Updated 3 Apr 2009 |
WIRKSWORTH Parish Records 1600-1900 |
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Churchwardens Accounts 1658-1727 |
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9731 .? For goeing to be sworne 4 churchwardens & a sidesman 0 12 6 9732 . Henry Udall a new pair of shoes & a pair soleing 0 4 2 9733 . Mr Stones Bill, & makeing Henry Udall's coat 1 11 0 9734 . Given the Musick p? order of Sr John Statham & Mr Hurt 0 5 0 9735 . Mr Fawcett for Parchmt & coppying the Register 2 2 0 9736 . Henry Clay for paveing 0 14 4 9737 . Robert Fox Bill 3 15 4 9738 . 5 Lds of Lime 5s & a Lock for bath Door 6s 4d 0 11 4 9739 . Samuel Wall 3 Bills 1 12 2 9740 . For washing & Mending Surpliss 0 12 6 9741 . Paid for our Booke & Notes & some Breif notes 0 4 0 9742 . And for coppying 7 year's Church & Poore Levys 0 2 6 9743 . For writeing the order to the Undertaker of the Breif 0 1 0 9744 . Given Robert Fox in Ale wn he made the Clock Case 0 0 6 9745 . Henry Vernon for Looking that the gates was in Repair 0 3 0 9746 . For sweeping the Church 6s & for Beesoms 2s 6d 0 8 6 9747 . For Drawing the p? & for the Little Bell Rope 10d 0 2 4 9748 . Anthony Wall for Painting ye Gates 3 10 0 9749 . Due for the Last Year's Account 5 18 2 9750 . Writeing paper 3d & a pint of oyle 0 0 11 9751 . Sam.Trevis & Edwd Collinson, 4 days goeing 6 4 0 9752 . to Stafford and Edwd Collinson & Wm Holt 9753 . goeing to Derby several times to make 9754 . Affidavits & other things Relating to 9755 . the Breif in all 9756 . Visitation fees writeing the Terrier & a prayer Book 1 1 8 9757 . John Yates for Comeing over about the Sinks 0 7 6 9758 . Pd, Philip Gell 15s & Henry Udall 5s 1 0 0 9759 . Repairing the Gates 19s-7d, Thomas Else Bill 1-11-2 2 10 9 9760 . George Madock Looking toth Clock 1 0 0 9761 . Nicholas Wood horse 5s for mending the Chimes 14-8 0 19 8 9762 . ---------------- 9763 . Carried over £35 14 ? 9764 . ---------------- 9765 .-------------------------15-01R--1722--------------------------------- 9766 . Brought over £ 35 11 ? 9767 . Spent at a Vestry meeting & order 0 8 6 9768 . Given to Mr Ride per order of Sr John Statham 1 1 0 9769 . Spent with Mr Yates when over p order of Mr Toplis 0 7 0 & Mr Shore 9770 . Charges when the Bishop wa here 19 13 4 9771 . Court fees 4s-2d pd R Blount 6s-9d 0 10 11 9772 . Bread & Wine for ye Sacrement 3 9 6 9773 .8 foxheads 8s & pd Mr Yates for Visitation Charges 6s-6d 0 14 6 9774 . Pd Mr Parker Comeing over to Look at the Clock 0 5 0 9775 . Meat and Drink & Horse Charges 0 7 6 9776 . Visitation paper 6d & 2 wiskets 4d 0 0 10 9777 . Ringers 7s-6d & 129 Ravens 1L-12s-3d 1 19 9 9778 . Wtiteing some Brief Notes J.S 0 1 0 9779 . Pd Mr Edward Wheatcroft 7 8 4 9780 . & Callow Levy 6 6 8 9781 . For entering these Accounts 0 2 0 9782 .1721 & 1722 Returns are 1 9 0 9783 . ---------------- 9784 . Total Disbursmt £ 79 19 8 9785 . ---------------- 9786 . Received a Levy of 80 0 0 9787 . in hand 0 0 4 9788 . 9789 .Augt 13th 1724 These Accounts seen & 9790 . Allowed by us. 9791 . Robert Toplis 9792 . John Shore 9793 . George Buxton 9794 . John Thompson 9795 . Edward Wheatcroft 9796 . Robert Cooke 9797 .