Updated 16 Jan 2010
WIRKSWORTH Parish Records 1600-1900
Scans of adverts were supplied by Barry Cooper .
Suggested date is late 1909, judging by billboards in one of the images.
The advert image is shown below, advert text has been transcribed.
Advert text around photo:
printer, Bookbinders, Stationers
West End, Wirksworth
For Printing For Bookbinding
Picture postcards a speciality
The cheapest house for printing
Send a trial order
Newspapers, Magazines, Books
of every desciption
Within photograph:
A.Barker & Sons, Printers
High Peak News.
Weekly Dispatch 1d.
Woman's Life
Derbyshire Advertiser
Read Pearson's Weekly
Daily News: Mr Balfour's Tribute
to Liberal Policy in South Africa
Daily Chronicle: Chancellor considers
New Licence Proposal
Daily Express: Lord Charles Beresford's reply
Mirror: King Edward at Marienbad, photograph
??:Premiers new budget move
Independent: Tories praise....

Advert text around photo:
Haworth's Temporance Hotel,
Headquarters of Cyclists' Touring Club
Arthur Haworth
Family Grocer & Tea Dealer
A good variety of Biscuits, Chocolates, and Sweets
always in stock
Within photograph:
Over door: Temperance Hotel
Armitage's Chicken Food
2 gallons lemonade

Advert text around photo:
(successors to Baggaley & Son)
Mary's Gate, Wirksworth
also at Bolehill
Sole Maker of the Original Baggaley's Pork Pies
Orders for Pies sent promptly. Distance no object
Bride, Christening, and Birthday Cakes made to order.
Pure Wholesale Bread delivered daily to any part of
the town. All orders promptly attended to.
Within photograph:
L.Hall, successor to
Baggalley & Son
Hovis Bread
Little boy holding large wickerwork basket

Advert text around photo:
James Watterson
Wirksworth, Derbyshire
Overstrung Piano, finest possible tone and finish, ivory
keys, sold by dealers at £40 nett, delivered free for
30 guineas; others cheaper.
Within photograph:
"Pianos from 14 ½ guineas
Wellington plates, papers & films
old motorbike H208
Banjo with horn
2 gramophones with horns
Camera on tripod
In a letter dated 18th June, 1909, Mr W M Gregory, of
Holloway, Matlock Bath, states: "I am delighted with the
Overstrung Piano, and all my friends are enthusiastic in
their praise of it."
Other instruments: Organs, Banjos, Violins, Mandolins,
Gramophones, etc, at prices to suit all.

Advert text around photo:
Market Place, Wirksworth
General Draper,
Hosier and Glover
Linoleums, Oilcloths
Mattings, Mats
Funerals Furnished
I & R Morley's superior Hosiery
Dent's Renowned Gloves
Agent for P & P Campbell, "The Perth Dye Works"
Thoroughly Shrunk, All Wool Flannels,
a speciality
Within photograph:
Two shopwindows, both filled with drapery

Advert text around photo:
E.WILLIAMS and Co.Ltd., Matlock Bath and at Matlock
Official Repairers: R.A.C., A.A., M.U.,Touring Club of America.
Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation.
Accumulators Charged, Day or Night
Vulcanizing, All Sizes, Covers and Tubes.
Sole Agents for R.S.A. and Vauxhall Cars.
Cars washed Cars Garaged
Garage and Repair Shop 2,000 feet floor space.
Sole Local Agents for Michelin, Dunlop, and Continental Tyres.
All Sizes, Round, Square, Grooved, and studded.
Filtrate, Vacuum, and Moebius Oils.
Telephone: 57 Matlock
Telegrams: "Motors", Matlock Bath.
Open and Closed Cars for Hire, by Day, Week, or Mile.
Accessories and Novelties of all kinds in stock.
Within photographs:
No Smoking. Cars garaged at Customer's Risk
BU102 BK250
Motor Garage
Your car for hire
E.Williams & Co
Singer Motors
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