My mother who was born with a rare Derbyshire name and
all her life believed her ancestors came from Matlock, not
knowing about the Middleton connection. She was fascinated
by the genealogy of her family but for 55 years her enthusiasm
fell on deaf ears, until eventually the author stirred himself
to find what all the fuss was about, and caught the bug. She
provided the first essential:
My Uncle, a successful business man without family who left
money to the author, allowing him to retire early with time to devote
to research. He provided the second essential:
Rosemary DOUGHTY
My wife, who does almost all of the mundane housework and
gardening, and is also tolerant of the author's eccentricities.
She provides the third essential:
"A Domestic slave".
The ordinary people of Wirksworth Parish
The author began by researching his own ancestors, but soon
discovered the infinitely richer story of the whole community
of people living within this large parish and their myriad
interrelationships. They provided the fourth essential:
An endless Story to be told.
Tim Berners-Lee
For two years 1976-78 Tim worked as a programmer in a neighbouring
department of Plessey Co. Ltd in Poole, Dorset, England where the author
was also a programmer. Later he moved to CERN in Geneva and invented
the World Wide Web. On 6 Aug 1991 the very first website went online,
only 4 years before the Wirksworth website was conceived. Tim's genius
had provided the Web, the hyperlink and instant editing - all essential
to the way this website works.
Tim provided the fifth essential:
A way to tell the Story to the World.
John Palmer
Retired and
cycling across the USA in 1994,
the author got the idea
of transcribing the Wirksworth Parish registers and putting the
information on a new-fangled idea he'd heard of, a website.
Transcribing began in June 1995, the website was launched on
12 Jul 1998 with 88,000 records and has
grown continuously since then.
I provided the sixth essential:
The hard work needed.