM of Wheatcroft in Crich Farmer
mard 18 Aug 1773 [actually Mar 1784 Wirksworth]
[mar 1st wife Dorothy STREET 27 Jan 1773/74 Wirksworth. She died 1775]
13 John BAMFORD died an infant [bur 8 Mar 1752 Wirksworth]
[children of Martin BAMFORD & Sarah CHEETHAM]
14 William BAMFORD of Belper bn 22 Oct 1774
15 Mary d RICHARDSON of Calton [mar 3 Dec 1798 Duffield]
16 Joseph BAMFORD of Wirksworth Breeches Maker bn 13 jany 1789
17 Elizabeth d John WALKER of Wirkswth Shoemr [mar 15 Sep 1823 Wirksworth]
18 Samuel BAMFORD of Belper bn 27 Jany 1793
19 Mary JACKSON of Shottle [mar 6 Mar 1815 Duffield]
20 Joseph [is really Josiah] BAMFORD of Belper bn 19 May 1799 ob 14 Feby 1824
aet 24
21 John BAMFORD bn 27 May 1785 d 14 Jany 1789
22 Ann BAMFORD bn 1787 ob 20 Jany 1789
23 James BAMFORD bn 12 Nov 1790
24 boy bn dead 1795
25 boy bn dead 1799
26 Sarah BAMFORD bn 28 Feby 1791
[children of William BAMFORD & Mary RICHARDSON]
27 William BAMFORD
28 Sarah BAMFORD
29 Thomas BAMFORD
31 Elizabeth BAMFORD
32 Ann BAMFORD [c Anne Richardson BAMFORD 9 Sep 1818 Royston, Yorks]
33 George BAMFORD
34 Joseph BAMFORD
36 Henry BAMFORD
[children of Samuel BAMFORD & Mary JACKSON]
37 Hannah BAMFORD
38 James BAMFORD
39 Jonah BAMFORD of Belper died 14 Feby 1824 aged 24 yrs a Wesleyan
Local Preacher
Page 034c (92,114,H929.2/92)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Pedigree of WIGLEY of Wirksworth Co Derby
1762 Sept 25 Will of Sarah WIGLEY of Wirksworth Widow of William WIGLEY
late of Wirksworth Miner decd
Son Obadiah WIGLEY of Heage Woolcomber. Dau Sarah A[LSOP] w[idow]
of Richard ALSOP late of Wirksworth Miner deceased
Grandsons William WIGLEY of Wirksworth Butcher. William WIGLEY of Heage Woolcomber.
Grandsons William ALSOP and Charles WIGLEY.
Son Jonathan WIGLEY. 2 sons & daus Will & Obadiah WIGLEY & Sarah ALSOP
1794 June 19 Will of Obadiah WIGLEY of Wirksworth Miner. Wife Mary.
Son James, son Benjamin, son Samuel, son Obadiah. Sons James & Benjamin Exors.
1773 July 29 Will of William WIGLEY of Wirksworth Miner. Wife Elizabeth,
son Obadiah, son John, son Joseph, son William. Grandchildren
John & Elizabeth & D[aughters] of his son John WIGLEY.
Psnlly amongst 4 sons John, William, Obadiah & Joseph
| | | |
03==v==04 05==v== 06==v== 07==v==08
| ....|.... |.... ....|
| | | | |
....|...................................... 09 10 11 12==v==13
| | | | | |
14==v==15 16==v==17 18==v==19 20==v==21 | |
| ....| ....|.... ....|................................ |.... ....|....
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30==V==31 32 33 34
....|................................................................... |.... |....
| | | | | |
35==v==36==v==37 38==v==39 40==v==41 42==v==43 44 45
....|............................. |...................
| | | | | | | | | | |
46 47 48==v==49 50 51 52 53==v==54 55 56 57 58
............|............. ....|....
