Updated 17 Jan 2001

WIRKSWORTH Parish Records 1600-1900

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Deserters 1828-40

Jean Durbin of Perth, Western Australia has extracted the Derbyshire entries from the list of deserters 1828-1840. These names were posted to the Police Gazette as the numbers were increasing alarmingly. Some of the men went AWOL more than once! Desertion often occurred when a Regiment was about to be posted abroad. The baptisms of some of the men can be traced in the Wirksworth parish Registers.
Thanks Jean for permission to publish

Source details for "Deserters": A microfiche index was compiled by the Manchester & Lancs FHS, copyright date 1999. The index is in 3 parts. Part 1, 17,455 deserters born in England, 703 Wales, 115 overseas. Part 2, 12,747 Irish born. Part 3, 5414, Scots, also 144 entries with no birthplace or one which could not be positively identified. Other sources: LDS films 1828/1829 - 0951965. 1829 some of it missing. 1830/1832 - 0951966. 1833/1835 - 0951967. 1836/1838 - 0951968. 1839/1840 - 0951969. Also a full set of bound copies at PRO, Kew, covering 1828-1840 and some beyond to 1845. Class HO75.

Desertion Firstname SURNAME      Regiment           Age  Place of origin      Occupation

1834mar05  William  ADAMS        35th foot           18  Riddings             Lab
1830jun30  Thomas   ADLINGTON    59th foot           22  Mapperley            Lab
1839dec06  James    ALLCOCK      2nd drag. gds.      18  Turnditch            Serv.
1831feb19  Charles  ALLUM        81st foot           20  Ashbourne            Weaver
1833dec21  Samuel   ARROWSMITH   46th foot           20  Chapel en le Frith   Silkweaver
1831sep21  John     ASHMORE      rm woolwich div     24  Biggin               Lab
1832may05  John     ASHMORE      rm woolwich div     25  Biggin               Lab
1829jan05  William  ASTON        38th foot           22  Belper               Lab
1829jun10  William  ATKINSON     95th foot           27  Bristow?             Lab
1837mar04  George   BAHENSON?    30th foot           19  Sudbury              Lab
1833jul17  Francis  BAILEY       95th foot           24  St Alkm. Derby       Lab
1831jul27  Thomas   BAKEWELL     2nd bat gren gds    22  Boulton Dby          Lab
1830may08  William  BAKEWELL     2nd bat gren gds    23  Boulton Dby          Lab
1831jan01  William  BAKEWELL     2nd bat gren gds    23  Boulton Dby          Lab
1832oct10  William  BAKEWELL     2nd bat gren gds    25  Boulton Dby          Lab
1833jul06  William  BAKEWELL     2nd bat gren gds    26  Boulton Dby          Lab
1832nov21  John     BAMFORD      roy art             19  Derbyshire           Farmer
1828jan18  George   BANSELL      15th foot           24  South Winfield       Knitter
1839oct16  John     BARBER       1st bat rif brig    18  Chesterfield         Shoemaker
1837apr29  David    BARGE        1st bat roy art     19  Newbold              Tailor
1831dec14  George   BARK         rm woolwich div     21  Stainton             Lab
1833nov23  Noah     BARKER       95th foot           20  Wirksworth           Lab
1839dec06  William  BARKER       45th foot           18  Alfreton             Collier
1839jul12  Charles  BATES        6th drag gds        20  Belper               Silkweaver
1839nov11  Charles  BATES        6th drag gds        20  Belper               Silkweaver
1840apr22  Jos      BEARDSLEY    33rd foot           21  Langley              Collier
1838aug29  Josh     BEARDSLY     37th foot           21  Derby                Collier
1834apr23  William  BEASLEY      rm woolwich div     20  Codnor               Farm serv
1839apr17  Joshua   BEELEY       37th foot           30  Eyam                 Cutler
1832mar17  William  BEMBRIDGE    33rd foot           19  Holbrook             Lab
1832dec08  John     BERESFORD    90th foot           23  Melbourne            Locksmith
