Updated 8 Sep 2008 |
WIRKSWORTH Parish Records 1600-1900 |
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For want of workmanship |
Stuart Flint |
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A Treatise |
The following is a list of mines in the Wirksworth area which were removed from partners who had not worked the mines for some time and given to others who were prepared to work them
Under ancient laws concerning The Soke & Wapentake of Wirksworth, the
Deputy Barmaster had the power to give notice to men who in the words
of the law
Joseph Evans was my wife's Gr Gr Grandfather (married Mary Slack) 1869 Alfred Doxey was born at Woodlands Via Gellia on the hillside above Mountain Cottage son of Charles and Rosemunde Doxey of Middleton This Doxey family were my kin via Spencers Jones and Sheldon ..One of my Sheldon family in recent years who lived in U.S.A owned Mountain Cottage where D H Lawrence lived in the 1900s Hopton Wood Stone Firms were an amalgamation in 1906 of Killer Bros Quarry (off my family) and Hopton Quarry and Wheatcrofts Quarry Rise End Middleton .. 2."After due notice etc..For want of worksmanship .I put The Hopton Wood Stone Firm in possession of a mine called Slack Rake in the Liberty of Middleton with all Scrins Rakes Veins and Meers of Ground belonging there to signed Joseph Evans and Alfred Doxey Grand Jurymen and Sam J Sheldon Deputy Barmaster 3. December 19th 1906 Summoned Joseph Evans and Alfred Doxey to attend at The Watering Pool and Welshman Mines on the 20th inst. Dec 20th After due notice etc... In default of workmanship. I put The Hopton Wood Stone Firm in possession of a mine called Watering Pools in Middleton Wood in the the Liberty of Middleton with all scrins rakes veins and meers of ground belonging thereto signed Joseph Evans and Alfred Doxey countersigned by Samuel J Sheldon Deputy Barmaster 4. After due notice etc For want of Workmanship I put The Hopton Wood Stone Firm in possession of a mine called Welshman in Middleton Wood in The Liberty of Middleton with all scrins rakes veins and meers of ground belonging thereto signed Joseph Evans and Alfred Doxey countersigned by Samuel J Sheldon Deputy Barmaster 5. After due notice etc.. For want of workmanship I put Joseph Hall of Ashby De Le Zouch in possession of a mine called Nancy in the Parish of Tissington Mineral District of Brassington with all scrins rakes veins and meers of ground belonging there to signed by Isaac Bacon of Carsington and John Tomlinson of Wirksworth countersigned by Samuel J Sheldon Deputy Barmaster Isaac Bacon was of my kin.. William Flint of Carsington married Martha Bacon daughter of Matthew Bacon Their daughter Anne Flint married my Gr Gr Uncle John Cauldwell Gamekeeper to Hurts when for a time they lived at Hopton Hall John brother to my Grt Grandfather Thomas Cauldwell of Alderwasley a Police Officer at Sheffield (Attercliffe) killed aged 29 years in the line of duty His widow Sarah my Grt Grandmother married Robert Flint my 3XUncle when they were both in their late 40s Bacons married into my family in recent years Manor of Crich Head Barmaster from 1900 Samuel J Sheldon he a friend of the Alsops and Wass family After due notice I put George Cooper Drabble and Edward Percy Drabble of Matlock Mineral Merchants share and share alike in possession of a mine called Glory Mine on the Cliffe Crich in The Liberty of Crich with all Scrins Rakes Veins and Meers of Ground belonging thereto signed Samuel Brookes of Middleton and John Tomlinson of Wirksworth Samuel Brookes was of my allied kin via many routes as was John Tomlinson Countersigned by Samuel J Sheldon Barmaster After due notice etc.. For want of workmanship I put George Cooper Drabble and Edward Percy Drabble of Matlock Mineral Merchants in possession of a mine called Church Rake on Cliffe Side Crich in The Liberty of Crich with all Scrins Rakes Veins and Meers of Grounds belonging thereto signed by Samuel Brookes (of The Hall Middleton) and John Tomlinson Grand Juryman Wirksworth Barmote Court Countersigned by Samuel J Sheldon Barmaster The same notice was given re Drabbles at Hope Mine Cliffe Side Crich I have many other notices of like kind far to many to e mail here Other information I have from Ledgers belonging to my Gr Gr Uncle Samuel J Sheldon are as follows Received from Mr Alsop Notices to be served on the owners of The Rantor Ratchwood and Orchard Mines Rise End Middleton Ratchwood Mines belonging to Charles Wright of Wirksworth Orchard Mine and Rantnor Mine Frederick C Arkwright of Willersley Castle Orchard Mine Representative William Potter Esq. Notices to be served and posted on 31st December 1906 Jan .23rd 1907 After due notice etc For want of Worksmanship I put The Hopton Wood Stone Firm in possession of Ratchwood Mine in The Liberty of Wirksworth . with all Scrins Rales Veins and Meers of Grounds belonging thereto signed John Tomlinson and Samuel Allen Grand Jurymen Countersigned by Samuel J Sheldon Deputy Barmaster of Wirksworth Wapentake The same notice was given re Orchard Mine and Rantor In the late 1690s and into the mid 1750s Orchard Grove Ratchwood Founder and Grove and Ravenstor Mines belonged to my 7X and 6XGrandfather's Thomas and William Hoades By the 1800s Joseph