Updated 30 Nov 2000
WIRKSWORTH Parish Records 1600-1900
by Thomas Norris INCE 1799-1860 |
Here is a transcription of the 484 pages of this Manuscript Book,
made from a microfilm copy supplied by Derby Local Studies Library.
In most cases abbreviations have been expanded without
comment to avoid confusion.
A new page numbering system is used based on the microfilm frame order.
Ince's original page numbers and the DLSL photocopy reference are given
in red brackets.
The original pages are held at DLSL, are separated,
and unfortunately do not possess a coherent numbering system.
These pages were transcribed by John Palmer, Kathryn Farrell
and Sonia Addis-Smith
between Oct 1999 and Feb 2000.
Proof-read by Sonia and John,
edited and compiled by John.
about uncertain words,
and I will recheck microfilm of the original.
[italics]=transcriber's comments,
ux=wife of,
s.p.=without issue,
anno=year of,
Copyright © 2000,
All Rights Reserved.
Page 010a (18,28,H929.2/18a)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
The following Sketch of Pedigree of descent of property in Lea Holloway
Matlock Holmesford Crich Co Derby &c sold in 1775 by Mrs CLAY Mr HODGKINSON
& ux & Miss TAYLOR to Peter NIGHTINGALE Esq of Lea is drawn up from
Mrs CLAY's Deed of Appointment & recitals th[ere]in contained .
See bundle NIGHTINGALE & CLAY & o[the]rs.
01==v==02 See 100
....|.... 347
| | 377
03==v==04 05
| |
06==v==07 08==v==09
| | |
10 11==v==12 13
| |
14==v== 15==v==16
......|.... ....|
| | | |
17 18 19 20
01 John FLINT of Upper Holloway Yeoman Will 2d Feb 1716*
*See Mr Inces Ms book P 222 for Case & ped herein
02 Grace [ALLING] livg Oct 1720* Extrix of his dar Marina
[mar 7 Jun 1682 Ashover]
03 William HODGKINSON of Ashover Co Derby Baker (& Miller)
[mar 18 Jun 1707 Ashover]
04 Joanna one of the dars of John FLINT of Upper Holloway Yeoman
(died bef her Mother)*
05 Marina FLINT the o[the]r dar & coheir died unmard wherein her moiety
descended to her niece CLAY.
See recital in Mrs CLAY Deed of Appt *Will dat 10 Oct 1720
[children of William HODGKINSON & Joanna FLINT]
06 Martha una filia & coheress of her mor & Aunt Marina of lands &c in
Ashover Lea & Crich In 19 Octr 1775 havg surd her husbd & havg no issue
Appoints her Estes to her nep & nces See draft
07 Thomas CLAY of Higham Co Derby Gent [mar 20 Feb 1728 Ashover]
on 14 Decr 1756 He & his ux Make a deed to Declare uses of a Fine
08 Anne una filia & coheress. Dead before 1756 [mar 1 Mar 1742 S. Wingfield]
09 Edward TAYLOR of South Wingfield Malster In 1770 was of Hog lane in
Shoreditch Co Midx Farrier
[children of Anne HODGKINSON & Edward TAYLOR]
10 Will TAYLOR of Mansfield Notts Gent described as late of ye place in 1775
In June 1770 is called Commandant of 12 Dragoons on Irish Est
11 Joanna TAYLOR uxor Ralph HODGKINSON [mar 16 Dec 1767 Shirland]
12 Ralph HODGKINSON of Sheffield Co York Druggist in 1775
13 Elizabeth TAYLOR of Higham Co Derby Spinster in 1775
[children of Joanna TAYLOR & Ralph HODGKINSON]
14 Ralph HODGKINSON of Stavely Gent sometime of Sheffield Druggist
[c 25 Jan 1770 Catherdral St. Peter Sheffield]
[mar Mary SCOTT 11 Mar 1798 Cathedral St. Peter, Sheffield]
15 sister Ann HODGKINSON [c 14 Mar 1782 Cathedral St. Peter, Sheffield]
m 1811 to John KNIGHT
16 John KNIGHT
[children of Ralph HODGKINSON & Mary SCOTT]
17 Henry HODGKINSON Surgeon ob aet 20
[c 10 Sep 1800 Cathedral St. Peter, Sheffield]
18 daur [Mary] HODGKINSON [c 12 Jun 1801 Cathedral St. Peter, Sheffield]
19 daur [Martha] HODGKINSON [c 10 Apr 1806 Cathedral St. Peter, Sheffield]
[child of Ann HODGKINSON & John KNIGHT]
20 Annie Elizth b 1817 wife of Henry REVELL of Danfield Co York Esq
Pedigree of the family of Mr John MARSHALL of Wirksworth Bailiff of
Wapentake &c drawn by T N Ince from gravestones in Wirksworth Ch Yd personal
knowledge &c 1 Jany 1829
[Although part of the BROUGH pedigree spills over onto page 010b,
it makes more sense to include it on this page.]
...... ....|....
| | | |
03==v== 04 05==v==06 07==v==08
|...... ....|.... : . . .
| | | |
09==v==10==v==11 12==v==13 14==v==15
.......| |............. .........| |......
| | | | | | | | | |
16==v==17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
| | | | | |
27==v==28==v==29 30==v==31 32==v==33 34 35 36
....|.... |............. ....|
| | | | | | |
37 38 39 40 41 42 43
01 Charles BROUGH of Wirksworth Gent Mard about Oct 1708 surres h[ouse] &c
Wirksth Manor to his 2 childn 11 Aug 1721 livg 1754
02 Rebeckah sisr Revd Samuel WOOD & dau of Rev John
[mar 30 Dec 1708 Norton, Derby]
03 .... MARSHALL of
04 Joseph WILSON father of Daniel father of Messrs Jos Daniel & John WILSON
05 William WILSON* of Wirksworth surrd copyhd Deans Man there Sept 1755.
Will dated 10:June 1771. dead bef Oct 1773 Barber Surgeon Probably the
same WILSON who was a Barber Surgeon & Hairdresser at Wirksworth He was.
T N Ince
*These 2 have £50 by the ? of Rev Samuel WOODs will of Norton da
19 July 1723 & a third part of his Derbyshire property in fee
[children of Charles BROUGH & Rebeckah WOOD]
06 Rebeckah* livg 1755 da of Cha BROUGH of Wirksworth Gent. Mard bef 1789 Oct 17
only survg child 10 July 1754 [mar 2 Nov 1732 Carsington]
07 John BROUGH admitted to his share of Single? P? 17:Oct=1739
Surr[ende]rs to Mrs WILSON that a Recovy & ux? were? to WILSON afsd
1 Jany 1740 ob s p bef 1754
08 Hannah he had several childn? funded? in London a[nn]o 1740
09 .... da of .... of Shottle
10 George MARSHALL of Wirksworth Innkeeper & Shopkeeper 1784 livg 1790
Burd at Arnold Co Notts came from Tideswell as a Tinman
11 Rebeckah (in 1773 she & her husband Enf? Fra HART Esq in a Garden nr
Hammonds Court) one of the 2 daurs & devisees of William WILSON of Wirksworth
2d ux [mar 11 Jan 1765 Wirksworth]
12 Anne WILSON one of the 2 daurs & devisees unr her fa Will. She & the
MARSHALLS 15 Oct 1773 surrd copyd to F HART Esq. See Blackwalls abst
of Title penes [in possession of] Mr P. HUBBERSTY
13 George CLAY Wirksworth Tailor [mar 14 Feb 1777 Wirksworth]
[possible child of John BROUGH & Hannah]
14 John BROUGH Wirksworth Flaxdresser Will 24 Dec 1792
15 Sarah [MILLINGTON] 1792 a life Este in Ho[use] &c in Hammons Court Wirksworth
[mar 12 Sep 1768 Wirksworth]
[child of George MARSHALL & 1 ux]
16 Thomas MARSHALL of Wirksworth Innkeeper & Ironmonger & Bailiff of
Wapentake of Wirksworth & High Const of same. [c 10 Sep 1758 Wirksworth]
Died 18 Nov 1816 aet 58.
17 Elizabeth da of Benjamin GREGORY of Wirksworth Hairdresser.
[mar 16 Dec 1784 Wirksworth] Died 22 Feby 1810 aet 50.
[children of George MARSHALL & Rebeckah WILSON]
18 Michael MARSHALL [c 24 Apr 1772 Wirksworth] a sailor ob at sea
19 William MARSHALL [c 15 Aug 1770 Wirksworth]
20 George MARSHALL [c 11 Jul 1766 Wirksworth]
21 Kath MARSHALL [c 31 Dec 1778 Wirksworh] bur at Arnold
[children of John BROUGH & 1 ux Hannah HAMMOND]
22 Edward BROUGH only son [c 17 Sep 1760 Wirksworth]
23 Anne BROUGH [c 26 Oct 1757 Wirksworth]
24 Frances BROUGH [c 12 Mar 1766 Wirksworth]
[children of John BROUGH & 2 ux Sarah MILLINGTON]
25 Sarah BROUGH [c 13 Sep 1769 Wirksworth]
26 Cathe BROUGH [c 15 Sep 1771 Wirksworth]
[children of Thomas MARSHALL & Elizabeth GREGORY]
27 1 ux Elizabth da of Thomas MATHER of Wirkswowrth Baker Mard at Wirksworth
[26 Feb 1817] Died 24 March 1822 aet 32
28 John MARSHALL of Wirksworth Bailiff of Wap of Wirksworth and Grocer. Eld son
Born ... [c 4 Sep 1785 Wirksworth] Living 1857
29 2 ux Elizabeth HOLMES of Wirksworth Mar there 17 June 1823
30 William MARSHALL of Wirksworth bailiff
31 .... [Hannah] da of George AMATT of Wirkswth Joiner
[mar 13 Feb 1815 Wirksworth]
32 Thomas MARSHALL of Wirksworth School master & printer Mar Wirksworth
20 May 1830 to
33 Sarah W[idow] of HALL W Mason & d Mark BAMFORD Brickmaker Wirksworth
34 Katherine MARSHALL or Kitty [c 22 Nov 1798 Wirksworth] ob 4 March 1822
aet 33
35 Anne MARSHALL [c 12 Jan 1787 Wirksworth] mard Thomas HARLEY of Wirkswth
Glazier Mar Wirksworth [27 Sep 1813]
36 Mary MARSHALL [c 16 Sep 1792 Wirksworth] died 12 Jany 1826 aet 33
[children of John MARSHALL & Elizabeth MATHER]
37 John MARSHALL ob 22 Dec 1817 aet 17 days
38 John Mather MARSHALL 2d son died 4 Apr 1823 aged 14 mo
[children of John MARSHALL & Elizabeth HOLMES]
39 Joseph MARSHALL a Joiner in London 1856
40 Mary MARSHALL died unmard
41 Anne MARSHALL m John GREGORY of Bonsall Cabinet Maker
[child of Thomas MARSHALL & Sarah BAMFORD]
43 Catherine MARSHALL died young
Page 010b (19,29,H929.2/19)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Pedigree of the SPENCERS of Bolehill in Wirksworth Co Derby & their
descendants the LOCKALLS & their descendants
26 March 1712 Sir P GELL Bart for £130 conveys Rough Closes to
Robt SPENCER of Bolehill Jersey? comber.
01==v==02 03==v==
.............|............... ....|....
| | | | |
04==v==05 06==v==07 08==v==09 10
......|...... | ......|........................
| | | | | | | | | |
11 12 13 14 | 25 26==v== 27==v== 28 29
| | | | | |
15==v==16 17 18==v==19 20 21==v==22 23==v==24
.......|..... ....|.... .............|.............. |............