1832may12  Samuel   BILHAM       50th foot           18  Eckington            Cutler
1832jun23  Samuel   BILHAM       50th foot           19  Eckington            Penknife maker
1837mar15  William  BIRCH        7th fusil           20  Wirksworth           Collier
1839sep18  James    BIRKIN       45th foot           22  Longford             Lab
1836jun18  John     BIRKIN       95th foot           23  St Alkm Dby          Stocking maker
1839jul10  William  BLACKSHAW    95th foot           20  Elvaston             Lab
1835jul15  William  BLOOR        rm woolwich div     23  Dale Abbey           Lab
1839sep04  James    BOCKING      82nd foot           17  Clowne               Knife grinder
1839may17  Adolphus BONSALL      15th foot           19  Duffield             Tailor
1833nov23  Charles  BOSTOCK      95th foot           19  St Werb Dby          FWK
1835may30  Thomas   BOURN        14th foot           21  Boylestone           Lab
1839apr10  AldolphusBOUTALL      15th foot           18  Duffield             Tailor
1830aug04  George   BRADBY       51st foot           19  Yeldersley           Farm serv
1833nov23  James    BRADLEY      32nd foot           24  St Marys Dby         FWK
1840jul08  Jos      BRADLEY      1st bat gren gds    23  Clowne               Serv
1829jun10  William  BRAMHALL     1st bat 60th        19  Dower ?              Cutler
1833sep04  John     BRAMLEY      15th foot           25  Ashbourne            Lab
1835aug26  John     BRAMLEY      15th foot           21  Ilkeston             Twist hand
1834jul23  James    BRINDLEY     33rd foot           20  Pentridge            Lab
1834apr19  George G BROMLEY      3rd drag gds        22  Whittington          Mercer
1840aug12  Charles  BROOKHOUSE   95th foot           20  Mackworth            Tailor
1837apr19  John     BROWN        35th foot           18  Belper               FWK
1839jun19  Jos      BROWN        coldstream gds      21  Linton               Collier
1838mar17  William  BROWN        37th foot           17  Hulland              Lab
1838may19  William  BROWN        37th foot           17  Hulland              Lab
1832feb29  George   BRUNT        34th foot           24  Dronfield            Lab
1833aug24  George   BRUNT        34th foot           25  Dronfield            Lab
1831apr07  Jos      BUCK         2nd bat art         20  Melbourne            Gardener
1828apr04  John     BULL         61st foot           22  Ashton up Trent      Lab
1838jul14  William  BULL         35th foot           18  Longford             Lab
1831may04  William  BUNTING      97th foot           20  Ashover              Tailor
1837mar29  William  BUNTING      14th light drag     25  Ashover              Tailor
1829nov18  John     BURNETT      5th foot            19  Derby                Clerk
1834dec03  James    BURTON       11th light drag     21  Burbridge ?          Wheelwright
1839dec13  William  BURTON       1st bat rif brig    19  St Alkm Dby          Lab
1839jun24  W        BUTLER       13th foot           23  Barlborough          Lab
1835aug29  Edmund   BUXTON       45th foot           19  Crich                FWK
1834jul23  George   CADNESS      1st bat colds gds   22  Wirksworth           Groom
1837dec30  George   CADNESS      1st bat colds gds   25  Wirksworth           Groom
---------  William  CANTRILL     52nd foot           20  Ticknall             ---------
1836jul27  William  CARR         85th foot           19  Chesterfield         Cotton dyer
1839apr29  James    CARRINGTON   97th foot           19  Glossop              Lab
1833apr10  George   CARTLIDGE    19th foot           20  Alfreton             Blacksmith
1834jan22  George   CARTLIDGE    19th foot           21  Alfreton             Blacksmith
1834apr05  Francis  CERRY ?      60th foot           22  Wetballe ?!!         Weaver