Flint my 4XUncle was Mining Agent at Ratchwood Mine and at The Bage Mine Bolehill whilst his brother Samuel was Mining Agent at Ravenstor The Dovegange and Thisely Mines followed for a period by Samuels son Samuel .. Before Samuel 1st was Agent at The Dovegange my wifes 6XGrandfather Benjamin Pearson was Mining Agent at Cromford Moor Sough and at The Dovegange his Grandaughter Rachell Street marrying Joseph Flint son of Joseph Flint aforementioned Agent at The Bage and Ratchwood Mines whilst back into the 1650s my 8XGrandfather Henry Coates was Agent at The Dovegange to Sir Robert Heath and Sir Cornelius Vermuyden Others of my Flint family were Agents at The Bage Mine Bolehill up to its eventuall closure Members of my Flint Harrison Buckley Land and Jones family worked the mine up to 1905 The land upon which it stands belonged to my Hall allied kin up to Adam Killer of my family taking over..The land is still owned by Killers today the mine leased to Wirksworth Mines Group which at the moment during the Wirksworth Festival (September 2008) has opened the mine to public viewing.. I am in the process of researching the history of the mine back to its origins with the assistance of the Chairman of Wirksworth Mines Group Mr John Jones as some of the veins in the mine are named after my family..whilst many of my fore bares met their end there ... Conway Mine In The Liberty of Brassington After due notice etc For want of workmanship I place Nehemiah Spencer Stonemason Joseph Spencer Miner and Isaac Spencer Coal Merchant all of Middleton in possession of a mine called Conway in Carsington pastures in The Liberty of Brassington with all Scrins Rakes Veins and Meerrs of Grounds belonging thereto signed Isaac Bacon of Carsington and John Tomlinson of Wirksworth Signed by Samuel J Sheldon Deputy Barmaster Isaac Spencer Coal Merchant forebare of Issac Sspencer who obt in recent years he carrying on the Coal business which in the 1840s his fore bares co owned with my Gr Gr Grandfather Samuelo Flint at MIddle Peak Wharf where my Gr Gr Grandfather Samuel Flint was also Wharfinger and Station Master at Steeplegrange..Gr Gr Grandfathr Samuel Flint sold out to Spencers and had a partnership with his ccousins Joseph Flint and Thomas Hall at Flints Wharf Steeplegrange re a Coal business and Brick Manufacturers Samuel Flint married Mary Killer sister of William Killer the founder of Killers Quarry Isaac Spencer of MIddleton was also kin to Killers October1906 After due notice etc.. in default of worksmanship I put Mesrres Drabble brothers in possession of mines called Moletrap and Bullestree Mines at Willersley in Matlock in The Liberty of Matlock with all Scrins Rakes Veins and Meers of Grounds belonging thereto Signed John Frederick Doxey of Middleton and Alfred J Greatorex Grand Jurymen and Samuel J Sheldon Deputy Barmaster Both .running into one another Cromford Railway Station was built on the same land as Bullestree Mine whilst Moletrap had an addit near Willersley Castle... the two mines in the early 1800s co owned and Managed by my Gr Gr Uncles and Grt Grandfather William Walker George Wigley Walker (he Agent) and Joseph Walker my Grt Grandfather who was a silent partner he a Bulding Contractor and Master Stonemason William Walker married Lydia Hall whose parents were my 4XUncle and Aunt on Flints Caleb and Hannah Hall nee Flint Caleb son of Gamaliel Hall whose Uncle Ebenezer Hall was senior partner at Goodluck Mine Via Gellia.. Gamaliel was killed at Goodluck Mine in 1786 when he fell on descending the mine shaft At his inquest which was held at Wirksworth Barmote Court the Deputy Barmaster in charge being Adam Simpson of my distant kin he father of Mary who married Richard Arkwrightt of Willersley Castle All the Jurymen were of my wife and my family of Mather Wragg Hall Spencer Godbehere Doxey Ashover George Wigley Walker married Lydia Maskrey of Wirksworth they living at Belle Vue House Matlock Bath Lydia a Lodging House Keeper George a Sidesman at Holy Trinity Church Matlock Bath Joseph Walker my Grt Grandfather born 1815 married 3 times his first wife Anne Wright Neice of Anthony Alsop Chief Barmaster Soke & Wapentake of Wirksworth Anne also of my kin on Flint's via my 6XGrandfather Robert Frost he her 3XGrandfather and my 7XGrandfather William Wheatcroft on my mother's Cauldwell Caldwell Sheldon Walker family he her 4XGrandfather Joseph's 2nd wife was Margaret Fletcher whose heirs live at Wirksworth and Holloway today and his 3rd wife was Martha Sheldon of Middleton she my true Grt Grandmother sister of Samuel J Sheldon I have much more information via the Ledgers and diaries of S J Sheldon John F Doxey as with Alfred Doxey's family were of my Sheldon family Councillor Leslie Arthur Doxey was son of John F Doxey.. Councilor L.A.Doxey took over from my father Councillor Harry S Flint as Chairman of Wirksworth Water Board when Dad had to resign from the Council in 1949 having been diagnosed with skin cancer In Samuel J Sheldon's will John F Doxey is mentioned as leasing land on Middletom Moor from Sheldons.. which after John F Doxey obt my Grandfather Walker used as an Allottment just above Killers Quarry Regards Stuart G Flint |
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