8836 .---------------------------14-03R--1714--------------------------------------
8837 . September the 20th 1714
8838 . At a parish meeting then held in the Vestry at
8839 . Wirkesworth a Levy of twenty markes
8840 . was agreed to be raised in the said parish
8841 . for the necessary repaire of the parish Church
8842 . & other occasions to be paid to the present
8843 . Churchwardens by us whose names are
8844 . subscribed.
8845 . Philip Gell
8846 . J.Statham
8847 . Tho. Hinkessman
8848 . John Alsop
8849 . John Shaw
8850 . Daniel Wood
8851 .
8852 . June 23 1715
8853 . At a parish meeting then held in the Vestrey at
8854 . Wirkesworth a Levy of Thirty pounds
8855 . was agreed to be raised in the said parish for
8856 . the necessary repaire of the parish Church & other
8857 . necessary occations to be paid to the present Churchwardens
8858 . by us whose names are subscribed,
8859 . & 1/2 a book to the Constable George Rogers.
8860 . J.Statham
8861 . Tho. Hinckessman
8862 . Robert Toplis
8863 . Benj. Wigley
8864 . John Fahson?
8865 .---------------------------14-04L--1715--------------------------------------
8866 . The Account of Mr John Wilcockson Mr Robert
8867 . Toplis Jun Mr Benjamin Wigley Mr Joseph
8868 . Wharton Churchwardens for Wirkesworth
8869 . for the yeare 1715 as follows (viz)
8870 .
8871 . Receipts
8872 . Wirkesworth 4 13 4
8873 . Ashleyhay 2 0 0
8874 . Alderwaslee 1 18 4
8875 . Itheridgehay 1 18 4
8876 . Hopton 1 18 4
8877 . Calow 1 11 8
8878 . Midleton 1 10 0
8879 . Crumford 1 10 0
8880 . Biging 1 10 0
8881 . Ible 0 15 0
8882 . Imber grange 0 15 0
8883 . ----------
8884 . Reced the Levy being 20 0 0
8885 . ----------
8886 . Reced 4 Leastalls 0 13 4
8887 . ----------
8888 . Totall Receipts 3 20 13 4
8889 . ----------
8890 . Disbursments
8891 .Imprimis
8892 . Visitation charges 1 13 0
8893 . paid for one Levy Book and Notes 0 3 0
8894 . paid Mr Hutchinson for 2 piggs of Lead 2 2 2
8895 . paid Sam. Wall Bill 2 3 0
8896 . paid Robert Cowper Bill 1 3 0
8897 . paid his second Bill 0 3 7
8898 . paid Mr Fawcett Bill 1 2 6
8899 . paid for a Comon prayer Book 0 13 6
8900 . paid Sarah Barker for washing 0 13 0
8901 . and mending the Church Linning
8902 . given John Page money instead of a Coat 1 5 0
8903 . Henry Udall a Coat 1 5 0
8904 . paid wid.Yeomans for sweeping 0 4 0
8905 . the Church Sundry times
8906 . paid Richard Midleton Bill 0 8 2
8907 . paid John Wilde for the Yates 0 6 6
8908 . paid Thomas Fowac for work done at Church 0 2 0
8909 . paid for a fox head 0 1 0
8910 . paid for oyle 0 0 9
8911 . paid Richard Midleton for glaseing 0 2 0
8912 . the North window
8913 . paid Francis Butcher for mending a Bell wheels 0 4 0
8914 . paid Henry Udall for going to Buxton 0 2 0
8915 . to Mr Haynes
8916 . for a pair of Tee hinges 0 1 0
8917 . ---------
8918 . Taken over this £ 13 18 0
8919 . ---------
8920 .---------------------------14-04R--1715--------------------------------------
8921 . Brought over £ 13 18 0
8922 . paid for Beesoms 0 2 0
8923 . paid for Bread 0 2 0
8924 . paid for 58 Ravens 0 14 6
8925 . paid John Wilde for carrying 0 1 6
8926 . the great beams into the Church
8927 . given John Eyre for loss of 150 by Fire 0 1 0
8928 . given John Smith of New England 0 5 0
8929 . & 12 persons towards his loss of 500
8930 . given Richard Blassart by Mr Hinksmans order 0 1 0
8931 . given dom? Margil 0 0 6
8932 . paid for hair 0 0 1
8933 . given Robert Jenson by Mr Hinksmans order 0 0 6
8934 .1713 May 12 given the Ringers 0 10 0
8935 . ye 29th given the Ringers 0 5 0
8936 . July 7th given the Ringers 0 12 6
8937 . Nov 5th given the Ringers 0 5 0
8938 .1714 May 29th given the Ringers 0 5 0
8939 . Returns are 0 1 8
8940 . Entering this Account 0 2 0
8941 . ----------
8942 . 17 7 3
8943 . deduct 0 2 0
8944 . ----------
8945 . The Disbursments 17 5 3
8946 . ----------
8947 . Money in the Accountants hand is 3 8
8948 . ----------
8949 . paid for John Page 6s 0d 0 17 6
8950 . paid Mr John Wilcockson what he was owt 11s 6d
8951 . Overplus money 1.15.7
8952 . ----------
8953 . Money in the Accountants hand 2 10 7
8954 . ----------
8955 . These Accountts seen and Allowed by
8956 . us whose names are subscribed
8957 . J.Statham
8958 . Ger:Rosell
8959 . Daniel Wood
8960 .---------------------------14-05L--1714--------------------------------------
8961 . The Accounts of Mr John Wilcockson
8962 . Mr Robert Toplis Jun Mr Thomas Collinson
8963 . and Robert Spencer Churchwardens
8964 . for Wirkesworth for the yeare 1714 follows
8965 .