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
30 31 32 33==v==34 35 36 37==v==38 39 40 41 42 43==v==44 45==v==46 47
....|.... ...........|......... ....| ....|....
| | | | | | | | | | | |
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
01 Robert SPENCER of Bolehill Wirksworth Woolcomber purchased lands of
Sir P. GELL Bart Died when his children were young Intestate Jany 1715
02 .... daur of .... survd her husband
03 John HELLOBY of Wirksworth Grantee of premises in Nether St. Wirksworth from
04 Robert SPENCER of Bolehill Wirksworth Woolcomber Died 23d November 1792
aged 80 years Born abt 1712 [mar 29 Jun 1738 Alfreton]
05 Elizabeth HOLEBROOK dar of .... Died 4 June 1768 aged 49 bur at Wirksworth 6th
06 Elizabeth SPENCER
07 William LOCKALL of Cromford Co Derby Farmer bur Wirksworth
[mar 27 Apr 1729 Wirksworth]
08 Sarah sister of Robert SPENCER livg a W[idow] 1785
09 John HELLOBY of Wirksworth Farmer after of Longford Co Derby ob bef 1785
Living 1758 at Longford [mar 9 Apr 1729 Wirksworth]
10 Mary HELLOBY md 1 .... TAYLOR of Wirksworth Town Crier & 2d John SALT of
same place Innholder & Postman to Derby (T COLLINSON 1830)
[children of Robert SPENCER & Elizabeth HOLEBROOK]
11 Joseph SPENCER of Bolehill aforsd Yeoman. Died 29th April 1812 aged 93.
Will 1 March 1812. Proved Lichfield 13 Oct 1812
12 Hannah SPENCER died Apr 28 1767 aged 26 bur May 1:
13 Elizabeth SPENCER of Bolehill afsd unmard a[nn]o 1826 obt 10 Jany 1830
aged 80 Will 17 Aug 1827 pro with Codicil at Dn Com 11 Feb 1830
14 Sarah SPENCER of Bolehill afsd unmard a[nn]o 1826 Died 19 May 1827
Burd 23d aged 73 years Will 24 Feb 1826 Pro Dn Com 6 July 1827
[children of Elizabeth SPENCER & William LOCKALL]
15 Robert LOCKALL of Cromford Woolcomber & Barm[aster]
16 Phoebe HOLE of Tansley bur Wirksworth Dec 21 1777 [mar 12 Jan 1757 Ashover]
17 William LOCKALL o. s. p. Inverness?
18 Mary LOCKALL mar
19 Fras ROPER of Cromford & after of Manchester Blacksmith
20 Sarah LOCKALL died in London mard .... [James] GUDGEON of London aft
no issue survg [mar 11 Jun 1770 St. Bartolph Without Aldersgate, London]
21 Martha LOCKALL mard
22 Parkin PEARSON of Matlock Miner [mar 2 Jan 1771 Wirksworth]
23 Anne LOCKALL mard John CLITHERO She died 28 May 1775 aged 25 bur 31 May 1775
24 John CLITHERO of Cromford Joiner [mar 5 Mar 1772 Wirksworth]
He bur Nov 1:1778
[children of Sarah LOCKALL & John HELLOBY]
25 Joseph HELLOBY of Longford Farmer El Son & h 1785 Sells to
26 Richard HELLOBY
28 .... HELLOBY ux .... BLOORE
29 .... HELLOBY ux .... NEALE
[children of Robert LOCKALL & Phoebe HOLE]
30 Elizabeth LOCKALL mard George YOUNG of Crich but ob s p
[mar 27 Jan 1806 Wirksworth]
31 Robert son of Robert LOCKALL bur Wirksworth 21 July 1768
32 Hannah LOCKALL was 1st wife of John EATON of Cromford she ob s p
33 Sarah LOCKALL was 2d wife of
34 Anthony TURNER of Cromford Tailor [mar 4 Jul 1800 Wirksworth]
[children of Mary LOCKALL & Francis ROPER]
35 William ROPER of Manchester
36 Anne ROPER ux Joseph JEPSON of Cromford Shoemak
[mar 4 Oct 1784 Wirksworth]
8 others
[children of Martha LOCKALL & Parkin PEARSON]
37 Sarah PEARSON ux
38 William CHADWICK Wirksth Innkeeper afterwards of Sparrow Lane Rowsley?
40 Parkin PEARSON of Wirksworth Wagoner to Chadwick
41 Robert PEARSON dead left a large family
42 James PEARSON dead
43 Eliz PEARSON ob s p
44 Benjamin PEARSON
[children of Anne LOCKALL & John CLITHERO]
45 Elizabeth CLETHERO only survivg child mard William PARKER ob Nov 8:1821
at 47 yrs bur at Wirksworth
46 William PARKER of Cromford Glazier [mar 22 Jan 1794 Wirksworth]
47 Anne CLITHERO 2 da John bur 20 Oct 1779
[children of Sarah LOCKALL & Anthony TURNER]
48 Anthony TURNER of Belper & Lane End
49 Elizabeth TURNER
[children of Sarah PEARSON & William CHADWICK]
50 Robert CHADWICK
51 Sarah CHADWICK md 1 July 1830 James STEVENSON of Wirksworth Bleacher
52 Mary CHADWICK ob s p
53 William CHADWICK [c 15 Sep 1811 Wirksworth]
54 Henry CHADWICK [c 25 Feb 1827 Wirksworth]
55 Adam CHADWICK [c 25 Feb 1827 Wirksworth]
[child of Benjamin PEARSON]
56 John PEARSON only child
[children of Elizabeth CLITHERO & William PARKER]
57 John PARKER [c 4 Sep 1796 Cromford Chapel]
58 Will PARKER
59 Anne PARKER
Page 010c (20,30,H929.2/20)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
The following pedigree of Will HOLMES of Bolehill in Wirksworth &c Hat dealer
was drawn by me T N Ince Wirksworth 21 Apr 1829 from the relation of said
W HOLMES, Mary HOLMES & his Mother & from a few entries made by his brother
Tho HOLMES- Extracts made by T N I [Ince] from Brassington & Bradbourne
| | | |
03==v== 04 05 06==v==07==v==08
....|........ .............| |............................
| | | | | | | | | | | |
09 10 11 12 13==v==14 15 16 17 18 19 20==v==21 22==v==23
.....................|.............. ...................|..... |.........
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
24==v==25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
01 James HOLMES of Ashburne Co Derby Hatter where he is supposed to have
died It is believed he came from the neighborhood of Fairfield in
Alstonfield Sheffieldshr
02 Sarah SMITH of Ashburne was living 1778 & then abouts died at Ashburne
a Widow
03 John HOLMES lived near Fairfield Lanc Weaver
04 Sarah HOLMES mard [John] SILVER of .... by whom she had a son William
who went for a soldier [mar 8 Jun 1658 St. Botolph Bishopsgate, London]
05 William HOLMES was supposed to have been drowned in a well where he was
sent to fetch water but was never found
06 Ellen da of WAIN & W[idow] of Robert BRIDDON of Brass[ingt]on Baker
by whom she had John Robert & Hannah BRIDDON
Mard G H at Brasson 28 Feb 1774 Burd at Bradburne July 4:1777
07 George HOLMES of Bolehill Hatcher before of Cromford & previously of
Brassington Baker & farmer
Bn a[nn]o 1742 Died 14 Apr 1816 burd at Wirksworth 16th same
08 Mary d of John STONE of Elton Miner Mard at Brassington Co Derby being
then 24 years old 30 Dec 1778- died 23 Jany 1832 burd at Wirksworth 25 esuse?
[children of John HOLMES]
09 John HOLMES of Liverpool Weaver. Mard & had issue He is now dead
(a[nn]o 1829)
10 James HOLMES of Manchester Weaver mard Anne .... is livg but hath
no children (a[nn]o 1829)
11 Samuel HOLMES a solr & mard & issue, being previously of Fairfield Weaver
12 Sarah HOLMES mard .... dead leaving issue
[children of George HOLMES & Ellen WAIN]
13 George HOLMES of Calow in par N Wingfield Co Derby Labor aged 55 yrs
a[nn]o 1829- Bap at Brasson 19:June 1774
14 Jane d of .... COLTSON of Brampton Co Derb Tailor Mard.... Decr 1796
15 William HOLMES bap at Brass[ington] Augst 15 1776 Bur at Bradb[orn]e
4 July 1777
[children of George HOLMES & Mary STONE]
16 James HOLMES twin a solr 69th foot is supposed to be dead, not been heard
of since 1807 then in ye E Indies, was by trade a Weaver bn at
Brass[ingt]on 20 Sep 1779 bap Ch there soon after
17 Sarah HOLMES mard William CONSTANTINE of Stockport & bef of Manchester Hatter
She & her bro James (twins) were bap at Brass[ingt]on 30 Jany 1780
18 John HOLMES ob unmard aged 19 bn & bap at Brass[ingt]on bur at Wirkswth
bap 22 May 1782
19 William HOLMES of Bolehill Wirksworth Weaver & dealer in hats
a relator of this ped & 44 yrs old a[nn]o 1829
being bn 18 Dec 1783 & bapd at Brasson soon after 11 Apr 1784
ob 27 Feb 1853 aged 68 yrs
20 Thomas HOLMES of Bolehill Miner bn at Brass on 17:Sept 1786 & there bap
soon aftwo but no Entry is be to found thof
21 Elizabeth d of Walter BUXTON of Bolehill Miner bn Dec 30, 1787 Mard at
W 20th May 1813 (Blind)
22 Mary HOLMES bn at Cromford Dec 7:1796 Xtnd at Wirksworth & there Mard
27 May 1819 Philip PEAT Died 14 Nov 1824 bur at Wirksworth
23 Philip PEAT of Ashleyhay Labour
[children of George HOLMES & Jane COLTSON]
24 Will HOLMES of....
25 .... da of ....
26 George HOLMES
27 John HOLMES
28 James HOLMES
29 Ellen HOLMES mard
30 Hannah HOLMES
31 Sarah HOLMES
32 Jane HOLMES
[children of Thomas HOLMES & Elizabeth BUXTON]
33 John HOLMES El child born 27 Jany 1814 Died 17 Dec:1820 burd & bapt at
Wirksworth Church
34 Mary HOLMES bn 31 Jany 1818 & bap at West Chap Cromford 12 Feb follg
35 George HOLMES bn 30 May 1821 Died Aug 24:1822 bap at Wirksworth in July 1822
burd there
36 Walter HOLMES bn 5 Jany 1823 bap West Chap Cromford same month
37 William bn 5 Jan 1823 bap West Chap Cromford same month died
30 Augst 1829 bur 2 Sept follg
38 James HOLMES bn 8 July 1825 bap West Chapel in Cromford same month
39 Hannah HOLMES bn Aug 10 1829 bap Wirksth Ch Aug follg
[children of Mary HOLMES & Philip PEAT]
40 Thomas PEAT bn 29 Feb 1820
41 George PEAT bn 20 Dec 1821
42 John PEAT bn 4 March 1824 ob 5 Apr follg
Page 010d (21,31,H929.2/21)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Sonia Addis-Smith, Bedford, England
Pedigree of Samuel ALSOP of Wirksworth, who was buried 1786. He was
possessed of Damside & other lands at Parwich, sold or possession
given thereof by his Wo. [Widow?], who had no title, to one BROWNSON
of that place. He was also possessed of a House &c on Greenhill now
1827 pulled down & rebuilt by George HEALD. This pedigree is deffly
[definitively?] drawn by W.T.INCE, Attorney, 1786, by W.C. BROWN in
179- & by myself T.A. INCE in 1827.
No.1 My grandfather [crossed through] uncle W.T. INCE's Pedigree &
| |
01==v==02 03
| |
| |
04 05
01 William ALSOP
02 Eleanor HILL, his wife
03 Anthony HILL, brother of Eleanor
04 Thomas ALSOP, son of William
05 Sarah HILL, present Claimant, wife of Anthony TURNOR
06 Samuel ALSOP, the person last seized
Now admitting that Thomas ALSOP, William ALSOP & all the Male line
upwards ad infinitum were dead without any brothers or sisters or any
descending from them, & if it was impossible to prove that William
ALSOP or any of his ancestors had taken by descent or purchase, the
claim of Sarah, the wife of A. TURNOR would be founded in law; but
should anything be shewn to controvert such Admittance or should such
proof be given, the claim would be thereby invalidated - for the
blood of Eleanor HILL would in such case be excluded according to the
doctrine "that the blood of that line of ancestors from which the este
[estate?] did not descend can never inherit" - And therefore as the
fact is that William ALSOP became intitled by descent, viz from an
Elder brother Thomas & that one of his ancestors was a purchaser
(either or indeed both of which facts may be easily proved) it perhaps
will not be prudent to take notice of the seisin of William ALSOP as
the highest, or to let it appear that Samuel ALSOP, the person last
seized became intitled by descent; but on the contrary the Will of
Thomas ALSOP, the brother of William, whereby Samuel ALSOP is made a
purchaser had better be produced, by which means the objection of
William ALSOP having taken by actual descent will be removed, & by
thus considering Samuel as a purchaser, the descent of William &
indeed all actual descents & purchases that might by adduced if
Samuel be considered to have taken by descent will (as it were) be
totally anihilated, the rules of descent will be as if the ancestors
of Samuel had never been actually seized.