| | | | | | | |
59 60 61 62 63 64==v==65 66 67
01 William WIGLEY of Wirksworth Miner 29 July 1770
02 Sarah WIGLEY w[idow] [mar Sarah MATHER 3 Apr 1695 Wirksworth]
Will dated 25 Sep 1762 son Obad Exor
03 William WIGLEY of Wirksworth Miner [c 14 Feb 1701 Wirksworth]
29 July 1770
04 Elizabeth his w[idow] 1773 [mar Elizabeth STATON 13 Apr 1728 Wirksworth]
05 Obadiah WIGLEY of Heage Woolcomber 1762 [c 14 Apr 1708 Wirksworth]
[mar Sarah PICKERING 22 Mar 1738 Bradbourne, Derby]
06 Jonathan WIGLEY son of Sarah 1762 [c 10 Sep 1703 Wirksworth]
[mar Mary CLEATER 28 Sep 1732 Wirksworth]
07 Sarah WIGLEY [c 12 Apr 1706 Wirksworth] a w[idow] 1762 ux
08 Richard ALSOP of Wirksworth Miner
[children of Obadiah WIGLEY & Sarah PICKERING]
09 William WIGLEY of Heage Woolcomber
10 Charles WYGLEY (9th son of Obadiah) grandson of Sarah 1762
[child of Jonathan WIGLEY & Mary CLEATER]
11 Thomas WIGLEY of Wirksworth Miner [c 5 Sep 1733 Wirksworth]
[children of Sarah WIGLEY & Richard ALSOP]
12 William ALSOP [c 12 May 1729 Wirksworth]
13 Richard ALSOP [c 25 Nov 1730 Wirksworth]
[children of William WIGLEY & Elizabeth STATON]
14 Obadiah WIGLEY of Wirksworth Miner [c 26 Oct 1732 Wirksworth]
Will dated 19 June 1794
15 Mary [SHEPARD Mar 1753 Carsington]
16 Joseph WIGLEY Wirkswth Miner [c 25 Apr 1735 Wirksworth]
ob 8 June 1784 aet 49 yrs
17 Hannah from South Wingfield ob 18 Sept 1775 aet 26 yrs
18 John WIGLEY of Wirksworth Flax Dresser & Grocer in Market Place
19 Lydia d of John & sis of Henry MASON of Bolehill in Wirksworth Miners
[mar 23 Jan 1755 Wirksworth]
20 William WIGLEY of Wirksworth (Coldwell Street) Innkeeper & Butcher.
[c 29 May 1729 Wirksworth] Died 10 Feb 1813 aged 83 yrs
21 Ruth da of Anthy CHEATLE of Wirksworth Butcher.
[mar 16 Aug 1757 Wirksworth] Died 20 Dec 1794 aged 64 yrs
[child of Joseph WIGLEY & Hannah]
22 Nancy WIGLEY died 16 July 1784 aet 8 yrs [c 20 Sep 1775 Wirksworth]
[children of John WIGLEY & Lydia MASON]
23 John WIGLEY [c 25 Feb 1757 Wirksworth] died at Sheffield as is supposed
24 Elizabeth WIGLEY [c 14 Jan 1756 Wirksworth] ux German BUXTON of
Wirksworth Miner [mar 20 Apr 1779 Wirksworth] ob s p
[children of William WIGLEY & Ruth CHEATLE]
25 Anthy WIGLEY el[dest] [c 17 May 1758] ob s p
26 Joseph WIGLEY of Wirksworth Hairdresser [c 17 Sep 1766 Wirksworth]
27 Ann WIGLEY [c 14 Sep 1763 Wirksworth]
28 Alice WIGLEY [c 28 Dec 1768 Wirksworth]
29 Ruth WIGLEY [c 30 Oct 1772 Wirksworth] all three [#27-#29] died young
30 William WIGLEY of Wirksworth Saddler [c 9 Jan 1760 Wirksworth]
31 Elizabeth FOSTER of Yorkshire [mar 14 Apr 1785 Wirksworth] ob 25 Mch 1824
aged 68
[child of Thomas WIGLEY]
32 Jonathan WIGLEY Wirksworth Labourer 1830 [c 10 Sep 1769 Wirksworth]
[children of Richard ALSOP]
33 John ALSOP [c 24 Jan 1775 Wirksworth]
34 Charles ALSOP [c 3 Jan 1772 Wirksworth]
[children of Obadiah WIGLEY & Mary SHEPARD]
35 James WIGLEY Wirksworth Gardener Oct 1828 [c 15 Apr 1754 Wirksworth]
36 Mary da of William LATHEM of Wirksworth Yeoman [mar 24 Sep 1775 Wirksworth]
37 [2nd wife] Elizabeth d William BROUGH [mar 25 Dec 1795 Wirksworth]
38 Benjamin WIGLEY of Wirksworth Miner [c 14 Apr 1758 Wirksworth]
39 Ann d of William FOX of Wirksworth Miner [mar 20 Jan 1780 Wirksworth]
40 Obadiah WIGLEY of Mansfield 3 times mard [c 1 Jan 1765 Wirksworth]
41 .... d of .... WHEATCROFT of Ashover Gunsmith
42 Samuel WIGLEY of Nottingham mard
43 [Mary] sister of Anthy TISSINGTON See top of next page [034d]