8966 .Imprimis
8967 . Receipts a 20 Mark Levy
8968 . Wirkwsworth 3 2 3
8969 . Alderwaslee 1 6 8
8970 . Ashlehay 1 5 6
8971 . Itheridgehay 1 5 6
8972 . Hopton 1 5 6
8973 . Calowe 1 1 1
8974 . Biginge 1 0 0
8975 . Midleton 1 0 0
8976 . Crumford 1 0 0
8977 . Ible 0 10 0
8978 . Imber grange 0 10 0
8979 . ----------
8980 . 13 6 8
8981 . Reced 4 Leastalls 0 13 4
8982 . ----------
8983 . Totall Receipts 14 0 0
8984 . ----------
8985 . Disbursements
8986 .Imprs Visitation charges 1 12 2
8987 . paid Philip Gell for wine 3 17 6
8988 . paid Sam Wall for work 2 14 0
8989 . paid Sarah Barker for washing the Church Linning 0 11 0
8990 . paid for our Book and Notes 0 3 0
8991 . paid for 38 Ravens 0 9 4
8992 . paid Mr Edward Buxton Bill 0 14 4
8993 . paid Robert Cowper Bill 0 6 0
8994 . paid Thomas Else Bill 0 3 6
8995 . paid for Bread at Four Loaves times three 0 1 2
8996 . paid for the Church gate mending 0 4 6
8997 . and the Little Bell
8998 . paid for sweeping the Church 0 4 0
8999 . paid Bartle Burton for makeing
9000 . a new spade and mending a hack for the Saxstone
9001 . paid for Beesoms 0 1 4
9002 . paid for setting up 2 pinnacles 0 3 6
9003 . given to Thomas Howitt and another person 0 2 0
9004 . given Ann Bull by Mr Hinkesmans order 0 1 0
9005 .Oct 20 given ye Ringers on ye Coronation Day 0 6 8
9006 . ---------
9007 . Taken over this £ 11 16 4
9008 . ----------
9009 .---------------------------14-05R--1714--------------------------------------
9010 . Brought over £ 11 16 4
9011 .Nov 5 given the Ringers 0 5 0
9012 .Jan 20 given to the Ringers 0 4 0
9013 . paid Philip Gell Bill 3 0 10
9014 . ? are 0 2 6
9015 . for entering this Account 0 2 0
9016 . -----------
9017 . Disbursments 15 10 8
9018 . ------------
9019 . Due to the Accountants 1 10 8
9020 . ------------
9021 .Overplus is 1:3:8
9022 . Returns are
9023 . Aspinall Thomas 0 0¼
9024 . Arnfield John 0 0¾
9025 . Bradwell Isaac 0 0¼
9026 . Brough Richard 0 0¼
9027 . Blackwell Mary 0 2
9028 . Bruckshaw John 0 0½
9029 . Buxton German 0 0¼
9030 . Buxton Wm 0 0½
9031 . Cooke John 0 0½
9032 . Cadman Mary 0 0½
9033 . Clay John 0 0¼
9034 . Mr Chambers 0 0½
9035 . Bradshaw Arthur 0 0½
9036 . Guy Ellen 0 1¼
9037 . Gregory John 0 0½
9038 . Greenhough Eliz 0 0¼
9039 . Holebrook Tho. 0 5
9040 . Higgett Ralph 0 0¾
9041 . Hall John 0 0¾
9042 . Hopkinson Mrs 0 0½
9043 . Langton George 0 1½
9044 . Mather Francis 0 0½
9045 . Mrs Mennell 0 0¼
9046 . Pickering Mathew 0 1
9047 . Peal William 0 0½
9048 . Cotter John 0 0¼
9049 . Swindle Thomas 0 0¼
9050 . Shipley Wm sen 0 0¾
9051 . Shipley Wm jun 0 0¼
9052 . Sweane Joseph 0 3
9053 . Udall Henry 0 0¼
9054 . Vallence Henry 0 0¼
9055 . Wigley Wm ith Dale 0 0½
9056 . Wilcockson John ith Lane 0 1½
9057 . Wilson Luke 0 0¼
9058 . Wood Mr Richard 0 0½
9059 . Wheatley John 0 0¼
9060 . Wigley William G.bank 0 1
9061 . Wood Mr Daniel 0 1½
9062 . -----------
9063 . 2 6¼
9064 . ------------
9065 . These Accounts seen and allowed by us
9066 . whose names are subscribed
9067 . J.Statham
9068 .---------------------------14-06L--1715--------------------------------------
9069 . The Accounts of Philip Gell, William
9070 . Hoades John Stanley and George Madocks
9071 . Churh wardens for Wirksworth for the
9072 . Yeare 1715 Followeth (vizt)
9073 .Imps Received a thirty pound Levy
9074 . (vizt)
9075 . Wirksworth 7 0 0
9076 . Alderwaslee 2 17 6
9077 . Ashleyhay 3 0 0
9078 . Itheridgehay 2 17 6
9079 . Hopton 2 17 6
9080 . Biging 2 5 0
9081 . Midleton 2 5 0
9082 . Crumford 2 5 0
9083 . Callow 2 7 6
9084 . Ible 1 2 6
9085 . Imber grange 1 2 6
9086 . -------------