If the pedigree is drawn with rfce? [reference?] to the Will, it will
stand thus.
01==v==02 03==v==04
| |
....|.... .....|.....
| | | |
05 06==v==07 08==v==09
| | |
| ....|.... |
| | | |
10 11 12==v==13 14
| |
15 16
01 Paternal Grandfather's Father
02 Paternal Grandfather's Mother
03 Paternal Grandmother's Father
04 Paternal Grandmother's Mother
05 Thomas ALSOP
06 William ALSOP, Paternal Grandfather
07 Eleanor HILL, Paternal Grandmother
08 Anthony HILL
09 Unknown wife of Anthony
10 Dorothy ALSOP, o.s.p. [died without children]
11 Jane ALSOP, o.s.p. [died without children]
12 Thomas ALSOP, Father
13 Unknown wife of Thomas
14 Sarah HILL, the present Claimant, wife of Anthony TURNER
15 Edward ALSOP, o.s.p. [died without children]
16 Samuel ALSOP, the person last seized
No.2 On another Sheet by W.T. INCE
.......... ..........
| | | |
01 02==V==03 04
01 Thomas ALSOP, died s.p. [without children].
02 William ALSOP, buried 12 Oct 1732
03 Married Eleanor HILL
04 Anthony HILL, Eleanor's brother
05 Thomas ALSOP, son of William
06 Samuel ALSOP, son of Thomas
W.In.Charnell BROWN of Alport, Attorney, his Pedigree on the relation
[related by] & on behalf of Francis REDFERN, written with a brief
sometime about Wirksworth Inclosure from which I T.A. INCE copied it,
the same being then in possession of Dr B. GELL. (Not correct,
| | |
02 03==v==04 05==v==06
| |
| ....|....
| | |
08==v==07==09 10 11==12
01 John ALLSOP
02 Thomas ALSOP, the purchaser
03 William ALSOP, his brother
04 Mary LOCKSLEY, William's wife
05 Ann ALSOP, sister of Thomas & William
06 Anthony HILL, Ann's husband
07 Samuel ALSOP, died intestate 25 Aug 1786
08 Elizabeth SMEDLEY [Samuel's 1st wife], daughter of In. Smedley,
Wirksworth Miner, 1776.
09 Hannah WIGLEY [Samuel's 2nd wife], no true St...? afterwards
married WALL.
10 Anthony HILL, o.s.p. [died without children]
11 Elizabeth HILL
12 Francis REDFERN
13 A daughter who died s.p. [without children]
Page 011a (22,32,H929.2/22)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Sonia Addis-Smith, Bedford, England
Copy title from original in ALSOP's papers from W.[over-scribbled]
Mr JOHNSON, I am informed you are in possession of land that was
lately [to?] Samuel JOHNSON**, & that you hold the same in right of
your wife his late Widow : I therefore inform you that your wife has
only her thirds in the same for her life, & that if she does not
immediately agree to [....?] the Hall at [once?] to S. REDFERN, I
shall most certainly bring an Ejectment for Recovery thereof. I am
yr hble Servt. John C. BROWNE. Alport 2d July 1795.
Mr? Wm. JOHNSON, Laborer, Porridge [Parwich], by a special Messenger.
** I presume W. BROWN here meant ALSOP - See letter below.
No.5 Sketch of pedigree done at time of Wirksworth Inclosure by W.R.
INCE Attey, from I presume W. BROWNES Pedigree & relation of Francis
[Ed. The following brief chart is drawn over the top of other writing]
01==v==02 03==v==04
| |
| |
05 06 07==v==08
09 |
01 William ALSOP, dead
02 His wife, dead
03 Ann ALSOP, dead
04 Anthony HILL, dead
05 Samuel ALSOP, dead
06 Anne ALSOP, o.s.p. [died without children - no relationship
07 Betty HILL, only daughter, dead
08 Francis REDFERN, claimant by curtesy [as husband of Betty]
09 Samuel ALSOP? [no relationship shown]
10 Francis REDFERN, the present claimant
[^ The following paragraph is a partial transcript of writing on the
same page and underneath the above pedigree. It is faint and
partially obscured by the pedigree.]
Wirksworth, Nov 11, 1795. Doc Ex Depn [Deposition] Francis REDFERN
the Elder ...... William JOHNSON.
W. BROWN of [obscured] brought [obscured] Ejectment against William
JOHNSON who ................ old Alsop whose deeds were left
[obscured] custody forward at law. He has made a mistake with his
name. It is William WALL, not Johnson. The .......... is clearly
intitled to dower & ... possession brought on the Ejectment the other
day to ..... in all appertenances to it. Francis REDFERN I can ......
claims this estate as ........... Betty HILL who was only daughter of
Anthony HILL who married Old ALSOP's sister. How true this is I don't
know. But ...... her husband ......... if there is the least chance
or any advantage to be derived from the Misnomer to contest it. I
will bring into the papers ............. which were made by [obscured]
sometime ago. What steps you think necessary to be taken ...... at
time be so good as to consider & direct -- I am yr aft [your
affectionate] Brother, R. INCE.
...... from same to Kinderley & Sons the Law agent, London. Dated 22
Dec 1895, he says "pray dont neglect ............. to their Ejectment"
-- I cant find any more letters &c on this business, so conclude it
was dropt. I.A.I.
No.6 Another Sketch by P.W.R. INCE
| |
01 02
| |
| .....|.....
| | |
03 04 05
| | |
01 Thomas ALSOP, Testator
02 William ALSOP [his brother]
03 Dorothy ALSOP, died sans issue
04 Thomas ALSOP of Wirksworth
05 Jane ALSOP
06 Samuel ALSOP
07 Ruth HILL [Smauel's 1st wife, mother of 3 unnamed children at end
of above pedigree.]
08 Elizabeth SMEDLEY [Samuel's 2nd wife]
09 Hannah WIGLEY [Sanuel's 3rd wife]
Anthony TURNER married Mary HILL & her sister Betty HILL, daughters of
Francis REDFERN.
Samuel ALSOP was buried 25 August 1786.
No.7 Another Memo in W.R.I's handwriting. William WALL & Hannah
his wife, late Hannah ALLSOP, are in possession of 6 acres of land in
Porridge [Parwich] called the Damside, late the property of Samuel
ALLSOP - A house upon Greenhill sold by Hannah ALSOP after her
husband's death to Henry WIGLEY.
No.8 Here follows a Pedigree drawn by I.A. INCE, 1827, from Wills &c
in ALSOP's bundle.
| | |
01 02 03
| |
...........|.......... |
| | | | |
04 05 06 07 08
| |
09 10==v==11
| |
...|...... ....|.....
| | | |
12 13 14 15
| |
16 17
01 John ALLSOPP of Parwich, County Derby, Yeoman. Will dated 22
April 1657.
02 ...... ALSOP, brother of John.
03 Sister of John, married TOMLINSON.
04 John ALLSOP of Parwich, Nephew & Executor & Devisee of his Uncle
05 Mary ALLSOP
07 Frances ALLSOP
08 Joseph TOMLINSON, nephew & legatee of John ALLSOPP, married
** Baptised Thomas the son of William ALLSOPP & Hellen his wife,
23rd day of September 1692.
Gulielmus ORSOPPE sepultus [buried] 12th October 1732.
Buried Elleanor ALLSOPP June 17th 1741.
These are I believe from BONSALL Register. See paper no.9.
09 Thomas ALLSOPP of Parwich, Yeoman, Testator, 14th January 1731,
proved 2 Nov: 1733.
10 William ALLSOPP of Bonsall, died 12th Oct 1732.
11 Elleonor, buried 27 June 1741.
12 Dorothy ALLSOPP, Devisee, of Damside &c. ......? to Samuel
ALSOP, subject to a [1?] pound annuity to his brother .......?
13 If not a son, who was father of Samuel. See Note below.
14 Thomas ALLSOP, said in before written Pedigrees to be Father of
William last seized.
15 Jane, sister of Thomas, both mentioned ..... Uncle Thomas's Will
as Devisees for life after ...... for William & ........ to Samuel in
16 Samuel ALLSOPP devisee of Thomas ALLSOPP & Executor of his Will.
He was of Wirksworth a miner & died s.p. Aug 1786 +
17 Edward ALLSOPP, annuitant from his brother Samuel.
[^ The following final statement at the bottom of the page is much
darkened and almost illegible.]
It seems doubtful whether he was a grandson of William or Thomas
the testator of 1731. See his Will where he says "............ my
brother William ALLSOPP, grandson Samuel ALLSOP &c,
Executors." If the "S" had been added after ...... [bottom corner
decayed] ALLSOPP there would have been no doubt.
Page 011b (23,33,H929.2/23)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
In re GARTON & ux?
Being employed by Mr DAKEYNE of Toadhole Darley Dale Atty I went to
Kirk Ireton & Kniveton to procure registers in proof of the Pedigree on
the o[the]r side wch I transmitted on 22 June 1827 with follg lre:
Dr Sir:
On the other side I send you copies of the Registral entries at Kirk Ireton
& Kniveton & hope they will ansr yr purpose. I intend going to Langlay
Little Eaton Duffield & Bakewell early next Wk to the 3 former I hope on
Monday. In Kirk Ireton regr the name of HARRISON is of frequent occurence,
but there is only one of the name of William HARRISON beside the one sent you &
this was discribed Ireton Wood & said to be burd Oct 1:1777. This Co[ul]d
not be the fa[the]r of the 2d William bes 2d William is not baptd till 1723 therefore
the one I have copied as burd in 1732 is most likely correct. You see the
Widow mard the yr after to Thomas BOYER of Alveton but called Alton Co Staff
& not Elliston as you mentd to me. I diligently compared the Extracts wch
I made myself from the regrs. I can swear to their being true with best
regrets I remr Dr Sir
yrs Sin[cere]ly Thomas Norris Ince
Havg scalded my leg on Monday I was laid up sometime & on Saty follg sent
Chas over with 4 peds to Darley wch were alterd & ordered to be made on a
larger scale. On 2d July I went to Bakewell in a gig being very lame & there
searchd the regr from 1669 & found the mode of entry for Illegitimates
sometimes, illegitimate- bastard & spurious but mostly the latter. & in
addition to the Extracts used in the Ped I copied the 2 follg lest I
sho[ul]d be examd about them:
"June 1686 15 Esther wife of William SMITH of over Huddon burd
1696 June 1 Martha dar of William SMITH of over Haddon burd"
On Saty 7 July being still very lame I took a horse & searchd Langley &
Duffield registers & compared them with Extracts recd from those places.
The Duffield ones were correct-but the Langley certs I copied over agn.
On the 10th July 1827 I sent these 2 last registral certs with Peds &c
with follg letter to Mr DEKAYNE:
D Sir:
I send you 4 pedigrees in re GARTON & ux on royal paper & hope they will
meet yr approbation. I also send you the Langley certs wch I found were
incorrect & thereof extracted the fresh ones sent to you. As also the
Duffield extract wch I found correct- I went to Little Eaton but findg
the regr was at Derby I return you the Certs wch FEATHERSTON must examine.
You will find my extract & the one made by Rev W Mr FELDEN at Langley to
differ more than a month. I am cern mine is correct. Mr MCQUEEN has got the
Bakewell Certs wch I obtained there on Monday 2d last- I am sorry this
bus[ine]ss co[ul]d not be sooner done, but I am now quite convalescent-
I shall see you at Derby I suppose sometime soon, probably before-
& am yrs siny Thomas Norris Ince
P S Excuse me writg on such Lady like paper but I had none other consqtly
it was HOBSON's choice the peds are made out agreably to Mr MCQUEEN's
directions & I trust with plenty of room for observations or an addl name
if that necessary-
On Monday 6 Aut went to Derby assizes in a chaise with Mr DEAKIN & his bror
Jas to the Bell Inn & there copied into my ped for my own inf the dates of
Wills &c of the HARRISONS- & copied the Numeral ligares &c from Mr MCQUEEN's
peds for Counsel-
Title of the Cause In the Kings Bench John Doe on the dem of Samuel GARTON &
Martha his wife Plaintiffs and
Jacob WALL. George MOSELEY- Benjamin BENNETT- Daniel DALLISON - Joseph HIND
Cath RICHARDSON- Sophia EVANS Sarah BENNET & Ann BENNETT- Defendants
Witnesses for Plaintiffs- Mary BOWMER (Derby) Josh FEATHERSTON Psh of Ch
(St. Werburghs Derby) T N Ince (Wirksworth) Samuel THORPE.