1833apr03  William  CHAMBERS     1st drag gds        22  Morley               Lab
1836jul09  William  CHAMBERS     1st drag gds        25  Morley               Lab
1836may18  Samuel   CHAPMAN      1st drag gds        30  Newhall              Lab
1836feb10  Jonathon CHAPPELL     32nd foot           26  Duffield             Lab
1840mar20  James    CLARK        45th foot           19  Chaddesden           Lab
1839nov25  Jos      CLARK        98th foot           18  Risley               Lab
1834may24  Robert W CLARK        80th foot           19  Wickersley ?         Collier
1839jun14  James    CLARKE       45th foot           21  Chaddesden           Lab
1839mar09  John     CLARKE       1st drag gds        19  St Werb Dby          Cotton spinner
1835feb25  Thomas   CLARKE       48th foot           20  St Thomas Dby        Cooper
1830jan20  John     CLIFFORD     4th kings own       23  Spondon              FWK
1830sep08  John     CLIFFORD     4th kings own       24  Spondon              FWK
1838apr18  John     COCKAYNE     35th foot           21  All Saints Dby       Pipemaker
1836mar23  William  COCKRAM      52nd foot           24  Mackworth            Lab
1836feb27  George   COOPER       2nd bat scots fusil 35  Chisworth            Dresser
1840apr03  George   COOPER       heics inf           26  Ashbourne            Bricklayer
1832sep19  Samuel   COOPER       53rd foot           16  Atlow                Lab
1832dec26  Samuel   COOPER       53rd foot           17  Atlow                Lab
1834feb05  Samuel   COOPER       24th foot           18  Atlow                Lab
1835jul01  Samuel   COOPER       24th foot           19  Atlow                Lab
1836sep17  Samuel   COOPER       24th foot           20  Atlow                Lab
1840may11  Thomas   COULSHAW?    29th foot           18  Crich                Lab
1829jun10  John     CRESSWELL    95th foot           18  Denby                ---
1834sep17  John     CUPITT       52nd foot           23  Winfield             Lab
1832jul25  Thomas   CUTLER       53rd foot           20  Codnor               Lab
1836jan09  Thomas   DALLY        95th foot           25  Duffield             Silk spinner
1840apr27  John     DAVENPORT    1st bat coldstr gds 22  Bramton              Lab
1833nov30  Henry    DEAN         34th foot           20  Bolsover             Lab
1839mar09  William  DOLMAN       1st drag gds        21  Repton               -----
1840dec23  Ralph    DONALDSON    49th foot           21  Glossop              Shoemaker
1831may11  Thomas   DOWNS        70th foot           21  Chinley              Silkweaver
1833jul17  Charles  DRAYCOTT     95th foot           18  Burnaston            Lab
1839oct30  David    FEARN        95th foot           18  Mickleover           Lab
1840apr24  Thomas   FEARNEHOUGH  6th foot            22  Crich                Lab
1839nov29  Henry    FIPS         98th foot           21  Tideswell            Lab
1840aug28  Alex.    FLETCHER     82nd foot           --  Dronfield            Knife cutler
1836jun18  George   FLETCHER     95th foot           24  Shirland             Lab
1828jun13  James    FLINDERS     9th foot            24  Eyam                 Grinder
1829may09  James    FLINDERS     9th foot            25  Eyam                 Grinder
1840oct16  Bryan    FOGG         82nd foot           24  Chesterfield         Iron moulder
1832oct31  James    FORD         15th foot           18  Kegworth             Shoemaker
1828sep26  John     FORD         12th inf            21  Mellor               Shoemaker
1829jul04  John     FORD         12th inf            21  Mellor               Shoemaker
1837mar08  William  FOSTER       95th foot           20  Ashbourne            Lab
1831aug24  George   FRECKLETON   5th bat roy art     22  Whabas ?!!           Engineer
1837oct28  John     FREEMAN      2nd bat 60th rif    26  Staveley             Lab.