9087 . 30 0 0
9088 . --------------
9089 . Received for 13 Leastalls 2 3 4
9090 . --------------
9091 . Totall Receipts L 32 3 4
9092 . --------------
9093 . Disbursments L s d
9094 .Imps
9095 . Visitation charges 1 19 10
9096 . for wine &c at Sacrament 2 18 2
9097 . Thomas Else Bill 0 16 10
9098 . pd Mr Browns Bill 3 4 6
9099 . pd Richard Midletons Bill 1 18 8
9100 . pd Mr Wigleys Bill 1 3 6
9101 . pd Joshua Andrews Bill 1 12 0
9102 . pd James & Lawrance Battley 1 15 0
9103 . pd John Page for Serveing them 0 5 0
9104 . pd for our Book and Notes 0 3 0
9105 . pd for the sidesmens notes for a Breef 0 1 0
9106 . pd for Ravens 0 19 6
9107 .1716 Visitation Charges 2 0 4
9108 . Bread and wine at Sacrament 3 3 10
9109 . pd Richard Midleton 2d Bill 0 12 4
9110 . pd Sam Wall &c Bill 1 12 0
9111 . pd Mrs Alsoppe Bill 0 7 0
9112 . pd Mr Hanson Bill 0 6 0
9113 . pd for nayles 0 2 8
9114 . pd Nicholas Thacker for makeing a purse? 0 5 0
9115 . pd for a Bell Rope 0 1 9
9116 . given a poor widow with 9 children 0 1 6
9117 . given a sealer by Doctor Inetts order 0 1 0
9118 . given by the Bishopps order 0 2 6
9119 . given to John Steward 0 1 6
9120 . pd for the Serpliz makeing & washing same 1 14 0
9121 . pd Adam Marsh for plateing 2 Yates 0 1 9
9122 . pd Joshua Andrew for Makeing a seat ith pulpet 0 1 0
9123 . -------------
9124 . Taken over this L 27 11 2
9125 . -------------
9126 .---------------------------14-06R--1715--------------------------------------
9127 . Brought over this £ 27 11 2
9128 . pd for lime, hair and sand &c 0 2 6
9129 . pd for sweeping the Church 2 years 0 8 0
9130 .1716 pd Thomas Else Bill 0 12 4
9131 . pd for mending the Chimes & wires 0 8 6
9132 . pd for Beesoms 0 2 7
9133 . pd for Clanseing the Church plate 0 0 10
9134 . given to a man & his Family 0 1 0
9135 . pd for Clanseing the leads twice & nayles 0 1 10
9136 . pd for a new shovell 0 3 0
9137 . pd for nayles and stubbs for the whicket door 0 0 5
9138 . pd for Beesoms & oyle 0 2 6
9139 .1715 May 29th pd for the Ringers 0 5 0
9140 . Nov 5th pd the Ringers 0 5 0
9141 .1716 May 29th pd the Ringers 0 5 0
9142 . June 7th pd the Ringers on the Thanksgiving day 0 10 0
9143 . pd the Ringers more 0 5 0
9144 . Nov 5th pd the Ringers 0 5 0
9145 . Returns are 0 5 3
9146 . Entering this Account 0 2 0
9147 . -------------
9148 . Disbursmts are L 31 16 11
9149 . --------------
9150 . Receipts L 32 3 4
9151 . --------------
9152 . In our hands is L 0 6 4
9153 . --------------
9154 . overplus money in our hands is 1 11 4
9155 .
9156 .Feb 12th 1718/9 These Accounts seen and Allowed by us
9157 . Daniel Wood
9158 . John Shore
9159 . Wiliam Wilson
9160 . Adam Ragg
9161 .---------------------------14-07L--1718--------------------------------------
9162 . March 5th 1718
9163 . Memorandum that at this day at a meeting in the Vestrey
9164 . of this pish Church ? Notice here to fore Given
9165 . for takeing up ? of George Clay and ? ?
9166 . Wigley gent & Joseph Wharton here to fore Churchwardens
9167 . of the pish & pish Church of Wirkesworth none of us
9168 . Churchwardens appeareing ? Mr Wigley
9169 . it is agreed by us ? that Notice be given to Mr George
9170 . Hayes & Joseph Wharton to Appeare upon Monday
9171 . next at 2 o Clock in the afternoonto put or
9172 . give thereat ? otherwise the pishn? will
9173 . Defend themselves or ? in the Court of ?
9174 . upon ye sd ? ? ?Churchwardens
9175 . Tho. Greatorex?
9176 . Robert Toplis
9177 . Edward Buxton
9178 . Daniel Wood
9179 . John Shore
9180 . George Buxton
9181 . William Wilson
9182 . John Tompson
9183 . William ?