(Hasslewood) Sarah LICHFIELD (Derby) James PIMM (Derby) Rev C S HOPE Almr?
All Saints (Derby) Rev Edward HIGGINSON (Derby) Mr HORROCKS (Solr Derby)
Chas JACKMOND (School Mr Derby) John Thomas SEDGEWICK- William WILMOTT=(late overseer
Mackeney) Thomas JOHNSON- William HARRISON Plaintiffs Atty Mr James MACQUEEN &
Mr John DAKEYNE Counsell Mr COMLEY Thomas DENMAN Esq Mr READER & Mr CLARK Junr-
Defts Atty (except BANNESTER) BALGUY PORTER & BARBER Derby & for Bannister
Mr T L GREAR? Derby- Counsell Mr CLARKE Senr- Mr BALGUY & Mr Fienes CLINTON-
for Plffs- FEATHERSTONE Sevl prod Registers of Werburghs Derby-
Mrs JOHNSON corroberates regrs & on X Examn sd her grandmr & gt Aunt
Eliz BOYER had a sis Phoebe mard to William STEEPLE they had childn- She neither
knew Phoebe or husbnd but knew the son William T N Ince provd Kirk Ireton-
Kniveton Langely Duffield & Bakewell regrs-
The other party Defts- Set up a fine levied by a Mr CAULDWELL in 1820-
Thos HAWKINS then heir at Law agst whom fine began to run died within the
5 years- Resent claimt ought then to have prosecuted but did not. It was
determined by the Judge Sir William DRAPER Bart KC? that the fine was good as to
all but BANNISTER whose premises were not included as he refused to attorn?
Tenant or pay rent to CAULDWELL the cognusor.
The Deft BANNISTER set up Phoebe STEEPLES family & also one Edward HARRISON
son of Ralph son of Samuel son of Thomas alledged Elder bror of William HARRISON No 6?
but co[ul]d not get on- Therefore Judge directs a Verdict for all Defts
(except BANNISTER with 1/- damgs directed a Verdict for Plffs agt BANNISTER
for one moiety of his ho[use] & premes with a reserv on the o[the]r Moiety
wch was to form a case for the 12 judges (so that in case one/argument/STEEPLES
do not setp forward & prove thr Pedr Plffs will obtain the o[the]r Moiety-
In regard to Fines- The Learned Judge sd that if a psn Entered by wrong
Levied a fine the entry in 5 yrs agt it afr proclamations It wo[ul]d bar-
there was also a Quere raised by Defts counsel whether relations of Mother
as Mr CAULDWELL was of Elizabeth STAMFORD) sho[ul]d not come in before
relator is of Grandmother (on wch parish Blackston of Bristran are in favor
of the grandmother. See Comments 11 Vol Chap 14 descents Also WATKINS on
Page 011c (24,34,H929.2/24)
Back to MENU Transcribed by John Palmer, Dorset, England
[this pedigree is split, half on 011c and half on 011d]
| | |
03==v==04==v==05 06 07==v==08
| |
| |
09==v==10==v==11 12==v==13==v==14
| |
............|................. ....|.............
| | | | | | |
15 16==v==17 18==v==19 20 21==v==22 23 24==v==25
01 William SMITH of Over Haddon in parish of Bakewell Co Derby.
Tailor as saith Martha JOHNSON. [This last sentance crossed out]
03 1st husband: William HARRISON formerly of Kniveton and afterwards
of Kirk Ireton Co Derby where he was buried 11 May 1732
(Note: He acquired some property & made a Will & left it to his
widow & son who afterwards sold it. Had no relations that are known of
H... 5 May 1732 proved at Lichfield 14 Nov 1732. Elizabeth SMITH was
his 2nd wife.)
04 Elizabeth SMITH called Bacon Betty bap at Bakewell Co Derby Aug 1 1681
Mard to her 1st husband at Kniveton Co Derby 22 Sep 1713
and to her 2nd husband at Kirk Ireton 17 Nov 1733. Burd at St Werburgs
Derby 30 June 1764 (by the name of BOYER) had no issue by her 2nd husband
05 2nd husband: Thomas BOYER of Alveton Co Staff
06 Phoebe mard .... STEEPLE of .... as is supposed at Duffield where she
was burd 14 Apr 1764.
[this entry crossed out, and a remark: "(This was left not in fair copies)"]
07 Martha SMITH bapd at Bakewell 2 Sep 1684. Mard (whilst in service at
Kirk Langley Co Derby) at St Alkmunds church Derby 12 Sep 1722 burd at
Kirk Langley 1 Oct 1782. Survived her sister Phoebe [last sentence crossed out]
08 Thomas DAMS of Kirk Lanfley burd at Kirk Langley 10 Feb 1752
09 1st wife: Elizabeth STAMFORD mard at St Michaels church Derby.....
Burd at St Werburgs Derby 24 Mar 1800 (Made her Will being there described
of Streely Notts 17 Jan 1803 proved July 21 1827)
10 William HARRISON only son bap at Kirk Ireton Oct 6 1723 Bur St Werburgs
church Derby 19 May 1807 (Made a Will & devised to his 3 sons by his 1st wife)
11 2nd ux: Mrs HORSELEY a widow between 50 & 60 years of age. Had no issue
12 3rd wife: Francis LOWE
13 Mary DAMMS only child Bap at Kirk Langley 4 Aug 1723. Mard at Duffield
Feb 11 1754. Burd at Duffield 16 Sep 1758
14 Samuel HAWKINS of Hazzlewood near Duffield Co Derby.
Had 3 children by his 1st ux, after whose death he mard 2ndly Francis LOWE
who is now 1827 living his widow at Hazzlewood aged 86 Samuel HAWKINS was
[last sentence crossed out] Burd at Duffield 23 Oct 1785.
(Mary DAMS was his 2nd wife & he had a 3rd wife)[last comment written in
a different and later hand]
15 William HARRISON Derby silk hosier el son. Bap at St Werburgs Derby Jun 1748.
Burd same place 19 Feb ...4.[part of date unreadable, may be 1814]. Made a Will ... his
property to ..angers [last sentence erased in pencil, and remark added:]
Was never married. He was never married [last sentence erased]. Made his will
.. Jan 1814. Codicil 4 Feb 1814 proved at Lichfield 4 Apr 1814
16 Richard HARRISON of Derby builder commonly called Mad HARRISON. 2nd son bap
St Werburghs Derby 4 Feb 1750. Burd at same place 27 Feb 1816. Made a Will
which was proved at Licfield but set aside at Derby assizes July 1817.[last
sentence crossed out]. Person last seized had no issue
17 Miss Eleanor SUMNER. Note Mr FEATHERSTONE says he has heard that she settled
all her property before marriage upon her husband & was not very sharp.
[last sentence crossed out].(Burd at St Werburgs Derby 14 Jan 1814
18 Thomas HARRISON of Derby tanner. 3rd & youngest[& youngest crossed out] son
bap St Werburg Derby 29 Mar 1753 Burd same place 11 Jan 1796 s.p.[had no issue]
19 Mary EDWARDS Bur at St Werburgs Derby jun? 29 1790?
20 Elizabeth HARRISON only dau bapt St Werburgs Derby 21 Feb 1755 burd at
same place 14 Oct 1772. Unmarried
21 Thomas HAWKINS of Aston on Trent bap at Duffield 28 Jan 1755 Burd at
Aston aforesaid 7 Feb 1822. Died s.p.[without issue]
22 Ann WALKER of Aston on Trent. Mard there 5 Feb 1783
23 Martha HAWKINS Bap at Duffield 10 Dec 1756. Mard at Kirk Langley Co Derby
to John JOHNSON of Rodgley in parish of Longford Co Derby 30 Mar 1781.
She is now living at Kirk Langley a widow & never had any issue.
24 Samuel HAWKINS Bap at Duffield 8 Sep 1758. Mard there 26 Nov 1785.
Burd at Little Eaton Co Derby 16 Jan 1798.
25 Elizabeth or Bettie ELLIS after her 1st husbands death married
Thomas LOW & was burd in the name of LOW at Little Eaton 4 Aug 1824
aged 64 years.
26 Martha only dau of Samuel & Betty HAWKINS (now 1827 living at [Little]
Eaton wife of Sam GARTON)[words in brackets crossed out]. Bap
at ? 17 Sep 1786. Mard St Alkmunds ? Sep 1805. ? HARRISON's property.
[last two words crossed out]. Present claimant
27 Samuel GARTON of Little Eaton (a chapelry in parish of St Alkmunds Derby)
[words in brackets crossed out]
Page 011d (25,35,H929.2/25)
Back to MENU Transcribed by John Palmer, Dorset, England
[this pedigree is split, half on 011c and half on 011d]
| | |
03==v==04==v==05 06 07==v==08
| |
| |
09==v==10==v==11 12==v==13==v==14
| |
............|................. ....|.............
| | | | | | |
15 16==v==17 18==v==19 20 21==v==22 23 24==v==25
01 William SMITH of Over Haddon in parish of Bakewell Co Derby.
Tailor as saith Martha JOHNSON. [This last sentance crossed out]
03 1st husband: William HARRISON formerly of Kniveton and afterwards
of Kirk Ireton Co Derby where he was buried 11 May 1732
(Note: He acquired some property & made a Will & left it to his
widow & son who afterwards sold it. Had no relations that are known of
H... 5 May 1732 proved at Lichfield 14 Nov 1732. Elizabeth SMITH was
his 2nd wife.)
04 Elizabeth SMITH called Bacon Betty bap at Bakewell Co Derby Aug 1 1681
Mard to her 1st husband at Kniveton Co Derby 22 Sep 1713
and to her 2nd husband at Kirk Ireton 17 Nov 1733. Burd at St Werburgs
Derby 30 June 1764 (by the name of BOYER) had no issue by her 2nd husband
05 2nd husband: Thomas BOYER of Alveton Co Staff
06 Phoebe mard .... STEEPLE of .... as is supposed at Duffield where she
was burd 14 Apr 1764.
[this entry crossed out, and a remark: "(This was left not in fair copies)"]
07 Martha SMITH bapd at Bakewell 2 Sep 1684. Mard (whilst in service at
Kirk Langley Co Derby) at St Alkmunds church Derby 12 Sep 1722 burd at
Kirk Langley 1 Oct 1782. Survived her sister Phoebe [last sentence crossed out]
08 Thomas DAMS of Kirk Lanfley burd at Kirk Langley 10 Feb 1752
09 1st wife: Elizabeth STAMFORD mard at St Michaels church Derby.....
Burd at St Werburgs Derby 24 Mar 1800 (Made her Will being there described
of Streely Notts 17 Jan 1803 proved July 21 1827)
10 William HARRISON only son bap at Kirk Ireton Oct 6 1723 Bur St Werburgs
church Derby 19 May 1807 (Made a Will & devised to his 3 sons by his 1st wife)
11 2nd ux: Mrs HORSELEY a widow between 50 & 60 years of age. Had no issue
12 3rd wife: Francis LOWE
13 Mary DAMMS only child Bap at Kirk Langley 4 Aug 1723. Mard at Duffield
Feb 11 1754. Burd at Duffield 16 Sep 1758
14 Samuel HAWKINS of Hazzlewood near Duffield Co Derby.
Had 3 children by his 1st ux, after whose death he mard 2ndly Francis LOWE
who is now 1827 living his widow at Hazzlewood aged 86 Samuel HAWKINS was
[last sentence crossed out] Burd at Duffield 23 Oct 1785.
(Mary DAMS was his 2nd wife & he had a 3rd wife)[last comment written in
a different and later hand]
15 William HARRISON Derby silk hosier el son. Bap at St Werburgs Derby Jun 1748.
Burd same place 19 Feb ...4.[part of date unreadable, may be 1814]. Made a Will ... his
property to ..angers [last sentence erased in pencil, and remark added:]
Was never married. He was never married [last sentence erased]. Made his will
.. Jan 1814. Codicil 4 Feb 1814 proved at Lichfield 4 Apr 1814
16 Richard HARRISON of Derby builder commonly called Mad HARRISON. 2nd son bap
St Werburghs Derby 4 Feb 1750. Burd at same place 27 Feb 1816. Made a Will
which was proved at Licfield but set aside at Derby assizes July 1817.[last
sentence crossed out]. Person last seized had no issue
17 Miss Eleanor SUMNER. Note Mr FEATHERSTONE says he has heard that she settled
all her property before marriage upon her husband & was not very sharp.