1839feb23  George   FURNISS      80th foot           19  Brampton             Blade grinder
1834may28  William  GAUNT        2nd bat 60th foot   22  Hollington ?         Lab
1839apr15  John     GEE          1st bat rif         19  Stoney Middleton     Cordwainer
1836oct26  T        GENN         14th foot           19  Shottle              Currier
1833aug03  William  GILBERT      2nd bat 60th foot   20  Cover Stony?         Shoemaker
1833dec21  William  GILBERT      2nd bat 60th foot   20  Cover Stony?         Shoemaker
1835may23  William  GILBERT      2nd bat 60th foot   22  Cover Stony?         Shoemaker
1836nov25  James    GLADSTONE    rm portsmouth div   20  St Alkm Dby          Smith
1840aug28  Edward   GOODHEAD     95th foot           19  St Alkm Dby          Ribbon weaver
1828dec19  W        GOODHEAD     rm plymouth div     19  Derby                Tailor
1829aug22  David    GOTHARD      17th foot           21  Mellor               Shoemaker
1839oct14  John     GREATRIX     29th foot           20  Alverston            Lab
1837feb08  William  GREEN        7th fusil           21  Brassington          ------
1837mar08  James    GREGORY      95th foot           21  Bonsall              FWK
1838apr04  James    GREGORY      rm portsmouth div   20  Stony Middleton      Plade? maker
1829aug01  Samuel   GREGORY      3rd light drag      19  Chesterfield         Joiner
1839mar06  William  GREGORY      17th foot           20  Duffield             Cutler
1837jan07  Joseph   GREGSON      24th foot           22  Longford             Bricklayer
1834may07  Joseph   HADFIELD     32nd foot           30  Alfreton             Lab
1836mar05  Thomas   HADFIELD     85th foot           19  Glossop              Shoemaker
1828nov18  John     HALL         3rd bat gren gds    19  Belper               Nailer
1829jan27  John     HALL         3rd bat gren gds    22  Belper               Nailer
1840nov25  John     HALL         royal marines       25  Woodland Hope        Blacksmith
1832jan07  William  HALLOWS      60th rif 2nd bat    18  Kniveton             Shoemaker
1832feb08  William  HALLOWS      60th rif 2nd bat    18  Kniveton             Shoemaker
1830feb24  William  HANBURY      3rd bat gren gds    36  Elvaston             Butcher
1840jan17  Joseph   HANCOCK      77th foot           22  Yougreave            Lab
1838jan10  Charles  HAND         83rd foot           18  Ashbourne            Silkweaver
1837jan07  William  HARDSTAFF    19th foot           20  Derby                Stone delver
1838jul14  Hugh     HARDY        86th foot           18  Shirland             Lab
1840mar11  John     HARDY        40th foot           24  Belper               Tailor
1836oct05  Edward   HARRISON     37th foot           20  Scropton             Lab
1840jun19  George   HARRISON     45th foot           17  Kirk Ireton          File cutter
1834aug13  Jos      HARRISON     34th foot           21  Norton               Knife cutler
1838jun09  Samuel   HARVEY       heics art           24  Belper               Butcher
1834jun04  George   HASLAM       2nd life gds        41  Pentridge            Lab
1840sep23  Thomas   HASSALL      45th foot           19  Ticknall             Weaver
1839may15  Henry    HEEL         69th foot           21  Chesterfield         Lab
1839may31  John     HELKIN       6th foot            18  Baslow               Tailor
1839jul15  Jos      HIBBERD      82nd foot           20  Edensor              Blade forger
1839jun28  George   HIGGINBOTTOM 45th foot           19  Wharton?             Machine turner
1840oct07  George   HIGGINBOTTOM 45th foot           20  Wharton?             Machine turner
1835dec05  William  HIGHLAND AL  32nd foot           26  Hicham ?             Collier
1831sep21  Edmund   HILL         heics art           23  Heath                Shopman
1837may24  John     HILL         rm woolwich div     20  Buxton               Serv
1833nov27  Thomas   HILL         69th foot           25  St Peter Dby         Brickmaker
1837may17  William  HODGKINSON   37th foot           19  Osmaston             Twisthand
1839oct18  William  HOLLIS       53rd foot           19  Youlgreave           Lab
1832jul07  James    HOLMES       14th foot           20  Chesterfield         Lab
1835sep19  Jos      HOLMES       96th foot           22  Twyford?             Serv
1828nov14  John     HOLMS        80th foot           21  Overton              Lab