-------------------------15-02L---1723-------------------------------- 9798 . Accounts of Mr Edward Wheatcroft Nicholas Wood 9799 . Thomas Lockall & Robert Spencer Inn Keeper 9800 . Church wardens for Wirksworth for the yeare 1723 (viz) 9801 . Receipts 9802 . Recd of the old Church wardens for the year 1722 13 15 0 9803 . Ditto And by 10 Leastalls 1 13 4 9804 . --------- 9805 . Total Receipts £ 15 8 4 9806 . -------- 9807 . Disbursmts follows 9808 .Imp? Our Visitation Charges 1 10 8 9809 . Pd for the wine for the Sacrement 3 18 0 9810 . Bread 0 2 0 9811 . Pd Mr Hallton his Bill 2 6 8 9812 . Pd for 167 Ravens 2 1 9 9813 . Pd Samuel Wall Bill 0 17 3 9814 . Pd Wm Clark's Bill 0 11 2 9815 . Pd for worke done at the Bell frames 1 3 4 9816 . given them in Ale 0 1 0 9817 . Pd Sarah Barker 0 12 0 9818 . Pd Mr Brown's Bill 1 2 3½ 9819 . Pd Samuel Walls 2d Bill for Glase 0 4 8 9820 . Pd for 4 fox heads 0 4 0 9821 . Pd for Ringing 29th May 0 5 0 9822 . Given as Charity to Christian Fant a native 0 5 0 9823 . of Smerna a Christan Convert 9824 . For fastening the Tenner & Treble Bell 0 2 0 9825 . for Raiseing and Staying them Given Ale 0 0 6 9826 . Pd the Ringers Nov 5th 0 5 0 9827 . Pd for Ringing on Chrismas day by Sr John's order 0 5 0 9828 . Pd Thomas Bramley for Makeing some new 9829 . & mending others of the Bell frey Windows 0 4 6 9830 . Pd Mr Edward Buxton Bill 0 0 11½ 9831 . Pd Mary Haslam Bill 0 1 0 9832 . Pd Wm Taylor's Bill 0 5 1 9833 . Pd Thomas Chrichloe Gathering Stones 0 1 0 9834 . Pd for makeing Henry Udall's Coate 0 4 0 9835 . Pd for Sweeping the Church 0 8 0 9836 . Pd for Beesoms 0 4 6 9837 . Pd for Henry Udall's Shues 0 3 6 9838 . Pd for a Wiskett 0 0 2 9839 . for entering this Account into ye Book 0 2 0 9840 . ---------- 9841 . Total Disbursmt: £ 17 12 0 9842 . --------- 9843 . Due to ye Accountant is £ 2 3 8 9844 . --------- 9845 . Augt 13 1724 9846 . These Accounts seen & Allowed by us 9847 . Robert Toplis 9848 . John Shore 9849 . George Buxton 9850 . John Thompson 9851 . Robert Cooke 9852 . Edward Alexander 9853 . Edward Collinson 9854 .-------------------------15-02R--1724--------------------------------- 9855 . The Accounts of Robert Cooke, John Thomp? Francis Stone, 9856 . & Robert Fox Church wardens for ? Wirksworth for the Yeare 1724 9857 . Disbursments 9858 .Imps Pd Sam.Wall & Anthony Bradshaw for Glaseing & 9859 . pointing the Church windows 4 5 0 9860 . Pd Wm Taylor 2 Bills 0 13 0 9861 . Pd Sarah Barker makeing a new Serplus 1 2 0 9862 . & washing the Church Linin 9863 . Pd Jo Goodwin's wife for sweeping the Church 0 8 0 9864 . Pd for Beesoms 0 4 9 9865 . a Load of Lime 0 1 0 9866 . Given as Charity 0 10 0 9867 . The Visitation Charges 1 15 0 9868 . Henry Udall's Coat 1 4 1½ 9869 . A Large Common Prayer Book 1 0 0 9870 .13 yards of Bagg Hollond 4s-6d threed 6d for the Surplis 2 19 0 9871 . Pd George Madocke for looking to 0 15 0 the Clock a Year & ¼ 9872 . Pd George Madock & Mr Blackwall Looking to the 9873 . Looking (sic) the Chimes almost a year & a quarter0 10 0 9874 . Pd for Oyle & swines grease for the Bells 0 2 7 9875 . Pd for six fox heads 0 6 0 9876 .1724 Pd for Ringing 29 May 0 5 0 9877 . Pd for Henry Udalls shoows 0 3 6 9878 . Pd Henry Clay for work done at 0 3 6 Church porch & Battlements 9879 .1725 Pd for Ringing 29 May 0 5 0 9880 . Pd Wm Clark's Bill 0 6 8 9881 . Pd makeing H.Udalls Coat 0 4 0 9882 . Pd for our Book & Notes 0 3 0 9883 . for cleaning the Leads 0 2 0 9884 . for mending the Steeple Door 0 0 6 9885 . for mending the Font 0 1 0 9886 .Nov 5thPd for Ringing 0 5 0 9887 . Pd for mending the Belfry Door & the Candlesticks 0 0 6 9888 . Pd Nicholas Wood for Wine & Bread 2 3 8 9889 . Pd for Ringing on Crismas day 0 5 0 9890 . for 2 ladders for the Church 0 8 6 9891 . For altering the Reading Desk wood Neales & Matting 0 14 6 9892 . Little Bell Rope 0 1 11 9893 . ---------- 9894 . Taken Over £ 21 18 8½ 9895 . ---------- 9896 .-------------------------15-03L--1724--------------------------------- 9897 . Brought over £ 21 18 8 9898 . For mending the Gates belonging to the Church 0 1 0 9899 . Pd to Thomas Wingfield upon Anthony Wall's Account1 7 0 9900 . Pd for 214 Ravens 2 13 6 9901 . for Clanseing the Sexstone house 0 0 6 9902 . For Bread & Wine to Nicholas Wood 5 2 6 9903 . Ferdinando Potter Alderwaslee Stopt? 