9184 .
9185 . August the 13th 1724
9186 . At a Parish meeting held at the Vestrey this
9187 . day it was then Agreed that a Thurty pounds Levy be
9188 . made for the necessary Repairs of the Church & other occasions by
9189 . us who are here under named
9190 . Mr Robert Toplis
9191 . Mr John Shore
9192 . Mr Edward Wheatcroft
9193 . Wm Bamford
9194 . Mr Edwd. Alexander
9195 .---------------------------14-07R--1718--------------------------------------
9196 . 9th March 1718
9197 . Memorandum that the day & yeare abovesd at a publick
9198 . meeting of the pishners of Wirkesworth in the Vestrey there
9199 . it was agreed by & betweene the pishners then psent & Mr.
9200 . Benjamin Wigley & Mr Joseph Wharton two of us Churchwardens
9201 . of the pish of Wirkesworth aforesd for the yeare 1712 and
9202 . they the sd pishners & the sd Mr Wigley & Mr Wharton heve then
9203 . accounted & have agreed that they the sd Benjamin
9204 . Wigley & Mr Wharton shall be allowed their atty? & with the other
9205 . Churchwardens soe far onely as the 60? Levy they have
9206 . Reced? & noe further and that the sd Mr Joseph Wharton
9207 . shall retayne in his hands soe much money as ?
9208 . in his hands in the yeare 1713. And that the sd Mr
9209 . Wigley shall pay to ye sd Mr Wharton 10s 2d & Mr George
9210 . Haynes shall pay L2 18s 8d: the sd Mr Wigley & Mr Haynes
9211 . appeareing by theire Atty? to be so much Indebted to
9212 . the Town?, and the Town? is to pay unto Phillip Gell
9213 . L3 8s 0d, & to Mr Daniell Wood L1 3s 9d And that
9214 . there shall be noe further disente or Controversie ?
9215 . the sd plyes? ab? ye sd Atty? in the Court of Lytchfield
9216 . And that each pty? shall have theire owne Charge &
9217 . Expering there
9218 . Philip Gell
9219 . Tho. Inett Vic.
9220 . Robert Toplis
9221 . George Buxton
9222 . Daniel Wood
9223 . Ben. Wigley
9224 . Joseph Wharton
9225 . William Wilson
9226 . John Shore
9227 . Edward Buxton
9228 .---------------------------14-08L--1719--------------------------------------
9229 . 26 August 1719
9230 . At a Parish meeting at the Vestry this day
9231 . it was agreed that a Twenty Pounds Levy
9232 . shall be now laid towards the necessary Repairs
9233 . & other occations for the Church for the Yeare ensuing
9234 . J.Statham
9235 . Robert Toplis
9236 . John Toplis
9237 . John Shore
9238 .
9239 . 19th May 1720
9240 . At a meeting held at the Vestry
9241 . this day, It was agreed that a Forty
9242 . Pounds levy shall be now laid towards the
9243 . necessary Repairs & other occations for the
9244 . Church for the Yeare ensueing
9245 .
9246 . May 20th 1720 at 40 Ls overplus money is L0 19s 3d
9247 .
9248 . J.Statham
9249 . Tho. Inett
9250 . Daniel Wood
9251 . William Wilson
9252 . German Yeomans
9253 .---------------------------14-08R--1721-------------------------------------
9254 . Wirkesworth
9255 . 29 January 1721
9256 . At a Parish meeting held at the Vestry
9257 . this day, It was then agreed that an
9258 . Eighty pounds Levy shall be now laid
9259 . towards the necessary Repairs & other
9260 . occations for the Church for the Yeare
9261 . ensueing
9262 . J.Statham
9263 . Robert Toplis
9264 . John Shore
9265 . Daniel Wood
9266 . John Toplis
9267 .
9268 . 26 March 1722
9269 . Ordered that there be a Vestry meeting on
9270 . Monday next the 2d of Aprill for the choice?
9271 . of a Vestry
9272 . J.Statham
9273 . Cha. Hurt
9274 . Daniel Wood
9275 .
9276 . 20 December 1722
9277 . At a Parish meeting held at the Vestry
9278 . this day It was then agreed that an
9279 . Eighty Pounds Levy should be now laid
9280 . towards the necessary Repairs & other
9281 . occations for the Church for the yeare
9282 . ensueing
9283 . J.Statham
9284 . Philip Gell
9285 . Daniel Wood
9286 . George Tompson
9287 . John Toplis
9288 . Edw. Wheatcroft
9289 . John Haynes
9290 .---------------------------14-09L--1717--------------------------------------
9291 . The Accounts Philip Gell John Stanley
9292 . Wm Hoades, & George Maddocke Church
9293 . wardens for Wirksworth for the Yeare 1717
9294 . as followeth (viz)
9295 .
9296 .May 24 Received a Levy of 20 0 0
9297 .1717 Mr Blyth John Higgett Morris Higgett 0 16 8
9298 . & 2 more being 5 Leastalls
9299 . ------------
9300 . Totall Receipts 20 16 8
9301 . -------------
9302 . Disbursments follows
9303 .