1830oct20  William  HOOD         32nd foot           22  Shirley              Shoemaker
1834jan22  William  HUTCHESON    28th foot           23  Mugginton            Lab
1835dec05  William  IRELAND AL   32nd foot           26  Mugginton            Lab
1836mar05  George   JACKSON      23rd fusil          22  Chesterfield         Hatter
1836jun18  William  JACKSON      35th foot           20  Brampton             Coalminer
1833oct16  John     JARRATT      15th foot           24  Morley               Lab
1837aug26  Thomas   JERVIS       20th foot           18  Langley              Lab
1838jun12  Thomas   JERVIS       20th foot           19  Langley              Lab
1839jan19  Thomas   JERVIS       20th foot           19  Langley              Lab
1837nov08  George   JOHNSON      3rd bat gren gds    29  Alfreton             Coalminer
1839jul05  Isaac    JOHNSON      45th foot           22  Codnor               Shoemaker
1835nov18  Simeon   JOHNSON      19th foot           40  Foston               Lab
1840nov13  Thomas   JOHNSON      5th drag gds        20  Swanick              Lab
1840may22  William  JOHNSON      3rd foot            24  Mackworth            Printer
1832dec12  Henry    JONES        39th foot           19  St Alkm Dby          Silkweaver
1833jul06  George   KENT         3rd bat gren gds    24  Langley              Lab
1838mar21  Jos      KILLINGLY    95th foot           --  Roliston             Lab
1829apr22  Jos      KIRK         3rd foot            22  Wirksworth           Lab
1834may07  Jos      KIRK         3rd bat gren gds    28  Wirksworth           Lab
1836sep24  Jos      KIRK         3rd bat gren gds    30  Wirksworth           Lab
1837dec02  Jos      KIRK         3rd bat gren gds    31  Wirksworth           Lab
1838nov24  Jos      KIRK         3rd bat gren gds    32  Wirksworth           Lab
1838aug15  Thomas   KIRK         3rd foot            18  Hathersage           Whitesmith
1840aug10  George   LAWSON       12th foot           21  Ipstone?             Groom
1833may22  George   LEVICK       98th foot           20  Eckington            Stonemason
1836aug31  James    LEVIONS      48th foot           18  St Alkm Dby          Serv
1837aug16  James    LEVIONS      48th foot           19  St Alkm Dby          Serv
1838sep12  James    LEVIONS      48th foot           20  St Alkm Dby          Serv
1839jul12  James    LEVIONS      48th foot           21  St Alkm Dby          Serv
1835aug01  William  LITCHFIELD   71st highlanders    22  Snelson              Engineer
1837jun27  Samuel   LITTLEWOOD   7th fusil           23  Cromford             Moulder
1839jan19  John     LOWE         2nd foot            22  Brondnell?           Blacksmith
---------  John     MADDOCK      76th foot           25  Dalbury Lees         Shoemaker
1835jul04  John     MAKIN        heics art           22  Repton               Lab
1836jan02  James    MARSDEN      1st bat gren gds    30  Bradwell             Spinner
1836apr20  George   MARSH        roy art             34  Mackworth            Lab
1831jan01  Jos      MARSHALL     2nd bat 60th rif    21  Donistail?           Serv
1831feb19  Jos      MARSHALL     2nd bat 60th rif    21  Donistail?           Lab
1833jul24  Samuel   MARSHALL     96th foot           27  Derby                Whitesmith
1839oct02  William  MARSON       86th foot           18  Alderwasley          Tailor
1840apr10  William  MARSON       86th foot           19  Alderwasley          Tailor
1840nov30  Samuel   MARTIN       82nd foot           23  Norton               Joiner
1840nov20  William  MARTIN       23rd or 25th foot   --  Doveridge            Farm lab
1840jun05  William  MARTINDALE   68th foot           18  Derby                Blacksmith
1839sep18  John     MASON        1st drag gds        23  Glossop              Lab
1834jul19  Mark     MASON        80th foot           38  Ticknall             Cordwinder
1837jul22  Robert   MATCHITT     97th foot           26  Marston on Dove      Surgeon
1839apr08  Henry    MAYCOCK      2nd drag gds        23  Taddington           Lab
1839sep11  Henry    MAYCOCK      2nd drag gds        23  Taddington           Lab
1831jul27  William  MAYCOCK      71st highlanders    21  Ashgate Chesterfield Lab
1831sep14  William  MAYCOCK      71st highl          21  Ashgate Chesterfield Lab
1833jul16  William  MAYCOCK      71st highl          23  Ashgate Chesterfield Lab
1829oct10  Jos      MEE          17th foot           22  Smalley              FWK