0 2 6 9904 . Given to the sidesmen at severall times in Drink 0 5 0 9905 . Returns 0 5 5 9906 . Entering this Account 0 2 0 9907 . ---------------- 9908 . Totall Disburstmt £ 31 18 1½ 9909 . ----------------- 9910 . Recd a 30 Levy & 2 Leastalls 6s-8d 30 6 8 9911 . ----------------- 9912 . To the Accountants Due 1 11 5½ 9913 . ----------------- 9914 . The overplus money Accounted for being 1 8 0 9915 . ----------------- 9916 . Due to the Accountants 0 3 5½ 9917 . ----------------- 9918 . Augt 19th 1725 These Accounts seen & 9919 . Allowed by us 9920 . Daniel Wood 9921 . Robert Toplis 9922 . William Wilson 9923 . Thomas Gell 9924 . Sam Travis 9925 . John Pearson 9926 .-------------------------15-03R---1725-------------------------------- 9927 . The Accounts of Mr Wm Wilson, John Pearson, Robert Cooke 9928 . & Henry Fletcher Church-wardens for the Yeare 1725 9929 . Received by a 20 Levy as Followeth 9930 . Wirksworth 4 13 4 9931 . Ashley-hay 2 0 0 9932 . Alderwaslee 1 18 4 9933 . Itheridghay 1 18 4 9934 . Hopton 1 18 4 9935 . Calow 1 11 8 9936 . Midleton 1 10 0 9937 . Crumford 1 10 0 9938 . Bigging 1 10 0 9939 . Ible 0 15 0 9940 . Imber-grange 0 15 0 9941 . --------- 9942 . 20 0 0 9943 . --------- 9944 . 5 Leastalls 0 16 8 9945 . --------- 9946 . Total Receipts £ 20 16 8 9947 . --------- 9948 . Disburstments 9949 .Imprimis 9950 . Paid for our Book & Notes 0 3 0 9951 . Given to a stranger as Charity 0 4 0 9952 .Jun 11 Our Expences of Visitation & Court fees 0 17 10 9953 . John Tomlinson for Burying a Horse hide 0 0 6 9954 . The Mesenger who brought notice of the Visitation 0 0 6 9955 . Mr Francis Stone as p Bill 1 4 2 9956 . Henry Udal's Coat makeing 0 4 0 9957 . Court fees & Charges a Michs Visitation 0 11 4 9958 . 2 Lds Lime & 3 Lds of Sand 0 2 5 9959 . A Wiskett 2«d fire for ye Plumers 6d 0 0 8½ 9960 .Nov 5 to the Ringers 0 5 0 9961 . Martha Timperley for cleansing the Leads & 9962 . church yard from stones & Rubbish 0 2 0 9963 . Samuel Wall as p Bill 2 18 0 9964 . given the plummers Ale 0 1 0 9965 . Henry Udale a pair of shoes 0 3 6 9966 .Dec 25 for the Ringers 5s a little Bell Rope s 0 7 0 9967 . Wm Clark as p Bill 0 2 4 9968 . Robert Fox as p Bill 0 4 3 9969 . Charges about a sham Letter 0 2 6 9970 . paid the last Church wardens 0 4 0 9971 . Robert Blount for shoveling Snow 0 1 0 from the Church Leads 9972 . Do for setting a Cawsway 0 3 0 9973 .Jan 1stTo the Ringers 5s, oyle & Grease 2s-6d 0 7 6 9974 . For sweeping the Church 8s, Beesoms 4s-3d 0 12 3 9975 . Spent upon Henry Vernon 0 3 0 9976 . ---------- 9977 . Taken Over the L of? 9 5 0½ 9978 . ----------- 9979 .-------------------------15-04L---1725-------------------------------- 9980 . Brought over L 9 5 0½ 9981 . Pd Sarah Barker for Washing the Church Linin 0 12 0 9982 . Wm Taylor as p Bill 0 12 11 9983 . Samuel Haslam as p Bill 3 13 9 9984 . For copying the Register & Terrier 2 0 0 9985 . 4 fox heads 4s & 161 Ravens 40s 3d 2 4 3 9986 .May 29 To the Ringers 0 5 0 9987 .June 4 Charges at Visitation & Court fees 0 19 0 9988 . Ferdinando Potter, Robert Byard 9989 . & Anthony Gell stopt 0 7 6 9990 . Spent upon the Sidesmen 0 4 0 9991 . Spent at severall times meeting 0 4 8 9992 . Returns are 0 3 8½ 9993 . for Entering these Accounts into the Book 0 2 0 9994 . ---------- 9995 . Totall Disburstmt L 20 13 10 9996 . ---------- 9997 . Totall Receipts L 20 16 8 9998 . ---------- 9999 . Remains in our Hands 0 2 10 10000 . ---------- 10001 . over plus money 2L-2s-6¬d 10002 . 