Updated 29 Mar 2008
WIRKSWORTH Parish Records 1600-1900
Many thanks to those who have submitted photos
and text. These have also been added to the 'Oldfoto' webpage.
Taken 100 years ago
| Taken this year
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Bridge over Middle Peak Quarry 1920
This bridge has now been blown up, but there
may be some remnants telling where it was. Believed
to be somewhere within Middlepeak Quarry, about
OS ref: SK 280-550
X005b - by Stuart Flint
The trees and a pile of stones beyond is all that is left of
The Monkey Hole once way back in time worked as a quarry by
Benjamin Buckley but which in time became part of Bowne & Shaws
Quarry then Tarmac Roadstones and in between where Stewart & Lloyd
used the site to test Pylons..
Fern Bank Cottage 1895
Thought to be somewhere up Greenhill, a road
running North from the centre of Wirksworth. In 1901,
the address was 86, Greenhill, Wirksworth, lived in by
John and Sarah Woodhouse.
X044a - by Maureen Griffiths

Maureen writes:
Further information about X044- "Fern Bank Cottage"(86 Greenhill)
This was the only view possible of the above, without committing
aggravated trespass!
Comparison with the 1895 photo;-
1 The Hillside above the cottage is no longer there, quarried away
without trace.
2 A road has been built,along what was the side of the house (left as you
look at the old photo) from where I took modern photo
3 The new "side entrance" is down steps, the old photo shows that piece
of land sloping down also.
4 The very distinctive ridge of tiles below the chimney stacks is still
there, and there are no others like this in the area. This convinces me
that not only is it 86,Green hill,(it said so) but also, beyond doubt,
Fern Cottage.
It took some finding! as it looked nothing like the original, at first.
Best wishes, Maureen Griffiths
Middleton Hillside c1930
A postcard-view of Middleton Hillside which
I understand is taken looking down Chapel Lane,

X096a - by Stuart Flint
Much new housing has been built on Chapel Lane since the old photo was taken Where the vans are parked to the left of the picture was where in my youth my distant kinsman of Sidney Birley a Mason at Hopton Wood Stone Quarry lived in a bungalow..The Bungalow has been demolished in recent months and a new property is being built on the land
The house with a Caravan bottom of lane to the left was where my mother was born the house belonging to my Sheldon family from when it was built in 1786 although the original cottage was a single one up one down which has been added on to over the 220 odd years.. The new owners have stripped the old building down to a shell and rebuilt much of it. The house with the blue car in driveway centre was my family home Highfields purchased by my parents from George Brace his family part of my Flint kin..I lived there from 1953 to my wife and I marrying.
The house was sold by my mother when she moved into Sheltered Housing for O.A.Ps at Duke Fields Middleton mid 1990s
The house to the right hidden somewhat under trees was where my Grandmother Gwenillian Flint nee Sprake came to from Blaenafon South Wales in 1883 when she was a Governess to a noble family of Monmouth who stayed there in the summer months.. The house may have belonged to the Killer family who owned the quarry seen in the photograph which by 1959 was to become Middleton Limestone Mine ..The Killer's were of my Flint family via my Fathers kin and my mother's via her Brownson and Walker family..Killer Bros Hopton Wood Stone supplied Fluxing Stone to Blaenafon Iron and Steel Works where Gwenillian's father Edwin Sprake was a Works General Manager ...
After Gwenillian and William Flint married in 1886 and lived for a time at Rise End Middleton William Axe lived there his wife Mary Rose Killer .. By the 1950s my sister in law ...... Flint nee Farnsworth's family of MiIllward (allied family to Farnsworth and Potters of Wirksworth and Matlock) lived at the house..Mrs Millward a School Teacher at Middleton Junior School her husband a Hanger On Cromford & High Peak Railway at Middleton Top...
The house on Hillside at the head of the photograph to the right hidden partially by a tree on a line with the quarry face was where my father was born in 1894 owned by Killer Bros..
Grandfather William Flint was killed at the quarry on December 5th 1905..
South View, Middleton
'South View' situated at the top of Chapel Lane,
Middleton (now surrounded by houses according to
Edith Taylor).

Taken 2007 by Stuart Flint, who writes:
South View once owned by Samuel and Roseanne Axe ne Slack
Roseanne my wife's 3XAunt via Slacks Samuel my allied kin via Jones
and Killer.
The photograph taken from the driveway of Mrs Moira Taylor nee
Spencer's bungalow built on land where once the garden for South View
was.. Moira's deceased husband was nephew to Mrs Edith Taylor..
Moira and my mother in law Dorothy Steube nee Evans 2nd cousins ..
Moira also kin of Axe family via Slacks
Between 1946 - 1952 my family and I lived at South View , my father
Harry Sprake Flint re naming the house Axeholme .. leasing the house
from the Axe family of Hatfield Yorkshire...
When we moved out in the 1950s to live at the foot of Chapel Lane
at Highfields The Fields opposite Ashleigh House where Samuels Axe's
brother William Axe lived with his wife Mary Rose nee Killer of my kin,
Frank Holmes Butler my wife's Grt Uncle 1/2 brother to my wife's
Grandfather Herbert Evans and his wife Sally nee Slack Sally also my
wife's Grt Aunt via Slacks purchased the house from the Axe estate
their daughters living there up to recent years..The House in the
late 1990s then came under new ownership and has been extensively
extended ..
Pitty Wood Farm <1884
Pitty Wood Farm is SW of Wirksworth,
OS map ref: SK 278-529.
X107c - by Maureen Griffiths
Holloway near Matlock.
Holloway is a small village about 2 miles SE
of Matlock Bath. I don't know where the photographer
stood or which direction he was looking.
Taken 2007 by Adrienne Holmes