1829oct24  Samuel   MIDDLETON    60th rif 1st bat    26  Longford             Lab
1833feb20  Charles  MITCHELL     7th fusil           19  Chesterfield         Lab
1830aug18  William  MOORE        2nd bat gren gds    24  Draycott             Lab
1840jul24  John     MOSS         95th foot           22  All Saints Dby       Smith
1840apr24  Thomas   MOTTRAM      1st drag gds        21  St Werb Dby          Joiner
1839aug14  Charles  MUSGROVE     95th foot           25  Marston on Dove      Weaver
1829nov07  Henry    NAYLOR       1st roy drag        21  Bakewell             Butcher
1830jan02  Henry    NAYLOR       1st roy drag        21  Bakewell             Butcher
1829mar25  James    NAYLOR       heics inf           27  Whittington          Farm serv
1830dec15  John     NIGHTINGALE  82nd foot           20  Belper               Nailmaker
1832feb22  John     NIGHTINGALE  82nd foot           21  Belper               Nailmaker
1834jan15  John     NIGHTINGALE  82nd foot           22  Belper               Nailmaker
1835sep05  Thomas   ODISH        90th foot           21  Bredshaw ?           Lab
1837dec23  James    OSBURNE      7th foot            18  Taddington           Lab
1828apr11  Paul     OWEN         leics inf           28  Bolsover             Cotton spinner
1835sep23  Robert   OXLEY        34th foot           19  Morley               Engineer
1839may01  Stephen  PARKER       76th foot           21  Ticknall             Lab
1840mar20  Stephen  PARKER       76th foot           22  Ticknall             Lab
1834oct08  William  PARKER       33rd foot           20  Stapenhill           Groom
1838jun30  Fredk    PEARSON      1st bat rif brig    25  Long Eaton           Lacemaker
1835jul15  William  PEARSON      3rd foot            20  Wirksworth           Lab
1832feb08  William  PEATE        29th foot           19  Wirksworth           Lab
1839jun28  William  PEATE        29th foot           26  Wirksworth           Lab
1833jul03  Samuel   PEGG         95th foot           22  Snelston             Lab
1837jul26  William  PENNISTON    12th lancers        18  Chesterfield         Shoemaker
1830jul24  John     POTTER       3rd bat gren gds    22  Wirksworth           Stonemason
1840jun19  John     POUNDS       18th foot           24  Bolsover             Viceman
1838jan10  William  POYNTON      32nd foot           16  St Alkm Dby          Baker
1840jul24  Josh     RATCLIFFE    33rd foot           18  Chesterfield         Collier
1834jun25  William  RATCLIFFE    1st bat gren gds    26  Belper               Shoemaker
1833jul03  William  REDFERN      2nd bat 1st foot    19  St Alkm Dby          Tailor
1834jan04  William  REDFERN      2nd bat 1st foot    19  St Alkm Dby          Tailor
1836jun22  Edward   REDFORD      59th foot           19  Shirland             Lab
1839jun14  George   ROBERTS      29th foot           30  Scarcliff            Lab
1837mar15  Thomas   ROBERTS      7th bat roy art     20  Sudbury              Lab
1831apr13  William  ROBINSON     2nd bat gren gds    31  Blackwell            FWK
1839sep13  William  ROBINSON     5th fusil           22  Chesterfield         Dyer
1839aug28  John     ROSE         3rd drag gds        20  St Peter Dby         Lab
1839oct30  Jos      ROYCE        20th foot           20  Castleton            Blacksmith
1828nov18  Samuel   ROYDE        7th roy fusil       21  Wysson ?             Lab
1839jul19  Jos      ROYSE        20th foot           --  Castleton            Blacksmith
1838jun12  John     SANDERS      32nd foot           27  Offerton             FWK
1835jul15  Alfred   SAUNDERS     7th fusil           22  Chesterfield         Collier
1838jul26  Alfred   SAUNDERS     7th fusil           24  Chesterfield         Collier
1838apr07  Edward   SHARP        35th foot           21  Beeley               Lab
1828oct07  Henry    SHAW         12th lancers        23  Ripley               Blacksmith
1832jan07  John     SHAW         56th foot           21  Glossop              Cotton spinner
1833jan19  John     SHAW         56th foot           23  Glossop              Cotton spinner
1836oct26  John     SHAW         37th foot           20  Duffield             FWK
1837jul12  John     SHAW         37th foot           20  Duffield             FWK
1836apr06  William  SHEARD       2nd bat gren gds    28  Draycott             Sawyer
1839may24  John     SHEPHERD     3rd bat gren gds    24  Burnaston            Lab
1830jun30  Richard  SHIPLEY      60th foot           20  Shottle              Lab