10003 . July 27th 1726 These Accounts 10004 . seen & allowed by us 10005 . Robert Toplis 10006 . Thomas Gell 10007 . John Toplis 10008 . Geo: Buxton 10009 . Edward Wheatcroft 10010 . Edward Alexander 10011 . 10012 . 1727 Aug 31 At a vestry meeting 10013 . appointed for ye day by notice given on ye 10014 . Sunday before & a vestry meeting being accordingly. 10015 . The Last years acct for ye Churchwardens 10016 . being 20L-1s-2d & set by a 20L Levy 20L 10017 . & for 3 Leastalls 10s ye overplus in their hands 10018 . is for ye year last paym 8s-10d. 10019 . Besides over plus money relating to ye Levy 12L-2s-6d 10020 . (being received money). 10021 . And at ye some time agreed to ye week & above 10022 . & ordered for ? that repairing of ye Church? 10023 . a Levy of eighty pounds witness our hands 10024 . John Wilcoks John Tomson 10025 . Geo Buxton Adam Ragg 10026 . Edward Buxton Edward Alexander Edward Wheatcroft 10027 .-------------------------15-04R--------------------------------------- 10028 .empty 10029 .-------------------------15-06L--------------------------------------- 10030 .empty 10031 .-------------------------15-06R---1658-------------------------------- 10032 . Anno 1658 the 19th ? 10033 . 10034 . Contra: Credt: Given to the Poore 10035 . To one Gefferijs Wyke ? 10036 . to the wide Slack 10037 . To Thomas Heep 10038 . Joan Canterell 10039 . to Godij Gill 10040 . to Goodij Baly 10041 . w Blondt and hir sone 10042 . Ed: Dene 10043 . Goodij Hides 10044 . Cester Wade 10045 . James Herrod 10046 . the wede Grae 10047 . Robert Spateman 10048 . to a woman at wards ? 10049 . to the wede falla? 10050 . to Mary Lant 10051 . to the poore of Bo? to make up the acc 10052 . 10053 . 6 jan payed Thomas Bancks of Chritch 10054 . out of 13s 2d 10055 . to an ? 10056 . Bodis wyf and sone 10057 . Mary Lant 10058 . Godij Grae 10059 . Ed dene 10060 . Godij Slack 10061 . Wm Foxlo 10062 . Robert Spaetman 10063 . Thomas ? 10064 . Els fadn? 10065 . to shorre 10066 . wide Baly 10067 . francis wilson 10068 . to a poore Man 10069 . 10070 . 29 ditto payed to the 10071 . 10072 . (****Most of this page is too faint to read without UV 10073 . light facility working on the original****) 10074 .-------------------------15-07L--?------------------------------------ 10075 . (****This page is very faint and uncertain****) 10076 . Transport ? ? ? 10077 . to Carrelos by Mr Jassoms order in 2 times 10078 . to Gody Leae 10079 . to R Carrelos 10080 . Jone Canterell 10081 . to Willshaw 10082 . to Spaetman 10083 . to Tho Slack and the Wed Stevell 0 1 6 10084 . Wede Arrin 0 0 4 10085 . Hides his wyfe 0 0 6 10086 . to Page his wyfe 0 0 6 10087 . the Wede Belfort 0 0 6 10088 . to Husson sone 0 0 3 10089 . to Gody Grae 0 0 6 10090 . An Blunt 0 0 6 10091 . ould Deene 0 1 0 10092 . to a poore woman 0 0 6 10093 . wede Lias 0 0 6 10094 . Ed Howsendael 0 0 9 10095 . Wede Bordsle 0 0 6 10096 . John Smith 0 1 6 10097 . Ellen Caton 0 0 3 10098 . Wede Bely 0 1 6 10099 . Wede Faxley 0 0 6 10100 . Wm Taberall 0 0 4 10101 . to a poore woman 0 0 6 10102 . to of Asborn by 10103 . Mr Tawlams order 0 5 0 10104 . to the wyfe of Larens Focks 0 2 0 10105 . to widow Stone 0 0 6 10106 . dead---? to Tabita Bomford 0 4 0 10107 . to Tho Slack 0 1 0 10108 . to carles 0 0 6 10109 . Griffon Hanford 0 0 6 10110 . a woman in Mr Carrus? Bacen 0 0 4 10111 . wede Baly 0 0 6 10112 . ould Dene 0 0 6 10113 . Gody Graie 0 0 6 10114 . Bloundes wyfe 0 0 6 10115 . Stilwell 0 0 6 10116 . --------- 10117 . 2 10 0 10118 . Gody Graie 0 0 6 10119 . 0 2 0 10120 . 0 0 6 10121 . 0 0 6 10122 . 0 0 6 10123 . 0 0 6 10124 . 0 0 6 10125 . 0 0 9 10126 .-------------------------15-07R--1658--------------------------------- 10127 . The 10 December 1658 10128 . 10129 . Transport 22 ? ? 