[last sentence crossed out].(Burd at St Werburgs Derby 14 Jan 1814
18 Thomas HARRISON of Derby tanner. 3rd & youngest[& youngest crossed out] son
bap St Werburg Derby 29 Mar 1753 Burd same place 11 Jan 1796 s.p.[had no issue]
19 Mary EDWARDS Bur at St Werburgs Derby jun? 29 1790?
20 Elizabeth HARRISON only dau bapt St Werburgs Derby 21 Feb 1755 burd at
same place 14 Oct 1772. Unmarried
21 Thomas HAWKINS of Aston on Trent bap at Duffield 28 Jan 1755 Burd at
Aston aforesaid 7 Feb 1822. Died s.p.[without issue]
22 Ann WALKER of Aston on Trent. Mard there 5 Feb 1783
23 Martha HAWKINS Bap at Duffield 10 Dec 1756. Mard at Kirk Langley Co Derby
to John JOHNSON of Rodgley in parish of Longford Co Derby 30 Mar 1781.
She is now living at Kirk Langley a widow & never had any issue.
24 Samuel HAWKINS Bap at Duffield 8 Sep 1758. Mard there 26 Nov 1785.
Burd at Little Eaton Co Derby 16 Jan 1798.
25 Elizabeth or Bettie ELLIS after her 1st husbands death married
Thomas LOW & was burd in the name of LOW at Little Eaton 4 Aug 1824
aged 64 years.
26 Martha only dau of Samuel & Betty HAWKINS (now 1827 living at [Little]
Eaton wife of Sam GARTON)[words in brackets crossed out]. Bap
at ? 17 Sep 1786. Mard St Alkmunds ? Sep 1805. ? HARRISON's property.
[last two words crossed out]. Present claimant
27 Samuel GARTON of Little Eaton (a chapelry in parish of St Alkmunds Derby)
[words in brackets crossed out]
Page 012a (26,36,H929.2/26)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
After the Trial was over on Thursday- Edward HARRISON who had formerly tried
to prove himself H[ei]r at law to Reposities came to our Inn & showed us
his ped wch I look'd at- It is there stated that William HARRISON No 6 was born
a[nn]o 1668 & was mard 1700 to his 1st wife Elizabeth EDENSOR at Hognaston
by whom he had a daughter Mard to one PEGGE
Mr WILMOTT late overseer of Holbrooke who on a former Trial had interested
himself in discovg an heir at law to HARRISONS property told me T N I [Ince]
at Derby that William SMITH at top of Ped was of Staffordshire- that he thinks
Mary DETHICK his wife was of Willington at Kirk Ireton wch was the fars
(Wm H) The Deeds or abstract of wch was in the hands of Mr BLACKWALL of
In a list of chief rents in Wapentake of Wirksworth belongg to Duchy of Lancaster
in Lease to R P JODRELL Esq
Tho BOWYER- William HARRISON is down under Kirk Ireton but no -rent- See list
in paps T N I [Ince]
Ed HARRISONS Ped bror down as near as I can read the Ped of STEEPLES therein
| | | |
03 04==v== 05==v== 06
....|.... |....
01 Phoebe SMITH
02 William STEEPLES
03 Elizabeth STEEPLES
Pedigree or descent of pas house or Houses on Greenhill in Wirksworth from
an abstract of title origl deeds &c relation of BUXTON & ux & LIMB agreed
that BUXTON shd have one End & Ralph BRIDDON & after Anthony BRIDDON to be
lent? of other End to LIMB
| |
02==v==03 04==v==05
....|.......... |....
| | |
06==v==07 08==v==09 10
....| ....| |....
| | |
11 12 13
03 Henry BUXTON of Greenhill Wirksworth 1750
04 .... SPENCER
05 .... LIMB
06 Sara BUXTON ux .... THORNTON
08 Anne BUXTON by will dev[ise]s to Jane
10 John LAMB al[ia]s LIMB of Ainc....
par of Shirland Co Derby FKR... [framework knitter]
22 Jany 1750 seized of a moiety....
wch 16 Jany 1754 he conveyed...
to ? COCK of Mansfield...
Gent whose da Elizabeth....
in 1773
[^ Some of the wording is missing at the edge of the paper.]
11 William THORNTON of Nottm 4 May 1804
13 Elizabeth COCK 1773 in 1786 wife of HASLAM of Ashover over End
| | | | | | |
03==v== 04 05 06 07 08 09
01 George PEARSON of Bonsall Will bro 15 Oct 1840
02 Ann his W[idow] ob 3 Mch 1845
06 William PEARSON
09 Harriet PEARSON
10 Anthy PEARSON
11 George PEARSON of Rippondon Co York Road Surveyor 1857
Page 012b (27,37,H929.2/27)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Pedigree of John OXPRING of Bolehill Wirksworth Miner drawn up from Matlock
register Certificates of his family wch he obtained 182.. in consequence of
an advertisement in the Derby Mercury advertising for the Heir at law of
a Mr John OXPRING late of Lincoln Druggist
John OXPRING }_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}2 Feb 1705
The persons described in the following Burial John OXPRING }_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}9 Feb 1751
Certs I cannot connect with his family John OXPRING }burd at Matlock}16 Aug 1749
Dr William OXSPRING}_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}6 June 1727
Joshua son of Jonathan OXPRING burd at Matlock 31 Feby 1704
1776 July 24 William OXPRING Bolehill bur Wirksworth
| |
03 04
01 John OXPRING of Cliff Matlock 1757
02 William OXPRING of cliff Matlock Surr to Will 11 Apr 1755 dead 19 Apr 1755
03 Eliz OXPRING ux William HOLMES d & coh[eir] 1755 [mar 17 Aug 1748 Darley]
On 7 May 1756 surrd to John HOLMES
04 Catherine da & coher 19 Apr 1755
Matlock Co[ur]t Rolls May 1833
| | |
07 08 09==v==10
| | | | | |
13==v==14 15==v==16 17 18==v==19 20 21
05 .... OXPRING of Matlock
06 William OXPRING of Matlock & there burd 10 April 1754 This William had
2 brothers who it is said went away & were never after heard of
07 John OXPRING son of William Bapt at Matlock 8:July 1750- When about 20 yrs
old went away & was never seen or heard of but once.
[mar Hannah HAGUE 13 Sep 1774 Ecclesfield, Yorks]
08 Mary da of William OXPRING bapt at Matlock May 11:1738
09 William OXPRING of Bolehill tailor bapt at Matlock 29 Apr 1753 burd
at Wirksworth 24 July 1776
10 Martha da of Job WRIGHT of Bolehill Miner [mar 30 Jun 1774 Wirksworth]
11 John OXPRING of Bolehill Wirksworth Miner bapt at Wirksworth Jany 5 1775
only son living 1832
12 Sarah da of David TIMPERLEY of Wirksth Woolcomber
[mar 6 Jun 1798 Wirksworth]
[children of John OXPRING & Sarah TIMPORLEY]
13 William OXPRING of Bolehill Miner [c 12 Sep 1798 Wirksworth]
14 Elizabeth da of Samuel SMITH of Hopton [mar 17 Nov 1825 Wirksworth]
15 John OXPRING of Bolehill Miner [c 14 Sep 1800 Wirksworth]
16 Lydia da of .... JOHNSON of Weston under Wood Co Derby Mar July 1826 by
Licence dat 5 May 1824 [mar 24 Jul 1826 Wirksworth]
17 Martha OXPRING [c 11 Sep 1803 Wirksworth] md George SMITH of Hopton & now of
Bolehill Miner mard by Licence dated [mar 5 May 1824 Wirksworth]
18 David OXPRING of Bolehill Miner [c 28 Oct 1804 Wirksworth]
19 Ann da of .... WINSON of Shottle [mar 22 Nov 1827 Duffield]
20 Jemima OXPRING [c 10 Sep 1809 Wirksworth] ux Joseph MARCHANT of
Lea & Steepleho[use]s Mason & Shopkeeper [mar 30 Apr 1827 Wirksworth]
21 Thomas OXPRING [c 13 Sep 1812 Wirksworth]
From the Letters of Mr BEDFORD of Leverton Notts, the friend of deceased
Mr John OXPRING of Lincoln I make out this Sketch
01 Mr .... OXPRING of Lincoln was a Surgeon & Appothy & died aged 72 more
than 50 yrs ago worth £9000
02 John OXPRING of Lincoln Druggist Died intestate without survg issue
fourteen children all died before thr father
Page 012c (28,38,H929.2/28)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Pedigree of RADFORD of Holbrook
from the relation (to me T N Ince) of Mrs Ellen PEET & few dates &c from
a dft case &c
...........|.... . . . . . . .
| | |
03==v==04 05==v==06 07
....|.... ....|..........................
| | | | | | | | |
08 09 10==v==11 12==v== 13 14 15 16
......|.... |....
| | | |
17 18 19 20
01 Mr Fras RADFORD of Holbrook Gent [mar 9 May 1717 Duffield]
02 Mary da Anthy BRADSHAW of Belper Co Derby Gent (& sister of Mrs BAGGALEY
03 Anthony RADFORD of Holbrook Co Derby Gent
04 Mary [RADFORD Mar 6 Dec 1744 Horsley]
05 Francis RADFORD of Holbrook Gent Will 27:Dec 1768 died March .... 1769
06 Elizabeth one of the 4 d coh[eires]s of John HURON of Little Eaton Gent
[mar 13 May 1740 Duffield]
07 Elizabeth RADFORD died ab 1793 surd Copyh[old] Heage
[children of Anthony RADFORD & Mary RADFORD]
08 John RADFORD of Holbrook Gent died 30 Nov 1828 s p nep & heir of Eliz R
a[nn]o 1793
09 Cathe RADFORD ux G[eorge] B[enson] STRUTT Bridge Ho[use] Belper Co Derby
Esq [mar 12 Aug 1783 Holbrook]
10 Martha RADFORD a W[idow] at Little Eaton & had an only daur Mary 1830
[mar 18 Nov 1777 Duffield]
[children of Francis RADFORD & Elizabeth HURON]
11 Francis RADFORD of Holbrook Gt Mentioned in his fas will of 1768
12 Patrick RADFORD a Tanner at .... md ....
[Rebekah COOKE 29 Jan 1782 St. Alkmund Derby]
13 Thomas RADFORD of Ashover Surgeon md Miss SOUTHWELL
14 Samuel RADFORD of .... Mard Miss [Elizabeth] WARD mentioned in Dec 1768
[mar 20 Aug 1767 Duffield]
15 Mary RADFORD Mar Mr .... [Edward] PHILIPS mard before Dec:1768 mentd in
her fa Will [mar 8 Jul 1766 Osmaston by Derby]
16 Martha RADFORD md Heny COCK of Derby Tanner [mar 15 Nov 1743 Breadsall]
[This marriage date would indicate that this Martha was not the daughter
of #05 & #06]
[children of Francis RADFORD & Martha RADFORD]
17 Francis RADFORD died aet 31 yrs only son s p 7 Dec 1823
18 Mary RADFORD only daur
19 3 daurs
[child of Patrick RADFORD]
20 John RADFORD of Heanor
Pedigree of HAMMERSLEY of Basford Notts
from Mr PALFREYMAN's Abst of Title to lands there
? T N Ince 16 Aug 1830
| |
02 03==v==04
| | |
05==v==06 07 08
| | | | | |
11 12==v==13 14 15 16 17
02 Walter HAMMERSLEY grantor of lands at Basford Notts to his bro Thomas
25 Apr 1616
03 Thomas HAMMERSLEY grantee 25 Apr 1616
04 Margaret livg 29 Ch 2d [1678]
05 Thomas HAMMERSLEY of Basford Gent s[on] & h[eir] Appt 29 Ch 2 [1678]
Will 16 Oct 1694
06 Anne da Bridget COSNETT? W[idow]
07 John HAMMERSLEY 2d son 29 Ch the 2d
08 Ruth HAMMERSLEY rel? to her father for £250 9 May 1660
09 John HAMMERSLEY of Basford Gent el son & heir at law Will 26 July 1738
10 Sarah
11 John HAMMERSLEY of Basford El son June 1755 ob Intestate s p May 1757
12 Thomas HAMMERSLEY bro & hr at law July 1757
13 Anne 1761
15 Anne HAMMERSLEY ux John POTTS } Rel[ease]d to bro
16 Sarah HAMMERSLEY } Thomas July 1757
MARRIOTT of Ashover
| | |
01 Joseph MARRIOTT of Ashover Miner Dev[ise]d property
02 Joseph MARRIOTT of Ashover Miner El son & hr & devisee
03 Anne MARRIOTT of Ashover 0ne of the 4 da & cohr[es]s 5 June 1784
Releasor of 4/part of lands in Ashover
Pedigree of Joseph & Benjamin JOLLY showing descent of House & Jollys Close
property wch they sold 1770 to Mr George BONSALL at Alfreton-
from instr for Conveyce & mem by Mr T Ince Atty-
| |
03==v==04 05==v==
....|.... ....|....