1830mar17  Fredk    SHORTHOUSE   95th foot           18  Eggington            Lab
1833sep14  Fredk    SHORTHOUSE   95th foot           22  Eggington            Lab
1833nov23  Henry    SIMS         32nd foot           22  Bradley              FWK
1839sep27  William  SMEDLEY      2nd bat 60th rif    21  St Peter Dby         Chairmaker
1828feb08  Charles  SMITH        roy horse gds       27  All Saints Dby       Musician
1840mar18  George   SMITH        39th foot           23  Staveley             Lab
1834nov15  James    SMITH        3rd foot            23  St Alkm Dby          Paper maker
1828oct17  John     SMITH        50th foot           29  Heanor               Shoemaker
1839mar30  John     SMITH        heics inf           21  Derby                Carpenter
1828may20  Samuel   SMITH        40th foot           20  Dueston ?            Lab
1834nov26  Samuel   SMITH        3rd foot            23  St Alkm Dby          Paper maker
1840mar18  Samuel   SMITH        19th foot           24  Chapel en le Frith   Butcher
1837feb15  Thomas   SMITH        leics art           22  Ashbourne            Bricklayer
1837jul29  Thomas   SMITH        7th fusil           19  Chesterfield         Lab
1838jan27  William  SMITH        10th foot           21  Derby                Groom
1838oct24  William  SMITH        45th foot           18  Derby                FWK
1840dec04  William  SMITH        76th foot           19  Belper               Nailer
1838mar17  George   SNOW         84th foot           21  Crich                Lab
1831oct05  Joseph   SPOONER      1st drag gds        24  Newbold              Lab
1833aug03  James    SPRAY        37th foot           17  Ashover              FWK
1833aug07  James    SPRING       37th foot           17  Ashover              Stocking weaver
1839jan05  Joseph   STALEY       1st drag gds        22  Newall               Collier
1836aug13  Henry    STEEL        69th foot           19  Whittington          Lab
1828oct07  Thomas   STEELE       rm portsmouth div   29  Matlock              Bleacher
1835mar11  Thomas   STENSON      63rd foot           21  Sawley               Boatman
1839mar20  John     STEVENS      3rd drag gds        22  Ockbrook             FWK
1839aug30  Henry    STEVENSON    56th foot           30  Whittington          Lab
1828oct28  Thomas   STINSON      17th foot           23  Heanor               Surgeon
1837apr05  William  STOKES       6th drag gds        21  Alfreton             Collier
1832sep29  William  STONE        8th bat roy art     35  Doveridge            Tailor
1839sep23  John     SUTTON       45th foot           17  Wirksworth           Shoemaker
1839oct04  John     SUTTON       29th foot           17  Wirksworth           Shoemaker
1833sep28  George   SWINDON      24th foot           18  Derby                Silk twister
1828jul04  Samuel   TAFT         37th foot           24  Duffield             --------
1828feb19  Samuel   TAIT         37th foot           24  Duffield             Whitesmith
1831apr13  Samuel   TATUM        3rd drag gds        26  Newton Solney        Serv
1840dec07  John     TAYLOR       roy marines         19  Duffield             Lab
1840jul15  Joshua   TAYLOR       1st bat gren        18  Derby                Stonemason
1830nov10  John     THOMAS       70th foot           22  Peak Forest          Lab
1839mar09  James    THOMPSON     8th bat roy art     21  Belper               Gunsmith
1840feb19  James    THOMPSON     85th foot           24  St Peter Dby         Bookbinder
1839jan12  John     THOMPSON     68th foot           17  Derby                Weaver
1840nov18  John     THOMPSON     68th foot           18  Derby                Weaver
1837mar08  John     THORNTON     17th foot           18  Chesterfield         FWK
1835may20  George   TOES         2nd life gds        24  Eckington            Lab
1838aug15  James    TOMLINSON    37th foot           20  Higham ?             Lab
1838aug29  James    TOMLINSON    37th foot           20  Higham ?             Lab
1832jun09  Fredrick TRICKET      84th foot           20  Duffield             Moulder
1833oct16  Edward   TURNER       83rd foot           18  All Saints Dby       Biscuit maker
1838may09  George   TURNER       rm porstsmouth div  18  Belper               Ropemaker
1838jul07  Henry    TURNER       1st bat coldstr gds 19  St Peter Dby         Plumber & glazier