10130 . payd to Ed Mellward to poore people with 0 2 0 10131 . a Letter of request 10132 . payd for Communion wine 0 6 0 10133 . payd to 2 Arish men & there wifes & 7 chilldern 0 3 0 10134 .Jan 16 given to a man that did ? with a Letter 0 4 0 10135 . of Request from Bilpoer 10136 .30 to James Faerfax upon a Order of the 0 7 0 10137 . Lord Protector 10138 .Feb 20 to one John Johnson at ? with order from the 0 7 0 10139 . Lord Protector 10140 . to Goody Grae ould Dene? and Godslack ? ? ? 10141 . to Tho and Ed Fauck ? Mr Spencer 0 2 0 10142 .March ? and delivered it to Mr Spenser 10143 . to John Hendy for a buriall 0 3 4 10144 . to him more for oyle 0 1 0 10145 . to the graef maker for ---inge of the Church 0 1 0 10146 . --------- 10147 . 24 4 ? 10148 . due to the Church 0 15 ? 10149 . --------- 10150 . 25 0 4 10151 . Made our Account the 11th April 1659 10152 . in the Presens of 10153 . 10154 . (****Inverted****) 10155 . Mr Rey? Wigley 10156 . Mr John Alsopp 10157 . Mr ? Wood 10158 . Mr Geo Buxton 10159 . Mr Edward Buxton 10160 . Mr John Shore 10161 . Mr Robt Toplis 10162 . Anthony Guy 8 Nov 10163 .-------------------------15-08L--1659--------------------------------- 10164 . Recd for the use of the poore of the parish by RB & AB 10165 .1659 L s d 10166 .Jun 6 Gathered at the Church ye Fast Day 0 18 11 10167 .Jul 3 Gathered ye Sabbath day for a poore man of 0 12 0 10168 . Brampton with a letter of request 10169 .Jul 17 Gathered at the Church 0 12 6 10170 .Sep 13 Recd of Alderwaslee for inhabitants of Solbay 0 3 0 10171 . of Midleton & Cromford for them 0 4 0 10172 . of Ithersey for them 0 3 8 10173 . of Ashlehay 0 3 4 10174 . of Wirkesworth 1 0 0 10175 .Oct 16 Gathered at the Church 0 11 0 10176 .Oct 25 Collected at the Church 0 14 4 10177 .1659 10178 .Feb 4 Collected then at Church 0 12 3 10179 .Mar 11 Collected then at Church 0 11 0 10180 . --------- 10181 . 6 7 2 10182 .-------------------------15-08R--1660--------------------------------- 10183 . Disbursed to the poor by Richard Buxton 10184 . & Anthony Bunting Church wardens 10185 . 10186 . Given to the poor by Richard Buxton as 0 18 11 10187 . by a noate of particulars 10188 .Jul 3 Given to the poore man of Brampton 0 12 6 10189 .Jul 17 Given to some 8 poore people that we gathered 0 7 6 10190 . for that day 10191 . Given to a poore man of Bomford p a letter 0 5 0 10192 . of request 10193 . Given to a poore ministers? daughter 0 2 0 10194 .Oct 15 paid Henry Sterne? High Constable for the 1 14 6 10195 . habitants of Solbay 10196 .Oct 16 Given to Frank Barke that day 0 11 0 10197 .Dec 27 Given to a poore man of Darley p a letter 0 4 10 10198 . of request out of money gathered that day 10199 .1660 Given to another poore man with a breefe 0 2 0 10200 .Feb 4 Given to a poore man in behalfe of himselfe 0 8 9 10201 . & a minister his brother that is 10202 . prisoner at Ostend 10203 . To a poore Bedlamwoman of Ashborne that 0 6 0 10204 . had her house burnt 10205 . Given John Toplis that day of 0 11 0 10206 . Given to Raph Fremaine & Mary Penrose of Truro 0 2 0 10207 . p a letter of request 10208 .Feb Given to John Molanus for mending Stannage stile 0 0 ? 10209 . for a ? to Antho Wall for it 0 0 8 10210 . Given to widow Orme p Rish Buxton 0 0 6 10211 . --------- 10212 . 6 7 2 10213 . This account taken & allowed May 3 1660 by us 10214 . Peter Watkinson Minister 10215 . Georg Curtes churchwarden 10216 . William Glasebrooke 10217 .-------------------------15-09L--1660--------------------------------- 10218 . Rec for the use of poore of the parish & elswhere 10219 .1660 by Geo Curtes & Jo Sladen Churchwardens ye yeare 1660 10220 . 