| | | |
06 07 08 09==v==10
| | |
11 12 13
01 Rev John JOLLY of ....
In Trustees[ship?] of est[at]e at Alfreton
Gravestone 15 May 1702
02 Elizabeth
03 Joseph JOLLY of Sheffield 1734 Gent a Voter Co Derby
04 Martha [ATKIN Mar 19 Nov 1699 Cathedral St. Peter Sheffield]
05 Edward JOLLY
06 John JOLLY ob s p Mentd in his grandfa deed to uses of 15 May 1702
07 Sevl children ob s p
08 Joseph JOLLY of Wheeldon Green in Staveley Co Derby Gent 11:Feb 1775
09 Benjamin JOLLY of Wheeldon in Stavely Gent 11 Feb 1775 died bef
execution Will 2 July 1772
10 Dorothy W[idow] & divee
11 .... JOLLY eld son unr age 1775
12 Samuel JOLLY unr age 1772 & 1776
13 Mary JOLLY has £500
Mr. Tolley Atty abstractions Sept 1789
Page 012d (30,46,H929.2/35a)
Back to MENU Transcribed by John Palmer, Dorset, England
....family of Samuel SIMPSON esq of Matlock Bath Co Derby drawn up from
a draft lease from ....SIMPSON brother of Adam the youngest of the study
at Bonsall dated 1782. From a copy of the said Adam SIMPSON the elders
Will & from a ....
In 1620 Adam SIMPSON paid 2/4 per anno? chief rent to DACKY as a copyhold
01 John SIMPSON of Bonsall miner
02 Mary sister of old Isaac SPENCER of Middleton
03 William SIMPSON of Middleton 1789
01 Joseph SIMPSON of Crich death proved 1831
02 Joseph SIMPSON el son & heir admitted at Bonsall
Tho SIMPSON of Bonsall Besom manufacturer
| |
01==v== 02
| |
03==v== 04==v==05 06==v==
| | |
........|............... | |
| | | |
07==v==08==v==09 10==v==11 12==v==13
| | | |
| ...|................ ...|........................ ....|............................
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
14 15==v==16 17 18 19 20==v==21 22 23 24 25 26 27==v==28 29==v== 30 31 32 33
| | |
............................. | | ..|..
| | | | | | | | |
34==v==35 36==v== 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
01 .... SIMPSON of Bonsall
02 .... SIMPSON went to Wirksworth & was greatgrand father of Mr Robert SIMPSON
as saith the said Mr SIMPSON 23 June 1829 T N I
03 .... SIMPSON
04 Anthony FLINT of Upper Holloway yeoman died before 1778 sized of premises
Up Holloway
05 Elizabeth d Exupery BROWNE
06 ..... SIMPSON of .......
07 1 ux Elizabeth ROBINSON of Wirksworth Mar sett dated 11 Aug 1746 she died
14 Mar 1752 aet 32 (footnote: see Tombstone Bonsall chyd W porch)
08 Adam SIMPSON of Bonsall Co Derby Gent Head barmaster of the Soak &
Wapentake of Wirksworth made his Will 18 Feb 1782 ob 14 Oct 1782 aet 65
09 2 ux Elizabeth OLDHAM of Helfield? Gate ur? Alfreton ob 12 Jan 1782 aet 55
10 Dorothy ux Henry FLINT of Bonsall
11 Henry FLINT
12 Joseph SIMPSON of Bonsall aforesaid? Barmaster of Matlock
13 Susannah WILDGOOSE of Darley
14 Adam SIMPSON the younger of Middleton by Wirksworth el son & only son
by 1st ux 1782 living Made his Will Devised Speedy? estate to FLINT
15 John SIMPSON esq of Manchester Co Pal[atine] Lancaster cotton merchant
of Hearthill in par[ish] of Eccles Co Lancaster
16 Elizabeth d of Thomas HAWKSLEY of Nottingham
17 Samuel SIMPSON esq of Matlock Bath Co Derby & late of Manchester
cotton merchant died 13 Jan 1834 aet 72
18 Mary ux Sir Richard ARKWRIGHT esq of Willersley in Matlock Co Derby
son of Sir Richard ARKWRIGHT of same place Knight
19 Peter SIMPSON died unmarried
20 Henry FLINT of Steedy in Bonsall Gent devisee of her Coz [cousin]
Adam SIMPSON the elder?
21 Elizabeth of Mansfield ? his coz [cousin]
22 Dorothy ux Samuel PRINCE of Bonsall
23 Dorothy ob aet
24 Sarah ux Samuel ? of Bonsall
25 Grace ux Thomas BRACE of Bonsall
26 Eliz ux William MARPLE of Bonsall & ?
27 Joseph SIMPSON of Bull Bridge in Crich died 2 Oct 1835
28 Mary sister of Mr HOBSON of Bonsall
29 Adam SIMPSON of Holloway Innkeeper burd at Crich 26 ob 23 Oct 1825 aet 64
Ann his wife ob 12 May 1806 at 42
30 Henry
31 Peter
32 Sarah ux Thomas ...STOCK? of Bonsall
33 Mary ux William KNOWLES of Bonsall
34 John SIMPSON of Co Devon
35 ... da of Edward HOBSON of Hope Hall Lane
36 Richard SIMPSON md Ann da of ... BEARD of Gorton esq He 1860 lives at
Milton Lodge Co Derby bn 1792 ux 1815
37 Rev ... SIMPSON md da of BONATON?
38 Charles footguards killed at Waterloo celebs [unmarried]
39 Mary bapt Hearthill 29 July 1799 bap at Eccles Aug 10 1799
and at Cromford Nov 8 1800
40 Thomas FLINT of Bonsall Gent sometime of Manchester ob 4 March 1823
41 Elizabeth mard Moses KIDD of Cromford schoolmaster?
42 Edward
43 Benjamin
44 Richard SIMPSON bn 1817
[the entries below are written in a different hand and are placed below 33]
Anne ux John WORTHY of Bonsall
0 Henry ob Dublin s.p.[no issue]
1 Peter of ? Co Stafford mard ... a FLINT of Uttoxeter no issue
2 John of London draper see 2 ? Miss FOSTERS?
3 Adam - Hy & Peter
m 1 Ann PICKARD of Crich 2 Mary RAWORTH of Bull Bridge
Page 013a (29,39,H929.2/29)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Newark 17th Septr 1770
I belive that the two Daughters of the
late Mr Henry CHAPPELL of Nottm one of whom is
unmarried & the other is married to the Revd Mr SMITH
of Cotgrave near Nottingham are Heirs at Law to the
late Miss CHAPPELL but how the pedigree is made
out I cannot tell. I am
Your veritible Sir
This was my first case
Page 013b (30,40,H929.2/30)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
[^ Words at the top of this page are hidden by folding.]
...? ? ped drawn by T N Ince 182-?
see draft message? ? from ALSEBROOKE? ?
to NIGHTINGALE- draft asst of terms
& tr? to Mr NIGHTINGALE Trustee
Abstract & Memrs marked A
& ALINBROOKE in Mr Ince's office.
7 Septr 1770
Elizabeth BURNELL of Newark
sole Extrix & resid[uar]y legatee
of Miss Elizabeth CHAPPELL
| |
01==v== 02==v==
....| ....|
| |
03==v== 04==v==
....|.... ....|....
| | | |
05 06 07 08
| | |
09 10 11
03 Revd George CHAPPELL of Elston Co Notts Clerk ob 13 Jany 1766
04 Henry CHAPPELL (cos & heir at law George CHAPPELL) of Nottm
05 Elizabeth CHAPPELL survived her sister & made her Will 14? March 1770
joint admtrix ob 27 Apr 1770
06 Catherine CHAPPELL joint admtrix & heir of a[bove?] ob s p
07 Judith CHAPPELL mard Revd William SMITH of Cotgrave Notts Clerk Coheir of
08 Sarah CHAPPELL of Nottm coheir of Rev George CHAPPELL
09 Edward CHAPPELL Trustee for Rev George CHAPPELL in a deed of 1701 of
Nottingham Clerk He died in Sepr 1767
10 Henry CHAPPELL Executor of his brother Edward ob s p
11 John CHAPPELL Executor of his brother Edward Survived both his brothers
of Nottingham Mercer
01 Charles MORESBY died before 1735
02 Eliz h[eire]ss of 1/3 of Winstone
03 Fairfax MORESBY of Derby Surgeon purchd Riber HALL Este 1752
died before 7 May 1792
04 Fairfax MORESBY in R[oyal] N[avy] 7 May 1792 s[on] & hr
06 Rear Adl Fairfax MORESBY 1856 R N
07 Fortescue MORESBY R N 1857
Page 013c (-,41,H929.2/33)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Robert HALL's estate in Matlock was for many genns in WOOLEY- Anthony
WOLLY the last male of that branch died 1668. His sisrs & cohrs sold to
Thos STATHAM who sold the same to
Revd John CHAPPELL in 1681 + In 1724 it was devided amgst
the cohss of CHAPPELL one Moiety passed by sale to WALL &cetera?
the property of 3 of that name the ? moiety passed thro several
hands &cetera? 1819 in the hands of Joseph GREATOREX-
Jno CHAPPELL was rector of Matlock &c } Lysons? Maj Brit 5 vol
died 22 Dec 1688 aged 57 } Derbyshire in Matlock
had a son Thomas who died 25th Jany 1724 aged 56 }
In my Matlock Ch notes taken 6 Aug 1828 T N I
A Revd Graham CHAPPELL Clk in 1764 mard Bridget one of the
4 dars of Cohss of George ROSELL of Wirksworth Esq & ws of John Barton
WARREN Esq of Stappleford- See dft Absts & Adms of Revd Mr
TELLARDS ho[use] in Nether St Wirksworth
by him bro of T HURT Esq late belong
[The following pedigree has been crossed out.]
| | | | | |
06==v== 07 08 09 10 11
. . . . . . .
01 William WOLLEY of Riber Gent, temp ? 6 (was the Elr branch of the fam
of WOLLEY settled at Wolley & Broad bottom in the parish of Mottram in
Longden Hall Cheshire as early as K[ing] John 2 (penes [held by]
02 Mary d & he[ire]ss of John ROBOTTAM of Riber & Mary his ux who was ye
dr? hrs of RYBER or RYBURGH of Riber who held lands there unr ye Earls
of Lanc & thr predecessors FERRERS E of Derby (penes [held by] Ad WOOLEY)
03 John WOLLEY of Riber
04 Anthony WOLLEY of Riber ob 4 Septr 1578 bur? in Altar tomb at end of
nave of Matlock Church
05 Agnes his wife da of
06 John WOLLEY of Riber Gent ? 2 Eliz ancestor of the CANTRELL? fam
07 [name crossed out, can't make it out]
08 Anthony WOLLEY
09 Thomas WOLLEY
10 Agnes WOLLEY
11 Jane WOLLEY
12 Adam WOLLEY of Allen hill Bn 1558 Mard 1581 Darley Died Augst 1657 aet 100
great great great great grandfath of the late A WOLLEY Esq M[atlock] Bath
13 Grace born 1559 died July 1669 aged 110 lived in Wedlock 76 years
Page 013d (34,42,H929.2/34)
Back to MENU Transcribed by John Palmer, Dorset, England
The followg Ped & acct of CHAPEL family
is drawn up by T N Ince Wirksworth from Scheduleds Deeds & papers
in re ALSBROOKE & NIGHTINGALE in Mr Inces office. 11 March 1827
| |
01==v== 02==v==
....| ....|
| |
D 03==v== 04==v==
....|.... ....|....
