Updated 21 Apr 2002

WIRKSWORTH Parish Records 1600-1900

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8th cousin twice removed? What's that??
This diagram tries to explain relatedness,
and how to work it out between you
and your Ancestor.

2G GFather = Great-Great GrandFather, G GUNC = Great-Grand Uncle, 3 COU = 3rd cousin.
3c2r = 3rd cousin twice removed.
Horizontal lines are siblings, vertical lines are offspring
The female side is symmetrical with this male side.

[128] = Genetic separation is 128, i.e. sharing 1/128 of each other's genes.
The genetic separation of 2 GG Nephew, 3 GG Father and 2 Cousin is the same [32]

  6G GFATHER ====================================================================== 6G GUNC 
  [256]                                                                             [512]
  |                                                                                 |
  |                                                                                 |child
  |                  brothers                                                       |
  5G GFATHER ============================================================= 5G GUNC  1c7r
  [128]                                                                    [256]    [1024]
  |                                                                        |        |
  |                                                                        |child   |
  |                  brothers                                              |        |
  4G GFATHER ==================================================== 4G GUNC  1c6r     2c6r
  [64]                                                            [128]    [512]    [2048]
  |                                                               |        |        |
  |                                                               |child   |        |
  |                  brothers                                     |        |        |
  3G GFATHER =========================================== 3G GUNC  1c5r     2c5r     3c5r
  [32]                                                   [64]     [256]    [1024]   [4096]
  |                                                      |        |        |        |
  |                                                      |child   |        |        |
  |                  brothers                            |        |        |        |
  2G GFATHER ================================== 2G GUNC  1c4r     2c4r     3c4r     4c4r
  [16]                                          [32]     [128]    [512]    [2048]   [8192]
  |                                             |        |        |        |        |
  |                                             |child   |        |        |        |
  |                  brothers                   |        |        |        |        |
  G GFATHER ========================== G GUNCLE 1c3r     2c3r     3c3r     4c3r     5c3r
  [8]                                  [16]     [64]     [256]    [1024]   [4096]   [16384]
  |                                    |        |        |        |        |        |
  |                                    |child   |        |        |        |        |
  |           brothers                 |        |        |        |        |        |
  GFATHER =================== GUNCLE   1c2r     2c2r     3c2r     4c2r     5c2r     6c2r
  [4]                         [8]      [32]     [128]    [512]    [2048]   [8192]   [32768]
  |                           |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  |                           |child   |        |        |        |        |        |
  |       brothers            |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  FATHER =========== UNCLE    1c1r     2c1r     3c1r     4c1r     5c1r     6c1r     7c1r
  [2]                [4]      [16]     [64]     [256]    [1024]   [4096]   [16384]  [65536]
  |                  |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  |                  |child   |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  |                  |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  SELF ==== BRO      1 COU    2 COU    3 COU    4 COU    5 COU    6 COU    7 COU    8 COU
  [1]       [2]      [8]      [32]     [128]    [512]    [2048]   [8192]   [32768]  [131072]
  |         |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  |         |child   |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  |         |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  SON       NEPHEW   1c1r     2c1r     3c1r     4c1r     5c1r     6c1r     7c1r     8c1r
  [2]       [4]      [16]     [64]     [256]    [1024]   [4096]   [16384]  [65536]  [262144]
  |         |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  |child    |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  |         |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  GSON      GNEPH    1c2r     2c2r     3c2r     4c2r     5c2r     6c2r     7c2r     8c2r
  [4]       [8]      [32]     [128]    [512]    [2048]   [8192]   [32768]  [131072] [524288]
  |         |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  |child    |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  |         |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
  G GSON    G GNEPH  1c3r     2c3r     3c3r     4c3r     5c3r     6c3r     7c3r     8c3r
  [8]       [16]     [64]     [256]    [1024]   [4096]   [16384]  [65536]  [262144] [1048576]

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