1839jul19  Joseph   TURNER       heics inf           26  Duffield             Sil winder
1838nov10  Robert   UNWIN        29th foot           24  Eyam                 Lab
1833may08  William  VAINS        rm woolwich div     23  Darley Dale          Lab
1829sep12  Job      VEINS        heics art           19  Darley               Blacksmith
1831oct26  Joseph   WALKER       4th foot            20  Chesterfield         Brass founder
1839feb27  Thomas   WALKER       32nd foot           24  Heanor               Farrier
1831oct05  Robert   WALLEY       18th irish foot     18  Wirksworth           Lab
1833oct23  Robert   WALLEY       18th foot           21  Wirksworth           Lab
1839sep20  John     WALSH        heics inf           27  All Saints Dby       Serv
1832dec12  John     WALTON       2nd bat gren gds    20  Derby                Lab
1838oct03  Henry    WARD         1st bat gren gds    24  Matlock              Lab
1833nov06  John     WARTHE       29th foot           17  All Saints Dby       Lace twister
1834jul19  George   WATSON       46th foot           18  Derby                Baker
1832aug29  Joseph   WATSON       2nd bat 1st foot    19  Duffield             Nailmaker
1835jun24  Joseph   WATSON       2nd bat 1st foot    22  Duffield             Nailmaker
1839jun12  Bartholomew WATTS     15th hussars        23 Brampton              Shoemaker
1839feb13  George   WEBSTER      1st drag            22  Brampton             Coalminer
1840may04  Joseph   WEBSTER      39th foot           18  Eckington            Lab
1833aug03  Thomas   WEBSTER      7th hussars         21  St Werb Dby          Cooper
1832jun09  William  WEBSTER      37th foot           19  Markeaton            Lab
1834aug20  John     WEILDING     rm portsmouth div   29  Bakewell             Lab
1833nov23  Francis  WEST         32nd foot           24  Ilkeston             FWK
1833feb16  James    WESTON       33rd foot           20  Matlock              Lab
1834aug16  James    WESTON       33rd foot           22  Matlock              Lab
1829jul22  Joseph   WESTON       24th foot           23  Belper               Nailer
1837feb15  Samuel   WESTON       52nd foot           23  Ockbrook             Lab
1829apr22  George   WETTON       3rd foot            22  Wirksworth           Weaver
1833apr10  George   WHEELTON     2nd drag            22  Buxton               Silk dyer
1834aug20  George   WHEELTON     2nd drag            23  Buxton               Silk dyer
1837may10  John Edwin WHITCOMB   heics inf           22  Brampton             Tailor
1834may24  James    WHITCROFT    84th foot           20  St Peter Dby         -----
1837jun27  Joseph   WHITE        3rd light drag      26  Ockbrook             Shoemaker
1829jun10  Samuel   WHITE        heics inf           21  Brimington           Carpenter
1832mar24  Douglas  WHITEHURST   rm woolwich div     24  St Werb Dby          Bricklayer
1835feb04  John     WILLIAMSON   14th foot           21  Alserton ?           Lab
1839jul10  George   WINSON       59th foot           20  Duffield             Lab
1839nov13  Joseph   WINSON       76th foot           17  Little Eaton         Lab
1838jan03  John     WOOD         38th foot           36  Ashbourne            Lab
1831oct19  John     WOODROWF     96th foot           21  Newbold              Potter
1836oct26  John     WOODRUFFE    96th foot           27  Newbold              Potter
1835oct07  George   WOODWARD     2nd bat 80th foot   --  Chesterfield         Iron moulder
1830jul14  John     WOODWARD     heics inf           20  Belper               Whitesmith
1832feb29  William  WRAGG        4th foot            18  Ashbourne            Lab
1838oct03  William  WRAGG        1st bat gren gds    19  Wirksworth           Lab
1838oct24  George   WRIGHT       6th foot            21  Derby                FWK
1838jan31  John     WRIGHT       38th foot           18  Spondon              FWK
1832jun13  William  WRIGHT       2nd bat coldstr gds 28  Bentley              Lab
1833apr20  William  WRIGHT       2nd bat coldstr gds 30  Bentley              Lab
1833apr20  William  WRIGHT       2nd bat coldstr gds 29  Bentley              Lab
1835jan14  William  WRIGHT       2nd bat coldstr gds 31  Bentley              Lab
1829nov07  Thomas   YATES        95th foot           18  Kirk Ireton          Lab
1834dec03  Thomas   YEAMONS      3rd light drag      25  Heanor               Lab

Compiled, indexed, formatted and copyright © 2001, John Palmer. All Rights Reserved.