| | | |
05 06 07 08
| | |
09 10 11
D In a Mortge app of 176.. a William CHAPPELL of Nottm Gent
A This pedigree is most drawn up from the recitals of a dft }
Mortge in fee from Mrs ALSBROOK to P N Esq of 23 Nov 1770 Miss }
BURNELL Resr Mr SMITH & ux & Miss Sarah CHAPPELL being p[ar]ties? } See sd Assignments
on acct of an old Mortge from ALSBROOKE to Revd George CHAPPELL }
03 Revd George CHAPPELL of Elston Co Notts Clerk died 13 Jany 1766
04 Henry CHAPPELL of Nottingham cos & heir of Rev Geo
See Mr Ince's Mem in ALSBROOKE & NIGHTINGALE lettered A Also Absts
05 Elizabeth CHAPPELL of Newark joint administratrix of her father
sur[vive]d her sister & made her Will 20th March 1770 died 27 Apr 1770
Elizabeth BURNELL of Newark was her sole Extrix & res[iduar]y legatee
who provd Will in York 27 July 1770
06 Catherine CHAPPELL joint admtrix of her father ob s p Intestate
administered to thr fars affects 7 June 1768
07 Judith CHAPPELL mard Revd William SMITH of Cotgrave Notts Clerk Coheir of
Rev George CHAPPELL livg Nov 1770
08 Sarah CHAPPELL of Nottingham coheir of Rev George CHAPPELL livg Nov 1770
09 Edward CHAPPELL of Nottingham clerk Trustee for Rev George CHAPPELL
in a deed of 1701 He died in Sepr 1767
10 Henry CHAPPELL Exor of his bror Edward ob s p
See Mem above marked D also abstract D
11 John CHAPPELL Exor of his bror Edd Survived both his brothers Livg
Novr 1770
See Mem above mentd in atched D also abstract D &c
See Preceding page
D| | |
03 04==v==05 06
| |
07 08
01 Rev John CHAPPELL of Ryber & Matlock Clk 1682 &ct
02 Mary his ux Will 3 Oct 1717
03 John CHAPPELL of Ryber Gent s[on] & h[eir] 1721 dead 1724
04 Elizabeth W[idow] of .... WILDE cohr 1724
05 .... WYLDE
06 Mary CHAPPELL ux .... [Edmund] WINTER 1724 Cohr of John of Blydunth Notts
W[idow] [mar 5 Sep 1699 Heanor] 1733 surrd to WALL
07 Elizabeth WILDE ux Thomas GREAVES of Ryber Gent 1736
[mar 13 Nov 1729 All Saints Derby]
08 William WYLDE namd in Grandmo Will 1717. Hannah his ux 1747 sur to WALL
Page 014a (-,43,H929.2/35)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
WOOD of Swanwick in Alfreton. In Alfreton church, see the North aisle
are several mem[oria]ls on the pavement. "John WOOD son of Edward WOOD
burd Decr 18, 1660." A brass on a open? door "Robert WOOD of Swanwick
Gent died 5th Jany 1741 aged 83."
02==v== 03==v==04
: |
| | |
05==v== 06==v==07 08
| | |
09==v==10 11 12
01 Robert WOOD of Swanwick Gent died 5th Jany 1741 aged 83
02 Robert WOOD of Swanwick Gent livg in 1752 & then described as an Exor of
Mr John SOUTER of Matlock bridge
03 William WOOD of Rake Stones Kirk Ireton Farmer
04 Ann WOOD of Rakestones W[idow] 1791 Joins her son in convey lands on
Hull[an?]d Ward to Robert SPENCER Bolehill
[Ince was not sure whether the following children were of
Robert or William WOOD]
05 Hugh WOOD Esq of Swanwick afsd [husb of Mary PEAKE]
06 Revd John WOOD
07 Elizabeth
08 William WOOD of Biggin Mill has bondman El son & H[eir] at law 1791
[children of Hugh WOOD & Mary PEAKE]
09 Revd John WOOD of Swanwick Hall in Alfreton afsd son & heir
[c 25 Nov 1776 Swanwick] Rector of Pentridge
10 .... [Emilia Susanna] da of .... BELLAIRS of Leicester Banker
[mar 22 Sep 1803 Uffington, Lincoln]
11 Robert WOOD of Ripley Gent [c 7 Mar 1781 Swanwick]
12 Miss [Mary] WOOD [c abt 1779 Swanwick]
[child of John WOOD & Emilia BELLAIRS]
13 Hugh WOOD El son
01 William BRITTLEBANK of Wirksworth Innholder Many yrs M[anage?]r of
02 John BRITTLEBANK of Wirksworth Shoemaker El son & heir 1788 died s. p.
03 Elizabeth 1788 joins her husband in sellg ho[use] at bottom of Dale Wirksworth
to Thomas ROULSTON
| | | | |
03==v== 04==v==05 06 07 08==v==09
....|........ |............. ....|
| | | | |
10==v==11==v==12 13 14==v==15 16 17
| |
18 19
01 George FROST of Wirksworth Miner 1735 Will 25 Nov 1759
02 Dorothy [BLAND] his ux a W[idow] 1769 [mar 31 Jul 1711 Wirksworth]
03 Thomas FROST Wirksworth Miner 2d son
04 Ebenezer FROST of Wirksworth Miner 1771
05 Mary only da Samuel WHEATCROFT of Wirksworth Miner bur his 1 ux
06 Dorothy FROST
07 Martha FROST
08 Mary FROST ux .... [Francis] WARD
09 .... [Francis] WARD of [mar 22 Feb 1753 Carsington]
10 .... 1 ux ob sp.
11 John FROST of Green hill Wirksworth Miner son & heir 1799 2 Mard
12 .... [Ann WRIGHT] da of .... of Middleton [mar 29 Dec 1774 Wirksworth]
13 Jane FROST ux Samuel HANSON Wirksworth Woolcomber [mar 1 Nov 1770 Wirksworth]
[children of Ebenezer FROST & Mary WHEATCROFT]
14 James FROST of Wirksworth Miner [c 18 Sep 1751 Wirksworth] in 1776 is Enf[eoffed]
by his fa in a ho[use] & garden Greenhill living 1795 Of London Grocer &
only son & heir at law & heir at law to Dorothy & Martha his then late
Aunts who were cohrs? &c of George &c conveys three 5ths ho[use] on
Greenhill to John FROST 26 Oct 1799
15 Elizabeth [WILSON Mar 19 Jun 1774 Wirksworth]
16 Ebenezer FROST bap 27 June 1746 at Wirksworth
[child of Mary FROST & Francis WARD]
17 Fras WARD of London Carpenter In 1799 Enf[eoffed] with FROST of 1/5th
of premes on Greenhill
[children of John FROST & Ann WRIGHT]
18 .... FROST of Manchester
19 .... [Jane] FROST [c 6 Jn 1775 Wirksworth] ux .... [Samuel] BUDWORTH
Tailor Wirksworth [mar 15 Sep 1796 Wirksworth]
01 George GREGORY of Starkums Matlock Miner 10 Oct 1771
Enf[eoffed] his son of a ho[use] at Starkums
02 Samuel GREGORY of Do [Ditto] Miner
Page 014b (36,44,H929.2/-)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
[This page 014b contains the Right hand half of a large COOPER pedigree,
the Left hand half from page 014c has been merged with it]
Pedigree of the family of COOPER of Kirk Ireton, Callow & Hurstfields
Co Derby. Drawn up from a pedigree taken by my fatherr Mr R Ince anno 1813
from the relation of one James COOPER of Cromford then 73 years of age who
fancied he was Heir at Law to Netherfield Close & other land at Kirk wch
had been sold 29 Apr 1788 by Robert COOPER of Callow Sitch? to Matt JOHNSON
alias? SPENCER of Shottle sd draft conveyce and corrected & additions made
thereto from the Probate Copy of the Will of Robert COOPER of Hurstfield
anno 1728. From Probate Copy of the Will of Mr Robert DAWSON of Kirk Ireton
& other sources.
Richard COOPER sells lands in K Ireton 1671 to Francis BRUCKFIELD & in 1725 one
Edward COOPER & o[the]rs also sell land to John BRUCKFIELD in thr Schedule
of Deeds &c
(Hannah COOPER of Milhouse Green Wirksworth died 5 Dec 1852 aet 99 yrs.)
William COOPER of Livington? Chandler quere [query] whether Jun or bror
of Richard sen R I [Ince's father's initials]
* 01==v==02
| |
03==v==04 05
01 Anthony COOPER of K Ireton 1 June 1703 he wife & sons mortge Dotsons lands
there Dead before 1716 & 1721
02 Rachel
03 Henry COOPER El son & hr Appt in June 1721 El son & heir
04 Mary mentd 1727
05 Ralph COOPER 2d son in 1721
*See abstract of the late G WHITTAKER Esq to premes sold to DAWSON,
CAULTON MATKIN & ors at Kirk Ireton Co Derby T N Ince
06 COOPER of
07 Richard COOPER of Millhouse Green Lab[ourer]ob 18 Apr 1831 aet 77
| |
02==v== 03==v==04
| |
...........................|... . . . . |..............
| | | | | | | | | |
05==06 07==v== 08==v== 09 10 11 12 13 14 15==v==16==17
: | |
.......................:.. ...|.................. ...| . . . .
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
18==v==19 20==v== 21 22 23 24 25 26==v== 27 28 29 30==v==31 32==v==33 34
| | | | |
....|..... .|.. | ..............|................................... .|...................