[child of William WIGLEY & Elizabeth FOSTER]
44 Elizabeth WIGLEY only child [c 4 May 1788 Wirksworth] died 3d May 1827 aged 41 years
[child of Jonathan WIGLEY]
45 John WIGLEY son [c 11 Sep 1796 Wirksworth] ob s p 24 Apr 1810 aet 13 yrs
[children of James WIGLEY & Mary LATHAM]
46 George WIGLEY [c 14 Jan 1781 Wirksworth]
47 Henry WIGLEY [c 13 Sep 1786 Wirksworth] soldiers ob s p Henry died
aet 20 yrs old s p
48 William WIGLEY Wirksworth Plasterer [c 17 Nov 1776 Wirksworth]
49 Hannah SPENCER [mar Elizabeth SPENCER 6 Apr 1789 Wirksworth]
50 Benjamin WIGLEY of Alfreton [c 17 Sep 1788 Wirksworth] Gardener
m Miss [Elizabeth] SINGLETON of Wirksworth [mar 19 Dec 1819 Wirksworth]
ob s p
51 Mary WIGLEY [c 3 May 1795 Wirksworth] ux William STORER Jun of Wirksworth
Joiner [mar 26 Dec 1814 Wirksworth]
52 Cassandra WIGLEY [c 11 Sep 1791 Wirksworth] ux John MARSHALL of
Tansley Weaver [mar 8 Jul 1813 Crich]
53 Joshua WIGLEY of Bolehill labourer [c 16 Apr 1784 Wirksworth]
54 Ann WALKER [mar 14 Sep 1803 St. Mary Stockport Cheshire]
[children of Benjamin WIGLEY & Ann FOX]
55 Samuel WIGLEY of Wirksworth Weaver by d of Higgeth JOWETT of Wirksworth
has issue [mar Jane JOWETT 15 Feb 1816 Wirksworth]
56 Edward WIGLEY of Wirksworth Miner
57 John WIGLEY of Wirksworth [c 13 Sep 1789 Wirksworth]
58 Ann WIGLEY [c 12 Jan 1783 Wirksworth]
[children of William WIGLEY & Elizabeth SPENCER]
59 James WIGLEY of Wirksworth Plasterer [c 11 Sep 1803 Wirksworth]
60 Samuel WIGLEY a weaver
61 Hannah WIGLEY [c 14 Jul 1811 Wirksworth]
62 Elizabeth WIGLEY [c 14 Jul 1811 Wirksworth]
63 Mary WIGLEY died [c 1 Jun 1806 Wirksworth]
64 William WIGLEY a Silk Weaver [c 17 Jun 1798 Wirksworth] m
65 Ann d John DEAN [mar 5 Jul 1824 Wirksworth]
[children of Joshua WIGLEY & Ann WALKER]
66 John WIGLEY of Derby [c 14 Aug 1805 Wirksworth]
67 Hannah WIGLEY [c 14 Sep 1806 Wirksworth]
[child of William WIGLEY & Ann DEAN]
68 John WIGLEY [c 12 Sep 1824 Wirksworth]
Page 034d (93,115,H929.2/93)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
[The following pedigree is a continuation from page 034c,
with #42 & #43 becoming #01 & #02 below.]
| | | |
01==v==02 03 04 05
| | | | | | |
06==v==07 08 09 10 11 12 13
01 Samuel WIGLEY of St. Petersgate Nottingham Shoemaker [c 11 May 1761
02 Mary da of George TISSINGTON of Matlock Miner [mar 19 Nov 1783 Wirksworth]
03 James WIGLEY [see page 034b]
04 Benjamin WIGLEY [see page 034b]
05 Obadiah WIGLEY [see page 034b]
06 Benjamin WIGLEY of Nottingham FrameWork Knitter
[c 16 Feb 1791 St. Mary's Notts]
07 Sarah [GREEN Mar 7 Dec 1812 St. Mary's Notts]
08 .... WIGLEY son ob s p
09 Mary WIGLEY ux John [John Lawrence] CHADWICK of Nottingham
[mar 2 Oct 1810 St. Peter's Notts]
10 Henry WIGLEY [here Ince wrote the husband's name in place of the daughter]
ux Henry YATES of Nottingham
11 Sarah WIGLEY
12 Ann WIGLEY [c 26 Sep 1798 St. Peter's Notts]
13 Eliza WIGLEY [c 24 Nov 1806 St. Peter's Notts]
14 John WIGLEY [c 14 Mar 1813 St. Mary's Notts] aged 18 yrs a[nn]o 1832
Mr. FOSTER of York City = had a Mrs William WIGLEY of Wirksworth and ano[ther]
da[ughter] Hannah ux Mr .... [James] SPINK [mar 29 Mar 1786
St. Michael Spurriergate Yorks] whose dau Hannah SPINK mard
Mr [John] WEBSTER of Yorkshire [mar 30 Mar 1802 Christ Church York, Yorks]
whose dau Elizabeth WEBSTER for many yrs resided with her Great Aunt &
Uncle Mr & Mrs WIGLEY at Wirksworth & from thence movd to Sheffield.