10221 .May 13 Gathered at the church this day 0 15 0 10222 .Jun 28 Colected at the Church upon a thanksgiving day 0 11 11 10223 .Jul 22 Collected at the Church 0 14 7 10224 .Sep 9 Collected for that man of Sheafeild at the Church 1 2 6 10225 . & Payd it to Mr Watkinson for ye man 10226 .Oct 18 Collected at the Church 0 16 4 10227 .Dec 9 Collected at Church Dore 0 10 8 10228 .Dec 16 Collected at Church 0 11 7 10229 .Jan 20 Collected at the Church accordinge to the pattent 0 16 10 10230 .Feb 16 Collected at Church 0 16 6 10231 .Mar 24 Collected at Church 0 13 1 10232 .Apr 21 Collected at the Church accordinge to the pattent 0 13 1 10233 . & payd it Mr Watkinson for the same use 10234 . ---------- 10235 . Sume to D 8 3 9 10236 . ---------- 10237 . Deduct that wich was payd to Mr Watkinson (viz) 1 17 3 10238 . ---------- 10239 . Rests 6 6 6 10240 . --------- 10241 .-------------------------15-09R--1660--------------------------------- 10242 . By Geo Curtes & John Sladen Disbursed to the poore 10243 .1660 the yeare 1660 10244 .May 13 Given to Young of Osmaston 0 8 0 10245 . Given to a woman of Ashbourne with 0 4 0 10246 . a breife that day 10247 . Given one of Tidsall that day with a breefe 0 3 0 10248 .Jun 28 pd Mr Wattkinson toward his 5s that hee 0 2 6 10249 . payd to a poore minister 10250 . Given to the poore of Wirksworth that day 0 9 5 10251 .Jul 22 pd Mr Wattkinson the remainder of his 5s 0 2 6 10252 . Given to the poore minister 10253 .22 Given a poore man of Duffeild p letter of request 0 5 0 10254 . to a poore man at Church dore 0 0 2 10255 .22 Given to a poore man of Castleton with a letter 0 6 11 10256 . of request 10257 .Aug 27 Given to a gentlewoman with a letter of request 0 3 0 10258 . certifinge loses by sea 10259 .Sep 7 Given to one of Swanwick with a pettition? 0 1 0 10260 .9 Given to a gentlewoman with a petition for 0 2 0 10261 . one in Turkee 10262 .Nov 18 Given to a man of Dutbury with a letter of 0 8 0 10263 . request & to one of Ireton & one of 10264 . Bentley with requests 10265 .Dec 9 Given in the behalfe of severall persons 0 10 8 10266 . certifieinge losses by sea & fire 10267 .Dec 16 Given to one with a letter of request 0 6 9 10268 . certifieinge losses by fire in Cornwall 10269 . by the thunderboult 10270 .Jan 13 Given a Gentlewoman with a letter of request 0 3 0 10271 . or breefe 10272 .Feb 16 Given to one of Backwell ye letter of request 0 5 6 10273 .Feb 16 Given to a widoe woman of Horsley p letter 0 7 0 10274 . of request 10275 .Feb 16 Also to one Crichlow of Yolegreave p letter 0 4 0 10276 . of request 10277 .Mar 24 Given one Aute of Yeldersley 0 6 0 10278 .24 alsoe to a widoe woman of Biley of letter 0 5 0 10279 . of request 10280 .24 Alsoe one of Darley with request 0 2 0 10281 .Apr 10 pd to Tho Eyre deputed by the --ry? to receive 0 16 11 10282 . the money collected by virtue of letters 10283 . pattent 10284 . pd by Geo Curtis to poore with requests ? ? ? 10285 . Sume to the 10286 . (*****rest unreadable*****) 10287 .-------------------------15-10L--1661----------------------------------- 10288 . (*****top line unreadable*******) 10289 . ? Buxton Ed Botham Churchwardens 10290 . for breefes from severall places as under 10291 . gathered in May of 05? vincard? 10292 . Bulding of the Church of Landourn? the some of 1 1 0 10293 . in the Countie of Salope 10294 . Gathered towards repaire of severall buildings 0 11 0 10295 . in Mountsorill by fire 10296 . Gathered for Dalby Chalcombe in Leicestershire 0 14 4 10297 . for the Church of Scarborough in Yorke shire 0 14 4 10298 . James Melvell Esq of Clanhough in the Countie 0 10 0 10299 . of Downe Ireland 10300 . for building of the Church of Bulingbrooke 0 16 0 10301 . in Lincolnshire 10302 . For building the Church of Rippon in Yorkshire 0 14 0 10303 .Sep for Henry Harrison mariner 0 13 6½ 10304 . for building th Church of Pomifract in Yorkshire 0 14 10 10305 . gathered 15 Sep 1661 10306 . for widdow Bonsall of Derby 0 11 5 10307 . for the repaire of the towne of Bridgnorth 0 10 0 10308 .1661 in the countie of Salop 10309 .Oct for Milton Abbas in the Countie of Dorset 0 8 0 10310 .Nov for John de Kraino Kramsky in the great 0 15 0 10311 .1661 dukedome of Julhuamia. 