9304 .Impts Visitation Charges 2 12 3
9305 . Bread & Wine at Sacrament 3 1 9
9306 . paid for a new Bible 4 8 0
9307 . paid Thomas Else Bill 0 17 10
9308 . ditto for him a 2d Bill 0 10 6
9309 . pd Richard Midleton Bill 1 12 0
9310 . ditto pd him a 2d Bill 1 9 4
9311 . pd Joshua Andrew Bill 0 6 5
9312 . pd James & Laurance Battleys Bill 1 9 4
9313 . pd ditto a second Bill 0 4 6
9314 . pd Joshua Andrew for mending the chimes 0 1 0
9315 . pd for a pigg of lead 1 3 6
9316 . pd for Book & Notes 0 3 0
9317 . pd Sam Wall Bill 0 2 3
9318 . pd for washing & mending the Surplis 0 12 6
9319 . pd for Ravens for 1716 0 18 9
9320 . pd Mr Wigley Bill for Page Coate 0 19 8
9321 . pd Wm Rowley for makeing it 0 3 6
9322 . pd for 4 visitations & Court fees 0 12 2
9323 . pd charges at presseton & goeing long Round 0 6 4
9324 .May 28 given to the Ringers 0 3 0
9325 .29th given to the Ringers 0 5 0
9326 .Nov 5thgiven to the Ringers 0 5 5
9327 . paid J.Page serving Battleys & Coach & Lo Lime 0 3 3
9328 . pd for 1/2 hundred of neales 0 0 5
9329 . pd for Lime 2 Loads 0 2 0
9330 . pd Robert Fox for a Board 0 0 7
9331 . pd for Broomes at 3 times 0 4 8
9332 . pd Mary Yeomans sweeping the Church 0 3 4
9333 . pd charges at Wm Hoades in overfees 0 2 0
9334 . pd for Iron mark & hinging door at Bells 0 1 0
9335 . pd Ralph Paley for 5 hedge hoggs 0 0 2
9336 . pd Thomas Allen Leading Stone from Church yd 0 1 0
9337 . given a distressed man with 8 in family 0 1 6
9338 . given Guilbert Wilson for Loss of 500 at sea 0 1 0
9339 . given John Witham for Loss by fire 0 0 6
9340 . Returns are 0 5 0
9341 . Entering this Account into Towns Books 0 2 0
9342 . ------------
9343 . Totall Disbursmts £ 24 17 8
9344 . ------------
9345 . due to the Accountants 4 11 0
9346 . -------------
9347 . March 26th 1722
9348 . This Account was then seen &
9349 . Allowed by us
9350 . Tho.Inett
9351 . Cha.Hurt
9352 . Robert Toplis
9353 . Robert Leacroft
9354 . John Shore
9355 . Wm Storer
9356 . Anthony Chadwick
9357 .---------------------------14-09R--1718--------------------------------------
9358 . The Accounts of Philip Gell, John Stanley, Wm
9359 . Hoades, George Madocke, Churchwardens for
9360 . Wirksworth for the Yeare 1718 as followeth (viz)
9361 .
9362 .June 16Received a Levy of 20 0 0
9363 .1718 Received 3 Leastalla 0 10 0
9364 . ------------
9365 . Receipts 20 10 0
9366 . ------------
9367 . Disburstmts
9368 .Imp Visitation charges 1 19 1
9369 .1712 for wine 3 8 0
9370 .718 for Wine 3 15 6
9371 . pd James Hadfield & the Arrears 1708 2 16 5
9372 . pd the plumber's 2 Bills 2 3 11
9373 . pd for a Common Prayer Booke 0 14 6
9374 . pd Battleys Bill 1 2 0
9375 . pd Thomas Else Bill 0 17 10
9376 . pd his second Bill 0 4 3
9377 . pd George Madocke Charges to Litchfd 1 2 6
9378 . pd Mr Fawcett for Copying Regester 1 7 6
9379 . pd for 11 skins of Parchment 0 11 0
9380 . pd for washing & mending Surplis 0 12 6
9381 . pd for oyle 0 4 0
9382 . pd for 4 fox heads 0 4 0
9383 . pd for 75 Raven's 0 18 9
9384 . pd James Hadfield charges for Busalt? 0 3 0
9385 . pd for our Books and Notes 0 3 0
9386 . given John Jonson & 8 in Family 0 1 6
9387 . given to an other man & his Family 0 1 0
9388 . given a man by Mr Inetts order 0 1 6
9389 . given David Rushby loss by Fire 0 1 0
9390 . Nov 5th given the Ringers 0 5 0
9391 . May 29th given the Ringers 0 5 0
9392 . pd Court fees & my Charges 0 10 0
9393 . pd for Bread 0 0 10
9394 . pd for a Rope 0 1 6
9395 . pd Mr Blackwall for mendg Chimes 0 10 0
9396 . pd John Page 1 0 0
9397 . pd Mr Blackwall Repairing:Chimes a 2d S 0 8 0
9398 . pd Robert Cooper Bill 0 5 4
9399 . pd his 2d Bill 0 5 6
9400 . pd Mary Yeomans sweeping Church 0 1 0
9401 . pd for Broomes 0 0 3
9402 . given to Parater 0 1 8
9403 . pd Thomas Allen for his horse 0 3 0
9404 . pd John Stanley the Arrears of 1707 0 5 0
9405 . Returns are 0 5 9
9406 . for entering this Account 0 2 0
9407 . -------------
9408 . Totall Disbursmt 27 2 7
9409 . --------------
9410 . due to the Accountants 6 12 7
9411 . ---------------
9412 . 26 March 1722
9413 . These Accounts were then seen & allowed at a Vestrymeeting
9414 . this day by us
9415 . J.Statham
9416 . Cha.Hurt
9417 . Tho.Inett
9418 . Robert Leacroft
9419 . Robert Toplis
9420 .---------------------------14-10L--1719--------------------------------------
9421 . The Accounts of Mr Daniel Wood, Mr Edward Wheatcroft,
9422 . Joseph Fletcher & Mr Robert Thorp Churchwardens
9423 . for Wirksworth for the Yeare 1719
9424 .