X142a (SK324-566, junction Church Rd/The Hollins))
View of Holloway from the north, along the road from Lea, The original
photograph must have been taken from an old builder's/workshop yard
which has just been built on. This was the closest I was able to get to
the original viewpoint. The nearby home-owner wasn't in otherwise I
might have been able to get a slightly higher viewpoint from their
Adam Bede Cottage, Wirksworth
At the southern end of Wirksworth on the
Derby Road stands Adam Bede Cottage
(OS ref: SK 285-526) opposite to Haarlam Mill.
X187eb - by Maureen Griffiths
The Mount Boarding House, Matlock
Somewhere on Chesterfield Road, Matlock,
possibly near Lime Tree Hill
Taken 2007 by Adrienne Holmes, see:
88, Bank Road, Matlock
Taken 2007 by Adrienne Holmes, see:
Rise End, Middleton.
The only clue is that this house is
somewhere in Rise End, Middleton.

X249a - by Stuart Flint
The house where in the 1930s - 1950s my Uncle William James Flint born 1906 lived with his wife Aunt Marian nee Walters and daughter Marie Flint (retired Chief Superintendent of Police ) Marie married Leonard Burt retired Assistant Chief Constable of Dorset Police Service The house to the left is where in the older picture the three members of the Marples family lived .
Taken c1930. #54 The Hill, Cromford
#142. Taken 2007 by Adrienne Holmes

142 Cromford Hill (corner house)
142 could be our house. The stonework is a good match apart from the
number of rows of stone above the ground floor window. Perhaps the
first floor window has been enlarged by taking out a row of stone
underneath. It looks as though the mullion-like stones on either side
could have been moved down and the spaces filled above. The adjoining
house appears to have had similar treatment but the mullion-like stones
were left in situ and the spaces filled at the bottom. There was no
sign of any holes! But it was one of the few with a a white-speckled
stone top step as described. The big clue however is the corner
position. Is George still alive to ask? No sign of a pub opposite
Matlock Bath, Cromford Court
A fine mansion overlooking Masson Mills.
OS ref: SK 293-573
X354d - by Maureen Griffiths
Whatstandwell: Canal, Rail, Road & River together.
Just South of Whatstandwell, the River Derwent,
Cromford Canal, Midland Railway and A6 road almost
touch as they all try to squeeze through a narrow
gap in the Ambergate Valley. The Canal and railway
keep to a slightly higher contour.
Probably taken from SK 335-535
X359b - by Maureen Griffiths
The Switchback at Matlock Bath 1900-1934
There just may be some remnants left of the
largest Switchback in the country, 1900-1930,
it lay on the edge of the river at Matlock Bath,
right below the church and the Royal Hotel,
at SK 295-578
X364k - by Maureen Griffiths
All traces of the Switchback seem to have gone-what a pity.
Whittaker's, Matlock Bath
The buildings were near Masson Mill at
Matlock Bath. The buildings might have
disappeared now, but there may still be a trace.
X442x - by Maureen Griffiths

[Only the wall is still there - Webmaster]
The Parsonage, Alderwasley
Alderwasley is a small village about 2 miles East
of Wirksworth. I hope this fine building is still there.

Photo 2007 by Stuart Flint.
Published by permission of N.Williamson
Packhorse Farm, Alderwasley
Packhorse Farm (OS ref: SK 321-521) lies on the
old Turnpike Road (Toll Road) South from Wirksworth
to Derby, and another route over a Derwent bridge at
Ambergate towards Nottingham.
X471b - by Stuart Flint
Packhorse Farm is now a much larger house ..the door on the centre of photo has been blocked up signs of this visible
The lane to the left of the farm is called Jackass Lane and leads down past Shining Cliffe Woods to Ambergate..
This is a road my family and I use when travelling from Wirksworth - Ripley/Alfreton ..My Gr Gr Grandfather Nathaniel Cauldwell who was Head Forester/Woodsman to Francis and Elizabeth Hurt nee Arkwright lived in a house just off Jackass Lane.for a time and then at Alderwasley Hall. Others of my Cauldwell Smith Holgate and allied Longden and Spendlove families lived at Alderwasley Shottle and Ashlehay being Gamekeepers, Farmers and Iron Workers working for the Hurts and then Molds..
Steeple Grange, Wirksworth.
I'd really like to get a photo of this line of
houses in Steeple Grange, half way between Wirksworth
and Cromford.

X475d - by Keith Repton
Find attached a picture of the view as it is today the position of
Sough Lane is about 1200 yards south of this photo, the road in the
photo is at the top of Steeple Grange just before you drop down the
hill into Cromford village , as for the chimney in the background of
your photo it does not seem to be in the right alignment for the
leadworks so I will check on my OS map of 1897, it seems to be where
there used to be a brick works so I will have to get back to you on
that issue. As for the question of Dad's memories sorry he died just
over three years ago .
Hillside, Middleton-by-Wirksworth
The exact address of this house is a mystery,
does it still exist? The descendant would love to know.

X488b - by Neil France
Jo Macdonald writes:
I was just looking at your addictive site again and came across the
Modern Photos Needed page. The very last picture is my Mum's house.
Actually, I believe you have had some contact with the owners,
they are ******
[Names removed for privacy - Ed]
The address is 50 Main St Middleton, its tucked behind the Post Office.
See also X488.
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All Rights Reserved.