10312 . Susiana or Cusestan 10313 .-------------------------15-10R--1662----------------------------------- 10314 . Monys collected by John Balechous, ? Bradshaw, 10315 .1662 Edward Toplis and William ? churchwardens 10316 . for Letters Pattens from severall places as under 10317 . 10318 .Apr 27 For Thomas Thornton, James Helson and Christopher 0 10 0 10319 .1662 Milnes inhabitants of Samberry in the 10320 . parish of Thirske in ye County of Yorke 10321 .May 11 For Wm Jenkinson of Parletone in the parish 0 10 0 10322 .1662 of Mellinge in ye County Palatine of 10323 . Lancaster 10324 .Jul 13 Collected for a Letter Patten in behalf of 0 10 0 10325 .1662 Harborough and Bonden in Lestershire: 10326 . havinge in ye Late trubles ther Church 10327 . called St Ardene was pulled downe 10328 . this was pd to ye Heigh Constable by 10329 . Anth Eaton 10330 .Oct 1 For Charles Tidford Rich Hames? and others 0 13 0 10331 .62 with in ye parrish of St in ye Feilds 10332 . within ye Citty of Westminster 10333 .Mar 22 For John Molrich? of Cresswell in the County 0 10 0 10334 .1662 of Stafford the sume of ten shillings 10335 .May 10 For Thomas Spendlove, Richard Trough & 0 15 0 10336 .1663 others in ye County of Salop ye sume of 10337 . fifteen shillings 10338 .May 17 For W Smith and others inhabitants of the Towne 1 0 5 10339 .1663 of Hexham in the Countye of Northumberland 10340 .Jun 23 Collected for a Letter in behalfe of the poore 0 12 3 10341 .1667 inhabitants of Grindle? in the parish of 10342 . Ryton in Aire towne and County of Sallop 10343 . for a fire 10344 . Thomas Addames Daniell Addame John Pert 10345 . and severall others the sume of twelve 10346 . shillings and three pence by us 10347 . Churchwardens George Tomson Tho Fletcher 10348 . Denis Wetton Ralph Wigley 10349 .-------------------------15-11L--1663--------------------------------- 10350 . Money collected by William Blackwall, Henry Wigley 10351 . Edward Clay & Will Greene Churchwardens for ye 10352 . yeare 1663 for Letters pattente from severall places 10353 . as under 10354 . 10355 .Mar 13 Collected for Mrs Mary Winfeild, Mr Tho Winfeild 0 14 2 10356 .1663 Katherene Shepheard, Mr John Shepheard & 10357 . John Boswell by Letters patent the sume of 10358 .Mar 20 Collected for Mrs Mary Wray & others with a 0 10 0 10359 . Letter pattente 10360 .-------------------------15-11R--1664----------------------------------- 10361 . 29 May 1664 10362 . Money collected by Eleazer Coates Richard Ouldham 10363 . Anthony Wall Antho Keampe 10364 . 10365 .29 May Collected for ye Church of Witham in Sussex the 0 13 3 10366 . sum of therteen shillings & 3d: pd it to 10367 . John Trenis? that lives near Manchester 10368 . Collected for one Edward Christian of Grantham 0 10 0 10369 . by Letter patent 10370 . Collected for Henry Lifley by letter patent 0 12 0 10371 . Collected for ye parish Church of Basing 0 10 0 10372 . by Letter patent 10373 . Collected for ye Church of St Marys in 0 6 6 10374 . Westchester by Letter Patent 10375 . Collected for ye Church of Tinmouth 0 6 6 10376 . Collected for a fire at Tamworth by Letter Patent 0 6 6 10377 . Collected for the towne of Cromer by Letter 0 6 6 10378 . patent for the repaireinge of the poore 10379 .Mar 7 Collected by