9425 . The Levy L20 0s 0d
9426 .
9427 . Receipts
9428 . Wirkesworth 4 13 4
9429 . Ashleyhay 2 0 0
9430 . Alderwaslee 1 18 4
9431 . Itheridgehay 1 18 4
9432 . Hopton 1 18 4
9433 . Calow 1 11 8
9434 . Midleton 1 10 0
9435 . Crumford 1 10 0
9436 . Biging 1 10 0
9437 . Ible 0 15 0
9438 . Imber grange 0 15 0
9439 . -----------
9440 . Levy £ 20 0 0
9441 . 2 Leastalls of Mr Mellor one & James Wingfield one0 6 8
9442 . -----------
9443 . Totall Receipts 20 6 8
9444 . ------------
9445 . Disbursmts
9446 .Impts Two Visitations charges 2 2 0
9447 . Bread & Wine for the Sacrament 2 2 6
9448 . Pd Thomas Else Bill 0 19 2
9449 . Pd John Wilde Bill 1 0 1
9450 . Pd Samuel Wall Bill 2 6 6
9451 . Pd Thomas Collinson Bill 0 14 0
9452 . Pd Anthony Wall Bill 0 10 0
9453 . Pd Mr Daniel Woods Bill 1 16 3
9454 . Pd Mr Stone for Pages Coat 1 0 9
9455 . Pd for 76 Ravens 0 19 0
9456 . Pd Sarah Barker for washg & mendg Surplis 0 12 0
9457 . Pd John Hanson for 6 fox heads 0 6 0
9458 . Pd Berkin for 2 fox heads 0 2 0
9459 . Pd for one year sweeping the Church 0 4 0
9460 . Ale to the Church 0 6 6
9461 . Pd for Makeing Page Coate 0 3 4
9462 . Pd Mr Buxton for a rope for Little Bell 0 1 7
9463 . Pd Mr Blackwall mending the Chimes 0 3 6
9464 . Pd Timperley for gathering stones 0 2 0
9465 .May 29 Pd for Ringing 0 5 0
9466 .Nov 5thPd for Ringing 0 5 0
9467 . Ale to Thomas Else 0 0 6
9468 . Pd for stopping the Sinks 0 2 0
9469 . Pd for the Book & Notes 0 3 0
9470 . Pd for the grease for the Bells 0 0 4
9471 . Pd to Page for Crying 0 0 4
9472 . Pd for Beesoms & a Wiskett 0 2 1
9473 . Pd to Jonathan Terrey a Seaylor 0 2 6
9474 . Pd to 6 Passingers 0 1 6
9475 . Returns are 0 5 8
9476 . for entering this Account into this Book 0 2 0
9477 . ------------
9478 . Disbursmts £ 16 19 1
9479 . -------------
9480 . In ye Accountants hand 3 7 6
9481 .
9482 .26 March 1722 Seen & Allowed this Account & ordered that the 3 7 6 due
9483 . from the Accountants be paid to Mr Philip Gell towards the
9484 . Ballance due to him as Churchwarden the last yeare
9485 . J.Statham
9486 . Cha.Hurt
9487 . Tho.Inett
9488 . John Toplis
9489 .---------------------------14-10R--1720--------------------------------------
9490 . The Accounts of Samuel Travis, Godfrey Shore
9491 . Nicholas Woods, & German Buxton Churchwardens
9492 . for Wirksworth for the Yeare 1720 (vizt)
9493 .
9494 . Received by a 40L Levy as Followeth
9495 .