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
35 36 37 38==v==39 40 41==v==42==43 44 45 46 47 48 49==v==50 51==v==52 53==54 55==v==56==v==57==v==58 59 60 61 62 63==v== 64==v==
| | | | | | | | |
.............|..... ........|............ ..............|....... | ..|. .|.. | ...|... ..|.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
65 66 67 68 69 70 71==v==72==v==73 74 75 76 77 78==v== 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87==v==88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
| | | |
......................| .|....... ....|.... |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
100 101 102 103 104==v==105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
| | | | | | |
113 114 115 116 117 118 119
01 COOPER of
02 .... COOPER of
03 Richard COOPER of Hopton Died several yrs bef his ux
04 Bathaia TAYLOR of Carsington [mar 28 Jan 1719 Wirksworth]
05 Robert COOPER of Hurstfields in Alton Made his Will 10 Oct 1728 his bror
Robert STORER & Thomas COOPER Exors
06 .... lived a Widow several yrs after her husband
07 William COOPER of
08 Thomas COOPER of Callow
09 Hannah COOPER
10 Ellen COOPER mard James STAFFORD
[children of Richard COOPER & Bathaia TAYLOR]
11 William COOPER quere See the above Quere
12 Hannah COOPER mard Isaac ALSOPP of Brass[ingt]on
[mar 10 Sep 1755 Carsington] Living 1813
13 Elizabeth COOPER
14 Sarah COOPER
15 John COOPER of Milners Green in Wirksworth
16 1 ux
17 2 ux
18 Samuel SWAIN of Stonebridge Farmer Will 10 Feb 1775
19 Rebeckah [BROWN] survd [mar 8 Dec 1747 Aston-On-Trent, Derby]
Will 17 Nov 1778 died same month & year
[possible children of William COOPER]
20 Robert COOPER of Hurstfields Tenant right beqd by his Uncle Robt
21 Richard COOPER
22 Thomas COOPER
23 Hannah COOPER
24 Sarah COOPER
25 Mary COOPER
[children of Thomas COOPER]
26 Thomas COOPER of Kirk Ireton in 1776
27 Ann COOPER ux John HEROD of Wirkswth [mar 6 Jan 1739 Wirksworth]
28 Mary COOPER md .... WILCOCK
29 Ellen COOPER ux
30 Henry COOPER of Callow Farmer
31 Elizabeth GREATOREX d of Daniel G of Callow [mar 23 Mar 1743 Wirksworth]
[children of John COOPER & 1 ux]
32 James COOPER of Cromford [c 31 Mar 1742 Wirksworth]
Relator of this pedigree 1813 Claimant &c & aged 73 years
33 Hannah d of John & Dinah SIMS of Wirksworth [mar 5 Jun 1776 Wirksworth]
34 Joseph COOPER
[children of Samuel SWAIN & Rebeckah BROWN]
35 Samuel SWAIN of South Wingfield Farmer El son & devisee
36 .... SWAIN ux George PEARSON Cooper Wirksworth Saddler
37 William SWAIN of Wirkswth Farmer
38 Mary SWAIN ux Samuel COOPER of Hurstfield Farmer
[mar 7 Mar 1765 Wirksworth]
[possible children of Robert COOPER]
39 Samuel COOPER of Hurstfield afs
See release of legacies from Samuel COOPER & ux & ors to William SWAIN
40 Hannah COOPER ux Samuel BRADSHAW of Wirksworth
[child of Thomas COOPER]
41 1 wife Hannah [actually Elizabeth] DAWSON dar of Robert DAWSON of
Kirk Ireton Co Derby Gent [mar 31 Jan 1768 Wirksworth]
42 Robert COOPER of Callow Silch? in Callow Co Derby Farmer
43 2nd wife Hannah HEALD W[idow] of Daniel HEALD of Grassthaw Co Lincoln
& dar of John HILL of Wirksworth Butcher [mar 15 Dec 1787 Wirksworth]
[children of Henry COOPER & Elizabeth GREATOREX]
44 Ann COOPER [c 20 Jun 1744 Wirksworth] mard Job HALL of Hopton Gardener
45 Mary COOPER ob yg
46 Frances COOPER [c 27 Mar 1781 Wirksworth] md James WOODHOUSE of Cars[ingt]on
47 Elizabeth COOPER [c 16 Mar 1757 Wirksworth] md Thomas CAM? of Kniveton
48 Lydia COOPER [c 6 Feb 1760 Wirksworth] md Dan GREATOREX of Callow [mar 22 Jan 1790 Wirksworth]
49 3 Will COOPER of Callow Far died 7 June 1827 aet 74
50 Mary dar of .... SIMPSON of Millhouses Wirksworth
[mar 3 Jan 1782 Wirksworth]
51 2 Thomas COOPER of Dove Wood in Ashleyhay Yeoman [c 13 Oct 1749 Wirksworth]
ob 1829
52 Ann BONNINGTON of Hopton
53 4 Daniel COOPER of Crich Butcher livg [c 12 Mar 1755 Wirksworth]
54 .... [Martha] d of LEAM of Crich [mar 27 Sep 1780 Crich]
55 1 John COOPER of Crich Far[me]r Dead- md 3 times
56 Ann GILMAN of Longford [mar 22 Nov 1767 Wirksworth]
57 2 [Elizabeth] SILVESTER of Crich [mar 20 Apr 1776 Crich]
58 [3rd ux]
[children of James COOPER & Hannah SIMS]
59 Mary COOPER mard
60 Hannah COOPER ux Teo REDFERN of Bonsall [mar 26 Aug 1816 Wirksworth]
61 William COOPER } both
62 & Ann COOPER } died young
64 James COOPER=Eliz d William & Mary DELKS of Cromford
[children of Samuel COOPER & Mary SWAIN]
65 Joseph COOPER late of Hurstfields in Itheridgehay Farmer=.... [Marie]
da of BEARD of Makeney [mar 20 Mar 1815 Duffield]
66 Joseph COOPER late of Riber & Crich
67 Elizabeth COOPER unr age 1783 [c 25 Apr 1766 Wirksworth]
68 Rebeckah COOPER died underaged before 1783 [c 4 Apr 1770 Wirksworth]
69 Samuel COOPER burd 5 Feb 1777 [c 11 Nov 1778 Wirksworth]
70 .... COOPER son bur 22 Feb 1787
71 Robert COOPER of Wirksworth Husbandman Eldt son [c 28 Oct 1767 Wirksworth]
72 1 ux [Elizabeth STORER Mar 25 May 1791 Kirk Ireton]
73 2 ux
[children of Robert COOPER & Elizabeth DAWSON]
74 Thomas COOPER [c 20 May 1772 Wirksworth]
75 Robert COOPER
76 Mary COOPER [c 31 Jul 1774 Wirksworth]
77 Frances COOPER
78 William COOPER [c 15 Dec 1779 Wirksworth]
79 Elizabeth COOPER
[children of William COOPER & Mary SIMPSON]
80 Fanny COOPER [c 2 Nov 1791 Wirksworth] ux John WOODHOUSE of Watfield
Wirksworth Farmer [mar 21 Sep 1809 Wirksworth]
81 Lydia COOPER [c 10 Sep 1784 Wirksworth] ux .... [Nathaniel] HOULGATE
[mar 3 Mar 1803 Wirksworth]
82 Anne COOPER [c 12 Apr 1787 Wirksworth] ux Joshua WILCOCK
[mar 1 Nov 1811 Wirksworth]
83 Will COOPER of Callow [c 11 Jan 1797 Wirksworth]
mard .... [Mary] d of William TOPLIS of Brassington ??gate?
[mar 6 Mar 1828 Brassington]
84 Daniel COOPER of London [c 1 Nov 1799 Wirksworth]
85 Mary COOPER ux Samuel BEARDSLEY of Callow [mar 20 Feb 1806 Wirksworth]
86 Sarah COOPER [c 27 Jun 1794 Wirksworth] ux .... [Joseph] HARDING of
Toadhole [mar 15 May 1817 Wirksworth]
87 Elizth COOPER [c 19 Apr 1782 Wirksworth] mard her cos Fras HALL
[mar 21 Aug 1800 Wirksworth]
88 Francis HALL of Wirksworth Butcher
[child of Thomas COOPER & Ann BONNINGTON]
89 Elizabeth COOPER [c 14 Nov 1779 Wirksworth] wife of Richard SPENCER
of Spout in Ashleyhay Co Derby Yeoman [mar 15 Jan 1801 Wirksworth]
[children of John COOPER & Ann GILMAN]
90 Robert COOPER
91 Elizabeth COOPER da ux Sam TAYLOR of Hopton Game Keeper
[mar 27 Feb 1817 Wirksworth]
[children of John COOPER & Elizabeth SILVESTER]
92 John COOPER El son
93 3 da
[children of John COOPER & 3 ux]
94 2 dars
[children of John COOPER & Elizabeth BURTON]
95 Hannah COOPER ob Nov 1827
96 John COOPER
97 Maria COOPER mar
[children of James COOPER & Elizabeth DELKS]
98 Lydia COOPER
99 another
[children of Robert COOPER & Elizabeth STORER]
100 Mary COOPER ux George WALL of Ryber [mar 5 Apr 1819 Matlock]
101 Rebeckah COOPER ux Peter ELLIOTT
102 Jospeh COOPER
103 Robert COOPER of Wirksworth Laborer
104 Samuel COOPER of Wirksworth Servant to Miss TOPLIS El son
105 Elizth da of .... PICKERING of Ireton Wood [mar 19 Jul 1812 Duffield]
[children of Robert COOPER & ux 2]
106 Job COOPER
107 Frances COOPER
108 Anne COOPER
[children of William COOPER]
109 Ann COOPER
110 Elizabeth COOPER
111 Sarah COOPER
[child of Elizabeth COOPER & Francis HALL]
112 Ann HALL Mar Richard WALCOT Wirkswth Saddler ? Tax?
[children of Samuel COOPER & Elizabeth PICKERING]
113 Hannah COOPER
114 Thomas COOPER
115 Samuel COOPER bn Jany 1818
116 George COOPER [c 1 Oct 1820 Wirksworth]
117 Charles COOPER [c 17 Apr 1824 Wirksworth]
118 Elizabeth COOPER [c 3 Dec 1806 Wirksworth]
119 Joseph COOPER [c 24 May 1829 Wirksworth]
Page 014c (37,45,H929.2/-)
Back to MENU Transcribed by Kathryn Farrell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
[This page 014c contains the Right hand half of a large COOPER pedigree,
which has been merged with the Left hand half to be found on page 014b]
Page 014d (-,46,H929.2/35a)
Back to MENU Transcribed by John Palmer, Dorset, England
....family of Samuel SIMPSON esq of Matlock Bath Co Derby drawn up from
a draft lease from ....SIMPSON brother of Adam the youngest of the study
at Bonsall dated 1782. From a copy of the said Adam SIMPSON the elders
Will & from a ....
In 1620 Adam SIMPSON paid 2/4 per anno? chief rent to DACKY as a copyhold
01 John SIMPSON of Bonsall miner
02 Mary sister of old Isaac SPENCER of Middleton
03 William SIMPSON of Middleton 1789
01 Joseph SIMPSON of Crich death proved 1831
02 Joseph SIMPSON el son & heir admitted at Bonsall
Tho SIMPSON of Bonsall Besom manufacturer
| |
01==v== 02
| |
03==v== 04==v==05 06==v==
| | |
........|............... | |
| | | |
07==v==08==v==09 10==v==11 12==v==13
| | | |
| ...|................ ...|........................ ....|............................
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
14 15==v==16 17 18 19 20==v==21 22 23 24 25 26 27==v==28 29==v== 30 31 32 33
| | |
............................. | | ..|..
| | | | | | | | |
34==v==35 36==v== 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
01 .... SIMPSON of Bonsall
02 .... SIMPSON went to Wirksworth & was greatgrand father of Mr Robert SIMPSON
as saith the said Mr SIMPSON 23 June 1829 T N I
03 .... SIMPSON
04 Anthony FLINT of Upper Holloway yeoman died before 1778 sized of premises
Up Holloway
05 Elizabeth d Exupery BROWNE
06 ..... SIMPSON of .......
07 1 ux Elizabeth ROBINSON of Wirksworth Mar sett dated 11 Aug 1746 she died
14 Mar 1752 aet 32 (footnote: see Tombstone Bonsall chyd W porch)
08 Adam SIMPSON of Bonsall Co Derby Gent Head barmaster of the Soak &
Wapentake of Wirksworth made his Will 18 Feb 1782 ob 14 Oct 1782 aet 65
09 2 ux Elizabeth OLDHAM of Helfield? Gate ur? Alfreton ob 12 Jan 1782 aet 55
10 Dorothy ux Henry FLINT of Bonsall
11 Henry FLINT
12 Joseph SIMPSON of Bonsall aforesaid? Barmaster of Matlock
13 Susannah WILDGOOSE of Darley
14 Adam SIMPSON the younger of Middleton by Wirksworth el son & only son
by 1st ux 1782 living Made his Will Devised Speedy? estate to FLINT
15 John SIMPSON esq of Manchester Co Pal[atine] Lancaster cotton merchant
of Hearthill in par[ish] of Eccles Co Lancaster
16 Elizabeth d of Thomas HAWKSLEY of Nottingham
17 Samuel SIMPSON esq of Matlock Bath Co Derby & late of Manchester
cotton merchant died 13 Jan 1834 aet 72
18 Mary ux Sir Richard ARKWRIGHT esq of Willersley in Matlock Co Derby
son of Sir Richard ARKWRIGHT of same place Knight
19 Peter SIMPSON died unmarried
20 Henry FLINT of Steedy in Bonsall Gent devisee of her Coz [cousin]
Adam SIMPSON the elder?
21 Elizabeth of Mansfield ? his coz [cousin]
22 Dorothy ux Samuel PRINCE of Bonsall
23 Dorothy ob aet
24 Sarah ux Samuel ? of Bonsall
25 Grace ux Thomas BRACE of Bonsall
26 Eliz ux William MARPLE of Bonsall & ?
27 Joseph SIMPSON of Bull Bridge in Crich died 2 Oct 1835
28 Mary sister of Mr HOBSON of Bonsall
29 Adam SIMPSON of Holloway Innkeeper burd at Crich 26 ob 23 Oct 1825 aet 64
Ann his wife ob 12 May 1806 at 42
30 Henry
31 Peter
32 Sarah ux Thomas ...STOCK? of Bonsall
33 Mary ux William KNOWLES of Bonsall
34 John SIMPSON of Co Devon
35 ... da of Edward HOBSON of Hope Hall Lane
36 Richard SIMPSON md Ann da of ... BEARD of Gorton esq He 1860 lives at
Milton Lodge Co Derby bn 1792 ux 1815
37 Rev ... SIMPSON md da of BONATON?
38 Charles footguards killed at Waterloo celebs [unmarried]
39 Mary bapt Hearthill 29 July 1799 bap at Eccles Aug 10 1799
and at Cromford Nov 8 1800
40 Thomas FLINT of Bonsall Gent sometime of Manchester ob 4 March 1823
41 Elizabeth mard Moses KIDD of Cromford schoolmaster?
42 Edward
43 Benjamin
44 Richard SIMPSON bn 1817
[the entries below are written in a different hand and are placed below 33]
Anne ux John WORTHY of Bonsall
0 Henry ob Dublin s.p.[no issue]
1 Peter of ? Co Stafford mard ... a FLINT of Uttoxeter no issue
2 John of London draper see 2 ? Miss FOSTERS?
3 Adam - Hy & Peter
m 1 Ann PICKARD of Crich 2 Mary RAWORTH of Bull Bridge
Copyright © 2000,
John Palmer,
All Rights Reserved.