John Booth George Somers 0 11 4 10380 .1668 Robert Spencer & James Spencer by Letter 10381 . pattent for the inhabitants of Hamerhill 10382 . the some of 10383 .Mar 28 Collected by Letter pattent for the Captives 0 18 5 10384 .1669 in Allgiers & Salle 10385 . pd both these somes about to Joseph Nipe 10386 . subcollector to William Nipe of London 10387 . Taylor as Appeare p aquittance Anexed 10388 .Sep 5 Collected by Geo Buxton John Leese Edward 1 13 0¾ 10389 .1669 Collinson & Tho Tompson by letters 10390 . patents at ? the some of 10391 .Nov 21 Collected by patent for Brorton in Stafford 0 11 11 10392 .69 shire the some of 10393 .Apr 19 Collected for Brorton in Staffordshire 0 11 11 10394 .1670 10395 .Sep 14 Collected for Isleham in Cambridgeshire 0 12 4 10396 .1670 10397 .Aug 8 Collected for Mealbrate? in the County of Salop 0 12 0 10398 .1670 10399 .Dec 15 Collected for Walsingham in the county of 0 9 0 10400 . Durrham the summe of nine shillings 10401 .May 7 Collected at Wirksworth by letter patent for 0 12 2 10402 .1671 John Dixon & other inhabitants of Yarum? 10403 . in the county of York 10404 .-------------------------15-12L--------------------------------------- 10405 . I doe consent that Robert Toplis of Prathall 10406 . Gentleman William Norton Tobyas Spencer 10407 . & Anthony Tomson presented by the Churchwardens 10408 . according to the Custome in this parish 10409 . of Wirksworth shall stand & are herby elected 10410 . to be Churchwardens for this yeare 1665 10411 . Easter week 10412 . Saturday Aprill 1 10413 . 1665 10414 .-------------------------15-12R--------------------------------------- 10415 .Mar 12 Collected for Cotten-end in Northamptonshire 10416 .1670 twelve shillings eight pence 10417 . 10418 .Sep 4thCollected for Beckles in the county of Suffolk 10419 .1670 the sume of eleven shillings eight pence 10420 . 10421 . 10422 . 10423 . (INVERTED) 10424 . 10425 . 26th March 1722 At a Vestry Meeting this day 10426 . 10427 . Whereas it Appeares that the sume of 2-16-5½ has been Twice 10428 . paid by the Parish & the same Appearing to be in the hands 10429 . of Edward Wheatcroft James Hadfield John Wetton and Wm Mather 10430 .2 16 5 or one of them & the Differing amongst themselves the matter by 10431 . Consent of all parties is referred to the finall Determination of 10432 . Mr Daniel Woods & Mr John Toplis. 10433 . Ordered no money be given to Travellers by the Churchwardens 10434 . without orders from the Parish 10435 . 10436 . Ordered that the 2-16-5½ above when Determined by Mr Wood & 10437 . Mr Toplis shall be paid to Mr Philip Gell for & towards his Arrears. 10438 . 10439 .2-8-8 Ordered that 2-8-8½ Remaining in the hands of Samuel Trevis 10440 . & partners the Churchwardens for the yeare 1720 be paid to 10441 . Mr Philip Gell towards the Ballance due to him 10442 . 10443 .3-7-6¼ Ordered 3-7-6¼ in Mr Wood & patners hands be paid over to 10444 . Mr Philip Gell as above 10445 . 10446 .2-11-0 Ordered that Thomas Else and partners pay to Mr Philip Gell 10447 . 2-11-0 being the Ballance of his Accounts 10448 .------------ 10449 .11-3-8¬Total Ballance 10450 .------------ 10451 . 10452 . Ordered that all officers of the Parish shall yearely make their 10453 . Accounts within one month after their offices Expire. 10454 . 10455 . Ordered that for the future their be New Churchwardens nominated 10456 . every yeare 10457 . 10458 . J Statham 10459 . Cha: Hurt 10460 . Daniel Wood 10461 . John Toplis 10462 .----------------------(End of File)----------------------------------- |
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Deciphered, transcribed, compiled, indexed, formatted and copyright © 2001,
John Palmer, |