9496 . Wirksworth 9 6 8
9497 . Ashlehay 4 0 0
9498 . Alderwaslee 3 16 8
9499 . Itheridgehay 3 16 8
9500 . Hopton 3 16 8
9501 . Calow 3 3 4
9502 . Midleton 3 0 0
9503 . Crumford 3 0 0
9504 . Biging 3 0 0
9505 . Ible 1 10 0
9506 . Imber grange 1 10 0
9507 . ------------
9508 . 40 0 0
9509 . Leastalls 6
9510 . John ? wife 3 4
9511 . Mr Wm Wingfield 3 4
9512 . Thomas Bamford 3 4
9513 . Joshua Killer 3 4
9514 . Mr Wm Wilson mother 3 4
9515 . John Hall Midleton 3 4
9516 . -----------
9517 . 1 0 0
9518 . -----------
9519 . Totall Receipts 41 0 0
9520 . ------------
9521 . Disbursmts
9522 .Imps Visitation Charges 1 8 4
9523 . pd for Bread & Wine for ye Sarant 0 3 0
9524 . pd for our Levy Book & Notes 0 3 0
9525 . pd Samuel Wall bill 1 17 0
9526 . pd Anthony Bradshaw Bill 1 8 0
9527 . pd Thomas Else Bill 1 4 5
9528 . pd Anthony Wall Bill 5 6 4
9529 . pd Mr Edward Buxton Bill o 3 0
9530 . pd Mr John Blackwell Bill 1 7 0
9531 . pd Francis Ward Bill 3 3 6
9532 . pd for Jon Timperley Coate & making 1 1 6
9533 . pd Wm Tayler's Bill 0 5 11
9534 . pd Robert Fox Bill 0 6 4
9535 . for 5 men's Expence to view ye Church 0 11 0
9536 . pd Wm Pidcock & Chas.Briggs for Asist 0 7 6
9537 . pd for drawing a writeing 0 1 0
9538 . pd Thomas Drakefield gosin for J.Kirk 0 1 0
9539 . pd Expence of Chesterfield Sessions 1 10 10
9540 . for 5 men & horses 3 days & 2 Nights
9541 . given Mr Fitcharbert for viewing the 0 15 0
9542 . petition & handing it to the Bench
9543 . pd for 2 horse hires 3 days to Chesterfield 0 6 0
9544 . spent at Nicholas Woods 0 2 4
9545 . pd Francis Butcher for Assist 1 5 0
9546 . pd Isaac Kirk for his Assistance 1 3 6
9547 . for going into Searsdals to have the 0 10 0
9548 . certificate signed by the Justices
9549 . pd for Letters 0 1 0
9550 . -------------
9551 . Taken over £ 28 17 10
9552 . --------------
9553 .---------------------------14-11L--1720--------------------------------------
9554 . Brought over 28 17 10
9555 . pd for going to Derby for the Petition 0 2 6
9556 . & Certificates
9557 . Spent with the undertakers of the Breef 0 2 6
9558 . pd Ellias Sims for goeing to Stafford 0 3 6
9559 . pd Mr Haynes for Drawing the 2 2 0
9560 . Petition & Certificate
9561 . pd for 103 Ravens 1 5 9
9562 . pd for 7 fox heads 0 7 0
9563 . pd Sarah Barker 0 12 0
9564 . pd for sweeping Church for 1 year 0 4 0
9565 . pd for Broomes & 2 Wisketts 0 2 11
9566 . pd for Ringing 29 May & 5th Nov 0 10 0
9567 . pd for a new shovel & Chime Rope 0 6 4
9568 . pd John Page for Carrying Rubbish
9569 . & for sweeping the Church Walls & over head 0 5 0
9570 . pd for Lime & Sand 0 5 6
9571 . pd John Timperley for Blending it 0 0 6
9572 . pd for a 100 of Bricks 0 1 7
9573 . pd for a Quart of Sivell oyle 0 1 4
9574 . pd Mr Hutchinson fr a pigg of lead & carriage 1 7 2
9575 . pd for a new lock 0 0 6
9576 . given 2 Strangers 0 6 0
9577 .Sep 8 pd for a Book for the Fast day 0 2 0
9578 . pd for Repairing Communion Flaggin 0 1 0
9579 . pd for a chime polley wheel 0 1 6
9580 . pd Isaac Spencer Bill 0 3 10
9581 . pd Tho. Yeomans for Coles 0 0 2
9582 . pd for Charcole 0 0 4
9583 . pd for a new finger for the Clock 0 6 6
9584 . pd for Ale when Dial Board was put up 0 4 0
9585 . Returns are 0 5 6
9586 . For entering this Account to the Towns Book 0 2 0
9587 . -------------
9588 . Totall Disbursmts £ 38 11 3
9589 . --------------
9590 . In the Accountants hand 2 8 8
9591 . --------------
9592 .26 March 1722
9593 . Seen and Allowed & the 2 8s 8d the Ballance be
9594 . paid into the hands of Mr Phillip Gell towards his arrears
9595 . by us
9596 . Jo.Statham
9597 . Tho.Inett
9598 . Cha.Hurt
9599 . John Toplis
9600 . R.Leacroft
9601 . Robt Toplis
9602 .---------------------------14-11R--1721--------------------------------------
9603 . The Accounts of Edward Alexander,
9604 . William Bamford Thomas Else &
9605 . Nicholas Wood Churchwardens for
9606 . Wirkesworth for the Year 1721 (viz)
9607 . Received by a 80 Levy as followeth
9608 .