A[nn]o 1775 John WIGLEY of Wirksworth Miner ansrd interrogatories in
a Mineral Cases
| |
02==v== 03==v==
....| ....|................. . . . .
| | | | | |
04==v==05 06 07 08 09 10==v==11
| ....|....
| | |
12 13 14
01 .... WIGLEY of Wirksworth
02 .... WIGLEY
03 Benjamin WIGLEY of Wirksworth & Nottingham Gent 1729
[c 1 Dec 1675 Wirksworth son of Thomas]
[mar Annam LEE 18 Apr 1710 Chesterfield]
04 John WIGLEY of Wirksworth Mercer. Will 10 Feb 1741
05 Jane WICKFIELD marr sett dated 23 & 24 Dec 1707 was of
Marston Montgomery md there 22 Jany 1707/8
[children of Benjamin WIGLEY & Annam LEE]
06 Thomas WIGLEY of Nottingham Attorney cl[er]k 1729 to Mr CALTON
at Chesterfd [c 31 Jan 1711 Wirksworth]
07 Jonathan WIGLEY Fel of Oxf Coll Cambridge [c 20 Feb 1712 Wirksworth]
08 Benjamin WIGLEY of Sawley Clerk [c 30 Sep 1713 Wirksworth]
09 Joshua WIGLEY of Nottingham
10 Edith WIGLEY [c 10 Aug 1715 Wirksworth] ux
11 George ASCOUGH of Nottingham Gentn [mar 25 May 1742 Colwick, Notts]
he was son of Mr W ASCOUGH who first introduced printing into
Nottm in 1710 DEERING [maiden name?]
[child of John WIGLEY & Jane WICKFIELD]
12 John WIGLEY only son died almost 2 months after his father aged about
3 months
[children of Elizabeth WIGLEY & George ASCOUGH]
13 son
14 daughter
See also p 378
From abstract of Title to MATHERS Grocers & COATES Printers premises at
Market Place Wirksworth by T N Ince
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03 04
01 George WIGLEY of Market Place Wirksworth Currier 1724 (an Insolvent 1754)
02 Grace [WOODWARD] his wife 1754 [mar 27 Apr 1720 Wirksworth]
03 John WIGLEY of Wirksworth Currier [c 24 Sep 1725 Wirksworth]
3d son 1754 & 1761
04 Dorothy WIGLEY [c 17 Nov 1721 Wirksworth] a legatee Miss Eliza THOMPS
Will 1745
01 .... WIGLEY of Mansfield Notts
02 Mary da In 1746 described as heiress at law of John WIGLEY then
late of Wirksworth Mercer. Mard Rowland MOREWOOD of Alfreton Esquire.
Owners of property in Market Place Wirksworth, now COATES
From P CARSONS Deeds to premises bottom of Market Place Wirksworth
T N Ince
...........| . . . . .
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02==v==03 04==v==02
.................|.................. ....|......
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05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
01 .... GRIFFIN of Wirksworth
02 Charles YARBURGH of Heslington Hall near York Esquire
03 Sarah GRIFFIN of York 2 ux probably sister of 1 ux
04 Mary GRIFFIN 1 ux died 26 Nov 1757 aet 40*
[children of Charles YARBURGH & Sarah GRIFFIN]
05 Nicholas Edmund Thomas YARBURGH Esq of Heslington Hall
06 Charles YARBURGH [c 19 Oct 1763 Belfrey's York, Yorks]
07 Judith YARBURGH
08 Rosamund YARBURGH
09 Sarah YARBURGH [c 18 Oct 1761 Snaith, Yorks]
10 Faith YARBURGH [c 1764 Snaith, Yorks]
11 Henrietta YARBURGH
[children of Charles YARBURGH & Mary GRIFFIN]
15 Margery YARBURGH ux Mr Joshua? COATES
* Descended from the LOWES of Alderwasley & WIGLEYS of Wigwell Co Derby
Copyright © 2000,
John Palmer,
All Rights Reserved.