9609 . Wirkesworth 18 13 4
9610 . Ashleyhay 8 0 0
9611 . Alderwaslee 7 13 4
9612 . Itheridgehay 7 13 4
9613 . Hopton 7 13 4
9614 . Callow 6 6 8
9615 . Middleton 6 0 0
9616 . Crumford 6 0 0
9617 . Biging 6 0 0
9618 . Ible 3 0 0
9619 . Imber grange 3 0 0
9620 . ------------
9621 . 80 0 0
9622 . 3 Leastalla 0 10 0
9623 . ------------
9624 . Totall Receipts 80 10 0
9625 . -------------
9626 . Disbursmts
9627 .ImrimisFor going to the Visitation to be sworne 0 10 0
9628 . For writeing ye Booke Notes & Paper 0 3 3
9629 . Henry Udall a pair of shoes 0 3 4
9630 . A new Ridle - 8 new clock ropes 0 3 4
9631 . given a woman & 5 children from Whitehaven to Kent0 2 0
9632 . For washing & new necking the surplis 0 12 6
9633 . 2 papers consening the Trinity 2s 0 7 0
9634 . & for sweeping the Church 5s
9635 . For Crying abt Town for people 0 0 6
9636 . to keep up their swine to Wm Taylor
9637 . Court fees & charges at Michaellmas visitation 0 7 8
9638 . Lime 4 loads 4s Beesoms 2s 8d 0 6 8
9639 . Henry Udalle Cloath for a Coat & 1 11 6
9640 . Capp with the makeing 5s
9641 . Isaac Kirk for working & setting up the Peirs 11 0 0
9642 . Mr John Blackwall for ye Clocke 26 0 0
9643 . Robert Fox for the Gates and other Work to the 6 17 6
9644 . Church and Church Yard
9645 . At the Bishopps Visitation Presentmt & Court Fees 0 7 6
9646 . 5 fox heads 5s 5 wisketts 1s & 123 Ravens 1 10s 9d1 16 9
9647 . ----------
9648 . Taken over £ 50 9 6
9649 . -----------
9650 .---------------------------14-12L--1721--------------------------------------
9651 . Brought over 50 9 6
9652 . Morris Higgett Leading Pavers 0 14 0
9653 . Bread & Wine for the Sacrament 5 4 7
9654 . 2 labourers to load stone 5 days 0 8 4
9655 . Bread & cheese & Ale to the 0 7 6
9656 . Quarrill severall times
9657 . Mr Yates for giveing People abt 0 2 6
9658 . the Church Yard Notice to Remove
9659 . their middens & stop their sinks
9660 . given a man & woman & 5 children 0 2 0
9661 . comeing from Galloway
9662 . For Ringing May 29th, Nov 5th & May 29th 0 15 0
9663 . Pd for a paper & Carriage of it about the fast 0 2 0
9664 . In Ale to the Workmen & those 0 6 8
9665 . that helpt to sett up the Peirs
9666 . at Severall times
9667 . Michiaell Poyser for loading 1 12 0
9668 . stone for the Peirs
9669 . Samuell Wall for Sander? & work 1 5 0
9670 . Coullr & Tallow 10d gave a woman with a passe 6d 0 1 4
9671 . Given a fee & charges to Litchfield 1 5 0
9672 . about the Gates
9673 . Charges twice to Chesterfield about the same 0 5 0
9674 . Nicholas Wood Horse to Litchfield 5 days 0 14 0
9675 . & 2 days to Chesterfield
9676 . Given a lame mane, woman & 3 children ill 0 2 0
9677 . of an Ague goeing to Liverpool
9678 . for cleanseing the Leads 0 0 6
9679 . pd for a letter from Mr Rider 0 0 3
9680 . Pd a boy goeing to Anthony Gells at Midleton 0 0 2
9681 . Pd Mr Hinks about Mr Gell 1 13 8
9682 . & at the same time Mr Rider 0 10 6
9683 . Pd the surrowgate & mine & horse charges 0 15 0
9684 . vid. Timperly a shovell 4s & 0 7 0
9685 . Sam Wall for soder 3s
9686 . Mr Stone for oyle & Coalour for the gates 7s 5 0 9 3
9687 . & Edwd.Shephard 2 days
9688 . Robert Blount for gathering stones & paveing 0 18 0
9689 . ------------
9690 . Taken over £ 68 10 11
9691 . -------------
9692 .---------------------------14-12R--1721--------------------------------------
9693 . Brought over £ 68 10 11
9694 . and 14 day work 0 11 8
9695 . Thomas Else Bill 6 12 3
9696 . and for Charges to Derby about Mr Inett 3 4 4
9697 . Henry Clay stone for the Peirs 3 5 0
9698 . & for paveing & lettering a stone & setting up 1 11 0
9699 . and for paveing in the Church yard 0 11 0
9700 . Isaac Kirk for 2 Droughts 1 10 0
9701 . of the Church & Church yard
9702 . Spent at severall times in bargining with 0 10 0
9703 . Isaac Kirk Rober Fox, Henry Clay
9704 . Jo.Higgett, Robert Blount & others
9705 . Enterng this Account into the Town's Book 0 2 0
9706 . -------------
9707 . Disbursmts L 86 8 2
9708 . Receipts L 80 10 0
9709 . -------------
9710 . Due to the Accountants is 5 18 2
9711 . --------------
9712 . 20 December 1722
9713 . Seen and alloed these Accounts & ordered
9714 . the Ballance being Five Pounds eighteen
9715 . Shillings shall be paid to the present
9716 . Church wardens in fill
9717 . J.Statham
9718 . Daniel Woods
9719 . Robert Toplis
9720 . John Toplis
9721 . Edward Wheatcroft
9722 . Charles Hanson
9723 . Adam Ragg
9724 .
9725 . Note
9726 . The Return's net entered in this